How long till the fire Anons?
John Brennan still has top secret security clearance
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The revolution will not be televised forget this at your peril.
Literally never.
it will not be televised by you can see it firsthand out in the streets if one so chooses to effect change for the better, usually done with bullets that make dead leftists
Reminder that John Brennan voted Communist back in the day
John Brennan also studied in Egypt and speaks Arabic–he's believed by many to be an Arabic Muslim sympathizer if not himself a converted Muslim. He protested Congress's override of Obama's veto where it was a law basically allowing Americans to sue the Saudi government. Some have also tied him to the Seth Rich killing.
The fuck?
Yeah, it will be internetized. Stop qouting old Commie faggots from the god damn 60s.
Randlet has been impressive lately and appears to be stepping up his game. Here's another link to the interview in case other anons need it. OP's didn't work for me.
Should have voted for Rand. He actually would have drained the swamp, unlike jewpuppet trump
The goods new is it seems the Trump/Putin meeting went off pretty well. Whenever Clapper and Brennan get on TV and kvetch, it is a sign that Trump is actually doing something help the nation, and their crimes are being exposed yeah I know they won't actually go to jail. This is like the 15th Brennan has publicly called for a coup. Maybe the 16th time will stop Trump for sure.
If any cuckservative or patriotard tries to give for shit for badmouthing the intelligence community about muh Russia, just remind them that it all happened under Obama when Brennan and Clapper were running the show and had final say over the official positions of the IC community. Trusting any IC report under the Obama admin means you trust Brennan and Clapper.
Sanders announced at press briefing that they're looking to revoke security clearances from Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Hayden, Rice & McCabe. never-trumpers on FOX are terrified.
Means it won't happen. Otherwise he would just do it.
Rand was/is an open borders faggot.
Is trump allowed to carry a gun?
Can't listen to this Fox News puppet. As bad as any MSM anchor.
But yeah how do these slimeballs even keep their clearance after they get jobs where they earn more if they leak more.
So is Trump. At least Rand would have attacked our enemies though, instead of hiring them into his administration.
This includes military intelligence as well, whether you are on the job private sector or freelancing for the federal government/military
The kindling is now being set. Don't get too excited and let it become scattered.
Shouldn't you communists at least buy a gun? For, you know, when the military turns on you commies?
Gather around, children. This is what a kike snake looks like:
Notice the hideous thing attempts to hide the simple facts plain to all of us - namely that Trump has been the most outspoken proponent of a wall separating the US and Mexico. Even now, Trump's men are surveying, causing alarm in those Mexicans who own land on the border (partly because they get bribe money from the cartels!)
Oh this wall is coming, you satanic filth! You shall rue the day you crossed America!