All of you are unhealthy fucks and it’s destroying your ability to think. If you want to destroy jews you need to be in tip top shape so I’ll teach you how to get your diet in order
Step 1
You are completely fucked. We need to get rid of all the shit in your system and start fresh.
Following the 7 day fast start a 3 day bone broth diet. All you can eat is bone broth for the next 3 days. Continue drinking 4 litres of water a day.
Step 2
Don’t fall back into the McDonalds and pop diet. Have some discipline.
I only drink Fiji Water. The fluoride is naturally occurring and not added. Yes, it’s owned by a jew but Congress, Trump, and the Queen all drink Fiji Water. The Queen actually has a reverse osmosis thing going on in her home but when she is out on engagements Fiji is what she drinks. The plastic isn’t an issue. Don’t drink cold water always room temperature. Aim for 1 gallon a day. Ideally 4 litres +
Ideally you will have a farm that grows all the shit you need with cattle and chicken and if you can even make your own oils that’s great (I don’t but I should). I have a farm in Kentucky and UPS next day to my NYC condo. I don’t live at the farm, I visit a couple times a year. It’s run like a normal farm excess products that I don’t eat are sold locally. I know this is not possible for you poorfags so just go to a butcher and the farmers market and get your shit. I don’t want to hear you whining about my list of banned foods I know more than you. You can eat Almonds since some people are confused on what “legumes” are avoid all nuts and beans and seeds except almonds.
I hope you know veganism is a ploy to weaken the population that being said don’t glorify eating meat. You must treat animals with respect and thank them for their sacrifice. If you abuse animals you deserve death I once saw a worker kick one of my chickens and I beat the shit out of him and fired his ass.
When shopping for foods make sure the ingredients list is 1 or 2 items. For example you can buy Almonds at the store and they will have 5 or 6 ingredients such as salt, and other chemicals. Look for the one that says only Almonds.
Speaking of salt. White salt is banned. Pink salt only. Supplement iodine. Ground pepper is fine.
I eat Ghee instead of butter. Apparently “grass fed butter” is fine but honestly I like Ghee.
Grains. Corn is fine. Brown rice is fine. Whole grain bread is fine. Personally I don’t eat bread and only have brown rice. Potatoes are fine; Sweet potatoes have a lot of sugar so be mindful of that.
Once a week I’ll eat beef liver. I heard Lamb liver is actually the best though.
Mushrooms are great you should eat like a pound a day. They shrink when you cook them so it’s not as daunting as it seems. Just mix it with brown rice and make like a risotto or something I have chef so I don’t know how to cook risotto myself.
Meat cooked rare is apparently linked to multiple brain diseases. I eat my steak medium rare. Trump and the Queen eat their steak well done. Take that information however you want.
I know you might say "The Queen is a sugar fiend and drinks champagne and win and she's 92 so this could all be for naught"
she also has better doctors than you.
Step 3
Digestive Enzymes
L Glutamine
Licorice Root
Collagen Powder
Of course you should be taking more supplements than just these but this post is more about healing and restoring inner body.