Saged again and here is where it gets a little weird for me; Ok, so I KNOW that I am spurging out here:
Mummy Poster: Welcome to a New World [?Order?] Of Gods and Monsters..ok, coming 'in summer'
So what is contested in the Mil:
Again, a bit weird to see the US Mil Medical (?biological?) fighting over the Caduceus vs the Star of Asclepius (this is not that unusual of a fight though; I have seen this same fight fought online quite often). The SoA has some interesting properties if you fill in the lines.
The article on the Star of Asclepius points us directly back via multiple links to (biblical) Aaron's Rod. And THIS is what it says:
So quick summary. We have a direct in the Matrix that correlates the Black Tomb with the Mummy Movie with many direct synchronicities. We have a unusual linkage between Red Mercury Nuclear bombs, fusion weapons and the Philosopher's Stone as well as the Rod of Asclepius that 'give life' or 'takes life'. We have another unusual linkage between the US Mil biological/medical division and the Rod of Aaron which preceded the Plagues on Egypt. I mean, this is all weird enough if you don't count the fact that there is three of them that the tomb is amazingly crafted but COMPLETELY unmarked (representative of Moses, Miriam, Aaron; Horus, Isis, Osiris; Jesus, Mary, John (see the Davinci painting), Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma, etc etc etc, the preserver, destroyer and sustainer are always, in all religions pictured together)
Alright…so I have a lot of knowledge about this subject and can see branching connections everywhere but I don't think it will do anyone any good for me to keep SPURGING out here…suffice to say that the connections are rather amazing.
The series also explores the concept of equivalent exchange; to obtain something new, one must pay with something of equal value. This is applied by alchemists when creating new materials
and is also a philosophical belief the Elric brothers follow.[6][12]
So the purchase price of the New World Order is the death of the Old World Order (life)…perhaps…not sure yet, still looking, I am sure that there are probably connections between the red mercury/quicksilver and equivalent exchange…
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