How's the Pedo-ring variety going right now? apparently not good enough if you are on Zig Forums
You can't stop us, and your perversion of BNHA nets you nothing.
How does it feel?
Who the fuck is this anime fag praising Bantus and shitting on whites every thread? Fuck off, nigger
That does it, fuck having laws and shit.
It's called a shill, user.
The most wonderful thing i have ever read
When you see "kike free first post" what do you think that means?
Also a phone posting faggot
I hope the savage lives his whole life like that, constantly on edge, constantly in fear until he self deports and the Cartels sacrifice him to Quetzalcoatl
You'd prefer life without roads, indoor plumbing, or electricity?
Oh, it's you again.
Congrats on first post! Enjoy your bonus!
And thanks for introducing my to My Hero Academia. 10/10 show.
I'll let you choose your favorite variety of rope as a show of thanks.
It was purchased from them. Have you heard of the Louisiana Purchase?
>>>Zig Forums
Your beloved shitskin pets are going back home to Beaneria whether you like it or not.
We're pretty good at genocide mudman
Ready set go
Gosh, the US sounds awful maybe he should go back home and take his sister and her brood with him.
Anyone else thinking we will see mass deportations in 2019 and 2020? Heard they are building holding camps that hold 300,000 each
It would be wise for Trump to ramp up deportations after the midterms, due to the precarious majority the GOP has in congress it wouldn't be smart to hand them a potential propaganda piece for sympathetic states but he has plenty of time to really drain the hopes of a 2020 Democratic win… especially if he targets swing states. Even 1 million deportations (including self-deportations) will guarantee his reelection.
The Democrats will run some shitskin against Trump and (s)he'll run a super-extreme "Fuck Whitey" campaign. I also expect to see Antifa get a new round of funding to go around attacking people and businesses.
Yeah, I've flirted with the idea of not voting for Trump during reelection in 2020 based on some of his less than stellar issues (slow progress on the wall, Israel, omnibus spending, etc) but I'm certain knowing how they double down, they're going to elect someone like fucking Ocasio-cortez and they're going to want to abolish ICE and legalize every illegal immigrant, etc.
That woman comes across as legitimately mentally ill. Not just her policy proposals but her body language and expressions too.
How can you say this doesn't look sane?
The US Democratic party is being steered into a controlled demolition. Half of Berniebros became either Trumpers or ancaps after what he did to them, and the other half are signing themselves up to get bait&switched a second time.
Pray to whatever botnet-spawned idols you have, that the new uniparty under Trump/Kushner is less malevolent than the old uniparty under McCain/Ryan/Pelosi/Schumer. Because we're sure as hell not going to see the old parties come back to life.
Bitch is under drugs, just like Hillary.
There's a point when Trump has McDonald all days yet is still more healthy looking than Hillary.
ooh no illegals are sad
Seems like mixed race derangement syndrome, the only treatment for it being a quick death.