French government about to fall?
Hopefully yes, then France can meme Italy and fuck up EU for real.
Impersonating a cop is unforgivable, even if you are Macron's fuck toy.
If your the Presidents right hand man, are you not already the cops.
baste tbh
Hmmm.. perhaps leave him towards the back of the pack on DOTR then.
No he was just a shitskin that was handed over from the socialist party, that crashed and burned with Hollande, to the newly formed party LREM (Macron party); it is a good eye opener for the idiots who thought the fracture between Hollande and Macron was real.
Benalla also made a hit-and-run he caused driving a car and in the presence of a politician on his first week with that said politician so he shouldnt have any cop insigns or anything considering how incompetent he was.
Also I forgot to add he is friend with the guy that allowed ISIS terrorists to sleep over to his place before I dont remember what terrorist attack in France.
france is fucked … but unlike california they actually know what they are doing
california fucked around thinking that they would actually control their populace and they killed the golden goose (white flight)
france knows its creating a revolt and has plans to replace them with muslims, I believe as an idea to consolidate power and for a general cheaper society (white people like running water, that costs a lot)
The massacre in the (((Bataclan))) with Eagles Of Death Meal
If you faggots touch Iparralde the wrong way I'm crossing the Pyrenees and restoring Aquitaine as an independent country.
That is not the plan. The plan is to enslave the whites by making the bars of the cage out of kiked laws while the rabid dog of shitskins barks at them from outside. The whites will thank the bars for keeping them safe.
maybe for america, but thats because it would be too tedious to replace 250~ million whites, france however is much smaller and has a much smaller native population, they can be replaced fairly quick.
Make no mistake, (((their))) goal is not the enslavement of the white race, their goal is the annihilation of it.
You'll need a little more than that.
He'll just fire his bottom.
Collomb may already be thrown under the bus for it. Otherwise the media seem in love with that shit, are they trying to mimick the US media hysteria against Trump?
I honestly don't understand what happened. The media were 100% Macron's lapdogs. (((something))) must have changed.
The plan is becoming Muslims.
This is France we're talking about.
Of course not reporting knowledge of a crime as a state civil servant is in itself a crime.
So basically french prosecutors can go and charge pretty much half the government and most of the top administration just with that and it would be a slam dunk.
But it's never gonna happen.
Macron can have his mixed race Joan of Arc as a memorial to what France fights for.
Macron is very easy to manipulate due to this mommy/daddy issues. Trump is using him as a wedge against Merkel and the rest.
And this is coming conveniently after the Trump-Putin meet. He was also in russia for the WC and possible more.
I wonder what role Jupiter has.
Wrong. The communist party is the most anti immigration party in France
Commies have long since learned to blend in and infiltrate mainstream parties.
Old Commie party is more or less a distraction.
Half the gov in France is made of criminals who should be in jail, we all know that but we can't do anything, so this story is a short stab in the dark.
Anyway, politic in France is totally fake, gov is made of useless puppets, may they "fall", some other puppets will come, but those who pull the strings always remain.
France is legit fucked they are le 56% you just cant tell because they made it illegal to take a census
La Creatura de Arc.
No way we have 250 million Whites, we're easily less than 200.
Living in France and I can validate this, also they deserve it. Never seen so much hate towards white foreigners and so much love for shit skins as I have here. Their apathy induced self genocide is a shameful and humiliating way to go, fitting for race traitors in my opinion, viva la Afrance!
this copy-email contain some personal information about alexandre benalla.
Yeah, forgot that many latinos and quadroons identify as 'white'
< zogbot impersonating zogbot is unforgivable
are you retarded or a boomer aka retarded?
Agreed, Macron is a very strange figure. Also, I think that sometimes large sports events are used as signals and code by spooks and fraternal organisations for their schemes, and in this light France winning the world cup is significant.
Macron is a direct Rothschild employe.
As in he literally went from school to Rothschild employe to full partner to industry secretary, to minister of the economy, to president in less than 8 years.
He isn't "manipulated" he's the mid-level manager of the french branch.
Careful user. You might attract the boomer who's asshurt over his failed generation is so great it reliably derails every thread he throws his temper-tantrum in.
so the communist party is based even though it support shit like affirmative action, welfare, forced mixed marriages, divorce rape, 90% tax…?
>Make no mistake, (((their))) goal is not the enslavement of the white race, their goal is the annihilation of it.
this tbh
Name me one type of government or one ideology other than communism where police has been abolished or is unnecessary; you can't becasue you are a crypto-communist a product of the Renaissance gone wrong, an anabaptist and a retarded mongrel.
Believe in the People's Police, comrade.
Its called militia
I like how all the bootlicker niggers are defending this.
Who better to protect a Goldman Sachs peon like Macron?
Communism is Eden for atheists, they won't need a police force because at the ends of times everything is perfect in their minds.
My bad i forgot to say I was talking about that ideal communism that is supposed to happen for a split second at the end of times, and not the USSR which was in resume a coup made by enlightened jewish bourgeois; they needed over 200,000+ more special services agents than the Tsar needed before 1917 to keep the peace in the russian empire after the jews took over Russia and tried to kill it (i saw the numbers they are insane).
The anarchists militias killed each others in republican Spain because having an officer, a sergeant, caporal, etc, is so far-right and fascist you know..
Are special service agents a good estimate on national decay and corruption?
Macron is finished. Not even the nigger world cup could save his popularity. He's going down faster than Hollande.
Do you need to use force if you are truely loved?
From the net:
In 1912 over 26,000 people in Russia were receiving money from the Okhrana.
In 1921, the Troops for the Internal Defense of the Republic (a branch of the Cheka) numbered at least 200,000.
And there is a big difference beween the teo definition, between recieving money and being a troop of the Cheka, the second is way more professionnalized.
France is utterly controlled and kiked as hell by yids. Everything from the retarded laws against holohoax truth but not armenian holocaust judical rulings to the constant French media shilling for kikes in the most ridiculous ways like all the "attacks" with all the French (((celebrities))) needing to mention it. Luckily, it just pisses off the shitskins more and gets more kikes raped and killed kek.
anybody else think it is fairly obvious that macron is a kike?
wtf world are we living in?
Have you ever heard of the so-called antisemite left?
Bad golem.
Mischling I'd wager. Don't forget there's a lot of roman blood through francia too which confuses things at times.
He loves nothing more than his antisemitic shitskins (and hates whites by his own admission)
tfw now every leftist will think of a potential nazi torturer of the muslim gestapo of the zionist occupation government when they cross a shitskin :'-)
Macron has an approval rating of 32%.
get the fuck out.
Go be a goon somewhere else
How about you stay on topic instead of posting garbage, sounds easy doesn't it faggot?
Take your own advice.
Macron is not a G&S he is a direct Rothschild bank employe.
yeah, but, like most of the time, that's just bullshit. 'the antisemitic left' is, almost without exception, just retards who see Israel as an imperialist/colonialist power, not actual 'the kikes did it' antisemites
ah, now this makes some sense
be careful. those pics are from Germany and the French have different noses. this becomes especially true when you move South into the Med peoples who often have big schnozes (eg. Italians) or the 'Roman nose'
Q predicted this. ;D
Ironic shitposting = shitposting. Knock it off.
Didn't he acknowledge that Le Pen nearly won because of her immigration stance and that he'd not be given his far-left supporters the open borders they were hoping for? (((somebody))) obviously wasn't happy.
+ $0.05
Thank you goy
|3 *Hand rubbing intensifies*
any sauce on your pic?
(like where and when did he actually say that)
yes but then i tell them Marx made a book only about the Jewish Question, some controverse with another jew Bauer, something that puzzle the leftists most of the time (they have no idea whats in the book anyway) and shake their beliefs that the so-called antisemite right is wrong to even ask the question of the place of the jews in the modern era.
Holy fuck that mongrel is gross
His mother looks like a jew. So he is probably a full, halachic jew. So is Sarkozy too.
Oh please that is not a Roman nose but that of a semite, a jew's nose.
Nope. We still get rid of the ziocucks, no "baste tbh" or anecdotal evidence will fly here KIKE.
That's a lie. The French Communist Party was anti immigration in the 80s under Georges Marchais but that time is long over.
every time i tell anyone that, they just roll their eyes and say 'oh that quote again,' as if that is some sort of refutation
Bruno Bauer was the head of the Left Hegelians, and I've seen no evidence that he was Jewish
Have you read it? It took me forever to find it, but I found a translation of Bauer's version a few years back. Bauer basically says Jews have to stop being Jews. Marx basically deflects into 'muh capitalism' – its a very revealing exchange
if you've had success with it, then keep at it. Something you should do is show them what Moses Hess, and all the early Zionists for that matter, said about Jews. Its EXACTLY the same thing the Europeans were/are saying about Jews. The Zionists just thought they could reform the Jews by giving them their own country, thereby forcing them to do actual real work rather than live as parasites off European societies.
again, you don't identify a semite by merely looking at the nose. there are a bunch of different features, and in many cases you can't really be sure unless you see 3 or 4 of them
it might be the overarching paranoia I live under for hitting the 8pol pipe for too long, but here's a couple of notes from me
>1:15 swings at him with bad thatrical intentions
>the guy gets a well done slap on the side of the head