This can't go on anymore. This is absolutely insane. Twitter will ban people for saying nigger but will let niggers beat the fuck out of their kids and not do anything about it!
Child Abuse Acceptable on (((Twitter))) Now
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The niggers rape babies too but twitter's CEO is a pedo so there's not much that can be done about it.
archived and ripped the mp4 because op is a faggot who didn't
also, do i go to jail for reuploading this video?
lmao that little niglet got rekt
It is on twitter so probably not.
So I'm not watching that shit, would you clickbaity newfags give a fucking synopsis that precludes the concern of federal prison or should this thread be deleted?
Nevermind reported
footage is self-recorded
it's a woman repeatedly slapping two crying babies on their skulls and faces
she picks up one baby a feet off the ground with one hand and drops it on the floor twice
there's a close up on blood on the floor, as seen in thumbnail
the video finishes with her speaking and choking one crying baby with one hand
not sure if the language is arabic or french
nigglet or not how can you do that to a fucking infant?
these people will rot in the deepest corners of hell
Yeah, It sucks being a conquered country. This is what slavery is like. And no, reasoning with jews and niggers won't work.
Jesus, you normalfags get upset over everything.
When will you reddit faggots realize that this is a GOOD THING?
>did it with bad intentions to target a man
Yeah that's a guaranteed beheading.
Fuck off Moshe.
Somalis doing the jobs white people should be doing: stomping to death nigger kids. Help fight crime: toss a nigglet into the river and holds its head under.
maybe they have morals after all?
You are a fucking moron.
they're niggers and thus, a lesser branch of the homo genus
Why don't you go kick a dog while you are mutilating a cat?
Isn't the woman's hand pretty light for a Somali? I would've said some sort of Arab or something.
third world parenting thread?
How do we sell this new moral delima in the age of niggers?
I'm advocating understanding, not harm faggot
no u
The problem is whenever boomers and hippies see this shit, they feel sorry for niggers and raise taxes on white people or take on more debt. This is why white people fired for saying a slur on social media while a congressmonkey can call for violence against white people and continue getting paid by those white people to make more laws.
I'm not the subhuman
how does that even work
Doesn't make it true.
I know. You aren't making any argument what so ever.
source on the second one?
nvm, found it;
nig lived apparently, holy shit. Guess there isn't alotta brain to hit
You can run that through archive if you want.
THAT NUMALE VOICE. MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS EVERYWHERE
It's niggers, for goodness sake. If it were white children being abused, sure it's horrible. But nonwhites aren't important, especially when their own parents are doing abuse.
It's clearly apparent that you kick dogs down the stairs while you light cats on fire in a cage. You need to be murdered.
what is your obsession with harming dogs and cats simultaneously? We wouldn't do that because we're white and not niggers.
Are you trying to derail this argument with a red herring? It's quite clear that you limit blacks to animals, and that you have no problem with animals being abused and killed, so why do you have a problem with cats and dogs being killed? Go back to China yellowman.
yeah, I'm gonna need some corroborating evidence for that
You need to be culled.
All that's needed is praise that these infants were abused and maimed. That's all the evidence necessary.
Do you know where you are?
Where did I praise the harm of subhumans? Please be specific.
That's all you are talking about.
I'm going to need specific quotes
Wtf I hate twitter and jews now
Slapping the babies wasn't anything, I may have even chuckled.
But then dropping them, and the blood dripping down?
Then strangling them?
I don't care if they're shitskins or niggers, at least let hit puberty before you kill them.
We're not animals
Quote yourself. Anime faggot.
Indeed we are not. They are.
the onus of proof is on you
Anime fag.
It's the current year, my dude. Even fucking jocks are into anime now, let alone random Zig Forums niggers
you say it like it's a bad thing
Anime fags.
find another place to haunt goon
Anime fag.
They think they are equals. Money fixed their problems, why shouldn't it fix the nigs problems. But they don't want to give their money, so they vote for everyone else's money to be given. And then EVERYONE CAN BE RICH AND HAPPY!
anime fag
They failed to heed the message of The Prophet Kanye, for he said that most niggers can't balance a check book. They rejected his message, because he told them the truth
Stop replying to the goon bot, you fucking idiots.
Lmao what the fuck?
its a niglet, so its only going to grow up into a nigger, but still. that kind of behaviour is never ok, no matter the animal. Hope the adult gets time for that.
or dead. Dead will do.
KYS. animals have rights.
Why are niggers still a thing? I mean, why are they aloud to be around and consume resources, like at all?
This is now a white genocide awareness thread.
It's called animal abuse, user, and it's never ok. You kill rats and the like because they're pests and dispose of them accordingly. You don't torture them to death like I've seen chinks do, chopping their dicks off with scissors, roasting them over flames and whipping them with plastic cable ties. They know no better.
Some animals I care about. Some animals I don't. I don't care if you torture spiders, flies or turkroaches.
Almost went into some dicey territory there, nice catch!
Good. Nigger parents should be able to legally beat their nigger children to death!
It's disgusting behavior of course, but seeing as it's a nigger, this isn't unexpected nor do I really care. Niggers are also lower than companion animals for the stupid nigger lover in this topic.
>not all black peopleniggersare the same!
Niggers get off on how much they were beat by kids - I worked with enough of them to know. One of them wore his mom's clothes as a goof when he was really young. She beat the fuck out of him and made him sleep in the clothes to humiliate him. They get off on how much they were abused as kids and always tell stories to "1up" each other.
Beating nigger children isn't child abuse though. It's animal abuse.
t. 12 year old girl.
Jesus Fucking Christ dudeā¦
Not long ago there was a test done to evaluate self-awareness in animals using different methods and it was hypothesized that the mirror method is too anthropocentric since humans specialize in vision while other animals rely more on other senses to explore the world. The test concluded that animals are self-aware if they involved other senses into the experiments, for example, dogs recognized their own scent.
Lmao! Fatality! Natural selection. Want to get to work on exploiting that black domestic violence?
Vermin doesn't deserve any pity.
lmao niggers
Imagine my shock
What a great video. Light hearted chuckles for us, redpills for the normalfags. It has something for everyone.
What the fuck man
This place never ceases to amaze me.
gotta turn them into your slaves as soon as possible , its what makes the world go round user
Slavery is a kike thing
God, kill yourself with your subhuman tier maymays. Stop posting all together.
"The coran deserves the medal" or something like that. It's sarcastic though. The account talks shit about mudslimes. Do not report.
retards in the comment like
I miss when this board had a higher IQ than a fish bowl.
What Zig Forums thinks and knows is irrelevant here. The fact of the matter is, normalfags and those in power see niggers the same as other races. As one user with an IQ above 40 mentioned, this shit being allowed would normalize child abuse because normalfags and those in power consider niggers and whites to be equal and this shit would without a doubt be applied to beating white children as well.
Animal abuse is never ok.
Use twitter to compile your list for DOTR.
Eat a dick faggit
Sheboons are responsible for turning out the savage negro beasts. Instead of a passive, uncle tom, we get raging tyrones because of these ape bitches. Fuck nigger, fuck twitter and their jew enablers.
arabic is france's official language, user
You weak motherfuckers. How long are you going to make the same mistake we as a people have always made?
That empathy you're feeling is meant for your own group. These aren't your people. Stop pissing it away on subhumans that will NEVER reciprocate those feelings.
No, you aren't a good person because your morality is universal. You're just a coward begging your enemy for acceptance.