Tisha B'Av is an annual fast day in Judaism, on which a number of disasters in Jewish history occurred, primarily the destruction of both the First Temple by the Babylonians and the Second Temple by the Romans in Jerusalem.
Tisha B'Av is regarded as the saddest day in the Jewish calendar and it is thus believed to be a day which is destined for tragedy.
The account of Josephus described Titus as moderate in his approach and, after conferring with others, ordering that the 500-year-old Temple be spared. According to Josephus, it was the Jews who first used fire in the Northwest approach to the Temple to try and stop Roman advances. Only then did Roman soldiers set fire to an apartment adjacent to the Temple, a conflagration which the Jews subsequently made worse.[15]
Brandon Ortiz
And truly, the very view itself was a melancholy thing; for those places which were adorned with trees and pleasant gardens, were now become desolate country every way, and its trees were all cut down. Nor could any foreigner that had formerly seen Judaea and the most beautiful suburbs of the city, and now saw it as a desert, but lament and mourn sadly at so great a change. For the war had laid all signs of beauty quite waste. Nor had anyone who had known the place before, had come on a sudden to it now, would he have known it again. But though he [a foreigner] were at the city itself, yet would he have inquired for it.
And that children is the story of how a bunch of uppity kikes tried to fight the worlds Super Power, burned all their food as an offering to god, killed each other trying to become King Jew and set fire to their own most holy site.
Oliver Wilson
Before I get into the wonderful story of Babylon here are some other events you as a Goy can celebrate.
Oliver Lewis
Brody Clark
Charles Powell
And now for the reason they celebrate this day and the reason they believe they are punished repeatedly on this particular day.
So rejoice Goy eat some pork, have a fap rub, some lotion on your skin, wear some leather shoes because the Jews won't be able to do any of these things because their God is having a giggle at making them suffer on this day and reminding them how shit they are.
JOSEPHUS MADE IT ALL UP He plagiarized the Persian and Sumerian stories and placed his tribe at the center as the victim. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josephus
Nathaniel Reyes
There was no "first temple". The "second temple" was their existence in Roman culture in what they saw as "their" land, Roman Levant. The "Jewish Revolt" ws actually an attempt to hold them, Josephus specifically, accountable for their plagiarized writings being pushed as propoganda to undermine Roman culture. That's why the writings were hidden in a cave.
Jeremiah Martinez
William Ortiz
Josephus was adopted into the FLAVIAN Household for his role in destroying Judea and Nero (who hated the jewish international bankers for the murder of his wife and child)…Josephus he hated most of all as that bastard was instrumental in Poppy's death…I am sure that every time Nero burned a jew as a human candle holocaust in his garden he was wishing it was Josephus.
Probably almost all the 'history' that we have from Josephus' mouth is UNADULTERATED LIES AND BULLSHIT (typical jew) at the behest of the bankers and the jews who were trying to overthrow Rome.
Caleb Fisher
Just as well the Russians built those crematoriums and gas chambers at Auschwitz for us, we'll know what to do with them when the time comes.
Jaxon Diaz
Clinton is a bastard Rockefeller, Bush is a Rockefeller bastard and Wallace did nothing wrong.
Seems perfect, the stage is set. Get ready for a nice convenient false flag, this Sunday, the largest anti-Semitic attack in US history. This is the final step to completely silencing the goyim as the attack will be blamed on "evil Nazis" of the "deep web" and will be used to leverage anti free speech and anti free internet laws. Screencap this post.
PRAISE KEK! Today we focus our memetic energies, our Vrill, for our people and for Kek! May the kikes suffer a truly great habbening, the kind that we rarely hope to dream for.
Remember that this week will also bring the greatest blood moon of the century. A prolonged event could transpire. The last time an alignment like this happened was when the Watergate scandal broke.. The stars are aligned for the kike to fall from their towers.
Common lie by the jews is that the romans left any part of the temple standing. They were exceedingly efficient and spread all the stones far and wide that weren't rubble. The "wailing wall" is actually leftovers of a roman barracks in the area and has no provable part of the temple within it, Romans didn't use inferior temple materials to make superior barraks walls.
The real Moon MAN has never left us. He is here right now. Kek's call has been answered, we are all coming back for this round. The Kali Yuga is over. This century is ours, and it is up to every one of us to make our mark, to decide the fate of the Satya Yuga for our descendants. Praise Kek! SIEG HIEL! The 27th is the night of the longest blood moon eclipse of the century. It will last 1 hour and 23 minutes. We build our strength for that long night. In that frame, we strike at the kike with every bit of Vril we can manifest. For Kek, for Hitler, for Odin, for Man, for our kin and all who have died in this war before us, and all who will live to remember our deeds. As the moon burns red to blackness, the black flames will burn within us, and the green ray will shine forth to purge this world of lies.
I'll try to get a proper chart of some sort together. We might want to run national charts, a few key locations capitols, temples and locations of importance to Kek, aligned deities, our enemies such as the kike temples, the temples of the moon god Men who is often depicted breaking the neck of a bull (moloch) with his foot, and important figures such as the Kang, Trump, ect. and people and see what else we can find. This way the memes can be specific and our actions can be better directed.
Daniel Harris
By the Holy Emperor, these digits, they speak of prophecy and death. Finally
Considering July 20th has no relevance to the case nor their execution, yes, it is a little odd and is some heavy synchronicity if it's just random chance.
Holy shit I can't believe someone else knows this.
Landon Edwards
Every kike story is perverted from other tales. That's what happens when someone creates a "social construct" there is a reason kikes use this term to control the slave race they bred themselves thin into.
I had to link this, how assblasted the kikes are about the arch, holy shit. Choice quotes from the article: Somehow defeating the Jews in a textbook encirclement and siege is "wretched military performance". Truly a Justin Trudeau phrase.
(((Coincidence))) that a kike screaming makes the lethargic UN apparatus move immediately to action while food supplies to the (((goyim))) are delayed on technicalities. Typical pilpul, somehow Israel being a country makes a rabbinical law moot. In November 1997, I received a call from a politically connected friend who is affiliated with the American University of Rome. He told me that the hornets’ nest I stirred up had triggered considerable deliberation within Rome’s Jewish community and had spread to the mayor’s office. It appeared that they decided it was time to formally and publicly lift the age-old ban on walking beneath the Arch of Titus. I was invited to attend the ceremony, which was to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the founding of the modern State of Israel. I gladly accepted the invitation, recognizing that sometimes, if you had the chutzpah to mix it up for what you believed in, good things can happen. Yoram was right. Another (((coincidence))) that a new can phone call a American institute to mobilize immediately. Prime Minister Romano Prodi said it was time to remember the tragedy of the Holocaust and reaffirm the rights of people to live in peace and dignity everywhere. The evening’s most inspiring words, however, were spoken by Rome’s marvelous young mayor, Francesco Rutelli. Loosely translated, he said: “When many people look at the sculpture under the arch, they only see the misery inflicted upon a conquered race. But look again. I see not a conquered race, but a monument to one of the greatest modern nations on earth. The conquering Romans are a footnote of history, but the Jewish nation continues to thrive, within and outside the State of Israel. That is what the arch represents to me.” Disgusting that a italian politician throws his cultural legacy under the bus, also muh holocaust. Another pilpul to rationalize a defeat into a victory; took them 1900 years to rebuild the nation that Titus subjugated. Meanwhile the entire world uses Roman derived laws and principles, Italy still uses Roman archeducts, roads and buildings. Meanwhile kikes cry at a burned cracking wall, truly spectacular civilization!.
I move that Titus be nominated /ourgoy/ of the month and that Italian anons keep track of those traitors for when we build a new Arch of triumph when the dotr happens.
Benjamin Hill
lol kek is a non-white demon
Ian Rogers
Kek is primordial chaos you fucking yid. Kek is the darkness before the dawn, worshiped in a thousand different aspects across the world. Jesus may have been an emissary of the true godhead, but the god of so-called Christianity is itself a small jewish demon to whom you are raised to pledge your soul.
By the names El Shadai, Albrot, and Abracadabra, the creatures that lie and call themselves jews will never overthrow Heaven. The repercussion has begun.
Joshua Diaz
Bump. Some uncultured anons due to kike school system needs to celebrate with us.
Remember the eclipse signified a change. All the old gods who had been pushed down by the kikes are all coming back, and all of them have an axe to grind.
Statistically speaking, blood moon eclipses coincide with bad shit happening to the kikes. The alignment that got them kicked out of spain and the most of Europe, was roughly the same as the alignment that came right before the election.
Henry Walker
See how many kikes are randomly assblasted on twitter.