hey guys i'm a half breed. arab and european but i root for the white race and i look white.
do i belong in the oven?
hey guys i'm a half breed. arab and european but i root for the white race and i look white.
do i belong in the oven?
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God created white men and black men…
but the devil created the half breeds
Don't mix with pure european, get a mixed qt and get to a power position and wait for the day that you will be able to help the white race.
Paranoidal part of Zig Forums will tell you what you do.
I'd say that you should do everything for you country and culture of your home country to prosper and that's the only thing which is important.
Yes, get in
god created blacks? are you sure about that?
Thing is i consider my people the white race. And i look white, noone can tell unless i say it.
My people didn't fight your kind for hundreds of years for you to just get in, fuck off.
Why not? If i raise my childs full 14/88, i don't look like a shitskin so they will never know as i have an european name.
Better have some dilluted blood in my grand children raised in 14/88 than a pure white raising shit childs?
report slide thread
What kind? I'm fully supporting yours
The fucking Spanish, now get the fuck out of my continent. We ran ethnic cleansing programs that would make the Nuremberg laws blush, and we will run the same shit on you.
Yeah not like half spanish pop have arab blood
Yes for bringing it up. No one gives a shit on the internet unless you bring it up or unless you're posting like a retard, which you just did.
sure but what about people that look white and support the white race?
People will make their own choices if you erase the propaganda from their lives. Let people do their thing, let them breed how they wish and protect their culture.
That's what I truly believe will bring every country on Earth to prosperity.
Nice meme.
It seems you're too retarded to continue. I'm out.
Sorry but anyone who has visited spain can tell those curly hair people whith shitskin genes
that's possible. Probably coz of my arab genes
You'd wish you'd look like this, Mohammad. Now out of my continent.
forgot to sage.
I am. Noah had three sons, and one was punished by being banished by god from his family. Look at nigger DNA sometime; it is so far removed from humanity, niggers were clearly banished for all time. Furthermore, the other banished race that constantly promotes race mixing with niggers has been described as "the synagogue of satan" and "the offspring of satan." God banished niggers from the human family, but the brood of satan is using them as a weapon.
cristcuck spotted
Nice spelling ya fucking dumbass
He's a muzzie projecting his muzziness onto everyone.
Not muzz nor christcuck
Reminder to sage.
OP goes in the oven.
I guess blacks and jews count as Spaniards too, nice try Mutt.
i just google spanish people and took from the first matchs. You are dellusionnal i've been to spain and half your people are curly haired mixed race
Bullshit me one more time mutt.
esport player from spain,
Sure, let me pick pictures of descendants of kikes and say they are Spanish, nice deceiving, mutt.
yes, my pictures are in there u cropped it
Reported. Enjoy your ban.
This is a pointless thread. It seems like you're just here to argue.
I don't know whether you're actually a haflbreed or just here to "mess with naught-sees who hate skin colour"
But if you're actually part Arab but look White and are pro-European, then your question is irrelevant. If the solution to the jewish problem is peaceful, then you will help overthrow the jews and if you don't blab to everyone that your father was an Arab (I'm assuming it was another case of racemixing mom and Arab dad) you will be thought of as White. Maybe a little swarthy looking, but perhaps you're Sicilian or Cypriot.
And if the solution to the jewish problem is solved violently, then your full blooded European comrades in arms will appreciate you as a comrade in arms against the Zionists.
And if the Zionists win, and if you're a slimy traitor to BOTH of the races that you descend from, you can still pass yourself off as an "oppwest minowity" and survive long enough to see the jews complete their genocide of Palestine and then move on to their next target.
An ageless entity once visited us here on pol and wrote about "half breeds" in this archived post among several others after. Anons were so interested they began calling them HermesAnon. All the answers you want here, just search for the user talking about half breeds.
Yeah. Good answer. Thx
Don't reproduce and you're ok.
yes. the oven of the desert where you should be using your skills to make it a better place.
do not breed a white girl
we already have enough spaniard and south italian genes, we don't need more
Go make Arabia whiter
noone can tell tho, i have a white GF , no children yet but if i had they would not know of my origins and they would be full 14/88, better than most of the pop right?
But i'm more usefull here since i can be radical and when leftists talk back i can bring up my arab blood and make them tilt of the face of the earth
I missed a couple pictures, but I think I made my point, I'm outta this thread.
dude, south of spain is not 60 % white, so whatever u think, i've been there
sage for slide thread. Clearly a bait slide thread to get your lads to post in here.
i think i have more rights to reproduce than a leftisT . As long as my children look white (if not i'l drown them)
I have no lads
Are you into abrahamic religions? Maybe Adam created blacks by fucking a monkey somewhere on his path?
You get the fuck out of my peninsula and go live to Germany white boy.
Iberia is for iberians. White boys fuck off already.
Image search results for ethnic types are not indicative one way or another. You really do have to visit a place, or view extensive video footage of pedestrian traffic in various urban and rural centers to get any idea. A search for something like "walking around Madrid" on jewtube would be more useful and even then you'll get skewed perspectives depending on the neighborhood, especially if it's touristy or there is some event going on that draws in visitors.