This book is a huge redpill on organized high-level pedophilia among the political American elite and I can't find a PDF for it anywhere. Asked around the books thread and nobody has it, tried a search and all the results i've got were scam ad links or paywalled sites. The book can be bought from Amazon but as I'm not American this proves hard for me and I honestly don't want to have my name attached to the purchase of this kind of volatile material.
This book has the biggest amount of research done on this particular scandal to date and I believe that it would be great for all of you anons to read it as well.
Pedophilia is not only more rampant in jewish communities, but more covered up.
Hunter Young
you sarcasm makes you seem like a liberal even more
Juan Nelson
Having fucking autism or downsyndrome, or any other retard disease is STILL more respectable than being a stench ridden yid like yourself.
Landon Bell
The church has publicly admitted many times of its setbacks and is working to get rid of this filth. On the other hand, you, a shill, is trying to cover up the Franklin Scandal by pointing to the Church, even after it is widely known that such a thing occurs there. We have outed you. Now leave.
Jacob Cox
IDK, maybe he was pointing out that there's more than one group of pedophiles. Kind of like saying The Gulags were horrible! And ignoring the fact that America has the biggest Gulag-like system called Prison.
David Ramirez
They're all linked imo. There might be some offshoots that aren't directly related, but in the serious rings I think everybody knows everybody. The (((Vatican))) probably trades with high-finance circles, the Royal Family, politicians, all of them. It's like when people talk about banks that are "too big to fail". What they mean is these institutions are so well-embedded into every thread of society that if you take one out you might as well yell jenga. I say let it happen.
No one is giving pedos from any race or group a free pass. But the jew predilection is NEVER talked about and thus becomes notable and in need of dragging out into the open. Oddly, its almost as if the jew conspire using their control of the media, money and political influence to keep it out of reach of the normies. It needs addressing and i notice you and your pal>>11891857 here didnt deny their sickness. Maybe you should be glad we are talking about it user? Even if we are ebil nazeez.
It's creepy that if you let your kids out of your sight they could be snapped up and put into rape cycles. It's more creepy that they breed/adopt kids into their sick system.
Cameron Jackson
Thanks user.
Dominic James
Close contact with the genitals of children seems to be a crucial component of Judaism.
Recently the Jews of the world have engaged in an almost non-stop nose picking & kvetching campaign in the mass media about circumcision, due to the fact that the (Viking-made nation of) Iceland even considered passing a law against male genital mutilation.
If you find out at a young age that you started out in life with an old man putting his lips on your penis - and the your whole family was watching, and the act is considered to be a sacred event, ffs, perhaps the knowledge weighs heavily on your mind.
That's at least an 'environmental cause' or 'cultural cause' kind of argument. Otherwise, as the only alternative kind of explanation, one could argue that the Jewish propensity for pedophilia is genetic.
Nathan King
You should also read Programmed to Kill by Dave McGowan. He covers this and gets into some other pretty crazy stuff, but backs up all of his claims using ony government records and mainstream media sources. Pretty sure a PDF is floating around if you cheap.
Cameron Smith
uh-oh, cant have that.
Ethan Reed
No, they're spics and niggers for the most part.
Justin Morris
Gah! Another pedo!
Blake Jones
It's the same bs when you criticize Israel or anything jewish.