Let me redpill you about Poland.
Poland doesn't have muslims and other imigants (except ukrainians) - because its emergency base for Jews. They know that one day Israel might evaporate.
USA was supposed to destroy Iran, but something didnt worked out. Iran still exists. And despite their best efforts "democratization" of Syria (biggest ally of Iran in region) is also not going as planned. Slowly but surely, Iran is developing their nukes. Once they have nukes, for jews it will be like living on volcanoo crater.
Poland for centuries was center of european jewish culture. They were exiled from every country they settled in and only in Poland they found safe haven. Poland was in fact was first true "multi kulti" european coutry, but compared to mutti merkel utopia, it was on polish rules and sandniggers werent running free raping woman and little boys.
Jews being jews of couse paid back the favor in their usual way. During partitions and later uprisings they worked with enemy - hoping they woudl gain higher social status being supervisor of couquered poles instead being just members of society.
At the turn of XIX and XX century zionist movements started to emerge. Jews had three basic plans for creating Jewish state:
- Creating Israel in its "historical" place. Sure, some jewish settlers traveled there, but this option was not popular. Jews didnt wanted to adjust to completly new place with different climate, to leave everything they worked on in europe behind.
- Creating global communist state with Jewish rulers. This woudl essentially make whole world Jewish state. And as we know this option was attempted.
- Judeopolonia. It would be Israel in center of europe. Jews from whole europe were supposed to settle in polish teritories where they were supposed to be ruling class.
Why was such option considered? Already high percentage of Jewish popultion in place woudl make that process easier. At the time poland didnt existed as political entity - only its people still considered themselves as poles, constantly plotting uprisings, organising terror attacks. At beggining of XX century there was statistically one terror attack per day! Mostly bombing and assasinations of occupant officials.
Occupants were scared of poles and Jews woudl offer themselvs to keep goyim in place - in return occupants woudl make sure jewish rule is not endangered in any way or form. Surely, various nations woudl support this project - if it meant getting rid of jews from their coutries and containing them in some remote place.
Lets go back to present time. Preparations for revival of judeo-polonia plan are in full order. During last 27 years of "freedom" (after fall of communism), poles were constantly conditioned to be good goyim. Antisemitism is considered biggest crime. There are attemts to shift blame for holocaust (if it is real or not is nor relevant - it functions as real in public awarness) from germans to poles - for "letting it happen" and "not protecting jews good enough". It is done to make sure not many poles will protest when jews come in millions - out of guilt.
Jews also work outside poland - they make sure that phrase "polish death camps" is spread in press, news etc. Germans are helping them as much as they can - they are tired of being stock villians for last 70 years. While they portrait themselves as victims of evil natzis that popped out of the air took controll of poor germans, they also make sure poles are described as at least accomplices of ebul natzis. All this is done to make sure that poland will not get any international support if it tries to rebell against their new jewish overlords.