The time has come for us to take direct action against various spaces where the radical left congregate the easiest way we can do this is by taking the steps below:
(Available at any hardware store with a woodworking section)

As the linseed oil evaporates off the rag it will produce heat and after a matter of hours assuming the rag is soaked in enough of the stuff it will produce enough heat to cause a fire and burn any nearby combustible materials thus denying the radical left and liberals in general a space to congregate and spread their poisonous ideology. Because linseed oil and Rags can be bought by anyone and there is a matter of hours between the rags placement and the actual fire it should be nearly impossible to track down any anons who take part in this action.
Your thoughts /POL?

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Other urls found in this thread:


my fucking god user, SPOILER THAT SHIT

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Hey kid want to burn down a building?

Attached: glowing fbi.jpg (1936x1936, 1.4M)

Why not wait a week instead of literally going from the hardware store to the (((gay bar)))?

hypothetically speaking, of course


Obviously one would want to do that the goal of this operation is just to make it stupidly simple so that there's nothing for an user to fuck up. The entire operation requires someone to buy oil and a rag. If any anons manage to fuck that up I don't know what to say. Kek

Crime is bad.

Attached: laughing-vikings.JPG (796x422 32.43 KB, 862.33K)


I would never ever ever suggest that someone should be extra careful and wear gloves so as to not leave any fingerprints behind. I would also never advise user to drive to a hardware store in a different county to procure supplies.

Let the Liberals burn Ghost Ship 2.0 kek

are you retarded? this is a CIA thread, report it and get the fuck out

Zig Forums is a board of peace.

Lone wolf = zero positive effect. An actual Zig Forumsack would know this.

Aren't you the one that always screams CIA in just about every single thread that's interesting and tries to organize something other than keyboard Warrior tier shit?
Your post history is basically nothing but that so FUCK OFF JIDF KIKE

you couldn't be any more obvious

Full Breivik face it it's long overdue that we're wasting everything thats hebrew. They distract us from our reality by letting pedos free on a minor technicality but they fucked up now they forgot to shut us down on the web somehow here's where we you can find a million like you who refused to swallow what the Jews pissed in our psyche. Now jidf tense up and get hot because kids are making memes and Reading Siege and waking people up and now Shlomo is going to cry I'm as good as soap because Whitey's outside with the gas and the Rope.

imagine being so desperate to stop people with differing opinions from meeting that you need to do what is basically terrorism, that said, it is quite easy to track down the people just out of camera footage, so see you later FBI.
While I can say something along the lines of 'don't snoop to their level' i'd just get called a shill. So I will say this, do not forget, they also have free speech, and instead of doing these terrorist attacks and get delegitemized we can just let them do it and watch the general public leaving them.


Liberals on Twitter have made it very clear that they want to kill all white men they've also made it clear that they want to prevent white men from being able to get jobs in the future and prevent them from being treated equally by our justice system. When your enemies make it clear their desire is to exterminate you undertaking actions such as the one described above is actually pretty fucking restrained IMHO

I've heard of fires starting this way in prisons and whatnot but I'm pretty sure security camera hard drives take loger to overwrite than rags take to combust. Besides, the proper way to refinish the stock on your K98-K is tung oil and bee's wax, not linseed oil.

fuck off

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Pretty sure that place is like the ghost ship and small art galleries don't have much in the way of security cameras either way you're just a guy throwing something away on camera and then walking out nothing really suspicious there they would have to track down every person that used the trash can which in a high-traffic area amounts to a large number of people

I've seen you posting on here for a while and literally all you do is Scream Shill at any thread that actually tries to organize anything or any manner whatsoever clearly you must be JIDF KYS kike your going to hang next

you talk like a fucking caveman. anyone stupid enough to go through with what OP is saying to do will NOT make it out alive, they will be sent to death row.

Last time I checked man the retirement plan for white nationalists was prison or death so what's your point? bitchute.com/video/tZGhLipuMbZG/

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Made a new thread this one got anchored. HOP IN GUYS LETS MAKE SOME MEMES AND GET THIS GOING


Here at Zig Forums we believe in right RWSS (Right-wing-safety-squads), not burning down buildings.

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Does your retarded brain know what CCTV is?
Also, Zig Forums is a board of peace, if you want terrorists go in the other office talk to your Mossad fuckbuddy.

It's called wear a hat during the operation to obscure your face and wear gloves to prevent fingerprints idiot

Cant fight a racewar with pacifism, thats facilitating the rape and genocide.

Attached: born-in-time-for-the-racewar.jpg (652x1200, 170.06K)

Not really. When it comes to serious crimes they will check CCTV footage of a vast area and will finally track you down to the point you enter your vehicle with your license plate being visible.

Also they can see your face from many angles.

Lasty, based on surroundings, weather, season etc. hat+sunglasses can be a dead giveaway to the trained eye. They have their use occasionally( day, sunny summer, etc. )

Most cities in small towns don't have that much CCTV (if any) if you're in New York then yeah you're fucked but if you're in a city in the midwest that's not Chicago or say Minneapolis you're generally going to be fine as long as you look in scope the area out beforehand least that's been my experience. My hometown has CCTV inside of the gas stations and other similar stores but there are no CCTV cameras on street corners are traffic lights due to our state government not allowing it for privacy reasons YMMV tho

Maybe in the UK, not most other places.


Are you willing to bet 10 years in jail next to Tyrone and Ahmed? Is it worth it? What happens if someone had a CCTV inside his house monitoring the street?

It takes more than a glimpse on some guys camera to prove shit all, no connection to the rag, time delay meaning it could be any number of people. Crime is bad, dont break the law because thats bad and stuff… but your argument is shit.

Thank you. That's my point in making this thread is to point out that one can actually carry out simple activities that will weaken the left with very little personal risk you're talking about a delay of up to 4 hours between the placement of the rag in the actual fire (COUGH)

I didn't say it wouldn't work, just that there are significant points of failure. At any rate this is a board of peace, any calls to action are obviously three letter agency shills.

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CCTV aren't always used for proof. They are also used to identify the criminal. Then they investigate further:
search warrant, DNA samples, compare to DNA found on the pavement from hair that dropped from your fucking feet, interrogation by experienced officers et al.
Of a few hours or even days. For petty crimes they will not go through it. For arson they will go through all 40 suspects, rule out that grandpa, all females, the father of 5 and will go straight to a group of 5 most-likely-to-be-violent males. If they don't find a suspiciously behaving suspect then they will expand their suspect list.

Totally goys don't do this. this is all a joke but if you were to do this someone could get hurt. We don't want dead communists right?

Heres the best tip you can receive for dealing with police level interrogations in the US - dont talk about anything, ask for your lawyer and wait for them before speaking. Never admit to anything, never trust them as they can lie about anything. If they had you by the nuts they wouldnt be trying to get you to confess.

Video related is for higher level interrogations, not by some local nobodies.


Your j-dar needs recalibrated, I thought my dog whistles were obviousperhaps too obvious. I will retire from drunken shit posting for now and meditate on my disregard for the current autism levels on this board.