I'll start
ITT: Images that piss off commies
That's an awful lot of illuminati IOUs you got there. Would be a shame if they were worth less than toilet paper in the near future.
At the very least he isn't keeping it in the (((banks))) but he really should get some excess of gas,clothes,preservable food, or excess materials that aren't easily found in nature. Shit that is usable when the war comes.
What use is money when you're still a manlet?
A nigger isn't taller than you when he has a shotgun shell in his head.
looks like the images work
The first one pisses off all you poor capitalist cucks. Not because thats a lot of money - its all ones or similar in the middle, believe me - youre never going to own that amount of money. You will have problems paying bills. And reality of it, that you suppress with dreaming about luxuries, pisses you off the second you think about it.
This isn’t cuckchan. More effort, please.
Ever notice there's a man who waxes his legs, bottom right?
t. works at a bank
why are we being slid so hard right now? There are like 20 different irrelevant distraction threads about hating niggers or repeating the same garbage over and over again.
Are we missing something?
Why do commies want to live as unemployed rats who suck any benefits from food coupons, patreon donations and every government social support?
I'm still taller than you, though.
Looks like I hit a little too close to home. Came up a bit short despite all of that cash.
Nice projection, you irresponsible nigger.
capitalists hang alongside their communist pals, you are a trotskyist after all.
Almost forgot about her.
Check the little blue stripe running down the center of each stack.
What kind of bank wraps stacks in rubber bands?
What kind of bank allows employees to take pictures of cash?
t. buttmad commies
tbqf people around here dgaf about Trotsky.
Yeah but for the most part they're just killing each other
How humorous.
Reminder that this isn’t cuckchan.
thankfully. the best kind of nigger birth control is when you drop off a bag of guns in a nig nog neighborhood.
I'll be checkin' them trips.
Over 50% of america population are niggers?.
Full employment policy, the commie standard.
And your graph is there because capitalists prefered women to work than birth children, and we now go extinct. Victory for capitalism!.
And by 'Full employment policy', you mean slavery.
Stay mad in your cuck shed, faggot.
Checked. Yeah, we're pretty much implying it.
"We fight for who we are, we wear our scars like badges of honor."
commie destroyed by digits
They have to serve or at least protect jews while being infinitely more capable and higher beings than them.
Salty commie detected.
Good thread, OP
ITT: Images that piss off commies
This one really makes the kike jews mad
Look at this leftypol faggot.
Point at him and laugh.
nice 1 dollar stack with 100 dollar bills from your parents covering the front.
Pic one says (you) as in YOU scene shot it. Or at least the paid shill photo shot it then uploaded it, but why do that?
Someone commence a tweet shitstorm with the photo 1 to all relevant accounts.
They know socialism does not work. But it takes years to end it, during which they had plundered the vaults, and then the reconstruction period afterwards..they get the contract to rebuild. It's a long game cycle and they take great pleasure in doing it. It's like raping someone, they are never the same afterwards.
Cartier company still strong today. Fucking kikes.
Aww, the poor piglet.
The "conservative" boomer invasion is real
Ever thought that Soviet Union's economy collapsed because they based their economy on oil, M-I complex, foreign handouts and credit?
What you see in the graph is military spending that starts everytime they run into a crisis. Just look at 1970. GDP up up while the whole world reels from the oil shocks.
Why do you even bother showing up Zig Forums? We may have been plagued by a turkroach, but your BO was exposed as a literal cock-sucking tranny. Who tried to get moderation access to /tv/ with a blowjob.
That chubby ladyboy with a cock in their mouth will forever be the face of communism on hatechan.
These have all made commies rage
Could you halfchan queers try to be just a bit less gay before coming over here to post?
Why would porky be mad that he's making money on stupid shit?
Fine, I'll post the tranny shit and the hot beef sundaes.
Forget the commies, what the fuck? That's just a disgusting use of meat.
I think its because they used weight as a metric to ascribe value to things.
While western countries measured their productivity in GDP (the amount of buying and selling that actually gets done) the soviets measured their economy in terms of 'tonnes of cargo moved a mile'.
So it just ended up with hundreds of trains full of the heaviest cargo going round in circles and never being unloaded because that made the economy seem good by on paper which meant the train workers all got to eat.
Cant someone post the giant image with all the commie balls in it, lefty/pol/ made a raid thread the other day but it was deleted before I saved them.
Bullets land food water supplies etc
If he has that muh cash on hand I would hope he has the basics covered already
I too want to make cash like that
Because the retard that posted the picture doesn't understand what he himself posted and thinks throwing a caricature on his senseless post makes it "insulting"
l e l
Way to be retarded. Check out the blue stripe down the center of each stack
What a cunt. I feel bad for any soldier who has to die for the cause of some rich globalist shit, but I guess that requires empathy.
The idea of GDP is cancerous; incidentally, it's why happens. Falsely inflating the worth of your nation through arbitrary means is a trick - a wave of the hand.
His statement isn't wrong; too bad it's being espoused by one of the most infamous purveyors of famine in world history.
pick one
I'm sure the issue is just him being rich, and nothing more :^)
Wasn't Orwell a mason? His book 1984 is meant to show "why fascism is bad" but really, it underlines the true nature of state-authoritarianism - where they dictate what is right, rather than servicing the nation.
lol k
Russia is dogshit, news at 11
your memes are bad and you should feel bad
Oh look, this slide again.
oh cool, not only is it a stack of 1 dollar bills, but you're also making a forgery by sticking blue sharpies on every edge, way to go tryhard faggot.
come back when you actually have money.
it isnt his picture, google search it.
He is using it to demonstrate that the concept of wealth and broadly speaking , success , angers the far left.
Do you not know how imageboards work?
I wish I could get paid for posting anti-christian shit. I fucking hate christianity, they are all worthless cucks that ONLY CARE ABOUT JESUS. who was literally a jewish rabbi. they think it's bad when LaShonda aborts her 6 month gestated turd because "muh soul" etc., it's sooo pathetic.
lurk on Zig Forums- they don't care about race mixing, they don't care about the white race, they don't care about the future of this fucking planet. ALL THEY CARE ABOUT IS JESUS. THEIR WHOLE LIVES REVOLVE AROUND JESUS. it's fucking disgusting and I hate them. you don't have to agree with me, but I very strongly believe that christianity is terrible for the white race and that it should be crushed once and for all like an insect.
Suh dude, the wake is sick right now on the west coast gonna go hit it later today. Can Commies even swim?
Those little bank bands are free anywhere and can probably be purchased for a (((markup))) elsewhere. Rubberbands degrade and snap.
t. Mueller's Fantasy Indictment Authoring Club
Oh wow, you're doubting the numbers produced by communists. Next you'll tell me they are faking the numbers behind (((global warming))).
Your money is better off spent buying ammunition and other supplies, since when the war comes you are going to have all the land you could ever want for building the white ethnostate, since there probably won't be many of us left to split it with.