So it turns out Paul Manafort is actually, literally, an honest to goodness CUCK.
See database and text messages.
Specifically this:
I swear the projection among the Alt-Right is a never ending rabbit hole.
So it turns out Paul Manafort is actually, literally, an honest to goodness CUCK.
See database and text messages.
Specifically this:
I swear the projection among the Alt-Right is a never ending rabbit hole.
Other urls found in this thread:
Can you hillight the part that says that?
I'm two pages in and wall I'm getting is that a soyboy married a frigid bitch and shit went downhill to noone's surprise.
so , i like him even more now … it takes the strongest man to be a cuck
… you wouldnt know that because all your men are women (google pic of catilyn jenner)
troll this fag dont give him shit , hes part of the same group who think its news to interview a porn star …. fucking losers
Oh, wait, THIS is your source?
You picked on something a crazed gender-bent otherkin published?
Look at the damn thing again. It's a freaking Excel sheet. That "thing" boasts about getting documents like these through FOIA requests but this time it didn't.
In fact, that thing avoided telling you WHERE did these come from.
You know why? Because when you make a FOIA request, that request is logged and others can see that you requested something at a certain, at a certain hour.
tl,dr: some fucked up crazy wrote 18 Datasheets of yaoi fanfic and over a dozen soybeta-orbiters picked it up as true.
Massive fucking waste of time. Back to >>>Zig Forums with you and your inbreed trannies.
Yeah, I just realized where this shit came from. It's pretty much "Pissgate 2.0" only this time they wrote the fanfic themselves.
I'm starting to think Left / Right is the wrong way to classify politics nowadays.
We should do "Up" and "Down". Or "Downs". Fucking retards.
What would you have expected from commies and Bernie bros. Cucks want to smear their deranged fetishes at others.
every thread, every subject, every picture posted here needs a simple answer. wtf are we going to do about the jews, they're a fucking plague upon humanity. Seriously goys, look at all these threads, everyone of them involves the jews, EVERY SINGLE ONE
All Republicans are cucks. This is well known.
wtf I love Hillary now
Good thing we are not altright then!!
That's nice, kill yourself.
The FOIA request "inference" is bullshit, since his texts are FOIAable.
Fukken left is in serious panic mode as Lisa Page sings.
Michael Best is an unhinged mentally ill tranny who is infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome, and therefore everything he does or says is discredited.
admittedly, Michael did hit a FOIA home run when he abused a clever loophole to legally compel the CIA to put its entire CREST archives online, instead of only being accessible in a tiny room in Langley where the public could access the vast history of the CIA's declassified database file.
as an tangential rant, when i look at those pages, which show how many users have viewed the files for download,
and i only see a couple hundred users even downloaded CIA CREST, it makes me lose faith in all of you dear readers, and in the FOIA process and in the stupid Cypherpunk Ideal itself that Information Wants to Be Free was ever going to work at all.
leaking top secrets no longer matters because we are drowning in leaks–ain't nobody got time fo dat.
10TB of the goddamn blueprints for the Roswell UFO could leak onto Wikileaks tomorrow, and it wouldn't matter worth a damn.
because only a handful of you sperg faggots in the entire world would even bother to download the files, and even fewer of you would bother to sit down and read a single page.
and over half of the user's who would bother to download and read would in Russia, and would likely work for Russian Military Intelligence. what does it mean when the only people in the world who care about knowing The Truth and who bother to show up and who are smart enough to try to figure out the puzzle are Russian military? if the future of Human Knowledge rests upon the best efforts of amateurs in the Russian Military, well i suppose i now understand who are my true allies in this world.
the idea that if only some highly placed whistleblower with a Need to Know in the right place and in the right time could leak a single page of the most top secret and most ULTRA or GAMMA compartments–the secrets that reveal what in the fuck is really going on, such as who runs the world, (((who pulls the puppet strings)))–that somehow this information being dumped into the public domain through the unstoppable force of the Internet Hive Mind would make a dent in the Deep State and the American EMPIRE.
publishers like Wikileaks only works if folks actually show up and follow through and read the leaked dox.
and now we have a track record of evidence proving that the public doesn't read leaks.
which brings me to Michael Best.
the moment Wikileaks shanked Crooked Hillary, Best betrayed his former principles of supporting all whistleblowers and joined the chorus of attackers.
sadly, it is now obvious that the majority of the wind in Wikileak's sails from their "supporters" between 2009-2011 were really just treacherous NWO OWG loving hysterical Shitlib tranny-pedo-oligarch-kikes who saw Wikileaks as leverage for them to promote their own Satanic Globalist Agenda.
but when Wikileaks rolled the dice in the other direction, these phony supporters all showed their true colors.
none of them give a damn about Free Speech.
none of them give a damn about the evils committed by the Deep State–the new American EMPIRE is doing in secret.
Michael Best howls at the moon about Wikileak's hypocrisy in burying Crooked Hillary, yet he completely ignores the mountain of evidence of her crimes and her evil in her own emails and in Podesta's emails.
now Best leaks Manafort's text messages without redactions and he is incapable of seeing that he is now just as much of a hypocrite as he accused Wikileaks of being.
funny how Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely when it comes to Full-Take Tangible Things?
when you have the wiretaps, the phone calls, the texts, the emails, the GPS beacons, the contact chains of your political enemies, it turns you into a sick monster. it deludes you to believe you are God and that whatever your side believes is Right, and that the ends justify the means so that the lowest dirty tricks you pull to win against your enemies are okay since your team is Good and the other team is Evil.
but this isn't even the worst thing Best has ever done.
probably the stupidest blunder Michael Best ever made was trying to rehabilitate the reputation of James Jesus Angleton, and to selectively interpret documents while ignoring other documents to retroactively explain away Angelton's abject failure as "64-D Chess."
the sad truth is that Angleton was a KGB mole the whole time.
but if i showed you the document proving Angelton's treason, which Michael Best doesn't know exists, and which i gained by hacking SIPR and performing a very clever breach of CIA which would make their security chiefs cry, then i would have to kill you, as the saying goes.
You are massively retarded OP. Paul Manafort is the swamp. He's a boomer neocon bagman. He's not even alt-lite, let alone alt-right. Furthermore, Zig Forums is not alt-right. It's a NatSoc board. You'd know this if you weren't spending so much time taking bong rips and jerking off to interracial porn you stupid fucking degenerate. Gas yourself.
from the pdf, page 3042:
Paul Manafort forced his wife to engage in group sex for over ten years, as a hard condition of marriage, otherwise he would divorce her.
Manafort's wife had a horse back riding injury in 1997, and suffered some sort of permanent brain damage ever since then.
in the texts around that page, you can see Mrs. Manafort's daughter is distraught at the idea of her 60+ year old mom being forced back into group sex, given her deteriorated mental condition.
this treacherous viper kike Manafort sounds like another John McCain, who divorced his cancer stricken wife on her death bed to have an affair with rich girl Cindy McCain.
these goddamn lying (((Neocon))) plunderers have zero loyalty to anyone, and they're all disgusting human beings. them and all of their puppets and bribed intl capitalists are the source cause of all of our problems and they all need to be hung up from the lamp posts lining every American city.
Manafort's daughter says he forced his wife into group sex starting in 2002, and that he forced her to take anti-depressants in order to turn her into a compliant zombie and agree to bang Paul's disgusting oligarch cronies.
i checked, and Paul Manafort's wife was born in 1965, making her 37 in 2002, when all of this freaky group sex shit began, so she's nearly half Paul's age.
37 is not so old that the typical male excuse works to claim you lost your attraction to your wife in your elderly years.
at 37, plenty of women are still hot as f, and can still have kids, so this just means Paul Manafort is the type of Satanic Globalist who sees human beings as inanimate objects who's only purpose is to fulfill his carnal animal pleasures upon a whim, and after he is finished with them, he discards them like trash, and he abandons all of his responsibilities to those closest to him who helped get him where he is.
and notice his daughter says she discovered Paul's secret "black porn" website on his "trump computer" in 2014.
just how long has Manafort been fucking working for Trump???
other text messages a few pages before this page, where Manafort's daughter talks about Paul cheating on her mom with some Instagram Thot, it is mentioned that Paul was using Trump hotels to stage his affair and hide it from his wife and kids.
Paul Manafort's kids clearly hate him from the way they talk about him between each other, and they only reason they tolerate him at all is because he delivers the CASH.
isn't it disgusting how this world works?
the most evil men in the world, who commit the worst crimes and who rob and back stab everyone and who ruin the world, who are slavishly worshipped by groupies and entourages who all want to siphon away some of their money, yet at home, these men are detested by their own kids.
whether a man's kids respect him or hate his guts is one of the best proofs of the character of a man.
Paul Manafort is a turbo-kike CIAnigger. Probably Chabad's errand boy. Him being a legit cuckold makes it all the more funnier.
So Manafort is a literal cuckold.
This is who Trumps ringer was.
look at how sloppy and careless Paul Manafort is.
he forced his wife into group sex orgies, apparently scheduling them or meeting using 2 websites, according to his daughter.
she says Paul and his wife would do orgies in "bursts" when travelling, "in different countries."
so here we have a sleezy corrupt lawyer type, who basically runs his own CIA inside the Ukraine, using bribes and connections to form a "shadow govt", yet he's using his international work trips to force his wife to attend foreign orgies and bang who the hell knows who.
Paul Manafort is the fucking dumbing secret agent of all time.
how could he not expect off the bat that if he's working Covert Ops, that any of his sexual adventures on foreign territory will be recorded precisely the entrap him or set him up in some way?
hell, Paul Manafort and his wife were probably attending orgies that he thought were some amateur Fetlife meetup type shit, but in actuality the whole gangbang was a Mossad or FSB ran event, and all of the dicks sucked by cuzguzzler Mrs. Manafort were probably Foreign Intelligence Officers.
i have zero qualms about whatever fatal consequences inevitably catch a careless man who chooses to plays the Deep State Game, yet who doesn't respect Trade Craft, and makes the sloppiest mistakes.
Manafort is a registered Democrat
That one says that every time they went somewhere they would have an orgy. This is probably common among the "elites" or the shabbos puppets. Its gotta be a serious security weakness too as you pointed out.
Heres your nigger.
This was a big hit with niggers a decade ago.
BTW if you google Andre Nickatina Manafort nothing comes up, it doesnt even try to autocomplete and the results are trash. Obviously this story needs to spread more. Sage for quad post.
Hello, dear friend the kike:
I have become aware that you have learned a few phrases in our language. You have not, doubtless you are unaware, learned our language. You're as awkward as a Saudi at a bat mitzva.
-Anonymous Goy Explainer
this tbh
So is his buddy Roger Stone.
It's what Snowden calls a "pressure point". Their mossad/cia/mi6 literal ex-spies dig up dirt to use against people. There is also standard oppo research, which is more like a journalist would do, only instead of reporting immediately, they time it, so as to maximize effectiveness. That's the main thing that is supposed to distinguish them. Oh, and not sitting on stories if discovered, regardless of how unfavorable they are to your own cause.
That's a journalist.
there are no journalists anymore - just kikes
They dont dig up dirt, they engage in dirty behavior while knowingly recorded as collateral for if the kikes ever need to get rid of them. Some leftist made a joke about Lindsay Graham sucking a cock on video and being blackmailed about it, fox went into massive damage control having Jeannine Pirro (who called people "cocksucker" herself earlier this week) kvetch about "homophobia" etc.
Oh look, I saved it. Thats great.
I agree. When they are able to do that in some areas. But not all. They don't get to everybody. So they fabricate when they can't. And research. Find people around them.
But the sex thing ain't gonna last much longer. People are starting to get bored of it… what will they use to control the Millennials? They don't give a fuck about sexual preferences, and are open to the worst degeneracy imaginable, and I'm serious about that…
I'm dreading what life will look like in America in 10 or 20 years if things don't change.
There is one state in new england I worry for in particular. It is going the same way of California, when looking at the state governance.
What a fucking degenerate.
CIA op.
< rage against Republicans
< but not Hillary & co
I called it. op is CIA operating, the rest. This is a CIA op. You can tell by the glowiness.
I like watching lesbians. That’s the extent of it.
ha ha ha ha ha ha.
page 3048 of the pdf:
Paul Manafort forced his wife to fuck men at gangbangs, and that Paul partook, but he "could never get off."
yet another flacid, impotent kike well past his prime embracing degenerate perversion to take his rage out over his inability to get it up by turning his own wife into a sex-slave.
"he has a thing for black men."
"one time it was 6 black men in a hotel rooom."
holy shit.
this leak is top quality A+ sex scandal C-O-N-T-E-N-T which us down trodden oppressed-by-ZOG masses crave.
and there's no denying it or hand waving these texts away, because it's from Paul own kids.
What is it with cucks and niggers anyway ?
i find this leak especially hilarious, because the faggot tranny Michael Best leaked it intending to smear Trump and Wikileaks, but like usual, Michael is lazy and a shitty historian because he never even fully reads his own leaked or declassified documents, because he doesn't care about truly understanding The Truth by examining the historical record,
he only cares about shilling his own preconceived political bias.
Michael probably had no idea about Paul Manafort's fetish for his sex-slave wife to engage in gangbangs with black men, and Michael proclaims to be the biggest "no-TERF" antifa around, so he will be horrified by his own leaking after he realizes Zig Forums is going to gravitate to the racial aspect of Paul Manafort's perversions, and completely ignore Manafort's dealings with Trump.
because like all sad sacks infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome, their fatal flaw is failing to see that we don't give a shit about the personal sex lives of Trump or any of his cronies, we don't care that they cheat on their wives as casually as drinking water, and we don't care that these 1% elites live in an alternate-dimension where there are no sexual rules and everyone is fucking everyone else, because pussy is being thrown at them for free since they are the ultra rich who decide the economic fate of entire cities and nations.
we all voted for Trump knowing exactly that he had done deplorable sexual shit, because the alternative in Crooked Hillary was even worse.
at least a billionaire banging strippers makes sense to the Average Joe on Main Street.
but all of the "surrogate media" at risotto diners, the Podesta art collection, the sprawling network of offshore MossFon shell corps to conceal the bribery payments to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for "Pay4Play" favor with Foreign Governments who are publicly considered to be enemies of America, the paid private speeches to Govt Sachs where Killary says she has a "public" and a "private" policy, the collusion with Soros who is bankrolling fake charities and fake foundations to perform the systematic destruction of Western Civ, the gross negligence to obey the laws about handling properly marked Classified documents, while publicly persecuting Assange and Snowden and others for the same, and casually joking about calling in a drone strike on Assange, the shameless corruption exposed in the Clinton Foundation financial spreadsheets, which prove all campaign finance laws were simply ignored and that Crooked Hillary conspired to structure donations to conceal where the money was going, and her financial hijacking of the DNC to funnel local donations to her superpac in order to control who can even run for election as a Democrat by deciding who will receive those funds, and all of the collusion with Russian oligarchs selling them our Uranium, and the Benghazi coverup and false cover story, and the funding and arming of ISIS, with the help of Silicon Valley giants who created media echo chambers for "Arab Spring"–the corruption of the Clinton Crime Cartel just goes on and on and on.
the American people didn't know the full of it, but they knew enough to vote for anyone-other-than-Crooked-Hillary, even if the lesser-of-2-evils alternative is a scammy yet beloved billionaire cut from the "Self-Made Man" myth, who's only skeletons are his playboy sexual conquests.
if the Shitlibs understood that, they would begin to understand why Trump won.
and until they understand that, and until the Democrats start truly cleaning house and punishing all of the rampant corruption of the past 30 years, they will only set the stage for Trump to win again.
whose*, by the way
page 3049 of the pdf proves one thing that Michael Best never intended his leak to reveal.
Mueller's investigation is a total farce, and is itself a cover-up to fabricate phony crimes and then run out the clock with years of he-said she-said
day-time TV drama between neutered Senate panels and bobblehead actor pundits reading their lines on Faux or JNN.
because if Mueller really wanted to nail Manafort, he'd charge him with rape of his own wife.
Paul Manafort was basically a pimp who posted online ads on sex sites prostituting his brain damaged sex-slave wife for gang bangs.
Mrs Manafort says she forced herself to drink until blackout to be able to perform in the orgy.
how is that not rape?
"she asked why so many black men?"
"because they are the ones willing to do it."
ha ha ha ha.
muh dick niggers are the only ones willing to respond to a gangbang invitation ad on some hooker website to show up and inseminate Paul Manafort's wife while he
watches and jacks off trying to get hard.
Mueller is a fucking clown. he needs to be fired not because his entire mission as Special Prosecutor is a fraud, but because he is incapable of using limitless access to SIGINT,and total power to issue warrants and then actually find the real crimes in millions of pages of documents of evidence and punish the real crime lords like Paul Manafort for what they have really done.
Stone compromises others on behalf of his brothers in nose.
The NSA is in Langley
pretty much exactly, they paint themselves into a corner by being "Team degeneracy", then they expect to think stuff like this is a bomb drop.
I suppose it might be to evalgelical Christians or something but like most GenX in particular aren't going to blush at this shit, they care about the job you do, they don't really care about any of shit shit.
Wayne Madsen is anti-white, so sod him.
does she look the type, or is it just agitprop?
At least he names the jew.
Random thought, but did you know that Vice spells CIA backwards? Like so. Anyway, I wonder if those CIA cucks will come out in favor of Manafort, now that he's cucked out in so many ways. Surely they love that about him.
Checked for truth. I guess nobody can be perfect.
… i dont get it basically. I'm basically saying in a world where everyone is taking bribes and banging kids revealing they're a swinger or a cuck isn't even illegal.
Would you fuck her for free, even if you were a nigger?
This is why you get a prenup
That doesn’t spell anything you autist.
Democrats are obviously also cucks, unless they are PoCs.
mmm yeah it does. CIA. The C is backwards, as is relatively common in graffiti. The A doesn't need the crossbar, but can be a capital Lambda-type shape, in graffiti.
page 3071:
"one guy put mom in a cage and made her act like a dog"
now watch this drive:
Trump: "Paul Manafort is a decent man"
Paul Manafort forced his blackout drunk sex-slave wife into a cage where she was raped by a pack of niggers like a dog.
A Decent Man indeed.
all these fucking kikes needs to roast.
This is a no nigger zone
ha ha ha ha.
Paul Manafort will die in prison now and nobody will give a shit about his disgusting kike ass getting his Karmic debt paid.
Paul Manafort's kids discuss the calculus for how their mom could be raped by 4 niggers at the same time while forced into a cage to act like a dog.
"An all black gangbang on one woman?"
"How can it be more than 2 people at once?"
"With oral it can kind of be 4"
"Mouth with one person on each side of you switching back and forth."
"that's 4."
< Trump is supposed to be literally mind-reading Jesus Christ
This thread is full of you CIA niggers.
Why are you still going on about this? Was there a deal made or something?
Something I don’t know about?
Did you get raped by a gaggle of niggers or something?
That's a CIA agent. They're far less interesting than people suppose…
Please go post on leddit you efette numale faggot.
No, why would the public try to 'read' links, even at news sources they use text parsing + search engines + data analytics to get the key things out of it (and even then they probably overlook some things due to this methodology).
Ummm, like.. let's not kinkshame? Thanks!
< song's about a 14 year old girl
Shit's getting pizzagate.
< "house full of girls, old and young"
Yeah ok
Literally no evidence provided….
No he’s not. He’s retired and lives in Racine, Wisconsin. I know who he is.
When did Manafort work for the Trump campaign? Wasn't it for a short period in 2016 to shore up delegates during the primaries? There was never any business between them beforehand was there?
What are you doing user? Now (((they))) are going to shut down the internet.
BIG if true
Hey Paul, thanks for visiting Zig Forums. It's too late though, everyone knows you're a fucking cuck now. You'd have better luck trying to convince the cuckservatives over at (((National Review))) of your innocence, you fucking degenerate.
Remember, if you want to make documents with no real source look OFFICIAL, put it in an excel sheet.
Hell, if you want to go one step further, make a SQL database, a couple of tables, and shove that shit into it, and take a screenshot of the columns and rows.
Could be both.
Paul Manafort is neo-con swamp trash. He's the opposite of Trump's America First politics. He's the shady fucker who cuts deals with leaders who decide they don't want to fight the US ie: Marcos and Yanukovich. It's seems very likely that Mueller is /ourguy/ and that he's really just around to investigate Manafort.
CIA agent jej:
Reported, Seek a rope and tie it around your neck, you cancerous faggot.
Tarantino 8^)
as if being a literaly cuckold, and forcing your own anti-depressant zombied wife into hotel gangbangs with a pack of niggers isn't degenerate and morally depraved, wait, there's more!
page 3976 from the pdf:
"You know he has killed people in Ukraine? Knowingly."
"Do you know whose strategy that was to cause that?"
"To send those people out and get them slaughtered?"
"Don't fool yourself. That money we have is blood money."
"I saw him on his shady email."
"They don't write emails. They log on and write in the drafts."
"So it's never transmitted over any servers."
awww, the poor wittle Manafort kike princess, who was gifted a $4,000,000 nest egg when she entered college, is so incensed at her dad for promising to pay for her lavish frivolous NY Jew wedding, which she ran up to a total of $490,000, but then 7 weeks before the wedding Paul refused to pay for it and told her to pay for it herself from her nest egg.
now the kike Princess is snitching via text message about all of the international war crimes which she knows her father is guilty of, and hints that she knows more and is willing to blab all about it to enact revenge against her Juden Rat dad.
see how disloyal and detached from reality these fucking Rootless Cosmpolitan kike are?
they don't give a fuck about you little people, as long as they break off their piece of your cheese for themselves, so they can bankroll their million dollar mistresses, their untouchable lifestyles with half a dozen multi-million dollar mansions, their bi-monthly vacations, their luxury shopping sprees, their "foodie" splurging on constantly eating out at the newest restaurants which is really just fodder for these empty shell soul sucking Demon Kikes to chatter amongst themselves to signal their own status.
what galls me the most is how little the amount of money these Jew rats looted is compared to the global damage they have wrecked.
(((Paul Manafort))) is such a psycho kike that he was happy to stage the Euromaidan false flag for his (((Neocon))) masters, such as Poroshenko, and get hundreds of innocent people murdered in Ukraine, provoke the beginning of civil war in Ukraine, and lay the groundwork for an inevitable military conflict between America and Russia, concluding in WW3 and the nuclear annihilation of humanity.
and what did Paul Manafort profit for his war crimes and his murders causing billions of dollars worth of destruction?
all of that just to pocket a few tens of millions of dollars.
so he could cheat his own daughter out of a $500,000 wedding.
my biggest gripe with The Jew isn't the stereotype about them all being shekel grubbing thieves–it's that they are so genetically stupid and as short-sighted as the cockroach to only steal mere millions of dollars, instead of seeing the bigger picture and seizing trillions of dollars.
Cohn was also who first introduced Manafort to Trump. It's unfortunate that Cadreniggers have managed to convince so many people that pedophilia is partisan, because there are so many deep ties that are being completely ignored.
Those digits, check them. Instead of right/wrong, how about Cucked/Free?
by the way, the last 4 digits of Paul Manafort's social security number is 5388.
boy did Michael Best ever fuck up worse than Assange ever did in leaking the Personally Identifiable Information, the soap opera dramatics of high-anxiety NY Jews who are so annoying and so narcissistic and such two-faced liars that you'd want to punch them in the face if you ever met them, the sordid sex lives of the 1%, the histrionic hysteria of Andrea Manafort's private life, including her 5 month obsession with her perfect Princess wedding, then immediately after her honeymoon, followed by her post-Honeymoon fights with her new betacuck husband over him not fucking her shrill harpy ass every day, her fleeing her house and sleeping on a park bench while threatening her husband that she was going to kill herself and telling him that she hopes she gets raped and murdered, as part of her inherited instinct for (((acting out))) to get attention and play the victim and thereby absolve herself from any blame for being a complete fucking asshole liar incapable of seeing herself in the mirror, just like her mother.
at least Assange had the goddamn decency to redact his leaks PII like names and social security numbers and home addresses of Deep State Ghoul, who deserved to get shot on their front lawns by rando user snipers as payback for the MIC enslaving Americans and becoming a worse EMPIRE than any conqueror in history.
but not Michael Best.
he'll just burn the world down with leaking anyone's shit, innocent or guilty, as long as he thinks his leak scores him some Virtue Signal points with the anarchist mob of "Resistance" traitors and seditionists.
let me tell ya, after speed reading 2,000 pages of Andrea's text messages this afternoon, i hate her and her entire circle of Juden Rats and everything they stand for with the fury of 1,000 suns.
her, the entire Manafort clan, and every single 1% shitbag in their circle are dead weight anchored to the ankles of Western Civilization.
they produce nothing, they create nothing, they contribute nothing of value to their community nor country–all they do is steal and take and conspicuously consume at the expense of everyone else, and then worst of all, they are flippant and disrespectful and self-entitled jerks about it and all they do is squabble and in-fight and betray and back stab and accuse each other of hysterically exaggerated imagined sleights of Rich Folk etiquette.
as bizarre as it is for me to say this, after seeing the schizotypical kike bullshit Paul Manafort had to put up with on his domestic front, i can't half blame him for "being a petty Tyrant" and mind fucking his entire family for decades, and repeatedly pulling disappearing acts to gallivant around the world with his high paid mistress-whores.
cuz if i had to spend a week in the same house as the nutjob Andrea Manafort, i'd fucking blow my own brains out.
i suppose it is some kind of Cosmic Karma that Paul Manafort manages and runs totalitarian coups in Ukraine on behalf of (((Evil Neocons))) in exchange for $50 million dollars illegally laundered through fake MossFon shell corps, only to have his home life be an utter shitshow, and have the absolute worst, viperous, disloyal and narcissist children, and sadly with an apparently vegetable wife who spends her days performing repetitive OCD behavior of organizing the closets and households of her several multi-million dollar mansions.
i kind of feel sorry for Paul Manafort. you'd think the guy who was the CIA's secret King of the Ukraine for a time would have the whole world on a platter before him.
Paul's home life and his family are more fucked up than your peasant beggar family living in your mudhut hovel while you endlessly toil to earn shekels for the Federal Reserve to make interest payments to ZOG.
Literal CIA agent:
The real deal. Have a look at the phony styling.
forgot to add one more thing.
reading these texts gives me a sense of what it might feel like to be an NSA analyst for a day.
i don't like it.
i can immediately see that having Absolute Power such as NSA FULLTAKE to peer into the private lives of anyone would be more of a curse
than a blessing.
seeing human beings as they really are towards each other, after the masquerade ball is over and the masks are lifted, as Schopenhauer put it,
and seeing people confess what they really think about each other, and seeing everyone constantly lie to each other—i wouldn't last one month as
an NSA Analyst "read into the program" with full access to XKEYSCORE and NUCLEON and MARINA.
because i would instantly lose my faith in humanity and worse than that i would lose my faith the *possibility* of the goodness of humanity,
and because i know that if i just kept my head down, did my job, didn't ask questions, didn't think outside the box, and didn't even want to know
what is the bigger picture and the meaning of things, that i would come to despise all Humans as-they-are-in-themselves, and i would see them as
little better than Animals and mere objects for me to manipulate and push and pull to achieve my own selfish objectives.
in my second month of employment as an NSA analyst, i would crack at losing my own humanity and pull a Snowden 2.0 and simply vanish off the grid to go live in a 10ft by 12ft wood shack in some unknown forest like Ted Kackzynski.
nice try you faggot JTRIG shill, but i can prove i'm not a CIAFBINSA nigger and it's very simple.
you know how in the Mafia, when they needed to verify a Made Man wasn't squealing to the Feds, they would
kidnap an actual known informant, and then force the Made Man to put a bullet in the snitch?
no Federale is going to shoot another Federale, so if they didn't pull the trigger, it proves they were the Fed.
well here's a little version of that updated for the post Guccifer the Shadowbroker era.
as you can see, i have posted screenshots of properly marked SECRET//NOFORN documents which were leaked by Wikileaks.
(it's PROTEGO from Vault7–the schematics for the CIA's GPS tracking and locking systems for the MANPADS which they gave to ISIS and Nusra.)
if i was a Glow in the Dark nigger, i would get in big trouble for posting SECRET//NOFORN dox.
if you weren't such a retard from all of the pozloads you've been guzzling and if you could tell your own asshole from a hole in the gloryhole at the SF bath house,
then you'd know how the Classification system works, and that even if a SECRET//NOFORN document is leaked on Wikileaks and publlished in a thousand
newspapers all over the world, that still doesn't erase its status as being classified, and that all Federal Employees and appendage orifiace Contractors must keep
playing the ludicrous charade and pretend that the Emperor is wearing clothes and that the SECRET//NOFORN documents is still "secret."
Clearly a character assassination attempt and not real.
Good job making all of these summaries user. Is this faggot really jewish though? He behaves like one but I can't find any evidence.
Sick, Jews know no boundaries.
there is no left/right. listen to reactionaryhippie on soundcloud. he explains the whole history of it
I know the guy, I have been to his house before and chatted with him and his wife.
The dre dog in question is Andriana Albert, Manafort's trashy mistress. She added "Homewreck" as a definition to Urban Dictionary back in 2010.
Some people are thrilled by this kind of thing. They are just plain rotten. You can't cure them. You can only cure society. With rope.
Man, time flies. People used to talk like this.
Surrounded by the niggers he loves. Unfortunately it sounds like he might enjoy it.
Zig Forums meet up? Not really.
No, because you'd be able to look into normal people's lives and see that most or at least many people are actually decent. Your own reaction is proof of that as well.