1990 S Bundy Dr #200
Los Angeles, CA 90025-5249
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Pgp Industries, LLC
12750 Milbank St Studio City Ca 91604
Two Monkeys, A Goat, And Another, Dead, Monkey, Inc
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Great thread there, cuckchanner.
I doubt he's actually a pedo, but this type of off-color humor is established grounds for mob-justice, pics related.
literally /ourguy/
He's a big time director in Pedowood. Of course he's raped children.
You're right, at least we have a quality Q/30yo boomer meme thread with 130+ replies that totally isn't cuckchan shit.
Weaponizing retards to take down every celebrity is great.
I don't care whether it's retarded MAGAtards, schizo Zig Forumstards, insane leftists or deluded cuckolds - turning these people into a machine that can be pointed and fired at whatever public figure is a good thing.
God damn, I love idiots.
>Use him as a gateway to other (((Hollywood))) depravity
Win-win situation here.
Sage negated.
Oh look, it's the weebkike
still haven't figured out how to kill yourself yet, bucko?
Oh shit lol.. he went to 4chan? Bad idea, now he is very fucked.
They're posting child pornography in other threads.
I just checked the front page and there's none there. Or did you mean on cuckchan?
Someone was posting it in the pizzagate thread.
Oops, lol. These people are not bright at all, are they?
Priceless. What an utter fuckup he is.
bump this, and what happened to the posts with the guy in the thread with insider info?
What a fucking idiot.
>fuckit, no one will read or understand this (((inside joke)))
Bump because the hasbarafag shill wants to spam the catalogue to avoid things like this and derail threads with muh blumfzogkusher 24/7.
literally /theirgoy/
he and his brothers, also in the business, are alums of jesuit high schools and St. Louis University, got lots of PR and boosts from SLU and is listed as a notable alum. liked to use the catholic angle now and again online. he responded to a tweet from Jim Martin SJ that Martin's already deleted. we'll see how long before they memoryhole him.
Gunn is a fitting surname for someone that should shoot himself.
yet another nothinburger from a bunch of spergs
I'm surprised celebrities know how to use tor.
James, can you please thank whoever Clinton has Tony Podesta send to suicide you? While I'm sure they are an equally morally reprehensible individual, reading that headline will still make me smile.
Better watch out, the guy who defended Quentin Tarantino for (110) posts will probably show up to whiteknight him.
this is how mental illness looks like
Says the baby killing manlet edgemaster.
Damn pedowood fuckers need to hang.
thats a good name for an album
You first, kikelet.
Entire Hollywood deserves burn in the fires.
They're nervous.
Never forget its not just one pedo director. Its entire industry.
Of course, but the particularly retarded ones (that's you, James) serve as attack vectors to bring down the entire shitshow. It's like Zoe Quinn all over again, and the dumb shits never learn.
I guess the tarantino defender is using tor now.
It would be a shame if people found where celebs and directors lived and discreetly killed them in their homes
Never forget what happened with Zoe Quinn. Gamergate only made her popular, advertised feminism and now she's one of the most influential women in gaming and there are comic books made about her and she expanded her video game making studio by making cucks donate her even more money.
Feminists made loads of money through gamergate.
What if pizzagate ends up creating some kind of victimhood system for pedos and ends up promoting them and their degeneracy? Because kikes will try to save their skin by legalizing their shit. We must act now and more harsh on this shit. With no cuckening.
You called?
So you going to defend this guy as well? 8^)
I mean that's a great try but most normalfags have no fucking idea who she is and no one even gave a fuck about the stunts like the UN. Gamergate is still blamed by autistic boomers who are out of touch for everything and they live in terror of scrutiny. I understand you want us to view this problem as a vague and unspecific machine of corruption instead of pulling at the loose threads but you'll have to peddle that to someone else.
Na, just want to wait and watch this one out.
Those paranoid schizophrenics though, those are the ones to watch.
Want to see if the psyop worked or not.
He posted to halfchan and then deleted it.
At some point we'll just start the wholesale killing.
And go to prison, ruining your life. You must do this by the book, or else you'l go by the book and not kikes.
wasted trips
just fucking kill em discreetly, the csi police know all crap is a gimmick, unsolved murders habben all the time just be careful
What a fucking idiot how do you out yourself in one post
I guess because this guy isn't giving you a paycheck, huh?
Could just be someone having a laugh, but if everyone goes with it who cares? People will still believe he did it even if he denies it.
tbf that kike Eichenwald did the same thing. As well as the sweetie poster, Bess Kalb. People cant help themselves.
Damn, did I mentally damage you that much already?
What did rocket raccoon mean by this?
Didn't get one from the last thread, what makes you think I get one in the first place?
I'm not the one who defended some degenerate hollykikes honor for 5 hours straight, m8.
If you did it for free that's even sadder.
Leftypol is that way ==>
Because you repeat yourself constantly and shill for MAGA shil, tarantino shit, and you call everyone you don't like cia, like this
found the CIA agent
seems like paid shill behavior.
You can't even get past the board shibboleths. They're not sending their best.
Kill White Nationalists for treason
They have ruined every single attempt by Whites to defend themselves in real life for the last 50 years
Ok, I see now.
There is no real cure for schizophrenia. Let me have my fun before you take your own life.
Impersonation of a federal officer is a felony.
I never claimed any of that, so you very may well have been talking to an actual official.
How far are you willing to go, before you realize you can never go back?
It's not going away James, pleading to Yidney so they can send their shills to the chans isn't helping
Thanks nigger, be sure to hang yourself on the way out
Have you seen how many storm troopers can dance on the head of a needle, I assure you , it is enough.
lets see if you are a human
no he didn't you fucking loser
What does star wars have to do with fullchan?
Yes he did and that's all the proof anybody needs.
James Gunn is a faggot who defends himself on imageboards lmao
have you ever seen gods plan for the cavedwelling mutants?
Real or bot, you guys decide
he means you would fuck the shit out of this sweety
anyone can post and say he's James maybe i'm James
i see you can't post your shitty image now that you've been permabanned, kike
Well, koreans wanted to imitate jews, and there you have it, korean children are now imitating niggers.
Not my problem.
Tbh opinions of baiting trolls usually count up as opinions of opposition. And opinions of people protecting the opposition count up as opinions of a public enemy.
So if you're pretending to be a kike, you might as well be counted as one.
Go hang yourself
I like how there's a rock to finish him.
James Gunn is not a kike tho, so I'm not a kike either
fuck off back to pizzagate remember that the last mentally ill conspriacy theorist like you got locked up? fuck off back to reddit
I think they'll be the new pizza shooter though, just make them break on through to the other side.
They'll never make it back.
You want to see this pedo get heat? Let soccer mom FB pages know that this guy works for Disney.
I love when that happens. So desperate for attention but nobody's listening.
Lloyd Kaufman? But I loved Troma films. FML.
It must be hard living in the UK. Constantly living like you're guilty before being proved innocent.
What's that like?
For double post
because they are not allowed to filter anyone they don't know what it is like to browse without them
b-but if i larp hard enough as internet detective the bad guys will be caught and i will be a hero
The absolute state of pedo shills.
A few people have been @ing Disney on twitter, and Breitbart did a piece on it so all the soccermoms and boomerdads will be reading that. Don't know if anything will come of it. Comicon might be fun, though.
Why are you posting this?
Check out Disney's latest tweet promoting their upcoming kids movie.
Guardians of the Galaxy and Marvel twitter getting hit too.