Another assault on a kid with a MAGA hat
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stop crying and stop wearing maga hats faggot
definitely not a kike free first post
Yea, i better watch out or some twat like this will steal my hat and infect me with his hep C spit
faggots dont sage
where did you get that image from ??? your facebook account faggot or its it from some facebook account you want us to harass because you are a cia faggot …. you suck dick and your organization is useless
how does it feel to be a fucking sellout nerd faggot , your are worse than the army … at least the army have honor
your mom sucks liberal jew cock
It's twitter, and I couldn't give less of a shit what you do faggot
You can hear Endchan cheering from here
reported for being such a tryhard little cocksucker.
faggot faggot faggot …. blah blah blah …
this thread is shit fuck off OP
you seem awfully angry sir, do you have a good relationship with our lord and savior jesus christ?
I can't wait for the day when we get to shoot these fuckers, we'll have to wear hazmat suits so we don't get AIDs from all the blood and shit lying around in the cities.
do we never learn
I can't help but notice that it's always some kid getting their hat snatched. I don't wear MAGA hats, but I wish someone like this dude would try that shit.
Good. More violence, more polarization. The fire rises
I just wish the moment the cops arrest him for assault, theft, and vandalism is caught on camera
Because they know that the kids parents probably have money and they want the kid to attack them so that they are able to sue. The only way to combat this is by taking them away from people and cameras and beating them until they're either dead or aren't able to get up, then making sure they aren't found so they aren't used as a martyr by the faggots to go out and start beating the shit out of kids. I just can't wait until one of the kids fight these trannies, since their bones are most likely extremely brittle from the lack of protein and calcium.
Yea, but a 17 year old kid isn't going to be able to drag this college drop out out of camera shot and beat the shit out of him. The kid's doing the right thing by keeping cool and then reporting it. I just wish some of these hat snatchers would nut up and do it to a person that would knock out a few teeth.
it would have been pretty satisfying to watch this arrest, but at least he didn't go home and immediately TRY to use it as a "claim to fame" like this green haired Ethan Shane Jackson guy that just snatched the other kids hat
Sages negated.
Such is life.
Fuck my life.
I wish I weren't a poor wage slave and could buy one and wear it around.
This would actually be fun shit to do. Get a few Zig Forumsacks near a heavily liberal city and have a few of them follow staggered behind one wearing a MAGA hat.
Had two confront soys confront me over my flight jacket about a year ago due to the flag on sleeve which one called "offensive". The flag was the MS state flag (flight jackets keep patches of every state/country we have gone) and the MS flag pisses them off big time. Anyhow, I fucked them up (well one of them, the other stood back after punched) and put a head through a chicken coop that was in the back of the truck next to me and chicken started freaking out and jumping all over his head (wish it was taped, hilarious to watch him screech at that).
Sage denied.
roosted Chickens are fucking vicious.
Claw sharp, stay away tbqh.
I never see any real political controversy in my state, the entire area I live in and most of the people are conservative/republican and it's a relatively small area. If you travel 45 minutes to the coast there's a lot more debate, but I still never see any violent altercations. This incident took place in Seattle though, there's a lot more political diversity in larger cities.
I'm shaking in my boots white boi
now this is terrifying.
Fuck off nigger.
None of those are men, those are all children or le ebin frog maymay Trump supporters.
No user. They are tomorrow's stormtroopers being picked on by today's cry-bullies. Keep it up lefties. Keep it up. Your doing God's work for us
The funniest one is the video. The material that sign is made on is made to be impossible to tear. That's it's design, it's heavy advertising stock; not paper but some type of plastic + something else.
Would be a real shame if someone happened to trip and accidentally toss pigs blood over it as it walked out of it's workplace.
mp4 from 1st twitter thing
also converted to webm
I didn't know that. I will say though that I was surprised how fast the chickens went ape shit and how much they freaked out. They were very territorial of their coop. I had no clue that chickens could have such a chimp out. Pretty funny though. Dude gets attacked by chickens… can't make this shit up…
I would assault them with or without the hat :^)
was the female with *it*? i couldn't really tell.
certainly looks like the girl from so yeah
Zig Forums… faggots like this and that beaner attack children because that's all they can do. They won't attack an adult but only minors simply due to the fact that they can't fight one on one or with someone their own size. They must lash out and try to use shaming tactics to convert those younger than them into their philosophy and cultlike way of thinking. Want to fix this? Shame them back.
Simply critique them, Zig Forums. Their appearance, their beliefs, their opinions, their claims and their actions. Anything they say or do, correct them and critique them. They can't stand anyone correcting them or pointing out their flaws. The way the individual dresses is meant to detract from their flaws. It's all to do with their ego.
Critique them Zig Forums
Lets start with you.
That's a funny way to spell nu/pol/.
Hiya kike how much you make to argue with anonymous assholes on the internet? :)
Last one is a slavic god so don't put that nazi shit around it.
tits or gtfo
You are asking for it with the ellipses.
Dude settle down before I put you in one myself.
List of transgressions:
You have well and truly earned your place in my cringe compilation.
Unlike Zig Forums you cannot shame people with no identifiable information. So where's the the threat? Truly don't understand this Tumblr meme that Reddit bought into.
Maybe one day you will learn what you did wrong and improve yourself. Until then, enjoy Shrek taking a photo of your embarrassing behavior.
According to pic related novelist Harry Crews, any chicken with an open wound will be pecked to death and cannibalized by the others.
Chickens are savage, i've never witnessed the open wound death sentence but I have seen them trample each other and kill each other over nothing
Ya'll faggots don't even use an open source operating system I bet. Bet you use some Micro$hit OS that came preinstalled on your system. Do you use JS still?
No Pepe.
You aren't old enough.
Chickens are the niggers of the bird world?
You did not deserve those digits
& aren't me but nice try
Haha not even kidding user. They went from 0-1000 in seconds and swarmed the faggot. So I guess they really are the nigs of the farm animal world.
It's always some ugly gay guy. Can we get his dox?
Cringenon deleted his posts???
Birds evolved from dinosaurs. Tyrannosaurus Rex was basically an eight ton prehistoric chicken with giant bone crunching teeth.
My memes are too spicy for the boomer mods to handle.
Imagine being this butthurt over a meme.
So you ban evade?
Just get a shitty knockoff one on ebay
Been hiking and going to the store with my hat, it truly is like a stake in a vampires heart to them, instilling a sort of primal fear in cuck and blanda alike.
It's not against the rules to evade a ban. One of the moderators even said:
Isn't this what you criticized Obama for doing for 8 years.
We only wish Obama did that.
I wear a MAGA hat, I'm 6'1" and a bodybuilder. I also carry a gun everywhere I go. Come at me, Leftists. Oh wait they're all pussies and know they can only try to bully children and the occasional woman/defenseless person.
Be careful what you wish for or one of these studs will smash your face in.
Jew Detected! Back in the oven!
You should have at least two knives too.
God, I just want to wade into that crowd with both fists flying.
I guess it has headmates.
No, we "criticized" him for being a nigger and marrying a tranny. I only respond to you now because I expect to be busy on the day they hang you.
That poor demented honkey.
Kill yourself nigger.
Magacucks still think ideology will win out in the end. Completely oblivious that they want cuckservatives exterminated.
No, I believe we criticized Obama for being a half breed, bisexual, saturn worshiping, gibs giving, child fucking, healthcare destroying, bath-house visiting, globo-homo marxist turbonigger.
anyone got his dox?
Sounds familiar
When you look at pics like that and realize you’ve met some of those ladies ;=)
The one thing I have never figured out is why the fuck we use You know whAat that is right?
I quit wearing mine a while back. It's a risky move. Do so only if you are prepared to have a problem.
Good, wish they would stop wearing those stupid caps already. They aren’t hats, they are caps. Hats have a complete brim, not a bill.
Sorry, caps are something you put on black powder revolvers. Hats are something you put on your head.
AIDS from buttsex and needles will kill them all by themselves before we get to that point