Some stupid bich yappin' about the topic, probably will be up to speed on things fastest, though:
(HABBENING) Assange to have Assylum revoked by (((Ecuador)))
hat tip:
The article.
how much you want to bet we never actually see assange be taken into custody by the brits?
The youtube link was advertised by Mega Dotcom, pic related.
Expected. There was news about this a few weeks back. End of July was the timeframe.
What's the probability of Civil War if Assange's ass is in jail before Killery?
Seems probable. As little as he's been seen, he could have been played by someone wearing a mask, of course…
Didn't Q claim he was already free? How ill the Qcumbers rationalize this one?
Zero. Normies only care about their TV, their food, and their yuppy clutter.
Politicians deserve a good, sturdy rope for that shit.
This whole Q larping needs to stop.
One will be right.
i was just thinking the same thing
Mega Dotcom is promoting a Discord chatroom, but Discord sucks.
that woman is clearly a kike
That was Corsi decoding Q on behalf of Infowars. It didn't turn out so well. I am just an observer as it is not my country involved. I don't know if larp or not but I remember the subject. Q has mentioned July but even that is vague. We will all see, it does nothing to know in advance other than to patient the impatient and make Trump's loyal followers be reassured. They are doing it for free after all, out of love for country.
Assange has been dead since he lost Hillary the election. Remember when Youtube took down the videos of the CGI fumbles? Whomever they decide to gussy up as Assange and drag into kangaroo court knows this
i hate that faggot q shit
Why was the last thread deleted?
there wasnt much in the last thread but this link was posted with something like “here you go cia niggers, your welcome”
not certin, just speculating
In a just world the UK would be irradiated to the point where it would never support life again.
You have some pretty nice ideas.
This would make for an extremely interesting project.
In their defense, Mueller has proved at least a 1 year nothing-burger. Unless you're really big into your minor figures of campaigns.
Wow do these mods suck kike cock.
Rules for Users:
4. No duplicates - if several threads are made about the same subject, all but one of them will be deleted and redirected to the active thread.
It’s not that hard to comprehend.
u wot