yes a thread died for this, but it was a shill thread, and these tears were so delicious i had to share them
yes a thread died for this, but it was a shill thread, and these tears were so delicious i had to share them
Ask yourselves this:
If I was in [country] on a visa and committed a [crime], what would their response be?
I can name at least 10 countries in the Americas where I would be jailed, then deported, muy pronto.
Boo hoo
These "people" need to be summarily executed. That they have all of these records of these "people" and don't do it says a lot.
So this fucker obtained citizenship and is now actively working to subvert our nation?
Trump & the GOP are actively laying the groundwork to revoke citizenship from these ingrates for violating their oath of citizenship.
If that's his actual "crime" he deserves to be exonerated.
>>>Zig Forums
I don't get why some immigrants aren't grateful for being in the west. They feel entitled to destroy it and remove it's laws.
hahaha never mind
They're bombarded with propaganda that they're actually marginalized, and they're rewarded for crying about it. A lot of em know it's a sham, but some of the sand IQs aren't able to do the math on being able to publicly cry without a bunch of rocks coming at them.
This just means they'll stay and promote the same genocidal agenda in the United States. This parasitic waste of resources inviting more subhumans everywhere it goes deserves a bullet.
So your reasons for posting this are what?
Tucker last night
See their sceptical faces?
These guys knew what kind of shit this is.
They had morale, ethics.
Do demonstrate how terrible they are at memes?
Good eye. Amazing how often "progress" so often coincides with the abandonment of morality.
Yes, I am sure he was so excited to help those poor refugees. Not be alone with those unaccompanied or anything. No siree.
Interesting! so "helping refugees" is the new thai pedo tourist? Really makes you think.
That is the most jewish post ive ever seen.
Protip: Last pic chick came back and admitted to being jewish.
That's just an MI-6 operative. He pays people to punch him. It's a big setup.
Think that's unusual? Well, such a con is mentioned in Sherlock Holmes. It's hardly a new trick.
I wonder if JIDF will ever stop you from flooding this board with your cuckshit when they finally consider the constant "oh look this negro loving whore is actually jewish" starts to demoralize the male shills
Jesus Fucking Christ this board is such a shithole now.
keep in mind, boards are run by users and kikey ran off anyone worth a shit. if you weren't banned during his reign, you're a useful idiot tbh
Kampfy kept that kind of shit at bay, and did nothing wrong in general. except "muh booooks"
How many times must one be banned for one to be legitimate?
No, user, they are not - boards are run by their moderators and administrators, and ours are ABSOLUTELY FUCKING TERRIBLE as far as maintaining any form of board cultlure, especially any that differentiates this board from, say, cuckchan… And I can't even call it cuckchan meaningfully, because this image
is on-par with the absolute worst of what cuckchan has come to represent.
This board is fucking dead, and it wasn't the users who did that, its the mods.
We know, user. We know. But that was the operation. The agencies took over and then banned everyone 8^)
You should see
>>>Zig Forums
It used to be lively. But that was solved by the MI-6 operative who was modding. Ban after ban after ban, until nobody was left.
Hardly - he just let his buddies do it.
Except all that Zionist.
When did this board become a proxy for US politics?
The Left is a bad joke.
It's always been run by kikes. Here's an example of the co-controlled kike site. It says "Texas woman" - not spic. They do that all the time. Once, "Texas couple kept housekeeper as slave", on likewise kikefag drudge, was up. OK, click on the story. Tell me about this cowboy hat -wearing chewing tobacco-spitting motherfucker. Oh. Iranians in Houston.
They don't care about the West, they came here for money, for opportunity, and don't give a shit about the principles that helped the West achieve this affluent state. Maybe they are too stupid to see it, maybe they see it but want to insert there culture but keep the capitalistic infrastructure. No matter the reason, immigration is a fucking mistake.
hahahahha BUMP for sweet tears
This. Also I believe it is because they are not taught that to be as successful as us, they need to think and act like us. Or that they came to this realization and came to the conclusion that because they are not white, they cannot act nor think like a white dude.
that post just made me wanna eat kebab now. Is that reverse psychology or something?
No you are hungry, go eat.
oh ok, good idea.
How do we know she’s a kike? Other than BBC lust, which is usually a tell
Kampfy kept all kinds of independent thought at bay. I am genuinely sorry one of my brothers was lost before they were found. I wish you knew about the incarnations of Zig Forums, /new/, Zig Forums
if you spoke your mind and were against (((agenda))) you got b&. sure you can do the math for your proposition.
let me clear semantics by saying to go mod a dead board.
>if you spoke your mind and were against (((agenda))) you got b&. sure you can do the math for your proposition.
It should be noted that there's a difference between some crackass shill pumping out diy maymays touchingwall9001.jpg vs realistic strategies of advancing the white man.
womp womp
What are you talking about? 8gag Poll is the best.
Go back to fucking reddit, cuckchanners.
I now better understand why Pol Pol executed intellectuals, these intellectuals were not very smart at all were they?
The government has the information you have given the government, wow spoopy.
Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Dresen.
3 war crimes, 3 holocausts.
fucking kikes
Checked. It is called Jihad, and requires the subversion of rules for trustworthy white people to destroy the nation.
There is a difference between "crackass shills". You appear to be ignorant of it given your defense of someone who by your own admission crossed that line. Why?
Find more of these. They're great!
This stupid fucking libshit was thinking he would get pity points and gibs from this, but all he's doing is promoting the idea that "BEING A LEFTIST MEANS YOU ARE NOT SAFE".
We should push this harder and see the virtue signaling cucks bailing out because they are empty shitheels that will never risk a single thing for their (((beliefs)))
Don't other countries just throw you into a deep dark hole if you're not worth a damn? No fly-list is too good of a punishment for a faggot like this.
In total seriousness I think that people who go to a country and then protest it should be executed on the spot. What fucking audacity a person must have to do that but this also pretty much confirms something I have long theorized in that these assholes, even if not terrorists, are trained overseas to cause dissension and issues and then go to the west to initiate such things while claiming refugee status.
They deserve nothing less than execution as they are subverting nations and enemies to them. I would absolutely, in a fucking heartbeat, sign up for a hunt squad like that if the government ever woke up and decided to handle business.
You try to explain to these cocksuckers that going into another country to support a political movement that runs counter to the native population is subversion, they'll just default to the "NO BORDERS" shit, so they're not breaking any internal logic they're running on.
I think execution is more than appropriate.
Almost makes you want to take things seriously, doesn't it?
I mean seriously throwing all sarcasm aside what type of asshole goes to another country to tell them what to think or do? Our ancestors sure wouldn't have put up with that shit. Hell, any ancestor of any group wouldn't have. They would have been speared on the spot.
Yeah, it's one thing, when you're going to a foreign land, rearing for a fight, making it obvious that you're an enemy, and you're willing to destroy them if they don't bend.
It's another when you're playing stupid whilst you dig out the earth from underneath them
Yeah as far as I am concerned they should be treated as enemy combatants. Noticing this happen a whole lot of late and it is one thing I wish this admin would do something about in a covert way. I seriously wouldn't shed a tear if the feds started to covertly disappear these assholes as they are literally trying to destabilize the nation and should be treated as enemies.
This is his post history, he is from Germany and volunteering in Syrian camps… annnnnddddd it's a Muslim.
Didn't read, go back to your echo chamber, weebkike.
go back to >>>/africa/ you dicksucking faggot
the rest of you pedofaggots can go to the >>>/gaschambers/
Pretty sure goons love retarded tranny shit like anime.
ftfy you pilpuling pedokike, now fuck off back to cuckchan where you belong
You seem upset. Have I stricken a nerve?
Aww, poor sniveling snowflake. My heart doesn't bleed for you.
I like the tale of the "Dallas man" who parked in a handicapped space, had weed and gave his brewski to his 15 year-old 'wife.' As you guessed it was a beaner.
I think he has something more than this.
you forgot that I don't read post made by weebkikes, you can't take a grown up who likes children cartoons seriously, you don't belong here and I still haven't read your post, fuck off to your echo chamber where all the autistic 30 year old fandom will listen to you.
thanks for this.
They left a ton of information on themselves so I am trying to narrow down who they are. Unless they are lying this should be easy
Hometown: Frankfurt am Main
Home country: Germany
Current location: Tacoma, Washington
He definitely brings up, as usual, this "church" which is always present in these "Green" types and how they hide and funnel money and bring illegals in. Anyhow, this has to be the one he is referring to:
Alright user, I found him. He is clearly a liar in his above post about being trapped and shit but this is him. Same writing style, same issues, same name he claims in posts, connection to Germany, same claimed background, everything, I found the dumbass.
I think OP may have legitimately stumbled onto a big find here. Just look at where he moved to and from and read his statements on the original website. Anyhow, have fun anons, he is all yours to dig into.
Yeah it is 100% him:
Probably sponsored by an NGO.
Being a subversive cunt is what he's being sponsored for.
I can't wait for the era in which citizenship can be stripped just as easy as its given. Want to talk about keeping society in check, that'll do it.
I knew of a pedo who used to 'volunteer to dig wells in Costa Rica.' Judging by how fucked up his kids were I'd say they were practice.
Why aren't anarchists stripped of citizenship? They're asking for it and I don't think anyone would mind.
I personally think every single person who enters America illegally and then protests should be immediately disqualified from ever be allowed in again (in any form) and anyone given citizenship should have a period of time where if they either commit a serious crime or become involved with a group connected to violence the same should happen.
It's infuriating to me these issues because they could be handled in a month. Give me a year, let me pick my own team, and a meager budget and every single fucking person connected to making trouble or hiding would be gone (if here illegally). That is how the POTUS should be playing this. Pay someone far more qualified than I but not connected to the government and just systematically bag and return every single one of them. If someone blames POTUS he claims he has no idea about it. This is how the left operates with their bullshit agenda so there is no reason why former delta members or seals or whatever couldn't get something to allow them to clear the country out. They would have shit done in under a year with no witnesses, no death, no court bullshit for people who aren't even citizens, and so on. I have no idea why we pussyfoot around these things. If people enter your home and start fucking it up you remove them and I don't for one second not believe the whole recent issue with contaminated fruit and vegetables with "fecal matter" isn't these assholes doing it considering how often it has been happening (happening again today). That is enemy combatant status right there.
Order through chaos, make the people cry for order. They want to want shit to boil over so they can enact bigger more sweeping policies.
They're honestly trying to end the very idea of republicanism, this has been their main objective. All these travi$tock psychocults and neoliberal jewery is just a means to an end to make a big mess that doesn't go nuclear.
The guy ought to be tossed out because of his political activities. It's one thing for an American to protest their government, but it's highly suspect when a foreigner does it. If he's so dissatisfied with American government, why is he here?
when a foreigner comes and becomes an outspoken political dissenter, you kick them out because they are displaying the behavior of a foreign agent engaging in the demoralization of the American populace. This is a matter of national defense. American citizens are perfectly capable of protesting our government without foreigners flying in to "help".