Or, what is with Trump and all the fucking orbs?
Or, what is with Trump and all the fucking orbs?
oh wow how (((newsy)))
The fact you see balls everywhere means you have castration anxiety, kike.
t. actual jew
The only vermin who will slander their own race for five cents a post.
Trump is making a ghost hunting series to make /x/ great again, the only thing that might need it as much as America.
This is true ya know
He's mocking the crystal ball posters like you, obviously.
So now only jews hate jews ok got it thanks joshua.
I still want to know what the fucking orbs are.
You'll find out
Well, by breaking into a darpa tech area and using pliers and electrical shock on some Masonic engineers you might get the answers you want
i like orbs
tldr … op is a orb fag
Well a lot of presidents take pictures like this so it might be a form of memetic messaging.
get this abomination out of the national art gallery and then we'll talk about an old fashioned damnatio memoriae. But until then don't talk big.
Climb into an oven you pitiable little yid.
I've been here since before your mother was picking you up from elementary school because you shit your pants after eating too much glue, you half-wit little pissant.
They think they're enlightened when they're really fools running things worse than a third grader, taking credit where none should be taken, and continually putting down anything and anyone that may actually provide legit scrutiny against their faggot egos.
so whats your point???
I dont thing this changes anything
Likely part of what functions the Trump curse.
very good question
Embarrassing showing, manlet. I've been here since 2014, if you had been here any longer it'd be because you're some involuntary celibate wizchan faggot and that's the absolute highest honors I'd take your claim to seriously. I reiterate my suggestion to immediately kill yourself, it is the single best piece of advice you have ever received.
Fuck Obama is my point, fuck giving his pederast nigger ass a single bit of legitimacy in describing him as a President or as an American because neither of those things should be used to describe any non-European and certainly not one as shitty as him.
You know how I know that in all that time you still didn't learn what a unix file name is?
Because you're a delusional fucking dwarf of indeterminate racial heritage, projecting your inadequacies onto me in a pathetic attempt to gain my respect when you could not get it through any means having already disgraced yourself so thoroughly by addressing me with anything but deference as your Aryan superior? I'm glad you're progressing to the point where you are beginning to recognize the underlying functions of an imageboard but I fail to see why that should be any imposition to committing suicide, it's still your best option. As your closest friend on this Earth, you can trust that I will truly miss you when you inevitably end your life.
trump is the bro to all world leaders is he not?
you are platinum mad
Back to cuckchan, little trashbaby.
The maggots will feast sweetly on your corpse, and the demons on your soul.
"Join a union trade guys. Stop being lazy fucking neets!"
Neither the maggots nor the demons shall eat so well, autistic yidlet.
haha, jesus kike.
what does this mean
I'm a 6'5" Germanic man with light brown hair and blue eyes. Be content with your station, abandon your projection, climb into an oven and embrace the new order.
I'm a 7ft tall Germanic man with blond hair. I will break you.
I can't tell you or they'll put me back in the glass coffin and jack off all over me again.
well damn user that doesnt sound pleasant
I appreciate the attempt at escalation instead of denial of my physical reality, if manlets were capable of learning I'd say that might be what has occurred.
I am a 10 foot tall alabaster skinned bodybuilder with hair like spun gold and eyes the color of sapphires, my penis can literally fuck women around corners, if I even look in your direction you will be vaporized and crushed under your own inferiority.
My actual superiority to you isn't an invitation to write fiction but if you need my discerning eye to improve I will always lend you my time, lil fella.
I am a 4' 6'' black curly haired, black beady eyed curly big nosed hand grasping greedy hunch back virgin. The names shlomo, goy. YOU WILL ALL BE SHEKELED IN THE END. Atleast i hope… oy vey.
This one I actually believe.
You have such a boring, single-track mind.
More projection from the cuckchanner.
And before 4chan even existed I was on something awful, though I was never dumb enough to have paid tenbux. You've really caught me now.
dude when proper arguements are not desired. EVERYONE IS a GIRL/Jew/Incel/Weeb/CuckChan/Etc welcome to 8 chan we are populated by many people some of which are fringe edgy faggits who will do nothing for the white race, but larp.
Imagine actually admitting to having been a goon.
Go back.
this thread wouldn't even exists were it not for jews. let's keep the conversation simple and talk about getting rid of the jews, fair enough?
Imagine not knowing that moot was originally on Anime Death Tentacle Rape Whorehouse. Christ, this place is a parody of itself.
Cuck yourself somewhere else, please.
not the point I was making. I like a lot of what the nazis did. But I dont think brainless maggits who think everyones is newfag, jew, girl, w/e… on the internet is productive. Nazis would do what they believe and uphold their values. Make proper white families and not jade themselves over internet forums to the point they act like shitty automatons. 1/4 of these so called pro whites are broken faggit keyboard nihilists. Smh
I don't give two shits about the 'tistic little pedo that is Luggage Lad, he was never anything but a subhuman and since he adopted cuckoldry as a lifestyle he's made that very clear by working for Jewgle. The fact you concern yourself with his history and hold it as anything but something regrettable to be condemned is a great laugh. His one good decision in life was creating cuckchan and he spent the entire remainder of it trying desperately to undo that decision because he was a fucking joke. I would unironically assault him if I saw him for the levels of betrayal he has carried out, and thankfully I don't have to endure the jail time because I'm never going fucking near Cuckifornia. I'm not even sure he can survive without the amount of shitskin stench in the air he enjoys over there, so I don't think him coming to me is an option anymore either.
I wonder what his actual job at google is. I'll bet they just parade him around in dresses and shame him for creating "le alt-right" all day every day.
Probably sucking aged kike dick in exchange for boys to molest.
oh yeah moot supposedly was going to head google hangouts integration with youtube
"I'm a 12 foot tall bronzed Cro-Magnon named Indra with a creative writing class under my belt and can use more prose than Hemmingway had hoes!"
Lol, I forgot how actually god-awful that thing is. Polite sage for off topic; although, the topic is orbs, soo.
I think the jews are sending him a message.
Peace is a lie
Is there supposed to be some kind of symbology in this image or something?
We have this thread locked
We have this thread bump locked
these mods are fucking kikes== all pf them
It's fucking HIDEOUS! A NIGGER PAINTING…that was actually made in china by chinese workers and signed by Whiley.
They (art experts) have proven that it is a 'production piece' like a hotel knockoff assembly line product; literally painted by 'interns' which is why Kehinde has a studio in china (BECAUSE THE INTERNS ARE CHEAPER)…trash production line chinese art for a nigger…LMAO it just keeps getting funnier!! By all means, hang THAT SHIT up in the national gallery!
It's a stupid thread tbh. Alex, Tucker both talked about it and it's not that important to speculate and get all emotional every time something stupid happens. It's pathetic behavior.
That shouldn't of been bumplocked.
Poor Kyle, RIP Kyle…
When I first saw this thread in the catalog I freaked out because last night I had a dream which, at one point, consisted of eclipses happening again and again. Long story and doubt anyone cares about the dream but, yeah, originally when looking at it on catalog it looked like an eclipse due to how small the photo was.
Why did you post this again? Why did you post it in a thread that has nothing to do with it? You got your answers. One thread at a time. Search the catalog before posting. It’s not that hard.
We meme'd to hard.
Looking for Trump Balls and Trump Orbs
What? We have your balls?
Wait, what?
I'm not saying I don't believe you but can I get sauce?
I'm guessing the message is a nuke dropping on his head after a jew who fled to China helps the Chinese win the war by inventing a weapon very similar to something Americans were developing but kept getting delayed for some reason.
QTDDTOT, levi.
My favourite part of this is that rather than have a lion, demon, dragon or other kind of monster's face adorning his knee-pads; he has the face of a (white) human. There's something glorious about how it us that strike true fear into the enemy; and it sort of rings true today. Any time that white men gather together or stand up for themselves EVERYONE freaks out and screams about how it will lead to the end of the world.
Maybe they are right.
It will be the end of the world and WE are going to bring it about. There is no future for the White race on this planet under the current regime anyway…might as well make sure they suffer mightily…besides is not CIVILization OUR possession? It doesn't nor will it ever belong to these LESSER BEINGS non-human animals and faggot kikes that pretend that they have the capacity to direct what ONLY WE could build. It has NEVER belonged to them, they are only parasites upon it…OUR HOUSE, OUR BODY, OUR DESTINY…burn them all and cast them out into outer darkness and let them drift in the void forever.
I wish the ancestral adversary to my people and my homeland was actually competent and not fucking schizo.
It's an esoteric Jew symbol.