No wonder western males, african males, etc other non Asian males are very jealous of Asian guys

Proud To Be Asian!

Attached: Only Asians can Cosplay 2.jpg (1222x862, 704.67K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Proud To Be Asian!

Attached: Proud To Be Asian 6.jpg (800x797 573.96 KB, 562.51K)

We don't mind that you're proud to be Asian, bro. We want you to be. WTF? Where do you think you are?

please help expose pedogate by posting pedogate info in every fucking shill thread. Be honorable. Fight the pedo ring world order.

Attached: defeat bruce lee.jpg (600x600, 32K)

Yes, I would love to date Vivec and have him screech about baby.

Attached: Asian_Women.webm (666x1000 222.47 KB, 102.75K)

Your kind will never be white.

Thanks OP, anti-western-cosplayers is one of my favorite blogs.

Attached: western girls.jpg (733x1169, 99.9K)

Pretty funny bait picture, but why do you think we care? Cosplaying in general is fucking gay. Be a man, lift and eat well, and stop letting your women chase after gaijin dick.

Attached: mishima.jpg (618x800, 202.25K)

best TRISS cosplay till date

A gift for the butthurrt hapas.

Attached: asian make-up sorcery.mp4 (532x640, 6.52M)

You love visiting jewish websites then.

we totally asian tlust us goyim, I mean white devil

Well, there it is. The thing that confirms my biological predispotion of not thinking Asians are attractive.


Attached: nigga that's kawaii.jpg (640x480, 50.58K)

Good for you.

Also, as said



You should always be proud of your race user, Zig Forums is one of the few places on the internet that will tell you that
However you must never racemix
Race mixing is bad and can lead to several genetic disorders
Race mixing is what the kikes want you to do

Attached: 1386590779408.jpg (416x600, 108.59K)

They come from shitholes like China, South Korea, Philippines and Taiwan.

Would marry, breed and cherish muh dik


Attached: Marketing.png (1425x4413 1.79 MB, 882.34K)

Also checkm8

Attached: 342.jpg (667x720 105.46 KB, 56.01K)

not an artform

Attached: 15cb31d5a3557d23f491f9cde9d32a009a2e5bf4e6cc8e590ee17fb438c6e44b.jpeg (597x1067 174.74 KB, 167.06K)

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