“Finally, with the Russia investigation apparently heating up over the past few months, I think more Republicans are getting interested in finding a counter-narrative, which QAnon certainly provides.”
How a LARP went from 4chan to t-shirts
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm just happy both sides are setting up their battle lines and soon the war will start that will separate the good goys from the bad.
Q predicted this.
The merchandizing has taken Q-LARP from simple hoax designed to destroy our work into an entirely different tier of jewish campaigning. We need to do something about this.
The Q-larp has conclusively proved to me that the USA is past the point of salvation. We really just don't have the quality people that would be necessary to fix this shitty Jewish country.
They have a new spinoff LARP about how the Iranians really
control Hollywood.
Agreed. I am actually impressed by how successful the whole thing has been. Have heard many stories of people encountering boomers IRL handing out pamphlets or talking about it in the lunchroom. Scary shit
Oh, we do. Us. We just don’t have the QUANTITY of us that is needed.
A cloud of overwhelming gay is overcoming me.
Q-Larp has been doxxed. The plan should be to paint Q-Larp has a leftist working with Soros in order to discredit him.
You mean (((Deep State))) larp. Fuck you and the Alt-Kike, Siege Satanists, Dugin and his projects, the "intellectual deep web, and Alex Jones!
rockstar master race, faggots
Satanism is a form of autism, but Siege is still a good book.
Why not just tell people the truth retard that it’s not fucking real
It's the fucking enemies book. Therefor you are the enemy.
Have you even read it?
user what.
Say what you will, the Qtards actually dig into shit. What the fuck does 8gag Poll even do anymore?
The extent of their digging always amounts to the same thing
Why are you drinking dirty water?
Makes me laugh that anons here are buttmad about qanon getting big after years and years of believing larpers at the drop of a hat, e.g. red team planner. Whoever is running qanon found a point of weakness in our board culture, and no one here gives a shit. qanon wouldn't have gotten big, and would have died in its infancy, had this board and chan culture not been a bunch of fucking retards that believe larpers more than others.
Anyone dumb enough to believe the Q LARP is incapable of doing any effective digging.
Okay but you do realize Q has made several explicit predictions that have fallen completely flat on their ass. It's clearly just nonsense.
Nevertheless, Q has attracted anti-Q shills. That is enough for me to believe he isn't utterly fake.
But yeah, he's too cryptic. Can't make out a damn thing. May as well just perform ordinary divination.
It's not nonsense if it's just an intelligence officer who is hearing rumors and making guesses.
What do they dig up? Coded messages from Wikileaks that somehow involve a child sex trafficking ring that is run out of a pizza parlor? You’re a dumb ass it’s nothing but a group of boomers and autists playing internet detective
Oh I didn't realize Q was the NYT.
Dont mind the larp
Palazzo Aldobrandini
1621-37 Territorial Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini
(Senior) of Rossano Calabro (Italy)
Niece of Pope Clemente VIII (Ippolito Aldobrandini) (1536-92-1605) and universal heir of her brother, Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini (d. 1621). She administered her places, cities and feudal fiefs in Calabria, Romagna, Lazio with great competence. and laid the foundations for the future Duchies of Carpineto, Maenza, Gavignano, Montelanico and Gorga, and she transformed the feudal territory into a dukedom also including several surrounding villages. In 1629, she ordered the building of St. Peter’s Church, which she provided with gorgeous reliquaries and frescoes, the best known being a fresco attributed to the famous painter Caravaggio. She was married to Gianfrancesco Aldobrandini and mother two daughters and one son, who also died in 1637 and the family inheritance was therefore taken over by her granddaughter, Olimpia Junior. She lived (1567-1637).
This has got to be one of the most powerful and
richest families of the world:
The surname literally translates to Satan, after you
figure out the riddle.
Because Aldebaran is the morning star and falling
angel. Why would they have a name like this and be
POPES. They are Satanists, PERIOD!
I have eaten many dinners in their palace in Frascati,
Italy close to Rome in the Castelli Romani hills.
These people have the big massive orgies. We know that Stanley Kubrick was present at this Castle for many orgies. He got the inspiration of Eyes Wide Shut there. There is a portait of Kubrick inside the main hall with his autograph giving thanks to the Aldobrandini family for supporting his films.
Aldobrandini = Al Debaran
They have an Egyptian lineage from Ptolemy Egypt. There name is Arabic, which means they are also Moorish converts to Catholicism, but came from Egypt as well they married into the Venetian Este Family
Theres a lodge called Al-dabaran.
According to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx it is to pat respect to Taurus. Have you ever wondered WHY, picasso did all of those orgy paintings with Taurus as giving orgies to many women. It is not only because Picasso was funded by the Aldobrandini’s, he had many orgies in Rome.
The Taurus is Picasso’s paintings is the POPE!
Picasso is a Jesuit as well. A Co-Adjutor.
This is the family which created Agenda 21 of the United Nations Charter via their think tank, as well Sustainable Development for the 21st Century..Population Control, Abortion genocide, And they took control of Americans minds via their slave Knight of Malta John Rockefeller, using Communist John Dewey, they invented Communism by the way, and are share owners and one of the most powerful owners of the World Banking Empire, these people make the decisions what happens in their Provincial Empire known as the United States of America, this is who your Congress serves..Not you.. Because simply when a foreign think tank designs and installs their thoughts into a society that society is not thinking their just enacting that think tanks designs
Try harder.
What the fuck is wrong with you.
I don’t think you even know what a ‘shill’ is
Probably because your IQ is like 80
There are "anti-Q shills" in the same way there are "anti-Holocaust shills" and "anti-official 9/11 narrative shills". We expose jewish subversion here, and Q is jewish subversion.
Go back to reddit. We don’t want you here.
Fuck off boomer
If you think that is the point of my post, you should quit this board and kill yourself. Anons like yourself are a danger to the right. You are easily swayed morons that lap up whatever bullshit you read on here like a boomer.
So, I'm going to guess no one things it's obvious as fuck that most threads on pol, plenty of places in reddit, all kinds of places in other alternative sites like voat, and all around the rest of the net, there's a huge push against Q?
I get it - just because people are trying to cover it up, doesn't mean it's true. But, the more I learn about big followings that emerge on the internet, the more I learn how important it is to actually learn more about it, to put more effort in to figuring it out for myself, and to trust people less when they try to get me not to think about something or invest time in it.
Has no one heard of Barbara Streisand? How many times do the idiot democrat and friends' shills have to learn that the harder they try to suppress something, the easier it is to remind people of it?
ya'll are low-tier shilling here…
Fuck off Boomer
Pay attention. It makes you look less like a shill.
There’s a huge push here against proven jewish paid shills, yes.
King Nigger CIA glownigger Brennon in Mueller indictments.
LARP time
1. Brennan coordinated plant of Manafort to get Doc's for England trip in Fall of 16.
2. Disguised the emails using loan application nonsense.
3. Why is there an email with the subject "success" right before Manafort joins Trump team?
4. Why is Brennan screaming so loud? Why is Manafort in solitary? FOR HIS OWN PROTECTION FROM CLOWNS
Notice all the properties? Why all the loans? Why the forgiveness documents? Why did he get a construction loan for the property right after he joined Trump team(3.16)? Whatever lets look at the first property.
377 Union Street Brooklyn New York. Remember he was indicted in late Oct 2017. Photos in order
Nov.16: Looks like a shithole considering the loan was emailed 3.16. Weird, but lets cut them some slack it takes a while for clowns to renovate.
Dec.17 Completely covered up INDICTED
That's not the issue at hand. The fact that you are defending the board's idiots and culture who believe larpers all the time, makes you also an idiot. Pretty sure your short self-centered boomer shitposts in this thread have a touched a nerve and created an amygdala hijack in your brain. Otherwise you wouldn't be responding to something that is so obvious to anyone that had spent any time here and other *chans.
larping on imageboards has been around for a significantly long time going back before Zig Forums was created. It's a weakness, as people lap it up every time and seems to have an impact on board culture. That's a significant cultural weakness that they have taken advantage of. If it weren't the case, you'd see more pushback against the larpers. When's the last time in a civil war thread you've seen someone questioning the stupidity of the series of red team planner posts? Never. Even at the beginning when qanon larped here, there were way more anons that believed it. That's all they needed to boot up the operation.
Feel free to respond to this post like you have with other posts with lazy oneliners and greentext, since your boomer smooth brain is incapable of writing anything longer while chugging monster.
Do you think this is going to work on us? Does projection ACTUALLY work as a tactic?
lol, exposed
And has been denounced just as long.
We have done nothing but push back. We have never believed Q-LARP, FBIAnon, or any of the others. This isn’t cuckchan. This isn’t reddit. You don’t know where you are.
When’s the last time that you proved a single thing it said wrong? Feel free to disprove it. See, we care about the truth. We’ll drop anything that isn’t true. Go ahead.
We never believed it. From day one. From before Q-LARP even started posting here instead of cuckchan, we NEVER believed it. I was in those threads, dumbass. My copypasta is what shooed the Q-LARPers off Zig Forums entirely. NONE of them could answer a single one of my questions or prove any of its claims.
And now Podesta is given immunity, so every single last statement Q-LARP has ever made is proven false.
This is so fucking lame, lmao.
Mind the LARP
There are many parts to the Cafritz family. However, every member is wealthy and has a lot of influence in Washington D.C.
This is Morris Cafritz.
Morris Cafritz was a real estate developer, “one of Washington’s leading commercial and residential builders from the early 1920’s to the mid-60’s
In 1929 he married Gwendolyn Cafritz.
Here are Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz together:
In 1948, they started the Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation.
Morris Cafritz passed away in 1964.
When he did, Gwendolyn Cafritz became President of the Foundation. She remained President until her death in 1988.
Today, The Cafritz Foundation is worth $735 million and donates $20 million per year.
Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz had three sons: Calvin, Carter and Conrad.
In the same 2011 DC Social List that we saw all the Folgers, we also see many members of the Cafritz family.
In December 1988, Calvin Cafritz was elected to the Board of Directors of The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation and since February 1989, has served as Board Chairman. In July 1993, he was elected President and CEO of the Foundation.
He remains President and CEO, and Chairman of the Board, of the Foundation, as of 02/10/17.
Here is Calvin Cafritz with his wife Jane Lipton Cafritz:
Jane Cafritz also serves on the Board of the Foundation.
In 2010, Washington Life Magazine listed Calvin and Jane Cafritz number six in the Power List 2010: DC Family Dynasties.
This was ahead of Tony and John Podesta at number fourteen and the Rockefellers at fifteen.
They are also reported as being among The Philanthropic 50: Washington’s Most Generous Benefactors of 2014, donating $400 million since 1970.
They have donated to the Homeless Children’s Playtime Project.
Planned Parenthood are listed among the primary donations, as well as a number of Arts and Humanities organisations. (Page 4)
It seems as though The Cafritz Foundation donated $800,000 to Planned Parenthood just this past summer.
Calvin and Jane Cafritz, as well as the Buffy and William Cafritz Foundation, are 2016 FAPE (Federation for Art Preservation in Embassies) members. Also among the Contributing members is the Lee & Juliet Folger Fund
raniere's first slave wad pam cafritz, related to your cafritzes.
she's from dc.
her brother is another cafritz, by another name because he wad adopted
sandy wilkes aka Charles wilkes.
runs a lot of orgs in dc.
one is a child's charity… and on his board of directors was alawyer from the Podesta group.
his office is less than a mile from conet pp.
will post more later.
What is this supposed to prove
Q is Jared Kushner and his shill organization.
awesome sauce you have there on all that, so easy for us to verify your claims. Thank you for including archives. Top tier work patriot the swamp and stuff wew
Proving the LARP.
Here are the ties which bind.
Pam Cafritz is the daughter of William Cafritz. William is the brother of the father of Conrad/Carter/and Calvin, all active in DC social circles.
This isn't a distant relationship, they are all close.
William's adopted son is Charles "Sandy" Wilkes Cafritz. Wilkes is his real father's name (father was in the order of royal jesters and master mason)
Sandy Wilkes doesn't use the Cafritz name, but he is also connected to Podesta as shown here, and is involved in several DC charities and arts organizations.
Executive Success Programs announced the death of Pamela Cafrtiz on November 28, 2016, three full weeks after she purportedly died on November 7th, 2016, at 2:37 pm.
She had battled cancer … and passed away cared for by her life partner of 30 years, [unnamed] loved ones, and dearest friends.
The world, humanity, and women, are better because she walked this earth. Her footprints will forever leave on impression on thousands, and open a path for us all.
Amongst many substantial accomplishments, she was one of the founders of Jness, a founding, and highest ranking, student in NXIVM, a role model … a champion athlete… and a wise woman….
… profoundly empathetic, pure and innocent with deep wisdom, and a person who joyfully gave her self, and her most precious things, to help others, even strangers.
Truly to Pam, all the world were her family and under her care.
It is not clear from her obituary who her life partner of 30 years is, but it could be this callow clown, Keith Raniere. Here shorty gives Pam a little tongue.
Pamela Anne Cafritz was Keith’s 2nd in command in the sex ring, [He’s # 1.]
It was no great loss to the world, her passing, only that Keith lost his greatest pimp. Pam hired a 12 year old to “walk her dog” but really it was so Keith could rape her.
Why was this left out of her substantial accomplishments? How did this kind of behavior improve humanity?
Jness, what a joke, cloaked as woman’s movement, but really a hunting ground for her partner of 30 years.
Cancer, why did she get cancer? Let’s ask Nancy Salzman why Pam got cancer? What did she say about people who got cancer? Oh, yes, something about anger turned inward, if memory serves me correctly.
Ironic how Barbara Jeske, Pam Cafritz, and Nancy Salzman all got cancer. All were on the front line for their mentor, lover and did his evil deeds.
Makes you wonder when the men will start showing up with penis and colon cancers.
Look at how this Satanic kike nazi larper switches IPs then uses double speak to promote Siege.
ALL SIEGE PEDOS DIE BEFORE ANYONE ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy shit, what an amygdala hijack. lmfao. How does one think that a person attacking larping is defending qanon? This is what your brain on energy drinks is like. Again, nothing in your post is true. Your historical berenstain counterfactual universe about qanon never being accepted and how you single handledly defeated qanon is here is some egotistical boomer rambo heroic larp bullshit. At the beginning, there was a ton here who believed it. That's all that was needed to spread it, as it took advantage of a major weakness of the board: anons like larping. Honestly, you don't know how memes spread. You don't need everyone to believe it, just a significant amount at the beginning to get it going, which is what happened and what imageboards excel at.
Also, the random red/green text along with capital letters makes your style of posting mimic boomer conspiracy theory sites. Boomer-style posting is the new reddit spacing. Boomer poster characteristics:
Have I missed any?
Nigger the Jewish Deep State and Foreign interest want a civil war in the U.S. so they can replace the current regime with a new banana republic. The neo-cons and neo-liberals in their current state have essentially worn out their usefulness. Revolutions require capital and we (European Nationalist America) do not have the capital of the infrastructure to win that war. Hopping for revolution is foolish.
What do you think an intelligence officer even is?
Like Juden Peterstein, I think it's a counter-PSYOP to us. (Confession: I do a bit of redpilling over there on occasion due to the wider audience, so I'm counter-counter-PSYOPing them).
In many ways it's Zig Forums-lite, and they even started noticing that eceleb cancer like Jerome Corsi aren't to be trusted. I think Q is (((Steven Miller))).
It's funny because it's true.
You didn’t read the post.
Please keep posting buzzwords you don’t understand. It really highlights how wrong you are about Q-LARP.
Thanks for admitting what I said is true.
lol, Mandela spam
Not here, no.
Nope. Go read the archives.
Except… we don’t. So we don’t care what others do.
Become literate.
You’ve missed where everything you said is a lie. No one here believed Q-LARP. That’s why it has never been posted here except to be shut the fuck down. Q-LARPers explicitly have in their rules “do not bother Zig Forums“ because they know that we destroy their lies and convert their believers. Fuck off about your LARP.
Man feels good being a 30yo boomer.
Just got done power washing my shed and deck, was a nice day so I washed the ride as well the mowed the lawn.
Went to the fridge and grab a god-tier sips.
What a day to be alive.
I know qlarp is a shill because he names all but the jew.
All I need to know that they need to be thrown in an oven ASAP.
No one here fell for that Q shit. Head back over to 4chins where you belong you pathetic fucking maggot.
I think the important thing here is the whole lolcow that is /qresearch/. It has gone beyond flat earth and into /x/ with the lowest if IQs.
They made up a clock, and are filtering Q astrology through it and pulling out more nonsense. These boomer's steps of logic are lost after two deductions.
There's also a thread about a guy who says he's thoth spouting esoteric nonsense.
They are using CIA counter revolutionary tactics.
Deradicalization, depolarization, shaming people into investing themselves into the system and promoting inaction and shaming action.
You missed an entire generation, fagget.
I'm not a fucking boomer. Fuck those cunts.
Oh, really? Are they also, perhaps, setting dates for events? Something tells me they’re not setting dates for events.
I went over there one time and it was a bunch of boomers typing their real names and email addresses into the fields like they thought they had to or something. Apparently they have reached over one million posts.
It's like an input/output decoder ring. The sensical is lost in a sea nonsense, so I stopped trying to figure out what the hell they're doing.
Q is (and always was) bullshit, ffs. It's just some larping sockfucker who probably eeks out a meager living writing fortune cookie vagaries and nebulous horoscopes for imbeciles.
Side note, I did drink that shit daily for a year, and in pretty sure I'm still recovering from it 3 years later. It's poision, but you learn to love it.
This makes me kek. My dad would be part of their group, he still hasn't learned how to tell what is spam emails, and cannot solve a captcha. In a sense, captcha is smarter than him. It's almost a weird nod to an dark twisted Turing test. Captchas are smarter than boomers.
shells interlinked
Sips is ~2013
read /fit/ /g/ /lit/ /mu/ /fa/ to ascend
You would think that a board full of people that hate Jews wouldn't drink out of a can with the Hebrew mark of the beast on it.
The meme is a viral marketing campaign from (((Monster))).
Go fuck yourself.
Tell that to the moderators who allow the 30 year old boomer spam to continue but do not permit the only counter to it. Shrek's cringe compilation.
The meme is a viral marketing campaign by (((Monster))).
But user, how do you explain the pictures?
Photoshop for Dummies™
It's kike disinfo. Lying doesn't help us.
No, actual Zig Forumslacks were sick of you faggots immediately. If you can't tell who is a shill, then you didn't lurk the 2 years. It isn't a fucking meme. Lurk, you retards.
Checking these sick-ass trips of truth.
Kill yourself. Everyone was against this obvious disinfo from the beginning. I was here, you nigger, and it was grounds for an immediate ban and still should be. Fucking qshit.
Jesus fucking christ. This is proof that hatechan is very open. What fucking retards though.
What the fuck is this meme about boomers and monster energy drinks? I've never seen a boomer drinking them, only teenagers.
I think we can jujitsu it in to JQ redpilling though. They're way onto the media lies and pedo elite. Just show them who these people are. Redpills eat themselves.
>falling for the (((monster))) marketing campaign
Monster Zero Ultra sales up 18.5% last month
Son are you retarded? The 30 year olds are the boomer's offspring.
It's a joke you concave cranium
I suspected something was up with this shit. Its surprisingly decent, unlike those shit political memes they hire liberal arts undergraduates to make.
It’s a forced jewish meme. Seeing it exposes paid shills to you.