How fast will the population of South Africa become extinct once their water runs out? We know they've already had to make washing your car and showering illegal, so it'll run out soon, but once it runs out, and everyone starts killing each other for what little water is left, how long will the chaos last before there are less than 100 humans in South Africa?
The SA water crisis
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Didn't they find more water? Originally Cape Town was supposed to have run out last April and the shutoff never came.
Does it matter? History repeats itself and as Rhodesia goes so does South Africa.
Don’t be silly, the West will take in all those poor Bantu niggers that we’re victimized by the Boer man
How's the supply in Orania? Hope those people have a lot of ammo
Sage for slide
We are only nine days from anarchy.
Read the news there bud, there's a difference between drinkable water and salt water eh?
So how will you try to survive? Will you join a faction or dig up a cave and live alone there? Are you willing to eat people to stay nourished?
Nah, he's just going to walk over to the ocean, dip his cup in there, and take big swig
Then may he have a stomach strong enough to endure the rotten stench of the countless decomposing corpses which will litter the streets and fields of South Africa like snow in winter.
Never, Germany, Britain, France and Sweden will take them all.
niggers are too dumb to desalinate faggot.
Once the whites are all gone the niggers can die of thirst (and will)
new South Africa Race War video
kikes took over SA completely after removing Zuma and suddenly there is a water crisis and race war. this must some strange be cohencindence
Not kikes. Zionists.
I hope you're not referring to the niggers, who are humanoid bacteria
This is Zig Forums bud. No one here refers to kangz as humans.
There's a difference faggot. Some Jews even fought alongside the SS back in the old days.
Not one Jew will be spared, and neither will you
Not all kikes are bad. Look at Zogbot Trump. Without the travel ban we would be super fucked. All Zionist are though.
The civnats need to be exterminated
You'll be fighting alongside me faggot, but with your kind of idiocy, I wouldn't hesitate to blow your brains out right in front of our General or Liutenant and bury you next to a homeless nigger. Educate yourself about the difference between good Jews and Zionist Jews.
Yes. All Zionists are pure evil. Or in other words "misguided".
The Sovereign State of Good Hope can’t come soon enough.
Is there supposed to be a different sized rope or a special gas?
You're no different from (((them))), and I'm going to kill you without hesitation
Even a half-dead animal fights back. Oh well, more air for the rest of us.
I don’t hate blacks. But the ones in Africa haven’t evolved past the mud hut era. South Africa should have held out and became a pahriah state.
I don't defend Jews and niggers. I just know the difference between good Jews and Zionists as I've said before. You coming at me because you think I've got the wrong target despite factual and concrete evidence proving otherwise is pure idiocy and this will not be tolerated once the race war begins. You can't call yourself a marine and not know exactly who you're fighting. You'd better nourish your brain and do some research before you find yourself staring directly into the steel barrel of a Mossberg 500, trying to stop your leaking intestines from falling out of your stomach. You've got plenty of time, but go ahead, humor me and try to prove me wrong about the clear difference between Zionists and non-Zionists. I'm waiting.
I made a mistake responding to the civnat. Almost all civnats are mulatto Jews and blacks trying to subvert us. If we go down the path they're trying to steer us towards, the only thing that would change is that instead of having millions of illegals and refugees in white countries, they would all be legal citizens with proper paperwork. The entire world is rightfully white territory, and all non-whites living on this Earth are invaders and trespassers who will eventually overwhelm and loot our home nations if they are allowed to continue existing. Even if we create a 'perfect' world in which Europe and America were 100% white, so long as there is one nigger or Jew left alive then eventually they will rise up against us again, and the Jews will come back even more craftier than before. The only solution to the non-white question is a permanent, final, complete and unsparing genocide. The civnats fear us, and they want to lure the weaker among us back towards Jewish rainbow flag human rights democracy, but with a nationalist paint job. Ultimately, the genocide of all non-whites in inevitable no matter what anyone does for or against it, and white people are just going to have to accept that the endless hoards of somalian brown babies, and the Jewish parasites killing our countries from the inside, are going to be all dead, simply because of their race. Don't let these civnat mulattoos corrupt you in a desperate attempt to save themselves. Be proud to be a racist, and be proud to hate people based on race. KKK
you overestimate their power.
Never, the west wont just let them die, bleeding hearth idiots will send then supplies forever.
Can't you just easily distillate the water though?
Back to the_donald.
Civnats are idiotic hypocrites. They don't have values, they don't have an ideology and are easy to manipulate.
and we know that won't help because niggers don't do either already.
Not Zionists, China. China intends to be the only colonial power on the African continent.
This jew is saying the nationalist Israeli jews are the bad jews and the globalist jews behind white genocide are the good jews". Interesting. either just stupid or the shills have a new tactic.
The globalist ARE the Zionists summerfag.
For anyone looking to get red-pilled on the actual effects of apartheid and SA (TLDR: it was better before apartheid ended).
The kikes also have a water crisis and race war brewing in their own country.
The white people better go in to hide mode now because the nigger can’t into fixing the water issues so they will look for the whites. It’s ugly.
For the amount of water they need and that would need to be processed, it's beyond the ability of niggers.
South Africa 1600 miles of coastline with a giant f#cking ocean and zero forethought to build desalination plants, paHleese weez needz Gibs. Sounds familiar. Pic Related
I'm sure the coons will think of something, they had an awesome civilization there before whitey came along.
Go here instead, it's the blog of #teamwhite
You know, with Jan, an actual dude who lived in SA and all that, started out like most "jews are just Christians that stop at the NT" and then gradually got insight into more and more of their evils.
the first video I fucked up, disregard it.
The second is about SA.
This one now is just about how jews lie.
Nah this
It's only Cape Town that's running out. The South Africans will have to find a way to move water in from other parts of the country, either by truck or pipe or something.
Pic unrelated
Having clean drinking water is appropriating white culture.
Hopefully, the bantu plague will die out quickly from this drought.
I'm fairly certain that the truck would be seized by gangs or cannibals the moment it enters Cape Town, and the armed escorts or guards will almost certainly all be cut up and converted into combat rations later.
Pipes would probably be re-routed by gangs or cannibals for their own needs, and the former soldiers, cops, and civilians will continue to suffer.
So we need to get rid of the gangs and cannibals first.
They've been beaten for a long time before that. Necklacing is all about having the victim putting the lighter to themselves to avoid being beaten and tortured more.
Easily? Desalination plants are complicated to build and expensive to run, they won't solve the immediate problem. They may offer a long term solution, but it's probably beyond the current nigger government to build them anyway.
poisonous kike found posting gore
there are no good jews
There are plenty of good Jews. There ARE, however, no good Zionists.
I like how the colors I wear make me that colors, but how the colors you wear mean you’re going to be in that color.
What happened to balance?
You can’t do anything about it. Weep poor sodomites. Weep like the niggers you are.
Did you guys ever see this? I doubt you did since the video maker is from Mexico and it received very few views. Asshole nigs from the Congo and South Africa were being moved into the US through the Mexican border.
Just a follow up, the niggers are even fucking up Mexico… fucking Mexico….
Here is another since we can only embed one video (that I know of):
I wonder what became of this
56% represent
All jews follow the talmud.
Let's see what the talmud has to say…
* “If a ‘goy’ (Gentile) hits a Jew he must be killed.” (Sanhedrin 58b)
* “If a Jew finds an object lost by a ‘goy’ it does not have to be returned.” (Baba Mezia 24a)
* “If a Jew murders a ‘goy’ there will be no death penalty.” (Sanhedrin 57a)
* What a Jew steals from a ‘goy’ he may keep.” (Sanhedrin 57a)
* “Jews may use subterfuges to circumvent a ‘goy.’” (Baba Kamma 113a)
* “All children of the ‘goyim’ (Gentiles) are animals.” (Yebamoth 98a)
* “Girls born of the ‘goyim’ are in a state of ‘niddah’ (menstrual uncleanness!) from birth.” (Abodah Zarah 36b)
* “The ‘goyim’ are not humans. They are beasts.” (Baba Mezia 114b)
* “If you eat with a ‘goy’ it is the same as eating with a dog.” (Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b)
* “Even the best of the ‘goyim’ should all be killed.” (Soferim 15)
* “Sexual intercourse between the ‘goyim’ is like intercourse between animals.” (Sanhedrin 74b)
* “When it comes to a Gentile in peace times, one may harm him indirectly, for instance, by removing a ladder after he had fallen into a crevice.” (Shulkan Arukh, Yoreh De ‘ah, 158, Hebrew Edition only)
* 'Yashu’ (derogatory for ‘Jesus’) is in Hell being boiled in hot excrement.” (Gittin 57a)
[’Yashu’ is an acronym for the Jewish curse, ‘May his (Jesus) name be wiped out forevermore.’]
* Yashu (Jesus) was sexually immoral and worshipped a brick.” (Sanhedrin 107b)
* “Yashu (Jesus) was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness and refused to repent.” (Sotah 47a)
* “Miriam the hairdresser had sex with many men.” (Shabbath 104b, Hebrew Edition only)
* “She who was the descendant of princes and governors (the virgin Mary) played the harlot with carpenters.” (Sanhedrin 106a)
* “Christians who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be punished there for all generations.” (Rosh Hashanah 17a)
Jewishness is talmudism and talmudism is jewishness.
There are no good jews.
No one who follows demonic rabbis and/or demonic talmudism could ever be "good."
And even atheist jews adhere to the "jewish identity" and the "jewish community" and thus are ONE AND THE SAME as all other jews.
Furthermore, most jews are ETHNIC jews and ethnic jews appear to be predisposed to incredibly poor morality.
They can never be trusted and they can never be on the side of White gentiles.
What they WILL do if they are allowed is infiltrate and subvert our nationalist movements in order to destroy them.
Any successful White nationalist movement must recognize the reality of ZOG and work towards removing ZOG.
No good jews.
Wait, understanding Jewish law, the origins, and history like I do, this means that we should treat the converts any way we wish, as the original Israelites were the direct predecessors to modern Europeans.
The Babylonians were Indo-Europeans, which is where the Talmud originated.
interdasting point, user. A lot of bad things are habbening over there now that they are putting up railway
They had decades of warning. They refused to do anything about it.
Could you drop pamphlets encouraging them to bottle ocean water because it's free? Wait those require reading
Ok. Be that as it may, we still shouldn't curse and condemn Jews for their actions as much as we'd like to because the Holy Bible says all those who curse Jews, themselves will be cursed.
Since when did curiosity become a crime?
Wherever the talmud originated in the past it is FOLLOWED TODAY only by those who are known as "jews" or "hebrews."
All other groups, even if their ancestors may have followed it in the past (which I doubt extremely, especially in the case of northern and western Europeans who had their own religious and legal traditions going back into distant antiquity), abandoned it LONG ago.
So, no. The talmud is followed by kikes.
Kikes are the followers of the talmud.
No one else.
And the pure evil of the talmud is clear.
What the talmud says about non-jews is clear.
Jews can never be trusted.
First of all STOP reading the rotten kikery known as the "scofield" bible or the "international" bible or any other "recent" translations. They are corrupted by kikes. The King James Version is still one of the better English translations, if not the best.
Secondly, the "jews" of the Old Testament NO LONGER EXIST.
ALL "jews" who rejected Jesus Christ are damned and no longer in any way connected to the Christian God. They are the synagogue of satan.
The jewish "god" is literally satan.
There are no more "biblical jews."
Those who today are called "jews" are LITERALLY the synagogue of satan.
There are no "biblical jews" left to curse.
The "jewish" covenant was ENDED by Jesus.
The NEW covenant is Christianity.
Oh, so in the new testament, they specifically state that Jews can be insulted by anyone as much as anyone wants to insult them and no one will get negative repercussions for it?
Is this person for real? Do you know where you are?
No it doesn’t. Resident Bible expert here.
Or it was just in the old testament and now we only follow the new testament.
virtue signaling cucks will continue providing (((humanitarian aid)))
As do I. They either stayed in Mexico, were ferreted into the US or the Narco's got them but in another video he said they were doing some seriously bad shit.
Is this thread locked now? Why have people stopped replying?
Just so you know most people's intestines aren't in their head.
Dude, they can't even keep the nuke plant functional and there are still a few Whites there
Good luck to them in their chinese cucked ching chow dream. There is a reason why everyone leaves Africa a lot poorer than they came in…It's all so tiresome!
Why is that fucking terrorist and murderer of White women and children on the front of your video?
Don't they have less than two weeks left as well?
Since 'we Whites' stole everything from them I am sure it will be a burgeoning metropolis of innovation in NO TIME…{reality RETARD WHITES will try and bail the nog out AGAIN}
Ok now THAT is funny
Reading through the last five points on your 'talmud list' is highly amusing. The jews are such kidders. To bad no one here will get the jokes.
Even if we should care about that, which we don't, Jesus himself insults Jews and recognizes that they aren't real Jews.
This quote alone really changed my view on a lot of things.
Jesus worshipped a brick…they are describing Mithraism…aka THEMSELVES and that is easy to prove from the OT.
Jesus wasn't a jew, so he can't very well be cut off from the jewish people. Mariam (Queen Beatrice; the 'hairdresser') did sleep with a lot of men, including Titus but it didn't end well for her in the founding of the Merovingian line. 'She who was descended from princes and governors'…that is a joke against whites not having a fucking CLUE who Mary of Arimathea was…
Christians can't go to hell because we are already in it.
It is all so humorous.
A new hire still getting acclimated.
You can bet they're now all on welfare on US or Canadian soil
what a retarded question …sage for OP being a complete retard and trying to deminish this board to nothing other than pale skined fold acting like albino niggers
we are not fucking niggers ass hat, dont speak unless you have white man intellect
google search:
2018 57,398,421
lets say it drops by half 23 million people, maybe only the worst will die. I think rain will carry them for the next 2 years on that extreme
what the fuck is OP talking about. Fucking cracker nigger lowlife
We dont need idiots like you making white people look dumb. Get fucked kike nigger idiot
Go wash your hands and get ready for dinner, little Timmy, you have school tomorrow so chop chop! 4th grade isn't gonna finish itself, you know.
good dry out you stupid niggers!
Stop raping kids, jew.
Whites still live there too.
Goyim. This is Zig Forums. If we pull our thumbs out of our assholes, open our encrusted eyelids, down another dose of Brainstorm, and get together to rescue our fellow Caucasians, we'll be able to quite literally, change the course of history. There are a lot of people from there who deserve refuge. Just remember, fellow autists, South Africa gave us Elon Musk, Neill Blomkamp, Die Antwoord, and the amazing Executive Outcomes PMC, who's skill and training far exceed that of Blackwater and GardaWorld. We obviously don't want to lose SA. So once again, get your heads together or we're gonna have to take in a lot of refugees. I'd love myself a cute white South African babe, but for every one of those, we have to tolerate a 100 smemga filled niggers. The payoff is simply not worth it. At least buy a ticket to the country and join the Caucasians in the race war.
Shit. I forgot we all have IDs. Yeah yeah, I'm samefagging. Still, the point remains.
yes, it's that easy. all you need is a pit with saltwater, a plastic foil, the sun and some container at the end of the foil to collect the salt free water.
well, it might still contain other things you do not want to drink but it's salt free and probably already by magnitudes better then the pisswater they usually drink there.
I never said I was a jew in the first place.
they didn't find a new source there was a rare occurrence of rainfall in SA, that prolong it until early July-Late August, so they don't have much time left