Trump lays into the Federal Reserve, says he's 'not thrilled' about interest rate hikes
Trump lays into the Federal Reserve, says he's 'not thrilled' about interest rate hikes
Is he going to do it guys?
Saying you're "Not thrilled" and actually ending the fed are not even in the same hemisphere.
What hes actually doing is planting the seed of blame to a corrupt org trying derail the economy. When they fuck things up he can always point back to this moment.
Astute analysis.
They can just do that, from the supposed highest office in the country?
This level of obsequiousness from the president of the country to a fucking bank?
Yeah, maybe. I think it might just be more honest and sophisticated propaganda to let off some steam. Like "shooting" in pro wrestling.
mein sides cant take it
Don't care. Unless he says "The Fed is a disease on this country and must be removed" I don't fucking care. There is no excuse for the Fed.
But you could just turn it off. When the countries the US owes money to start bitching, they get bombed. The US has the most expansive military in the world and has infiltrated almost every country in the world.
No shit. It's #1 purpose is to create recession conditions and stop economic recovery.
I cannot fucking believe it.
This is as much of an attack as me standing near you on the train is invading your safe space.
Well, here's to hoping trump does something to unkike the economy. Though I seriously have my doubts. >inb4 being berated for ever doubting or criticizing trump in any way shape or form Is there any such way as to un-jew central banking from the position of executive branch in this government?
How would he do it? Executive action?
Call in FBI's HRT to go in and take everything not nailed down.
Idiot. This is how Trump always starts. First it's "I have full confidence" and then it's "I'm keeping an eye on it," then it's "I'm not happy," then it's "I have been talking about making changes," and finally another kike institution gets fucked in the ass, followed by endless media kvetching about muh traditions and muh institutions and muh unprofessional who doesn't understand how (((Washington))) works blah blah blah
A perfect example is the G7 Summit and the NATO blitz that just happened. He's all hand shakes and howdy-dos, right up until he isn't.
Kikes always do that. They strain at the mote. Yet they have the log. Look at them, they can't even run a respectable parliament. The knesset is an absolute madhouse of barking dogs!
Can we stop believing the obvious lie that JFK was trying to end the fed. He was assassinated for threatening to inspect Israel's nuclear program. Executive order 11110 only gave more power to the federal reserve.
JFK was a bad goy on more then one issue. The jews killed him, for what it doesn't matter.
Who was the last sitting president to ever criticize the FED?
Who sold USA to the federal reserve?
He gave that power away from the Executive office to the Secretary of the Treasury (central bank).
Checked. Nobody. What's on a piece of paper is typically meaningless.
The supposed indictment by Mueller as an example. It's just a screed. It's an indictment of no one, designed to tell a story, and without any evidence at all, and there will be no hearings.
Just like Lincoln's silly pro-jew greenbacks, right fellow based white person?
So the jews just went in and created the federal reserve?
Secretary of the Treasury is a cabinet position
There's a three volume set, published in 2010, on the history of the Fed. It started in 1913, being established by act of Congress. I assume you are lazyposting with knowledge of this. Since you're (((hiding the ball))) and not arguing in good faith, I take it you are a degenerate, and are a man who has sex with men.
snowflake 8^)
So it was not the fault of the jews, someone gave them the federal reserve, a traitor.. or more, traitors
He probably wasn't assassinated for one thing in particular. JFK pissed off a lot of people which made the killing an easy decision among various groups.
Those are shabbos goyim. Obedient servants of the jew.
How could we possibly know which people were jews at that time?
What a stupid question. It's like you've never heard of the one drop rule of Holocaust II.
< where are muh dna tests of people from the 1910's?
The absolute tard of kikepedos
Can you hear the slithering? Quite and listen. There it is! The kike slithers out of its kike hole (yidsrael).
What do your digits say?
This is the only action we can take before moving forward with any real change. Every other action will become moot if they can control the entire fucking global economy via the US's economy. Anything less is cowardice.
< abolish the fed
< when people are swayed by purchasable influence
So uh. No plan, I'm guessing…
This is great. I hope he signs an executive order one morning disbanding the fed, just to give them a giant middle finger. Doubt it'll ever happen, as his (((financial advisors))) would be the first witnesses to his heart attack to the back of the head, but still. A man can dream.
Either the interest rates goes up, or the value of the dollar goes to zero.
This is just short-sighted politics, "bad optics". It will be "bad optics" when gas prices, food prices, cost of housing etc skyrockets while wages stagnate. The dollar losing value is a natural consequence of inflation, which is nothing more than an increase in the number of dollars. The Federal Reserve is the only entity in the US that can create inflation, when prices goes up that is simply the consequence of inflation.
The Fed will not keep tightening like the market expects, they will soon start easing with lower rates and endless money printing (QE). Unwinding existing QE programs is impossible, the confidence in Fed police is entirely predicated on the unwinding of QE.
The 2009 recession wasn't stopped, it was just put on hold by Obama and Bernanke, The US economy is utterly fucked, and the only way to fix it is to suffer a recession greater than the 30s without printing your way out of it (fat fucking chance).
it was woodrow wilson
secretary of the treasurer is a cabinet position and the federal reserve is not federal it is just a name it is a private entity that controls the mint
Hmm.. thinking about what you said.. it kind of makes sense why China was allowed to grow.
The chinese producing cheap shit allowed americans to have purchasing power and bypass inflation.
But eventually the chinese could catch up right, the workers will want higher wages, products will become more expensive.. so.. Africa will replace China as producers for America?
I'm still forever pissed that the Republicunts couldn't fucking be bothered to support Teddy at the time, because they wanted Taft of all people.
That's an en essay agient
You fool/kike.
Roosevelt was a Red Shield plaything.
yeah it was a disaster but you know hindsight and all of that supposedly wilson knew he fucked up afterward
fucksake, got a nigger brain?
He should have known better, and probably did, and only pouted after the fact because he didn't get as much out of it as he had hoped.
(try saying it aloud, I guess)
Yeah, but I dontnspeak broken English.
What the fuck is
supposed to mean? Are you whinging over the length of the graphic?
Wilson was forever in the clutches of the kikes, his whole fucking life. A fucking kike stooge. Look it up.
He even wore kike shoes.
this he also passed the income tax so I have an undying hatred of him but he could've really just have been a complete retard he was a school teacher after all, also his cunt second wife controlled him alot but believe me I'm making no excuses for the man he shouldve been hung
from wikishit
"President Wilson suffered a severe stroke in October 1919. Edith Wilson began to screen all matters of state and decided which were important enough to bring to the bedridden president. In doing so, she de facto ran the executive branch of the government for the remainder of the president's second term, until March 1921.
first husband
While visiting her married sister in Washington, D.C., Edith met Norman Galt (1864-1908), a prominent jeweler. The couple married on April 30, 1896 and lived in the capital for the next 12 years. In 1903 she bore a son who lived only for a few days. The difficult birth left her unable to have more children.[19] In January 1908 Norman Galt died unexpectedly at the age of 43. Edith hired a manager to oversee his business, paid off his debts, and with the income left to her by her late husband, toured Europe."
I personally think she ran most of it like hillary did with bill it doesn't make bill any less worse
LOL, the og cock carousel rider
Chinese are giving the US products for dollars, which they use to buy treasury bonds, giving that money back to the US government. This current system means Americans can live beyond their means. Eventually the Chinese will stop giving everyone else credit to buy their stuff and instead consume it domestically, which will grow the wages and value of the yuan/renminbi, evening out some of the artificial export advantages China currently has.
I like to think that Americans will again start building stuff after this cycle has played out, if nothing else automation makes it cheaper to build stuff closer to where it will be consumed.
china has major financial issues because their fiat system is based on our fiat system
Dude was totally kiked up. Check this shit out, from when he was president of Princeton:
"Wilson also made biblical studies a scholarly pursuit, appointed the first Jew and the first Roman Catholic to the faculty, and helped liberate the board from domination by conservative Presbyterians.[64]"
t. knows nothing about China's banking system
Excellent summary. I see Trump dismantling the petro-dollar and (((American Empire))) so we can finally get back to being a healthy nation. Once the fake prosperity vanishes (and it won't be coming back because there aren't abundant cheap energy reserves like their were in the 1950's), people will emerge from the consumer haze and priorities will be straightened.
The future looks good for us.
Know that picture with Trump and an arab having their hands over a globe?
The arabs already know that.
People who lose their businesses or get laid off during the next two years won't care. They'll just vote "change".
And what happens when the petrodollar falls?
> I see Trump dismantling the petro-dollar and (((American Empire))) so we can finally get back to being a healthy nation.
Well, maybe, if we survive the civil unrest that would inevitably follow such an event.
Thats very optimistic.
You don't know how important – both strategically and religiously – nukes are to Kikestan's existence. That was the primary reason for his assassination, and although he did plan to act against the Fed eventually, EA11110 did the exact opposite of what kosher conspiratards (like Jim Marrs, may he burn in hell) claim.
Someone has been paying attention.
That isn't really attacking the Fed. He's just upset that they will be raising interest rates, which will potentially fuck midterms and the rest of his term (likely on purpose). But the interest rates are too low anyway and need to go up.
President Wilson and Senator Aldrich
Or I guess you could also say that the rates are always too high and usury is Jewish. But within the context of the current monetary system they are too low.
A president questioning the fed is unheard of…
And they're not trying to fuck up the midterms. They're trying to keep wages low. The economy is heating up, and if it continues there will be prosperity for the goyim, and far less for (((bankers))). It's an act of desperation, though, because they cannot, without destroying dozens of major (((corporations))), raise rates very far. And it's nowhere near enough for this economy.
China's deliberately lowering their currency to avoid the tariff penalties Trump is levying on them.
Trump knows what he's doing here.
This is Trump shooting a single shot across the bow of the Fed…
It's all getting very interesting with this guy
Okay please tell me how the yuan is any different from the petrol dollar
Trump will be getting a bullet soon, how dare he question our banking system! He just crossed the line, this is unacceptable and will lead to another shoah and an assault on the chosen people! We must preemptively shut this anti semitism down!
Trump is not on his own; he's the front man for an entire faction of DIA and core patriot Pentagon soldiers that see their place in the world is ultimately threatened if we continue on this jew pedophile path of destruction.
I don't think Kennedy or even Eisenhower had that kind of backing in the old days but a lot of water has passed under the bridge and things are getting clearer and clearer. Making officers walk around in red high heeled pumps was a bridge too far, I'm afraid, kikenvermin.
For one thing, it's not independent. For another, they manipulate their currency enormously. Presently, they cap exchange of cash to $50,000 / person / year. Definitely currency manipulation, keeping the rmb low.
(you stupid whore)
that sounds exactly like the petrol dollar
forgot to switch ips?
Time to kill yourself familia
poor meme, shill
No it isn't
More like gently slid to his knees and lovingly sucked each of their cocks and then let them cum all over his hair while giggling like a little fucking girl
Gutter oil superior to crude gweilo.
All anti-Trump kikes are faggots. Here a faggot kike types fag pornography:
It is not really intended to be a meme…the head he is stabbing just happens to look like DJT…do you disagree?