I watch Trump give speech after speech talking about non-white employment.
White unemployment? Crickets.
I looked it up, and white unemployment is going up relative to the market. Lowest it's been since last year.
I watch Trump give speech after speech talking about non-white employment.
White unemployment? Crickets.
I looked it up, and white unemployment is going up relative to the market. Lowest it's been since last year.
Other urls found in this thread:
All of that is fake news anyway. He's using the same trick obongo used to hide the high unemployment levels. Trump even called this out while he was campaigning, then immediately started using the fake numbers once he was elected.
>unemployment (((rates)))
I find it amazing that some boomers around here actually still believe that the establishment would let a real anti-establishment person be their leader.
J. F. K got shot,
Trump will never be, because he is the perfect distraction while all stays the same.
Quick, name 5 explicitly pro-white things Trump has realized as president of the united states:
I'll start.
1. Call out Merkel, Macron and Sweden on their immigration policies.
Bernie talks about white unemployment
As far as policy, nothing.
Perhaps he has done something with his banter to excite the white spirit. I don't know if Trump is on our side, but I know if he is, it's a complex and delicate battle he's fighting. It is a battle that must be fought the world over, and not just in America. As we saw with Hitler, if one country gets woke, the Jews can bring every other country into the fight to snuff out resistance.
hate this worthless boomer fuck, he's the worst thing that ever happened to this board
if hillary won, people would start DOING things because they'd realize that they have no choice if they want things to get better. but Trump won so now all these faggot retards think he's going to change something
Actually I'm quite convinced that if Hillary won, most of us wouldn't even stand a chance against the "crackdown on Nazis"
If every one of their niggers was a zionist retard he wouldn't say a fucking thing. Everything he says about immigration, in the US and elsewhere, is centered around declining support for israel and declining reliability to undertake geopolitical tasks/objectives that are beneficial to israel.
Overall jobs numbers are improving - Gib requests, age brackets 25-54, etc but thats during a hot market. Can they last during the down periods? Doubtful.
muh perfect world fallacy
I'll give you credit for that shoop, he looks fucking disgusting. Just like a real heeb.
Finally, somebody else who seems to know of JFK's awareness.
Meanwhile, I don't know if Donald is being coerced, threatened, or possibly controlled, but I'm getting a sinking feeling he's backing down, regardless of whether or not anything he could have realistically done could have helped us or not.
Whoever fills the vaccuum he will inevitably leave will have to be serious.
This is a sensible response.
White unemployment and underemployment will decline rapidly over the coming months. The reason is, you have all those low-end workers in there, you gotta have someone to run the cotton plantations, you dig me? Someone's gotta crack that whip, and eventually the whip crackers get tired, not enough whip crackers. So we gotta get mo whip crackers.
And that's why white people will see increased buying power by November.
I like how they had to change his appearance to make it offensive.
Seeing as the policies of Trump are "extremist" to much of the populace and all of the media, it should be obvious that peaceful change is now impossible. Dissolution of the United States is the only pro white option.
is this all just one kike who changes ids, or did they pay seven of your motherfuckers for this?
this one forgot to change ids between posts.
Irrelevant. He has denounced the concept of white nationalism and refuses to deport nonwhites, “legal” or otherwise, from the US.
I take it you believe the holocaust happened.
Fucking lol.
Who cares? That means the biggest economic crash in human history.
1. Who cares what jews say our confidence is?
2. Why are you trusting brainwashed retards’ self-confidence?
The point of government is to NOT pass laws.
No net deportations, though. Where the fuck are they? 50,000,000 to go.
sorry if I have to tell you this son … take a seat
are you poor???
you are not white
do better and achieve whiteness
or stfu
tell me more reasons why i love the god emperor
finally learned to use photoshop … but it makes me realize … this fucker doesnt have a jewish face
so what the fuck now idiot
we dont want a jew in office , any non jew will do
we will take a black fuck from kenya over you retard, grow a forehead and stfu
like what, Fix NICS and free harbor repeal?
Whoa boy, 40%. Meanwhile there's already a thousand times as many non-whites here already that's necessary to wipe us out, and legal immigration outnumbers births and is exclusively non-white.
we've noticed
didn't he vote to apply sales tax for online purchases? pardon me if I'm wrong, but thanks for the taxes asshole
It's a fact. Either obongo's unemployment numbers were legit or Trump's numbers are not legit, since they are using the same numbers. It's obviously the latter. But you Republitards are too low IQ to even experience cognitive dissonance, since it requires you to be at least conscious.
< Vote for Hillary, goyim. It will work out great, goyim.
< yes, that's it, hate the only ones who ever help you, purge them, for they are impure.
< Trigger within yourself the individualist society urge to purge
< yes, that's it
< t. fellow goy
< drumpf
Fuck off, shill.
Thanks for admitting that everything I said is correct.
Trips defeats dubs.
People forget that all of these government agencies allegedly working against Trump are in the executive branch and under his command. If they aren't following the laws, Trump can fire them. He can fire them just for being faggots if he wanted to. But he won't. Because he's a cuck.
Why are you trying to kill white people?
Fucking cunts can stream themselves online and get free money and niggers need work but the Mexicans stole all the jobs!
You may be in a shit part of the country. Move.
What you should have said was, "Name 5 things Trump has done explicitly to benefit Whites", or even, "Name 5 times Trump explicitly mentioned 'Whites' as a group".
Did he mention Whites or even the European people as a group in his commentary? No?
Then how do you know he's not saying that on behalf of European Jews who complain to him about Muslims being anti-kike in europoor?
Just sayin'.
The correct answer.
Or even fucking, "name 5 things that Hillary would have done to fuck over whites" or even "name 5 things that Obama did to fuck over whites".
Reason enough to vote, and get out the fucking vote.
tbh, the trade war thing has been the most impressive thing. It's something I genuinely never though I'd see in my lifetime - someone with the balls to take on China & other assholes.
But the scotus appointments are so incredibly important. I'm amazed how few people understand this. We are talking about an entire LIFE of some right-wing boomer bossing around the increasingly SJW country, and this is something BEAUTIFUL! The tormenting of the SJW. Not the SJW themselves.
I'm thankful for his bantz. I know he's just one guy, and it would be wrong to expect him to throw himself on the grenade for nothing.
The preservation of our rights, our country and our people is OUR responsibility. It always has been, and it always will be.
While true, the real U6 stats are solid. Last time U6 hit 7.8 was back in 2001. Trump just needs to go all out against China. If Chinas back can be broken like the Soviet Union the US stands a chance at being the lone wolf again.
Its not like China is dumb enough to start a war against the US (yet) and their overall economy isn't independent enough to sustain max pressure from the US. Xi will never let up otherwise they'll be viewed as a bunch of pussies just like the russians were.
Yep. Check out Alinsky's Rules. Just the preface confirms they are attempting to take away our guns because they want to oppress us. It also has useful ideas. He points out you have to keep the pressure on. You can't just elect and assume it will work out.
Sorry, old chappy. This one's real.
Stay mad wagie.
Annnd now we're back to MGTOW. Starving the system.
True enough there, if you believe in voting.
In any case, the opposition will always do things to harm Whites if able, and they'll do it explicitly - the point is that 'our' party, which has a 95% White base, absolutely refuses to name Whites or do anything explicitly to benefit the White population.
I actually don't mind it, its just silly to see that graphic suggesting we've 'strengthened relationships' or whatever. We've been getting fucked on trade, and correcting it is righteous,
Voting still works. If voting didn't work billionaires wouldn't spend millions on ads.
And, yep, we never hear about white rights, white safety. White is a bad word, in the kike-controlled society.
What do you expect when you've got openly anti white businesses bragging about how "diverse" they are? All those open job positions didn't come out of thin air, and its even worse considering shit like affirmative action and other discriminatory policies against whites.
Yep. King nigger wasn't counting people who "dropped out of the labor force" and Trump was quick to call him on it, and now he's doing the same fucking the thing.
A little of the three, is my guess.
He seems to try to do things but the situations is more serious than he thought and he will back down possibly, of many promises.
I suggest focusing on your own well-being, on your family, on the future of your race.
Government shouldn't have increased to this level anyway.
And yes, a civil war is the only thing that can save USA (if it is still salvageable)
Naming Whites would be nice. Of everything Trump does, I laugh and go along with it. This is the first time I ever got that urge to throw something at the TV. He literally names every group that will never love him, and leaves out those of us who want the best for him. Don't get me wrong, it's not a deal breaker for me, but he can name us.
Anything above 0% is NOT nationalism and needs to be better.
Prioritize money? above 0% is great, above 3% always.
They spend billions on ads to socially engineer the cattle. Voting only matters if you live in swing states
Blonde haired, blue eyed, underemployed white person in their early thirties here. What can I do?
Have been there. I have gone several days without food, without phone or Internet. Without gas for my car. Fortunately, that is not my situation, now. But whenever those times come, it helps to be spiritually wealthy through the Holy Spirit. Without God, we are poor regardless of money.
This would not be a good thing.
Trump is just weak and a faggot. Someone with balls could fix all of the problems, but Trump is not the guy. He just wants to be remembered as another Reagan, which means he will not take any real risks that would be necessary to fix the problems. Feed the plebs a lot of cheap talk while cutting taxes and trying not to rock the boat too hard on policies. That is his game.
Always figured if trump were real he'd be Oswalded, ye the this whole muh russia thing makes it impossible to tell, yet.
Been there. Start by ignoring .
Why not develop a skill and start marketing it as a freelancer? Look up some articles about the gig economy and go from there. Remember you're white, so you have a duty to us all to rise and be strong against the enemy. When you can afford health insurance, breed a waifu.
No one cares about white people
People talk about freelancing, but this has two roadblocks: the first is startup capital, while the other is reputation. Sometimes you only need one but both are a bit difficult to obtain.
That's loser talk. All you need is motivation. I had neither, and I'm doing fine. Pick up the pace.
No state would be a swing state if white males did their duty. This nation would be nigger-free in one generation.
How do you know? Which numbers is Trump using? Which numbers do you believe should be used?
No he doesn't, you dumb mother fuckers discovered U6, which is a different statistic which is always higher than U4 which is the typically 'quoted' unemployment rate, and decided it was a big government conspiracy when in reality the Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes all those stats and explains the methodology.
Fuck off.
Sorry U3
All of these are BS stats dude.
Using stats that were in use before 1994, as shown on shadowstats. This is what was used before they clipped off "long-term discouraged workers."
According to this, it's 21.5%. And the Obongo/Trump recovery disappears.
Will you please clarify real unemployment stats by race? Unironically, I am at work so I can't dig right now.
Which Unemployment Stat isn't BS, dude?
No, there is a stat that does include them, it's not the 'official' number but it is reported by the BLS. It's called U6, google it.