(How to embed multiple vids at once?)
ITT Self appointed "historical experts" attach clickbait titles to videos that show why they were never accepted to become actual historians.
Great rebuttal good sir, I am forever in your debt.
Consider my fedora fully tipped.
how about this one? PhD and all
I don't have time to watch all these videos. Can someone just give me the bottom line? The Crusades are cool or no?
absolutely shit OP, you need to put more effort in
I didn't watch them, either, but I am guessing that this is some alt-lite cuck saying that the crusades
are exaggerated or justified in order to argue that Christianity us more peaceful than Islam, and that OP is posting these to try and argue that Christianity is cucked or something in order to stir up more infighting. Also possible it is just OP shilling his channel. Either way, OP is a faggot for not saying what is in the videos, and should kill himself for making sure a shit OP.
I've watched the Stefan Molyjew one. It's pretty good, and he links some of what happened back then with what is happening now.
He doesn't focus on how many cities were captured in the Iberian region, Spain/Portugual, thanks to Jews opening the gates, poisoning water supplies, etc. Nor how nit was several Rabbis in Iberia telling their Rabbi buddies in North Africa that they'd help the Muslims conquer the region and profit off it like the Rabbis in N. Africa did.
here is a short video then, shows why crusades were in their right
I would put my bets on that.
Serious question:
Muzzies invaded Spain and later Spain settled Latin America. Are beaners part sand-nigger?
that would actually be a good question
Would explain a lot wouldn't it. Mix the heart ripping Aztec with fanatical Muhammadan blood. What a horribly savage mutt race.
Oh look, another no effort thread promoting a guy who thinks Bernie Sanders is a National Socialist.
Is this even a question?
He's a philosemite who studied the Talmud at an orthodox yeshiva.
those "crusaders" were executed by the powers they protected, and those who fled europes corrupt church hid in norway, ireland and far off lands untouched by the Christian masses.
The Industrial Age was basically another Iron Age.
We are in for quite a ride boys.
doesnt make what he said wrong, if a kike says 2+2 = 4, do you throw away maths?
Crusades: Muslims continuously kidnap and rape white women. 200 years later, faggot papists destroy Europe for their Jewish pope in the crusades.
No they invaded and held the south region for a period of time and cross-breeding wasn't that common back then so calling spaniards non-white is a shitty fucking tactic from an user on Zig Forums. It's downright ignorant.
Can tell by the idiosyncratic optics that these vids are from a Rebel media affiliate channel.
Didn't click.
Probably part Moor
It means he's saying it for a reason, specifically to hide the fact that kikes are behind Islamic immigration, and to drum up more support for wars against their enemies,
>yellow star for the Jews was a Muslim invention
What happened top using hooktube you faggots?
Spain also implemented blood laws that were very strict.
If it doesn't name the jew's involvement and how they and the (((catholic church))) played both sides of the conflict, it's not a worthwhile source.
Wow, there are people who do not like the Crusades? Some of this most epic moments of history happened right there! Have you ladies hear of the 'Battle of Lake Antioch'? Bohemond led seven hundred mounted knights against an army ranging from 12,000 to 35,000 Turks. Many of his knights did not even ride horses; many had already been eaten, and it has been recorded that at least some rode upon oxen and packmules. On seeing the approach of Radwan and his huge army, Bohemond would take his cavalry and just charge straight into them. 700 vs 12,000 (or perhaps up to 35,000). Some riding oxes, some riding donkeys. And what happened? Decisive Crusader victory.
Deus vult.
As opposed to kike approved authorities on history?
We already know academia has a narrative to uphold, i do not trust officially approved good goys.
For every good fight the crusades did, you can find 5 more where they destroyed, pillaged and raped Europe instead of the muslims. The crusades were one of the worst thing to happen to Pagans, and non kosher christians.
Remember when there were Protestants before Protestantism? Beginning with John Wycliffe in England, inspiring Jan Hus of Bohemia, and then Luther finally making nailing his 95 theses and establishing 'Germanic Christianity' in its rawest form. But let's go back to Mr Hus.
Jan Hus, like Wycliffe before him, criticsed the Church for their corruption and perversion. He and Wycliffe were both hated for their nationalist sympathies and the fact that they sought to translate the Bible into the native tongues of their people. England being on the fringes of decent society was largely ignored (although Wycliffe was posthumously dug up and burned), but Jan Hus was causing a stir in the heart of Europe and that could not be. Invited to a supposedly fair trial, he was instead executed via burning. The results were that the many proto-Protestants he inspired rose up in rage.
Enter Jan Zizka. One of the few generals in history who was NEVER defeated. Jan Zizka primarily fought battles with miniscules armies comprised of peasants and women. He only had one eye for the entirety of his time representing the Hussites, and lost the other one later in a battle - and he continued to win decisive battles despite being ENTIRELY BLIND.
There was more Crusades against these proto-Protestants than against the muslims. They held off 5 Crusades winning ridiculous engagements all along the way. Some of the most famous battles include the
No matter your view of the religions involved, the Crusades involve some of the most incredible fighting performed by Europeans ever and should instill us with a sense of pride, and the knowledge that the odds and numbers do not matter so long as we have faith and the will to fight.
God bless you all.
So if an historical event that started as the reconquering of christian lands can be judged by their later corrupted meaning to battle other religions in Europe, can we judge everything based on their corrupted goals rather than their intended one? Its like judging cars being killer machines when their purpose is to move you around.
By that logic we shouldn't judge the kikes because the first tribes were good slaves who served Sumeria.
Why not just post Shapiro, Petterson and Sargon videos while you're at it
It varies with the period of time. There was good reason the Christians to wreck the muslims initially, and contrary to your other posts the European Christians won pretty much every actual 'fair fight' - the issue was mostly supply lines, as well as being harried by horse archers while traveling in unfamiliar territory. That is what allowed the muslims to have any measure of success against the Crusaders - once the melee started it would always heavily favour the Europeans.
Personally I just love history and whether we are talking about a handful of Spanish resistors mounting a defense that would eventually reconquer the entire country, or whether we are talking about a small unit of starving men in unfamiliar territory charging a foreign host that, at minimum, outnumbered them 12 to 1, or whether we are talking about the later heroic battles between devout peasants and knights serving a perverse Pope - it matters not. It's all glorious and inspiring to me in its own way.
Keep being a kike and trying to demonise European history, and have us forget and delete important times that prove lessons that are relevant for today though. As previously said the greatest lesson I see is that, no matter the odds, if you have faith and are willing to fight - you can win. You can be the 80 at Vitkov hill, the 700 at Lake Antioch or one of the few at the battle of Covadonga.
Speaking of the battle at Covadonga, it was followed by one of the perhaps greatest quotes ever. "30 infidels left, what can they do?" - Those 30 reconquered Spain for the European Christians.
Never surrender. God bless you all.
Nope, most of the local population remained unchanged, the average mexican are just like their aztec ancestors.
Same can be said about mudslimes during their first expansion fought against numerically superior christian armies and completelly destroyed them, their General Khalid ibn al Waleed never lost a battle. Guess YHWH were in the mudslimes side at that particular era, right ?
Good stuff.
Montgisard was another good one, against Saladin no less. The Crusaders weren't as outnumbered as at Lake Antioch, but still had about 1/3 as many men as probably the most famous Saracen/Muslim general ever.
Yeah, Jan Zizka was a fucking boss, I'd put him on my top ten generals list.
Unfortunately, Heraclius got old and senile, because he was pretty much owning everyone before that. The Battle of Yarmouk, an absolutely crucial battle for the Rashiduns, was extremely close and Heraclius in his prime, had he been there, definitely would've put the Eastern Romans/Byzantines over the top and maybe changed the course of history (The Sassanid Persians would've still fallen, but Saudi Arabia might've been the westernmost that Islam reached). Unfortunately, Khalid ibn al-Walid is probably also worthy of being on anyone's top ten generals list. Ironically, just like Belisarius and Flavius Aetius before him among the Romans, he ended up getting fucked over by the political establishment despite, or rather because of, his many successes.
Is OP a faggot Canadian or just a retard cuckservative?
Real Crusade history does a lot of good Euro-centric shit in regards to the period;
They started getting "Bigger" when extra Credits did their "Crusades" Schtick
> replies to post pointing out genuine incriminating reason why the crusades is a sham, a grossly (((overlooked))) reason at that
This is why people are getting sick of christian posters. They are intentionally evasive and dishonest.
Cuckstians are just Jews, you're honestly surprised they act like dishonest kikes?
The movement needs to be purged, Atheists and Pagans only, towards a secular white ethnostate, ain't going to happen while these jew-lites keep pushing their prudish backwards bullshit onto us.
The Romans and Sassanids also completely wrecked one another both militarily and financially before the muslim horde ever left its desert. Winning a battle against bankrupt nations that have run out of arms to equip their young boys and elderly men isn't quite so impressive. Credit where its due though, the Jews who orchestrated the Roman-Sassanian war really did fuck over Aryans both in the East and West.
Just another reason the kikes deserve to be exterminated.
No. The crusades were almost entirely against other whites for "blasphemy" against the (((catholic church))). Only a tiny portion was against sand niggers.
In brazil yes, several non-noble portugueses that came during colony period were at least 1/3 moors, marranos and gypsies, very few pure portugueses and even those mixed a lot with natives on the first 200 years, crown and church itself encouraged racemixing.
It was very common to natives give their daughters in marriage in exchange for help in battles with rival tribes, not rare a portuguese soldier had 3 native wifes plus those that they raped…several goblinos and goblinas to populate new world.
That's what happens when God is on your side.
DEUS VULT you fucking savages.
All these fucking (1)s and (2)s promoting D&C.
From the old Zig Forums primer
Lurk for two years is not a meme. How very disappointing that hooktube no longer works. Back to Webm I guess, not fucking Jewtube urls you lazy faggots.