You reap what you sow juden.
SJWs Hurl Feces at Kosher Cafes Windows for Supporting Trump!
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Are they the same company or are leftists being subhuman fucktards as usual?
More of this, get the jew tools to turn against their masters
One day we may progress to Republikikes ever rejecting their jewish controllers also
more based than anyone on nu/pol/
That's like throwing catnip at cats.
The jews are swithing side. Now they know the people are on the right, and suddenly they become right wingers.
This jew right there is exploiting that. He wanted visibility for his new establishment, and so he went after the White Man empathy. "Give me your shekels i fight the left just like you!".
Probably Talmudic Jews tbh trying to get insurance money. If it truly is real I hope one of the niggers has Ebola which means the jews are gonna become their own blood libels.
I thought the same, but I just see this as a lame publicity still t being that its a new business. Kikes push bullshit controversy all the time to promote something
Publicity stunt*
fucking phone plz don't bully
Its actually sort of ironic that India gets hit with the poo memes when Jews are the ones who notoriously fetishize and fantasize about feces.
What (((white men))) don't understand about spreading anti-white hatred is that the golems have no idea how to tell the difference between the two.
If you are opening a coffee shop, more than half your customers are liberals. I can't see this working out that well.
htt ps://
This guy supposedly got a ton of orders for his coffee from around the country after this episode. He's also known locally to refuse service to fag couples, which is legal in Texas.
I don't think he's doing all that well though.
Is it not a felony to hurl shit at someone? What would be legal recourse for this, assuming you wanted to defend yourself? We got any lawyers around here?
It's certainly battery at a minimum.
How you can respond depends on your locale. IANAL.
They are obsessed with shit
Just look at the names they choose, and the houses they live in
the jew has 0 imagination. its amazing they get away with all the shit they do just look at their architecture.
100% a "hey rabbi" situation.
Yeah, very civilized and progressive society you have there. Especially when you emulate backwards behavior seen in the
b-but sometimes people with daughters named "Yael" are BASED as fuck and ultra-fashy!
poo in a fucking jew
In most states it is a felony.
It almost like Jews have less control over Mexicans because they are more violent than blacks?
The jew paid them to protest him, to artificially drum up support for jews.
Kill White Nationalists for treason
They have ruined every single attempt by Whites to defend themselves in real life for the last 50 years
Usually a felony because diseases travel in body fluids and so if you're a disease ridden fag and throw your aids filled shit at someoneā¦
Same way most degenerate practices involving body fluids are illegal for commerce. All those roasties that were BTFO over a decade ago when they tried to sell their used panties for easy money on eBay and eBay had to shut it all down because it's illegal to sell used panties because of the aforementioned possibility of spreading disease.
Jews jewing jews but you won't see the tossers on tv wearing a little cap.
I thought kikes were fond of all things scatological
Considering there is an outdoor dining area, I imagine it would be quite easy to have the health department shut it down for unsanitary conditions (presumably until it is cleaned by a company certified to do so and then inspected.)
Was this part of the plan to shut the business down, or, a missed opportunity Zig Forums can seize upon?
This is Commiefornia we're talking about, which just recently reduced knowingly-transmitting HIV to a non-felony.
The side that prides itself on intellect, science, reason and logic also happens to be the "polished nigger" side as well.
'Oh vey, all I wanted was Shekels' - The Merchant.
Our enemies, enemy still isn't our friend because these are fucking animals. Show that shit (no pun intended) to normies.
It's going to be a bloodbath.
Yeah, I really don't understand what's the appeal of embracing leftism. Any 12 year old would have easily debunked their retardation but then again, when will they ever fucking listen? I ask again, what's the appeal?
I am 50% this is (((their))) endgame: flood the west with immigrants, make the west hate muslims and like israel for disliking muslims, then let the europeans kill all the muslims for them and promote kosher nationalism, where everyone whorsips the jew.
Would explain why Bibi is getting cozy with all the new right wing european presidents.
Shieet man they be opressin tyrone by keepin himnin cages n shiet wen he could be a pro bsasketball player kill dem damn whiteys.
Not everything is a conspiracy you know, 25% of people marked as Jewish who voted in the election voted for Trump, the other 75% voted for Hillary.
So yeah, I'm not saying they're le based black man but if they are then they're certainly still a good deal more based.