Wouldn't the world be a much better place if Zig Forums and Zig Forums would just get along?
Wouldn't the world be a much better place if Zig Forums and Zig Forums would just get along?
Not an artform, get out.
That's like saying men and women should just get along. It's biologically impossible.
you should fuck off and die, weebkike.
wasn't me though proofs
like I said, get out.
lolis are love lolis are life
not art.
Anime Lolis are better than anything the West has ever produced as far as "art" goes.
you're child rapists
badly composed anatomy and horribly flat colors and along with vectorial illustration isn't considered "better" than shit being splattered on canvas.
Fucking Goons get the fuck out and shill else where
Same goes for tranny/pol/ faggots
Nah I just love my 2D lolis
If Zig Forums just realised that their idea of class solidarity amongst a globalist-homosexual-mulatto slave race was not a workable idea I might warm up to them.
How does it feel to stare at a graph and realize that your DLSite is having an avalanche sales drop because you can no longer effectively shill your porn here anymore.
But where's the art?
Really activates the almonds.
Look at this cute perfect loli and tell me she isn't art!
Go be a degenerate somewhere else.
little anime girl feets are the best!
No. The world would be better if leftypol was murder raped out of existence.
but don't you want Zig Forums and Zig Forums to join forces and make beautiful memes together?
one can only dream user
4 posts already?
Back to >>>/b/ niggerfaggots
Fuck off Schlomo
what you state that it "is" isn't because the "illustrator" failed to make a proper composition Because:
- The anatomy is wrongfully out of proportion
- Gloss and plastic textures being applied on the hair and skin, why not transition colors like all the other examples posted above.
- Confusing Identity, Choose what you want to illustrate instead of trying out different bogus style, stick to one.
- Background is bland and seriously bad perspective, it should have a focal point and it should be positioned accordingly especially with the "character" current stance/pose
- Eyes are reflecting different light sources, Why?
- Eyebrows are overlapping the hair
- Overused lines as a mimic to shadow effect, this ruins the simplicity of the character being displayed
- where's the nose, lines to define them are not meant to be shadows, but it should contain a shape format.
- Hands leaning on the background is confusing, why is it hovering, no cast should be found if the lightsource is being depicted from the back, not the front.
- Light source is clearly on the back however the gloss reflection on the breast and hair as well as her right shoulder is clearly out of place.
All of these flaws indicate that the illustrator can't properly compose a piece and therefore his ability at making art at all is put into question, factually I can safely say that he's not an artist, and he can't be because he's eastern, and easternfags can't make art because anime is from the east therefore anime is not an artform.
you're disgracing their sketches.
What about this one?
- Potato like head mold being used to illustrate a character, A new low achieved.
- Eyes are departed from each other, why is it so close to the ears?
- Where is the nose? how can they even breath?
- Again, Gloss texture does not go well with gradient elements, it just makes you a deviantart user who's into diaper comics.
- Out of proportion feet from the body, learn anatomy.
- Bad perspective.
- eyebrow overlaps the hair
- Gradient for shadowing and creating shapes, just stop.
- Gradient background transitioning from dark blue to light blue, Why?
- Confusing composition where the 2 characters barely fit the frame
Do you have any artwork of your own to share?
Daily Reminder
Anyway; back on topic.
No tranny. No one here wants to fuck you in your ass.
Piss off and die in a fire.
but what about the BO of Zig Forums surely someone wants him to fuck them in the ass or succ their dick
buy a heavy duty rope at home depo and use it to end your pathetic life my dude.
how many nodes do I tie into said rope?
If you're asking about commies and natsoc getting together to overthrow their rulers, sure, I can see many points of contact, especially with the old school commies. But modern leftifucks and especially SomethingAwful goons plaguing the board just want to destroy anyone that gets in the way of said overlords, under the guise of socialism.
It would be better if everyone on Zig Forums was dead.
but when all the people you dislike die, who will you war with? you gotta war with someone, or you'll end up in a war with yourselves.
Come on now; both parties get the rope.
Your generous use of the highlight function of whatever program your using tells me you don't actually read the full text of whatever book your using as an example for your bias.
I will say that anime does not have the same exact artistic merit that European art does, but it is indeed an art.
The Irish and Canadians, newfag
erotic asphyxiation? That's some really kinky shit! I like it!
What is the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact?
I know you love cocks but please leave.
Choppy says no.
That's like race mixing user. Sure, they'll be getting a net gain out of the deal, but we'll be getting a net loss.
We both know they can't meme worth shit.
Post some of *your* artwork then, I'll start.
Also because I forgot my sage.
communists deserve and will get literal death.
Why would I even want to consider an alliance with them?
I wouldn't.
Anyone even close to the most murderous and genocidal ideology of the 20th century (hint: it's communism) - one that almost lead to nuclear war on numerous occasions - should get a clue before talking about politics or people "getting along".
Learn some actual respect for basic human rights (life, liberty, and property to start) and then we can talk.
If leftypol and pol got along the jews would have the biggest kikeout in all of history. It would mean that leftypol grew up and stopped being emotional children, understood how they are manipulated by (((them))) in the first place.
They'll have to become Zig Forumsacks then, since their views are jewish in origin.
Perhaps only then would their content improve.