This is what the media is spinning James Gunn's story.
This is what the media is spinning James Gunn's story.
Other urls found in this thread:
Was he actually fired?
Just your average pedovore joke everyone can totally relate to.
Great. Now how do we get Google, Huffpo, Salon, Tumblr, and Ted all shoah'd for supporting pedophilia?
Just show people this tweet for a short rebuke and add some of his pedo-tweets for a longer comeback.
Pretty sure they have some very bad cards on that degenerate.
1. Add their names to a list.
2. Share the list here and irl with TRUSTED revolutionary comrades.
3. Execute, with careful consideration as to the severity of their crimes and corresponding punishment. Justice, not mob violence.
I do like the Right-Wing Mobs part. They are fearful. We have them firmly on the back foot.
topic exist
Hahaha, they really, really, don't like it when the opposition plays by their rules. This is the world they chose, now they can live in it. If they sincerely believe this tripe they're spouting then the lack of self-awareness goes beyond stunning; it must rise to the level of a psychological condition of some kind.
He was 17 when he made these jokes. But should Zig Forums care? Probably. If it was Bryan Singer you think the media would give a shit?
I warned countless retards about exactly this happening, all I got in response was a "nuh huh, because we aren't [insert buzzword here]"
I guess it's time to start delivering the smug anime girls via whatsapp.
NeoConservatives and NeoLiberals seem to obsess about shutting down and silencing the other side of the jewish political paradigm
Yet they both work for the same end game result for jewry
Why is Zig Forums turning into a Milo written Rebel media editorial?
Both marxists and zionists are THE enemy, this is Zig Forums not a NeoConservative news aggregator
Jokes or not, such comments are a major liability for Disney to associate with (which would have been interpreted as endorsement if they didn't fire him), considering their primary demographic is children. The Media is really being retarded as they're implying anything goes providing it opposes the right wing.
Hey dumbfuck, WE didn't start anything. We're living in a world where you can get fired from your job for simply supporting a single action done by the president. The Left has created a moral echo chamber that goes far beyond anything the Bible hugging far right ever did. And now they are learning that they too must play by the rules they support. Until they drop this bullshit, fuck them by their own morals
Can't wait for "Let's save pedophiles from right-wing hatred" narrative.
We get it pal, you really wanted to watch his next Marvel film.
This faggot had to go.
The guy was a pervert pedo, he should be jailed for life or gassed whether he was a zionist jew or marxist jew.
You fucking MAGApede spastics act like the Neocon jew right don't do they same things as the neoliberal jew left, both sides use pedophillia to control their politicians
but our lolis are better
The difference is only one side set up this landscape where feelings override everything. The way they are flailing and blaming the "alt right" is indicative that this struck a huge blow.
Saved. Thank you
How about legitimately going after pedophiles full stop?
You could jail 99% of the American jew occupied government that way
Read the stuff in the pic. Marxism wins as long as their own tactics aren't used against them. Now they're getting fucked over. Who cares about NeoCohens, the left is scared about "Right Wing mobs" now. Keep pushing.
sowing a little more chaos by using the enemy's tools of destruction against them is always a good idea.
No one here is disagreeing with you on this. It just so happens that a popular Leftist capeshit icon was slammed. You remind me of those proto-sjw retards that used to pop out of the woodwork if you say "today is a good day" and respond with "what about those starving kids in Africa." No one is pretending pedos aren't everywhere but how about you actually let people celebrate a victory instead of being an ass?
Have some more. Some user made the effort to collect and highlight this stuff and posted it here a year ago.
Believe it or not, disney is still a kid friendly company. Now that parents everywhere know that this director is a kiddy fiddler, it's no "right wing conspiracy" or mystery as to why disney axed the dirty childfucker. Disney would rather fire him than let their movie brand get tainted with associations of pedophilia.
Either these msm writers are too stupid to understand this. Or perhaps because they truly don't want the "ebil rightwinner mobs" to win Any battles, seems like they will really just blindly side with the leftist in any Left vs Right brawls. Even if said leftist wants to go (to quote Gunn exactly) "big game raping" on innocent children.
Ideally snowballing the outrage among parents by finding more people who have said such things and work for Disney would cause Disney to panic and initiate a purge.
Good idea. Ride the wave.
is there a way to just "follow the retweets" … look at his network and expand your search from there
What makes this situation beautiful is that their own arrogance in thinking they're untouchable make it more likely they have a lot of concealed bombshells in their social media accounts. A purge would effectively wipe out a good portion of SJW types. If Disney does it, then many other corporations might consider the liabilities such people pose and spark off a chain reaction. That's probably the real reason why the media is panicking over this.
Of course they're scared. For the first time at this level, the Left is being upheld to the same moral reactionary bullshit the Left has used on the Right every fucking day since OWS.
Where are you from, and why don't you go back?
Who cares. James gunn was a race mixing advocate. I hope he hangs.
It looks like he got fired for the parts that were insensitive to transpipo. If we don't help him now this will be swept under the rub soon and nobody will look bad for supporting this anti-tranny freak.
#reeee hire the gunn
#re hire ja mes gu nn
so you're new here eh?
No that's the point, all the new cunts are those pretending only leftists and not the zionists are the problems
Nah, pretty sure over-the-top neo-nazi faggotry is nu/pol/
that is clearly not the same topic as MSM constantly blaming the right.
nu-pol is the MAGApede israeli jews promoting neocon jews
You're not really white, are you?
Sounds like an advertisement campaign with controversy.
They learned something from the 2016 elections.
You obviously weren't here pre-2017.
hasbarafag isn't new, user. He's simply a turbo autist
So is it just going to be pedos thrown to the wolves one after another for the upcoming election?
Kampfy banned any non jew who wasn't a MAGApedo
They knew he was a freaky dude. His termination was inevitable.
Anyone got archives or images of the tweets in question? Would love a side-by-side image with
No, they are giving the capeshit free air time numbskull with some old twitter posts that they kept for this purpose.
They probably wanted to get him off already so they decided to cut him off in the most painful way by spinning this narrative.
I don't watch that cancer but it was probably something in the story in the recent capeshit edition.
Clearly pedo still hasn't been normalized yet. Its extremely common in the phaggot crowd so its time to push back through that front. Muzzies, faggots, and shitlibs all want pedo to be normalized.
Am I still allowed to enjoy Slither?
You can thank kushner for that
Better yet, show their reaction with Pewdiepie.
sure sure, that's why this pedo posted what he did.
Therefore the left wing supports child rape.
Nice corner they've painted themselves into.
Now I finally realize fully why this man was so demonized. The things we all know and experience, but were hesitant to put the name to, laid bare for all to see.
haha just a joke
what translation is that?
Its the guy who Bill Clinton used to fly with regularly.
Bill would always find a way to ditch his FBI handlers before jetting off with Jeff.
Its not relevant to this thread though.
I know it has mistakes, but unlike Ford's it's almost like a literal translation, which sometimes can sound weird in English but is consistent with the way Hitler talks in his speeches.
Haven't checked Stalag.
Fuck of CIA. All we have to do is expose enough people to the madness. They tear themselves apart on their own.
Oh, they don't. Neocons will defend neoliberals. It's just goyim they hate.
well it seems that gunn backfired
This speaks massive volumes right here. He should be utterly smashed for this. Calls for one to be canned for a drugged out comment about the Obama puppetmaster but gives a pass to a dude literally linking CP links on Twitter that he received from a convicted pedo. I have to say this really makes Shapiro look like he is hiding something.
Being a pedo homosexual tranny is alright, but never make fun of Jews or you are finished. You will notice any joke at a Jew's expense is alwyas written by Jews and is self deprivation, never mockery. Fucking kikes.
Guess left wing is full of pedos then.
If the left didn't have double standards they wouldn't have standards at all.
Damnit Carlos, you're still going back.
How loud are tranq guns, anyway? Particularly tranq pistols. I don't care how unrealistic an expectation I've received from MGS; I like the idea of a tranq sidearm for infiltration ops in the forthcoming race war.
Like a paintball/BB gun generally. It's compressed air and the darts don't go supersonic.
The (((Magapedo))) is the epitome of nu/pol/. Unsurprisingly, they've been trying to claim that they are le real oldfags for quite a bit now.
Shapiro is a filth kike hypocrite and james has connections within 1 degree to nambla. and shapiro defending him makes me ask as well: does he even know how many kids he has diddled? Can he even recall their faces of terror.
Pedo thread at cuck:
Glenn beck and ben shapiro.
Is Glenn Beck the most overemotional male on the face of the earth? I can't think of anyone more melodramatic than he is.
don't interrupt your opponent when they make mistakes
Hes an attention whore.
Too bad I'm not Le Ebin Right Wing. These kikes really should fix their broken terminology before they're swinging from a lamppost, but we all know they won't.
It's perfect, really. Fuck them up with the same methods commies used to destabilize society to begin with.
I wasn't aware that fucking over pedokikes is somehow "marxist" or "zionist" now.
He gives away several tell signs here as someone like Gunn. Just watch his mannerisms, very feminine and the same shit they all pull. It's always the same…
Glen Beck will have a stroke in 2019
Shapiro really is the worst shill among even among the admittedly low standards of American "conservativism". His whole career is fake as shit and he constantly hires shills on fiverr to produce these "BEN SHAPIRO SPANKS these liberal BABIES with arguments AND EJACULATES facts and logic ALL OVER THEIR FACES" cringe compilations on Jewtube.
Given how his fortunes are evolving Glenn Beck will be sucking dicks under an overpass nto make rent next year.
Because we're a global board now. Nothing an internationalist infiltrator likes more.
Speaking of this there is one thing I have never been able to find a good counter to/research capable. How does one/anyone deal with an individual who is clearly not a (example) Republican claiming that they are and yet every single article or post shows themselves not to be but is used by the media as an example of how Republicans hate this/that? Does that make sense? I have noticed a serious uptick in media trying to use these (newspapers especially) clearly fake assholes acting like one and pushing them off to suit their agenda. How the fuck are you guys dealing with that shit in debates or so on because it is clear that is their new ninja move.
check out this creep!
I want you anons to pay special attention to these particular posts. These are kike shills. These are niggers who are projecting their own sins onto others while attempting to pose as legitimate Zig Forumsacks. The 'MAGApedo' is a more recent incarnate, but is the same shit as the 'MAGApede spastic'. None of these posters are legitimate Zig Forumsacks. None. Threads like these bring out the shills the most because it shines a light on Pedowood and their ilk.
All that's missing is the 'anime doesn't belong' posters who are attempting to undermine the board as a whole.
Depends who you're talking about because often it boils down to background research.
Shapiro is an obnoxious NeverTrumper and obvious cuckservative, see his recent appearance with Bill Maher. Also the posted quote about racists and the whole "I don't care about the browning of America but leave Israel alone Goyim!".
Jennifer Rubin used to be a Jewess lawyering in Pedowood before being annointed as a "conservative commentator". Rick "The Pisslord" Wilson has a fucking abysmal track record when it comes to consulting.
Most of these people are fucking losers who can't even get airtime/columns in the legacy conservative media, so they have to play dancing monkey for the shitlibs.