Brit/pol/ #2855: State Enforced Noncery Edition

Birmingham City Council wins High Court injunction to stop protests against LGBT teaching at school

'I am ashamed of my country’: Elton John tells fans at concert in Italy he is not a 'stupid, colonial, imperialist English idiot' who voted for Brexit and is 'European'

One person in 10 is mistaken about the identity of their father, reveals NHS chief

Tony Blair FURIOUSLY attacks Brexit as act of 'unbelievable SELF DENIAL'

Jacob Rees-Mogg to TEAM UP with Nigel Farage to deliver Brexit - 'Better you than Corbyn!'

'Miss Hitler' beauty pageant contestant accused of being member of banned neo-Nazi terror group faces retrial along with three others after jury fail to reach verdict

Major Media Companies Threaten to Pull Production in States With Anti-Abortion Laws

Racial abuse in the playground? That’s just England in 2019

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This is a bollock busting thread

I think I'm gay lads

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Globohomo always wins

hope this homo vs mussie shit escalates

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Nth for perpetual toil

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if the police try to enforce the ban it could cause a riot

I hope something, anything at all, escalates into a world ending cataclysm tbh

God bless the pakis for being the last vanguard of social conservatism tbh

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Go to /newbrit/ then.

If you had to choose a side, which side would you pick? Faggots or shitskins?

Tough choice. Could I side with the muzzles and then get rid of them after they have done all the dirty work?



Seems a little scoobydooish ngl. I guess perfidious Albion is a necessary evil


tbqh we need to get rid of the lot of them, it's all demonic evil and "enemy of my enemy" only goes so far

Reminder that the kikes use their international power to make sure that it's illegal to talk about their international power.

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This is the most obvious thing he has said, and the secret gotcha tape is the worst thing they have, ludicrous. Corbyn is literally a victim of gaslighting, and it's not funny. The whole next election will be run on who will bow to unreasonable scoobydooish blackmail


If this weren't real then they'd just laugh it off.

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I'm not under attack by them trying to stop homo-indoctrination, am I? Whatever the outcome between that conflict it's a win, you're just left with the stronger enemy

I was saying acting like a scoob is fine to repel tactically, it's our country, that is the difference. They do it everywhere

The conflict has only emerged because the scoobydoos want to simultaneously both replace us with Pakis and also turn us all into Sodomites. They cannot have their cake and eat it too.

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tbh, making Pakis accept sodomites is what they're trying to do

all i'm suggesting is let them tear each other apart

Slow today

I assume a normie made this therefore I hate it

I'm sure it's part of their divide and conquer tactics


It won't happen before the natives get fed up of it all tbqh, tensions are building weekly as it is.

For them

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Sell each side baseball bats.


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Lad… the natives are politically dispossessed in terms of societal values. It truly is down to the pakis to move the Overton window to allow that debate to occur.

That Jonas brother is in for world of shit

I was agreeing lad, just not with calling is scoobydooish for us to do it is all, we have everyright to defend against it by any means necessary and shouldn't have some ethics book to hang ourselves with

Who do you think nonced them both to get on that show?

*sleepless drivel*
kekked out loud.

Get some kip lad

Men are aesthetic to look at, but I couldn't fuck one. I just think gays a neurotic retards that overhype whether they are gay or not and trick themselves that their angst about the subject is because they want men's bums, that and they're to self loathing to think they can get a woman. Only a tiny amount are really gay I just made all of this up

Roasted 22st pretty good about his materialist kayak fetish though

Sounds like you're in denial

Is that a flooded barn?

poofery stems from the fact that particular ""men"" do not wish to interact with that which they are not familiar. The female is so wholly different from the male that it scares them, but only the truly male is able to summon the will to move beyond that inhibition and pursue such fulfillment.

bet she was a fucking megaslut and the fame went straight to her head, needs a bit negging

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no a rail bridge


ooh they got me

Very idyllic lad, I have concrete and the constant background rumble of combustion engines instead.

w h o c o u l d h a v e s e e n t h i s c o m i n g

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doesn't really explain numales does it tho

yeah that is about all the midwest has going for it is nature and less shitskins (in some areas)

Its being feminine and submissive, just a shitty state to be in imo

I can't wait to finally leave the EU and to import even more pakis and niggers. What about you, lads?

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there is a difference between conformity and actualisation.

how do you know numales are conforming and aren't just straight

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because one wouldn't pursue ends that weren't in their ultimate interest if they were true to themself.

the fuc kdoes this mean

Faggotry is a mental illness caused by the subconscious female part of the brain called the anima possessing a male's sexuality, which may come into effect after being nonced by kikes. Sodomites are statistically more likely to get anal cancer and other diseases, more likely to commit suicide and more likely to be paedophiles.

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Fuckin hell as bad as niggers

Fucking hell im a lanklet but i've never been that bad

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The big lad is eating all his food.

Looks like a red necks kids tv show.

smh is everybody out being a normie

these lads need the carnival in their lives

Got a fucking mozzy bite under my eye lads.

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You lads see Mike Pence celebrate how West Point is mostly wogs and latinx now?

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BREAKING: 11 dead, 6 injured in mass shooting at Virginia Beach municipal center

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I really hope fat orange retard in chief goes to war with Iran. America would be absolutely crushed.

America is spiritualy unable to even fight a war with a regional power. The coupe in Syria and Venezuela failed, Iraq is now a proxy for Syria and America’s allies like Saudi Arabia are getting kicked out of Yemen.

The American empire is already dead they just need to show it to the world.

Based. Hoping it’s another tranny.

Into my heart an air that kills
From yon far country blows:
What are those blue remembered hills,
What spires, what farms are those?

That is the land of lost content,
I see it shining plain,
The happy highways where I went
And cannot come again.

Who was that lad who predicted a happening this week?

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Saw a advertisement on television for a show about gay animals.

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Think there might be a few lads that like them here tbh

kino tbh

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Hmm sound basketball to me

xddddd le ebin xddddd we're still funny and relevant amirite xddddd

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literally who

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filtered tbh

thread theme:

this I want to see the post 03 faggot nigger army put its money where its mouth is. they don't even have a shred of the manhood that the USmil had in 2003-2008 and they were not even the same standard as the ww2 guys

I mostly just watch Grand Designs and Impossible Engineering tbqh.

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going to finish my own birch stock for my ruger mini lads, already started the fore-end. going to stain it with spar varnish to make it reddish yellow like oar wood