How long till we go full 1984? How far down the rabbit hole does it go at the moment?
How long till we go full 1984? How far down the rabbit hole does it go at the moment?
Wrong book, dipshit
Ha, too quick to hit reply
That depends. Do you live in the UK?
We don't. That would be too obvious.
It's a Brave New World out there to a large degree.
I tell the conspiratards they fucked up a decade ago by not asserting we live in a police state, not that it's mysteriously coming sometime in the future and will announce itself by X action. It's the same reason I despise your average gun owner talking about revolution.
Meanwhile government does THAT and they go on pushing it down the road finding something new, more extreme that the government must do before they rise up. Citizens mimic leadership and when your leadership is cuckservatives and your citizen is a gun owner you then notice the same outcome. Whole bag of dicks and nothingburgers.
1984 in britain
brave new world in usa
though we're still waiting for (((big pharma))) to release the soma™
We’re already there. Half of you are walking bots.
we are already there , orwell was not talking about anything new , he was extraplating what he was already seeing into the future.
Double speak is in full effect … but it is used by all not just the government
Brave new world has hit it as well but the revolutionaries are are of the distraction not killed because of it
basically both of these authors were correct in understanding the problem , but like all previous obstacles, man has learned to adapt
How can double speak really effect you when you grow up with a boy being a tranny? How can the media engulf you when you have been trained with unlimited media at your fingertips? Modern people have become so used to the stimulus that finding love has had to adapt to the motion of a simple swipe, and even that is too much for some.
I think orwell is laughing in his grave instead of trunning. His vision came true but he did not expect the populace to be able to adapt.
Or to quote Del Tron "we keep the funk alive by talking with idioms"
video related, good album
What is a tranny?
A miserable little pile of delusions?
Let's see.
Absolutely exists
Not entirely, not yet anyway
Oh, big time. Want an example, look at social media or any given imbeciles arguing over what (((CNN))) tells them
The wider one's eyes open, the more one sees how accurate Orwell was. 1984 was a warning; lefties seem to believe it is a manual.
We're going Brave New World but without the cloning vats.
We have hundreds of thousands if not millions of people living off-world.
We've had faster than light travel figured out since the 40's, from back-engineered spacecraft we've shot down.
Look up scalar weaponry.
By the time anything is full 1984 or full this or full that, it's too late. Related, there's a fallacy in waiting for things to get worse before they get better, to want the situation to worsen and that that somehow makes things so apparent others can't deny. The essence of such a fallacy that somehow as things worsen to the point of undeniability, that is when things will magically get better. In reality, it's way past the point of stopping the main (((problem))) when things are undeniably worse in every way. This is the accelerationist fallacy.
You don't win by letting (((them))) win. A true victory is measured in how little is lost to fend off the jew. The more lost, the more potential is wasted or postponed, the more that has to be recovered. The more you have to recover after a war, the longer you have to wait before you can move on. The war is best fought when you have the most means of succeeding and minimizing the amount of casualties and collateral the entire way.
Any time you see someone saying that things have to get worse before they get better and insisting that everyone wait and do nothing or even want to make things worse, they're an accelerationist shill. This type of shill is highly related to the dude wait for hitler shill. What they both have in common is that they advocate for inaction and even self-sabotage.
Sage for shit OP.
The more important question is what are YOU doing to stop it?
while some my think this idea is a little too optimistic there an acedemic book called "Multitude" that discusses the idea that any kind of true police state will never be possible when made up of humans because humans are tribal and will corrupt the system.
Its the idea of squeezing your hands too tight and having puddy slip through the cracks.
Its a dry book, wouldnt call it good but it lays out the idea in a very academic methodic way with a lot of call backs to basic human group theory (Durkheim)
I feel I see this playing out today with Hillary and Trump. My thoughts are that Hillary was part of the establishment that got a little too powerful , almost too powerful. So they have to rain her in with this semi cultural revolution. But they cant completely "drain the swamp". They were both pulling the strings of the same puppet. And so you see within this power struggle is the cracks with which direct future.
Rose colored … but I feel theres some truth to it.
I'm pretty sure we're there.
Everything is fine, trust the MSM.
(F° 451 has a twist ending the others doesn't have).
Except if you convince them that they won’t be squeezed if they rebel and join the “opposition”, they will think they are free while being nothing more than comfortable slaves.
Don’t believe the bullshit.
Control your fucking space bar you quadruple nigger
Yeah, you’re retarded. 1984 AND BNW are fully active. It’s not one or the other.
It won't be 1984 it'll be more like "inverted totalitarianism" because its a much more powerful concept and the jews don't actually have to be visible at all in it. I know it comes out of progressive circles but if you put some anti-semitism into it, it starts to make a whole lot of sense.
checked and agreed. also:
fuck nigger hip hop. deltron sucks.
You dumb motherfuckers.
1984 was written about 1948, as Orwell (a Fabian Socialist, therefore a "party member") saw it from God's Green England. Winston is an author insert. It's like you retards never read the fucking book. What nobody seems to ever remember is that the telescreens and surveillance was for party members, and that the "party" didn't even consider so called "proles" to even be human. Winston was a party member. I don't even know why I fucking bother explaining shit. If you're on Zig Forums right now and you still don't realise that we blew past "full 1984" ages ago you're fucking hopeless. You think Orwell could even fucking conceive of smartphones? You walk around all day with a GPS in your pocket that can record audio and video and tracks your every opinion and purchase through software you voluntarily sign up for, and you think that this doesn't blow 1984 out of the fucking water?
Our society is closer to BNW than 1984.
We still need the mass killings for 1984 to be complete.
What mass killings? There weren't any in the book. And we've already had mass killings. WHITE. FUCKING. GENOCIDE. No, we're no closer to one than the other. Both are employed.
Yeah, nah. Brave New World is where we're headed, the closest was get to 1984's is individual assassinations.
What are you even saying?
I guaranteed you that if you started up some blog that told the truth about everything it wouldn't be shut down for ages or ever. I guaranteed it.
of course england produced these two books
This is a tranny.
are you fag fighting over who pencil you get to sharpen????
just fucking make a point and move on …. if those books were not even written, we still have this reality on our hands
fucking kids are retarded … thank god for facism
they would have had to have had to technology to reverse-engineer equivalent technology
nobody finds a FTL drive in the desert whilst valves are hitec and magically figures out 30th century tech with the help of a few spoons
user…they've released the SOMA since the 60s. But what all the think tanks from Frankfurt to MK Ultra figured out is the effects of SOMA can be achieved much more efficiently through psyops and cogops than genetics or drugs, although the Marxist faction of the Jews are certainly trying the latter two through indirect means.
They can pacify and zombify populations at will, and all they need are the screens that are in every barbershop and even in our pockets. This is why the Butterfly War is so important, it either puts the SOMA under our control so we can turn the zombie hordes on their masters or it forces their hands and exposes their necks to the fangs of the Supreme Court. Then they'll either have to tear down Civil Rights legislature or have their SOMA manufacturing facilities taken away from them.