Dig fast and archive the dirt of all of these pozzed celebs you know
They might shut their twitter and the rest of their social media down collectively at any time.
Now or never
jesus fucking christ, how do these buckets of pedowood shit still even have jobs when they're this open about it?
nice trips.
because (((hollywood)))
it's like asking why roman polanski isn't executed yet even though everyone fucking knows he raped little kids, it's fact.
Is Bob Saget still alive?
If he is, i'm pretty sure that has an audio file somewhere where he offered his newborn daughter in the maternity ward to let some kike finger her for a dollar.
yeah, 62 years old.
He's in the jewish mafia is why.
This eerily reminds me of some other case. I forgot exactly who but I think I remember some celebrity used to tweet or brag IRL about committing rape and/or murder. They were eventually caught. I can't even remember the exact case though.
Checked for holy trips.
This is important topic as any non-newfag user here knows.
Zig Forums must use the momentum from the quick James Gunn firing to take out even more of these creeps. Particularly Disney-related pedos.
These quad dubs from the last thread demand it
Interesting tidbit about Michael Ian Black: his mother was a dyke who was in a violent lesbian relationship and she and her "partner" assumed he was gay.
bump for much wow
Keep using jew media and jew news to shape your view of reality.
Here guys, Patton's claiming to be a pedo. Even if they're shit jokes, do what you will.
Your OP formatting is dogshit, but your heart's in the right place and this is important work, so have a bump.
the answer is as simple as it is obvious
they do because the ones giving them new jobs are other buckets full of the same pedowood shit
you're welcome
needs a bump
The fuck?
What's with all these pedo tweets during 2012? Is that when Obama won again? Guess the word got around in their circles that their guy Onigger will keep them safe.
And it also makes sense why all these anti trump celebs turn out to be pedos: they are anti trump not because they think Trump is racist or bullshit, they're anti trump because they're afraid they might get caught and punished for what they did while King Pedo Obama was in power.
A lot of people coming out publicly against Trump likely have info on them they'd rather not get out. Especially the politicians and celebrities. They're all boyfuckers and child rapists.
Christ I wish the San Andreas fault would rip pedowood apart already. Getting (((them))) fired is nice but it would be nicer to watch their hive of filth cast into the pacific ocean
He legit hatred by the full house cast and crew. It wouldn’t take a lot for celebrities to turn on him.
Twitter + newfags
They saw the spike in trafficking busts and sealed indictments and have pushed hell for leather to get trump discredited, embarrassed and killed or impeached.
Be the last structural dad that only make free for all public jokes in a sitcom was clearly killing him.
Checked trips
shit op.
Try again.
What is a good list of words to search twitter accounts for?
They seem to use quite a wide range of the usual ones (kid, children, toddler, little boy, baby, etc), so I think target it appropriately depending on who you are scraping, get a feel for them first to maximise efficiency.
Considering waht Gunn and co post up there, a vulgar word plus one of the prior keywords or your own, would be grounds for quite a solid search match i think;)
I'm going for a long list.
Enjoy the van ride.
Make sure you use protection when searching through this shit. You don't want the party van to come around because you were searching toddler child tits
In combination with this, much like with politicians, if any of these fucks decide to step out of line in one form or another, the higher ups can sacrifice them to keep the masses from attacking all of them (much like Weinstein). Whenever mentioning this topic with family, friends, or normalfags, mention that it's not just whoever is being used in the mainstream news, and get them to think about and learn that this has been happening throughout Hollywood's history.
But not before i found this.
It's still up
If you watch the "Doc and Mharti" shorts you will see that the creators are boy-hungry pedophiles.
I had to shut that shit off before I finished the first episode. I presume they are all like that.
Next up: Water, is it wet?
Like a ball to a glove.
that ending
This isn't just a one-off, crude, pedo joke.
He was actually okay with making a show that normalizes baby raping, even making a pedophile a protagonist.
Remind me again how this guy has a career and is a celebrated comedy writer? oh that's right, jews
non-anime version for people who don't want to look like incompetent retards reposting this.
I like anime but most of you have shit taste that shouldn't be perpetuated anywhere.
That's the Nickelodeon guy who is also a pedo
Dan “I’ll beat my meat to your underage feet” Schneider was already fired from Nick bc of you immoral Russian internet trolls
Dan Harmon of Rick and Morty fucks a baby doll.
Rick and Morty as been dead and placed into cringe meme status since Season 3 aired anyway. Harmon brings nothing of value and even if he did, I'd still say go after him.
What. The. Fuck. Also, do the guys from Supertramp know he used their song?
Blowing up. Dan harmon just deleted Twitter account.
Let’s get this trending
Jake Tapper pedophile associate Brett Schulte being exposed NOW.
Lots of archives being scrubbed right now.
You can point the finger at just about any media jew or leftist as pedophiles and probably 80% of the time you'd be right.
This time there’s proof
Dan Harmon and Jake Tapper getting slid hard all over.
I do notice quite a bit of necrobumping taking place now.
Yep as soon as Jake Tapper was linked to that convicted pedo all threads 404
this fuck is next
lol, they are banning everyone in half chan for two days who were involved in these threads, literal hundreds banned in minutes
i know
I've always suspected there was something about Tim. Either he's gay, a pedo or both.
did somebody threaten to sue the site in the past?
he fucks & finds kids & gets carte blanche on CN
They've deleted ALL threads, not just multiple instances.
Yep, Jannies are involved and on maximum damage control
I don't know what offends me more, the fact that these fuckers are going around having sex with underaged kids or that they ruined the innocence of delicious pizza so every time I say I want a slice they think i'm either a kid fucker or someone trying to expose them.
Whatever you do, if you're on Twitter, make sure James Woods knows about this.
Only if you're looking for cheese pizza and then why wouldnt you want toppings on your pizza?
4 Zig Forums nigger here; the mods over there are trying to cover Dan's ass cheeks. Prepare for the worst
Like the lgbtq ruined the frickin Rainbow
Nah, this just proves that you're over the target with this.
James Gunn really fucked all of hollywood.
This is gonna be bigger than the MeToo bullshit.
For those posting tweets; put an archive link or have someway to show proof of these tweets for the masses. More than likely, these people are going to either delete tweets or their accounts.