While you might think: Wtf does this have to do with Zig Forums ? If you only read half of it you'll ask yourself think how this applies to (((their))) social engineering as well the stories of famous jews like Soros on how they came to their early jobs and wealth.
Valve employee describes hellish modern corporate politics
Other urls found in this thread:
Video games eat your brains.
You should include excerpts of the article in green text.
Someone ate a bowl of stupid for breakfast.
Soros story:
He had a degree in philosophy. Without being a jew no dice he would have ever gotten a job in banking.
Who in his right mind would give money to someone losing 22% in the bull market of the 80s? Where did the monet for a 10 bilion short come from? Rothschilds or whoever is above them with insider information making him part of the ingroup…
No, this and the Koch Brothers thread are desperate shills.
No, but playing brainless casual games are symptomatic of jewish programming eating one's brain.
I see. Good to know.
Stop being a nigger and put some effort into your goddamn posts.
The TL;DR for those who don't give a fuck about actually reading the article (which is highly recommended, but ultimately only serves to confirm everything we already know about (((self-organizing companies))))
The implications here revolve around Valve effectively being run like a communist entity. They control their people through anxiety and forcibly squeeze as much effort out of their low-level employees as possible to save every cent possible. Ideas that could possibly be good are run through the wringer repeatedly and either shat out as low energy garbage or completely shit-canned before they can become a reality. The executives and upper management of Valve understand completely how to control weak-minded faggots and cucks, and they understand that controlling the narrative ensures that the strong, talented individuals they can't keep will lose out by not capitulating to them through media manipulation and the control of context and perception.
It all follows the exact same tactics that the Chinese communist government, the USSR, and the European Union take straight from their playbooks. The only difference is that this technically a "private corporation", and thus they are simply required to play by different, somewhat more lenient rules. The end result is the same; people are controlled through fear, anxiety, and an unwillingness to give up the "good life" they have because of an inability to perceive how green the grass is on the other side, and internal pressure, whether political or financial, from their overlords manipulating them to stay.
In other news:
Pride yourself on making a quality post, faggot.
That's interesting, but it seems to be primarily concerned with silicon valley software development. How much of this is applicable to other fields, or is corporate 'culture' kiked homogeneously as well as universally?
What's happening here is that these faggot developers are discovering first hand that Communism doesn't work.
Spotted the boomer. This has nothing to do with communism vs capitalism. This is due to their shitty management decisions and a lack of talent among their work force.
Thank you user. I appreciate you.
t. Republican party shills paid by Kushner to post here
More has to do with valve making a guarenteed income from their sales platfrom and their gambling practices. In this enviorment, it is very comfortable for the "established" employees, so they go stagnet, and hire and fire low employees to keep their systems mantained by psychologically manipulating them to work harder at a reduced benifit.
This "self-organizing" system could work if there wasn't incentive to stabotoge. This has little to do with captialism or communism, but has everything to do with ethics.
so is this not allowed on youtube??? its fucking dark
This is the face of modern gaming. It's this and 35-40 year old man children who collect more games than they could ever play.
The valve shits been known for years at this point. You have an environment with unlimited money and no one to crack the whip. It's a shit hole.
its funny how we ant an archive … but if there is no link it might be fake
im pretty sure I type dont mate
user, it's on shitter, that leftist social media platform where a dev went full retard.
I want to kick every faggot that unironically worshipped that fat kike gabe.
Here's the devs shitter archive
his last name is (((geldreich))) dunno if he's a jew, but that's German for 'MoneyEmpire' so i'm guessing le jew.
YOU MAKE TWO FUCKING "tell me your job stories" threads you fucking weeb douchebag?
It has more to do with shitty people. If I ran a company, I'd do it with an Iron fist, no politics. If anyone got caught doing petty shit against the team they would be perma fired an publicly shammed.
In fact my company would probably go down in flames because I'd just fire everyone for being assholes.
Everything in moderation, that's how you can get the full enjoyment out of a quality game instead of marathoning it. All casual phone games are meant to be played constantly, with numerous small events taking place to trick the player into thinking he's accomplishing something.
This, and you'll notice boomers decry vidya as decadent timewasters, yet lovingly spend hours passively watching some boring television show play out in front of them that demands no engagement and thought whatsoever.
That's what shorting is. It's a literal bet that the price is gonna down. You cover the cost of the best retroactively with your winnings.
That's what edge funds do.
They're called edge because while that shit is technically doable and technically not illegal, it's not exactly legal in most places either…
Fuck Valve.
Hail GOG.
This is a pretty good thread OP, have a bump :)
Never been a big vidyafag, haven't touched one in a year or two.
Tried to replay half life 2 last night but got bored after about 45 minutes or so and quit.
I'm glad they never made a 3rd
Lend us more of your wisdom, user :^)
GOG just cucked spectacularly on a completely benign tweet making fun of video game journalism because Zoe "5 Guys" Van Valkenberg flapped her soggy cunt about MUH HARASSMENT again. They deleted the tweet, apologized profusely, and went on and on about "inclusion" and how they "need to do better"
GoG is just as bad if not worse than Valve. If you're gonna play vidjew games, pirate.
His post was truly a worthy addition to my cringe compilation.
Thank you user for keeping board quality intact (where possible).
It's always great when retards attack something that nobody ever said.
It's the same with those stoner faggots who immediately start screeching about alcohol or cigarettes.
Why don't you kill yourself, faggot?
Maybe you should add that the guy who is complaining is a jew who's name is "rich money-rich" if you translate it to English.