Be-careful what you meme for. Question is, which came first, the chicken or the egg
Fucking freaks man.
Be-careful what you meme for. Question is, which came first, the chicken or the egg
Fucking freaks man.
Other urls found in this thread:
Note how Trump is the kike head of the image also
always the first reply, like clockwork
They're not even burgers. Why aren't the concerned about mudshits killing little girls and making them into kebab?
gas yourself nigger faggot
nigger get out, you have no power here
I like to think of him as an orange supremacist.
Challenge: You can take it to the bank.
You're trying but its not working
Get out of here, goy. Don't you realize this is the based nazi trump board? There is absolutely nothing wrong with America and Russia's festering Jewish oligarch problems!
Orange is the new black.
we already fucking know trump is not the best president and that putin isn't that great either, all you're doing is whining like a fucking dumb ass begging to get banned. everyone knows already, YOU DON'T HAVE TO KEEP SCREAMING.
Just let them keep my awesome thread bumped. Its just bots anyway, they failed the test already.
Yeah, unlikely…
We are gods of reality
I'm not holding my breath.
dubs can't lie
You suck at photoshop.
Pro-Tip, click the uimage it's a video link
It's not the fake kiss that alarms but the motorboating of Guiliani's fake tits that's the concern
Based tranny groping trumpstein
Oh wow, he said hi to someone at a party. He must literally be the same person.
The absolute autistic retardedness of these wimps.
The fact Trump and the Clinton's are close old friends is no secret, nor is their mutual friendships with pedo elite ringleader Jeffrey Epstein
Trump's comments on Epstein were so interesting; "he enjoys his social life with very young women"
The irony is that the kike spider could be interpreted as Trump considering what he did for Israel
Because the country is full of dipshits much like the rest of the western world.
also they think it's helping their 'cause' when really it makes them look really pathetic losers who can't stand by their own convictions of 'let anyone in no matter the cost'
There's no evidence of any closeness in the photo above.
Epstein has only been accused of an interest in women who are 18 years minus, say, 4-5 days. Nothing remotely interesting.
And, it should be added, that people rarely list their entire sexual history on their business cards.
But the fact you rely upon innuendo proves you the kike. You don't own nothin' kike. The world is white.
Hardly interesting.
A sexually mature female is attractive to sexually mature males.
Nothing interesting in the least. It is precisely vile, satanic, that you should think otherwise.
But I find op's image amusing - he, being a kike, is too stupid to see the irony.
Here he is, a kike, accusing Trump of being a kike. This makes him equivalent to the freaks seen above. The hideous monsters, the degenerates, the depraved, the defilers, the ones who seek to accuse others of what they are, knowing it a shame. They are kikes.
You insufferable slide thread faggot, this is all old and has been posted in a thread that's still in the fucking catalogue. Even plenty of dank OC.
'''In the affidavit filed in support of case, Mr Edwards claims that Mark Epstein (Jeffrey’s brother) testified that Mr Trump flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s plane with him, reported.
“Epstein’s phone directory from his computer contains 14 phone numbers for Donald Trump, including emergency numbers, car numbers, and numbers to Trump’s security guard and houseman,” the affidavit reportedly claims.'''
Um. Why are you being autistic?
You said:
So, normal people know if you use a word from the phrase you indicate the phrase.
The closeness denied was the supposed closeness between the Clintons and the Trumps. This photo:
Were you not an autistic emotionally-stunted runt of a human, doubtless just barely 5' tall, and with peculiarly-long and curly sideburns, a hunched visage beneath a black felt hat, you'd know that the expressions in that photo are those of facade, and of parties.
So there you are, admitting to being a kike.
Eh, you're just trying to stir a fight. I figure you're a Russian kike, as about 15% of kikes are Russian.
I am superior to all jews.
Wow, you're really socially retarded, aren't you? Each of those images supports precisely the opposite of association. They demonstrate a lack of a relationship, in every case. A sort of nervous friendliness of people who are on their best behavior.
Which ID do you want me to respond to?
Look, we have to come to terms with the fact these are professional shills, and one thing professional shills do is play stupid. Their mistake is that they play underpar - below 100 IQ. It makes it so that almost all voters can detect their deceitful ways.
muuuuuh druuuumpffff muhhhhhh muuuuhhhhhh (((foot-dragging)))
Nor do you, leddit. Kill yourself.
The hilarious part is he cherry picks the quotes but still falls flat on his face.
They don't seek the truth, but are trying to make people mad, and to deceive people. The level of stupidity involved leads me to believe they're CIA. The CIA has a very low opinion of Americans. Nasty motherfuckers.
Two of the worst least well drilled israeli's ever sent here, what's happened is Kushner detracting shekels for every comment negative about Trumpstein causing them to cut back on hasbara pay?
Why are you spamming off topic drumpf shit?
It is about how the lefty faggots are acting, not about trumps character (or lack thereof). You keep derailing thread after thread. We all know he is a Shabbos goy, fag. Posting drumpfwall.jpg got old about 6 months ago.
nice boomer meme
kikenigger, you ain't foolin' nobody.
Right, someone made a fake coin with the image of Trump on it. It's designed to sell to boomers traveling through yidsrael.
Simply put, it literally is meaningless. It's is precisely an immaterial thing.
Trump's Image On NEW Israeli "70 Years" Temple Coin
PS - the other thread in question is a post about israeli hasbara openly admitting to targeting Zig Forums
lol poster on the right side looks like it says 'make the world lame'
Why don't you make a anti trump thread if he has you so fanny flustered?
This is the real deal that came out of Helsinki;
Assad is back for good in Syria - and with Trump’s blessing
A US-Russia peace plan has huge implications for the Middle East
John R. Bradley
Amid the confusion and the almost deafening cries of treachery and collusion over Donald Trump’s relations with Russia, few noticed the most tangible outcome of this week’s Helsinki summit. In the lead-up to his face-to-face talk with Vladimir Putin, senior US and Russian diplomats — in close coordination with leaders from mutual ally Israel — brokered a deal among all the warring parties (bar the Islamist terrorists) finally to end the devastating seven-year Syrian civil war. As is often the case with Trump, the hype tends to drown out the message but it was there for anyone paying close enough attention. The US, Russians and Israelis have agreed on a solution to Syria. His name is Bashar al-Assad.
Looks like this is a touchingwall thread now. Let's see if the vols even care.
nope, I reported hasbarafag, and didn't do anything, even though he is spamming multiple threads.
This perfectly illustrates how the kikes here are falsely claiming that Trump is their property, just like Netanyahu and the semites of Iran have as well. A kind of admission they are inferior, tbqf.
There is no temple. It's a mosque now. It's like you don't know anything.
The image is powerful, because it reveals that anti-Trump = anti-white.
jej @ these kikes trying to meme. They memed their own damn noses off, and that means a serious blast! 1,000,000,000 mt, my estimate.
Oh yes, I predicted that all the shills derping MUH BASED ASSAD DURR HURR when they thought they could convince us that Trump was going to invade Syria are now going to be derping MUH KIKED ASSAD MUH DURR DURR DURR just like they do to Putin.
Maybe this will get their attention
Go back to >>>/oven/ kike
It's just the fallacy (((guilt by association))).
They did that with Jesus too, the kikes said, "he eats with tax collectors and sinners".
how the fuck did you extract that deranged nonsense from that article?
Basically it's a massive defeat for Israel and the Neocons and Israel is being forced to permanently step down in exchange for pulling Iranian forces out of Syria.
Unlike most of you I remember the photos of people dying of AIDS in the late 80's…it was rather strange…these funguses would literally start growing out of every orifice…I remember seeing people (in photos) who were drowning on what looked like a cocoon that filled their whole mouth/throat and stomach…I assume it was coming out of their anus as well…just no photos. It seemed to really agree with funguses…people with all manner of fungus sprouting straight up out of their bodies…like a thousand node of mushrooms had just sprouted from every pore…and other people who had the inverse…some sort of flesh subtracting bacteria eating huge gaping wounds in their bodies…just open to their insides like one of those research cows…hmmm, I'm eating dinner….I better stop.
Youre such a faggot for using that kikess here. Fuck off schlomo.
Thanks AWM
Who is it, Loomer?
Do faggots sea Hellraiser-esque demons in their heads?
now we're getting somewhere
Yeah, I wel remember the disgustingly graphic
aspects of AIDS being much better chronicled
when the disease was first circulating. That
gross fungal stuff that would form in their
throat and mouth was caused "thrush". If you
ever want to really see the effects of this
plague on the human form, there's a PBS
documentary from long ago called "Silverlake
Life" where they follow two simpy, infected
fags through the whole process of wasting
away and erupting in giant blue sores. It will
absolutely make your skin crawl, especially
when it shows the pair slipping into an empty
public pool at night so nobody can protest
their wading around with huge seeping sores.
all over. Ughhhhh!
Needs more shit and blood and piss to be more accurate though
That face is full of regret…
holy shit
Jesus, it really is a coffin-bound lifestyle
That's p for positivity
Zig Forums was simply ancient druid circle ritual to foresee the future
yea … they chose it though
ride or die fags
kek, go hard AND go home
no other way
would you nazi folks withstand the same fate for your cause
these fags did it cause they loved but sex
how much do you love your cause?
I sage because this is not a question for me , but a question for yourself
Street Fighter Trammy is ready to fight!
5deep7me redditfaggot, go get your arse torn somewhere else.
so that is how you summon satan..
Uhhh checked Satan
This is pretty off topic but this has confused me for a while. Aren't Arabs in the Middle East in general despise feminism, homosexuality, and any form of leftist degeneracy? If so, then what made leftists support them and still think Whites are their worst enemy? Do they actually have any true motives beyond anti-White faggotry?
You'd think the brainwashing of the Weimar Republic would make the useful idiots support the Jewish "holy" land Israel, but it only made them hate it because Jews don't practice what they preach. I don't think they're that serious enough to want Israel to be destroyed, they want to destroy Western civilization instead.
They're doing "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." Muslims hate Whites, and leftists also hate Whites, so leftists ally with Muslims only to destroy the West, even though Muslim belief is like the harshest Christian zealotry multiplied by 1000. Destroying society is a prerequisite for replacing evil white colonialist sexist racist capitalism with whatever flavor of communism they like this month. The Muslims are perfectly happy to accept their help getting footholds in the West via their mosques and expat communities, as they intend to just wipe out the leftists along with the rest of the infidels once they have sufficient numbers in Europe to violently impose the Islamic theocracy they want. Polite sage for off topic.
Sounds like my kind of movie…I will look it up.