I have never seen this mentioned anywhere Zig Forums. Looks like NXIVM.
SNCTM - new sex cult?
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Pizza and hot dogs.
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Archived 3 wk ago
Archive 4ch thread offline
The elite engage in some sick shit but (((Hollywood))) is a deeper level of sick shit than even that.
< implying that stupid motherfucker reads - another one.
The real never ending story.
hollywood is the elites subconscious programming branch retard, they're the same thing
This raised a commotion over on the qcumber farm. They don't want people looking into this. Shills sprang out of nowhere. Unless there are tons of evangecuck and boomer members, I'd say this is a sore spot for them.
Appearances aside, what does the symbol mean?
Drop of blood and a cross = holy grail/ bloodline of Christ symbolism
Add the ever-present eye.
LLC - who owns it?
It could also be an inverted ankh with the cross folded down.
Reminds me of the bountyhunter user greentexts.
Jesus fuck, these guys look even more deranged and perverted than Podesta's weird art exhibits.
Honor to the one who subdues these evildoers. By fire or steel, for the glory of all that is good.
Have a bump OP
What's the problem?
Behold, your overlords.
pft, these are the rulers of babylon. remember what happened last time?
That video is 3 years old. Here is their channel on Vimeo.
I hope this still works.
Godspeed you fucking heroes
We got to here.
Godspeed, gentlemen.
The symbol means nothing. The owner was trying to be an edgy faggot.
That's never the case.
Secret societies are obsessed with symbols.
They may lie about it, sure
jesus christ. expose it all
you can't tell jewish promotional activities involving some fake persona from actual news? topkek
south east asians are ant people that do a 1 minute bust a nut into an ant prostitute the the 1 time bust a nut into their asexual ant wife to produce kids
the only asians who have weird fetishes are Japanese people
No they're not honestly. Not what's shown here at least. Podesta's shit involved children, from what I saw anons post here. But they do give the impression that shit they don't show is horrifying too.
Terry Crews maybe? Didn't he say Weinstein molested him or something?
Mr T
So are many businessmen, often in upper parts of their fields. Doesn't mean we are all kike puppets or muhlluminati.
so the way this looks it's a sketchy viet antman looking to get white and jewish degenerates to join his club
viets are known as shifty pimps in Ausfailia
they know their women are whores so they thought to themselves: might as well pimp them out…
I hope so. That would be fucking awesome. Yea it's not crews later on down he claims crews is compromised too so obviously not.
Maybe because you're businessmen instead of ritual sex-oriented secret society founders
Yes but one must understand that those parts of society often intertwine. Especially Film/Showbiz + business worlds and politics at higher levels are nearly indistinguishable. Most people have no fucking clue just how corrupt all governments and most business can be and how hand in hand they are. I mean, your average Zig Forumsack knows this goes on, but doesn't understand the sheer fucking mindboggling level it reaches to. To the point of such simple, in your face stuff e.g. when you see roundabouts replaced by traffic lights, begin to ask who works on the council planning board, who recommends what company services and installs them.. etc. Most are pretty sloppy and not smart enough to setup a proper user offshore because they are scared of the tax kikes or gud goy boomers. Basically if you think there is a shitload of digging on pedogate/hwood, sure there is, but it pales in comparison to the aforementioned dodgy shit. Zig Forums has a lot of work ahead if anons truly want to change this world for the better. Hwood/pedo shit is just one small part of it, more so a controlling part, but not so much the coalface.
Luckily, due to my industry niche I didn't have to get all the poz/degeneracy to get there - because they need my skills, not the other way around, don't really care about their money, do what I do because I love it, I'd rather make bank in manufacturing what I love than sucking dick to get there and being a subservient, brown-nosing cuck. The upper echelons of the industry (directors etc) are very often working long hours, on the coke/speed/etc. Shit, last one I worked with had 24 hours of filming before a 14 hour stint that I was on. Point is to emphasise they always have faults that are exploited, as per
The way they write they appear to insinuate they are black. Wonder who..
saging 4chan thread.
OP this is isn't secret. It's normalizing sex clubs, yes, but it's not on the level of what we do here. It's in like 50 news stories.
If you find some real shit THEN POST IT. Don't get all Zig Forums on us. Zig Forums wont even defend Zig Forums against the (((Robert-Siege-Esoteric))) Satanists. Zig Forums is our enemy.
P.s. a lot of it is signalling in regards to symbolism. For some it attracts a higher level of client as they feel you are more 'familiar' and 'accepting' of them, thus are 'better' and 'trustworthy'.
For the entertainment industry, many of them are not in secret societies but like to (for sake of showbiz especially) signal that they are or are on the same vibe.
Mystery sells.
'x is in illuminati? SHOCK NEW PICTURES SURFACE OF x wearing x proving it's x'
If you look up Mr. T's life I do admit he seems pretty damn cool. He's a born again Christian who always tried to spread a good message to kids. I bet he would be the type of guy to get blacklisted by an evil hollywood cabal. But the way he writes I don't know, it seems like someone younger. He does say he's retired too though, and apparently has a ranch. Wiki says Mr. T owned an 'estate' near Chicago and pissed off a bunch of environmentalists when he cut down a bunch of trees lol.
lame 'celebrity' sex club that dabbles in BDSM with a bit of esoteric dressing. So fucking what?
With possible child trafficking going on. Worthy of suspicion on which celebs attended since they hold parties "globally" according to their website. I'm digging.
Well anons were already getting fucked by society.
At least if you get gulagged you can die knowing you were probably right about the rabbit hole.
I'm not gonna stop.
Doors should be barred and the place burned down, nothing would be lost.
halfchan is going fucking nuts with shills monitoring the pedowood and sanctm threads, there's a serious can of worms ready to be opened, (((they))) are absolutely seething right now
the fact this exists at all is pretty crazy in and of itself wtf
Not only halfchan it seems
The shills are all over the snctm threads, and discredit any mention of it, that is telling enough.
Definitely a jewish face.
Remember, never give in, never despair.
>halfchan is going fucking nuts with shills monitoring the pedowood and sanctm threads, there's a serious can of worms ready to be opened, (((they))) are absolutely seething right now
Well summarised.
Zig Forums has built momentum with this effort, not only in (((news media))) but other online circles. It's everywhere through the normalfag sphere and each time people are (((oy vey it was just some harmless tweets))) the redpills on 'it was actually not the tweets but his personal video sharing site with pedo related videos and comments', are fucking gold. They can't shut it down fast enough.
James Gunn got shoah'd in a day. ONE FUCKING DAY and Zig Forums had fucked him.
They are fucking terrified. Even a letter agency doesn't have this much infowar/blitzkreig capability.
Now is the best chance to keep this energy and flow going, once it's started, it's hard to stop. Bit like when some stupid bitch called 60-70% of America 'deplorables'.
[Fuhrer voice]
Remember anons, [finger waggling and pointing begins] now, more so than any other point in the history of this board and its predecessors, [left to right finger sweep] do we have a chance to pull the curtain back even more [balled fist raised then lowered], to show the the international jewish hyenas [down pointy finger] and their pedo blackmail, control and manipulation network [shaking fist] and their entire degenerate association which has so grossly damaged the fabric of societies around the world. [/Fuhrer voice]
If successful, anons will be revered in history.
We are engaged in a righteous struggle user. Remember that they will do or say anything to subvert our efforts.
You're right anons. I should just pack it up and stop digging. Nothing to see here….die you fucking Jew vermin
This SNCTM is real sore spot on half. They are now deleting all threads started on it. An order has come down.
Anti 'every new thread is something to do with ISISrael' bump
If they want to continue here I won't tell them to gb
Stop calling them 'sex cults' just like the media does to damage control it.
Cuckchanners fleeing to this thread:
Stay and dig, but don't forget our rules and board culture. I guess the "lurk 2 years" rule can't apply in this situation, but try to keep comments to this thread for now.
What fucking ISN'T nowadays? Sweet Christ, wake me the fuck up from this nightmare.
The Jews escaped with all the knowledge and shekels as the civilization burned to the ground.
You're right. First and foremost it's a satanist cult, second it includes sex to blackmail and demoralize the participants.
Someone cheer the park guy up please.
Stephen Colbert tweeting about it.
The only funny thing Stephen Colbert still does is flinch in terror at his own audience noticing his attempts at casting magic spells on them.
Watch any of his bits from the last month or so and pay attention to his hands. Usually during an important point one will be doing the 666 symbol, and the other will be doing the horns of moloch. Sometimes both hands will be the same symbol. What is funny is his compulsion to make these symbols being confronted by the terror he feels knowing people are watching him to take screenshots. The end result is his awkwardly and completely unnaturally holding his hands tensed into almost-but-plausibly-not-quite-actually these shapes.
Pic related is current year man casting a spell on his audience. This shit.
Checked. Got any screencaps? I find myself unable to stomach his and Oliver's feigned outrage for very long. The more caps, the better of course.
They're mocking Trump when they do that, you dipshit.
Fuck it, I went and looked anyways.
You're 100% right. He switches between the 6 symbol and devil horns the whole time.
This is from a 2-minute span of one of his monologues about Montenegro.
Nope. Trump is reclaiming Saturnic symbolism from them to revert the inversion of that god. Colbert, Oliver, Maher, and the others all do this when they're trying to manipulate their audience and/or tell a particularly audacious lie. Get in my fucking oven, Chaim. We have the best wizards.
S-Rank Kek. You'd think after spending so much time in a bondage cult they would know that their tears would only make us harder. Sad!
It gets the rope too, extra points if its also a jew.
Every jew does this
Protip: They are yogic mudras, and their mechanics go a little deeper than just the mano cornuto "devil horns". I advise all anons to familiarize themselves with the different patterns. As all kinds of simple niggers will try to bamboozle you with them. Their use is hardly exclusive to the pizzaniger elite.
Needs an archive link in the image.
Doubleposting like an autist because I just noticed this and shat a brick laughing.
These are clearly fake.
You seem to know a lot do tell more
I swear, this occult sex cult is like being in the real life True Detective. Next thing you know, the man behind it all is the Yellow King.
Tl;dr - it's a way to manipulate and project currents of [chi, magic, mana, memes, lifeforce, whatever the fuck you want to call it]
Pretend you have two extension chords with five outlets each and a string of Christmas lights for each socket. Depending on which lights you plug in, you get a different effect.
That's the simplest, least /fringe/faggoty way I can describe it.
Hand signs have an ancient history to them, their is a part in the Vedas and Samahita about such a thing. They can be wielded in a magical way, especially by a King while leading his people, the hand signs which have come down to us from our past civilizations is very small in comparison to what was had back then. I see handsigns as a tool, the wielder denotes its purpose but I can understand how many just see it as freemason satanic evil, don't do it, because in a way that's all it is in our age. No matter on how you see its practice it does have a real power to it.
Damn right lads, which is why it's one thing when Trump or Hitler does it, and another when Colbert is waving his hands during every lie. Good posts. Carry on.
This is fascinating. Thanks for posting user.
bump and fuck halfchan mods
Wew found the kike
Purge away, user
Bamp to avoid 5 gorillion 'x is x because x photo/statement' kike topic slide threads.
I'm still rather disturbed by the overt use of those hand signs, regardless of origin. After that the one user's pointed it out (and me screencapping a few minutes) I watched more videos on mute, and he
just keeps fucking doing it
It's like he's unconscious of it. Apparently he'll be doing some dumb thing for a university near me in the next month, I'll see if I can get on the mic for it and ask him about the hand gestures.
hahaha this is the cheeziest corniest bullshit imaginable
my ps skills are rusty, but I think it looks like silverman