These tiers seem pretty accurate. Judging by the history of human civilization this seems to be the case

These tiers seem pretty accurate. Judging by the history of human civilization this seems to be the case.

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2/10 too obvious
The Left Can't Troll

Are you kidding? Modern leftists would shit their pant's if you so much as mentioned racial differences.

Dravidians are fucking Australian Aboriginal tier IQ, I cant find it but if you get a chart that actually splits India up into small groups, the southern tip is the same as Australians aboriginals. They are pretty much the same people just they evolved on different continents.

Attached: IQ-niggers-are-retarded.png (673x672, 284.84K)

what a bad pic.
You're gonna have to wake up and realise that if you want to beat the kikes you'll have to use more than just whites.
It'll have to be everybody.

Attached: heard under makeup.jpg (900x990, 137.87K)

This is called astroturfing. Youre not one of us, yet you failed to identify yourself as a foreign shill agent when you shilled mixed race society and based niggers. We know youre from TRS or DS, this means youre a race traitor. You are exactly like kikes, no different. White Jews.

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Under the Aryan and in the Veda's, Kali has blue eyes, yet the Dravidian instead colors her blue.

to thanks, first the jews then everybody else, japan is honorary so they can stay and keep asia minor and whatever the chinese have not soiled eternally.

There are only two tiers: White and nonwhite.
I mean fuck, even a normalfag leftie cunt should realize that Arabs are not "maintainers" when their entire religion revolves around blowing up things they don't like/understand.

I probably am an astroturfer.
I believe in separate ethnostates for all.
Separate entities working together. Jews put blacks and whites against each other for a reason.
i'm white FYI

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Historical though, that was not the case. During the middle ages, the Arab world pioneered science and mathematics. The problem is partly because of Islam, and partly because of globalist elite and oil companies that profit from the chaos in the middle east.

t. historically illiterate leftiecuck

You're not an astroturfer, just another retard who is still blue pilled on the racial question.

Nice try nigger. Now go try remaking the image again and this time don't be so fucking obvious. Maybe next time you'll fool a few more newfags and I'll get another laugh out of it.

Explain to me how that's wrong. That's widely excepted history.

Niggers are literally on the lowest tier. What exactly is your point? Either you're a butthurt nordocentrist, or a subversive jew, trying to start a shit flinging match.

It's widely "accepted" (((history))). God damn you're stupid.

Apparently you're autistic too. This is an imageboard you dumb outsider. The term "nigger" has been flung around imageboards (and the greater internet for that matter) since their inception as a term of ridicule and mockery. I'm not literally calling you a nigger, nigger. You would know that if you actually spent time on imageboards instead of coming here trying to push your little shit tier narrative. Now fucking eat a bullet, nigger.

1. Islam only recognizes one book as true: The Quran. Any other book is either in accordance with the Quran or wrong and must therefore be destroyed. Burning libraries was very common right after the explosion of Islam out of the Arab lands. Later, Muslim rulers fought tooth and nail to prevent printing presses in their lands for the same reason.

2. The supposed "islamic" scholars were more often than not Levantine Christians that kept around translations of Greek texts because actual Muslims acted according to 1.

3. The Eastern Roman Empire kept the Hellenistic philosophical traditions alive and well all by itself until it was conquered by the Turks. Most learned men from Greece fled to Italy, bringing their knowledge with them.

4. Arabs adopted Indian mathematics because they were their neighbors and it facilitated trade. They didn't invent jack shit in those fields however.

5. There was exactly one school in Islam that concerned itself with what we would call rationality and science, the Muʿtazila. They were quickly murdered by their fellow Muslims.

Of coarse, I'm not claiming that the Islamic golden age was completely unique, or that they pioneered science or mathematics. Islamic scholars obviously built upon ideas and concepts that already existed in the classical world. My point is, that it's retarded to try to claim that the entire middle east was just a bunch of people screening and blowing themselves up, for all of history. Seeing their history, they clearly don't belong anywhere near Negros, Austrailoids, or dravidians on a tier list.

You're some sort of pajeet and sand nigger mongrel aren't you. I can tell from the typos and defense of shitskins. Come on now Achmed Kumar, come clean and let us know. You won't poo in the loo but you'll blow up in the truck won't you.

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No, that started once Islam was invented. Before that Arabs were irrelevant desert raiders with little contact with real civilizations in that region. The list is shit, face it.


The list is racial not cultural. Regardless of what Arabs and Berbers were doing in the desert for the last few hundred years, they are genetically close to other people who have built civilizations.

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Pick one. You're clearly blue pilled on race.

Isn't it Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid?

I don't like niggers, but they are a species.
Albeit a lesser species

You aren't fooling anyone Suleman Kapoor. Attempting to throw my own words back in my face only works if you're correct when doing so. Parroting them back mindlessly like the shitskin you are just exposes you further. Now have a shwarma and a grin and shut the fuck up.

There was a concise point behind my reply, which you seemed to completely miss. You're calling everyone shitskin, shows what kind of right winger you are. You know nothing about the evolution of races, or how the hierarchy is structured. You 're just a blue pilled populist. You probably support Israel because you think Jesus is gonna make a second coming or some shit.

they may be different races but theyre equally capable.

too bad the scientific community binned that stupid term ;) you are using outdated terms that have no ground in reality

also clooney looks like an arab, nice example of an "europoid", retard

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And it still doesn't make them "white" or anywhere near the developmental level of whites. Your point?

t.cultureless american faggot trying to change history

dont put too much stock in that chart. its physical layout is misleading. it really should be on an XYZ chart. and there are alot more determining factors within DNA.

This is the kind of logic that says we have 99% similarity to chimps. yea, we also have a 99% similarity to fucking rats.

Oh greats that is doubleplussgood.

Are you retarded? Its widely accepted that it was so BEFORE islamization of the Arab world.

They may not be "white" but they're genetically the closest relative of whites. And there's a clear difference between Arabians and Berbers, who are mixed with Africans, and North middle easterners. Saying north middle easterners aren't developed would be like saying South Europeans aren't developed. And we know from IQ statistics, and history, that is not the case. As for lesser developed people like south arabians and dravidians. Well… there's a reason they are called maintainer races, we have to share the world with other people, and we cant just hate everyone.

Top kek you dumb shill. I'm a National Socialist. The left and right paradigm is a false kike narrative. Your points are dog shit based in jewish pilpul about racial achievements that has been written into every modern history textbook and drilled into every gullible young mind that was willing to go into debt to learn it. Your arrogance is matched only by your ignorance. Threads like these serve as illustrations in how the average shill operates from a hamfisted script of attack vectors. You're not knowledgeable in the things you claim to be and you are not genuine in the points you're trying to put forth. Anyone with a modicum of actual understanding of non-kiked history recognizes this immediately. So drink bleach, whoever you are. Drink it and savor the flavor.

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Are you saying you're a national socialist, but you don't believe in racial differences? And how exactly would it benefit the Jews to teach about a racial hierarchy. Literally no textbooks teach about racial differences because it would be banned as hate speech. You sound like a suburban kid, larping as a nazi.

A shitskin is a shitskin.

Another display of terrible shilling. Replying to two different anons because the shill doesn't into IDs. Good job nigger. Keep on posting it just exposes you further. Now look at your little script and figure out what the proper response to me telling you that I want a pair of meteors to simultaneously fall on Tel Aviv and Riyadh is.

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The correct term would be sub-species.
Race was never a proper term to begin with.

I'm sorry that the indians have never been worth anything.

Fucker got beaten by Alexander the Great when they didn't even know what indians are.

See, a jew pretending to be a nazi.

Less than 18 months until superpower status, how is it coming along, my shit coloured friend?

Forget to change IPs nigger?

Attached: Marionb.jpg (640x480, 40.51K)

Are you a jew or a street shitter?

Daily reminder that street shittier are one of the worst roles, right next to niggers.

Literally parroting the same words I said previously in this thread back to me in a nonsensical way.

Lurkers, take note. This is what a garbage tier shill looks like. Jumped IPs once he ran out of scripted responses, now he's just spouting shit hoping nobody will notice. He cannot spell, he cannot into IDs and he has no coherent rebuttals to anything I've previously stated. This is what we're up against. Street shitters posing as moderate race realists.

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To all those accusing OP of being a shitskin, a nigger or a street shitter. I'll say with pride that I am of Mediterranean decent, no not an Arab, not a Jew and not a fucking Turk. My phenotype is East Mediterranean and my genetics contain no Negro Jewish or South Asian admixture. I'm pure Caucasoid, which is more than many of the shitposters on this board can say.

Yeah fuck off street shitter.

You smell like shit.

Wow, an actual street shitter confirmed.

Why are you so insecure, street shitter?

No, PERSIAN "Muslims" did. The majority of discoveries and inventions came from Persians, not Arabs. Fuck Arabs composed but a percent of any of it.

Do you even know what a streetshiter is? You're clearly just flinging shit for the sake of it. You're probably a Paki or some shit. Either that or a Turkroach. They seem to be infesting Zig Forums.

Nah, not really.
Arabs, moreso Persians, came across Ancient Greek and Roman texts and maintained them(some of this was facillitated by the collapse of the Byzantines).
Meanwhile they adopted mathematics systems from the neighboring Indians.
If you look into the medical histories and scientific endeavors of the Byzantines, it trumps much of the world at the time.
Italy was gradually resurging as well.
Western Europe was still in a slump.
The Arabs developed a large civilization but beyond aping what had already been done in classical antiquity they did not advance any fields to an appreciable degree.

Yeah, "should". Were you born like yesterday? You're making the grave mistake of thinking the leftist mind works logically and analytically, it doesn't, they believe in platitudes. Islam is a religion of peace and they don't see otherwise even if it hits them in the face like a brick.

The Earth is ours.

Are Amerindians really particularly prone to violence?


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Why did you put IQ on the list? That seems pretty obvious.

Another trait you could add is "time preference."

At the top of the stack, there is a clear, "future time preference" meaning, they put substantial thought into what will happen in the future, and take actions to maximize future utility. This manifests as things like planting crops now so that you'll have food to eat later.

At the bottom of the stack, you could write "low time preference" meaning that they can't seem to conceptualize the existence of a future state. Note that time preference is a slightly different trait than impulse control. Impulse control is about following base instincts. It's possible to have an instinct that looks like time preference (a bird building a nest is an example).

That looks like Indian To Catch A Predator

What makes you think they what on the street, and not in their pants? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Leave the food alone.


No they did not. They burned libraries and destroyed knowledge. Persians still existed and made some small contributions, before being wiped out by muslim arabs. You are crediting the people who killed the actual people responsible for the contributions in question.

Nobody said that. The middle east used to contain white people. It was fine then. Arabs drove away the white people and since then it has just been a bunch of subhumans screaming and blowing themselves up.

Because they were never kiked, the Himalayan Indians came up with the Vedas and a superior philosophy and self psychology than Europeans.

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I'm pretty sure a layer between the top and the layer where the Dravidian belongs is needed to place the Aryans there.

This is the most ridiculous claim iv'e heard yet. The middle east used to be purely neolithic. Now it has admixture from different places. Europe in the west, Asia in the east and Africa in the south. If anything more migrations came from the north into the middle east over time. All archaeological evidence suggests that the populations of the ancient middle east remained mostly the same.

Jews have already taken over Malawi.

Attached: malawi-jew.png (532x660, 178.65K)

Pretty sure the whites they worshipped as gods handed down that knowledge to them.

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No evidence suggests that. DNA evidence clearly shows ancient egyptians, persians, etc were white. The closest living relatives to the pharaohs who have been DNA tested are in Ireland and Wales. Reality doesn't care what jewish propaganda says.

Into the trash it goes.

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This. Germany tried once and they failed because everyone ganged up on them. Leave nothing up to chance; close the ranks, ally the whole world and gas the jews.


DNA also shows that ancient Egyptians were East Mediterranean genetically. I don't know how you got Ireland and whales. I don't know if you're trying to claim that the people of the middle east were Nordic or something. That's literally as retarded as trying to claim they were black. White people live north of the middle east, and black people live south of the middle east. Where the hell do you think middle eastern people came from then? Don't be delusional just look at old Mesopotamian or Assyrian carvings. Look at skeletons and skulls from the ancient near east. They where neolithic or Mediterranean looking.

All the lost territory because of fucking non-white slave girls.

Attached: lost territories.jpg (3000x1556, 1.74M)


You ever watch True Romance on the movie channel?

vedic hinduism is an aryan religion


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According to this, Eskimos would be the master race. KeK

This fucking boomer cuckchan faggot.
Ultimately it doesn't matter what race you are. You should be proud of it and work to better yourself and your people.
I'm white so I like white people. I like our culture and art, and think we're the best of all races. WHITES NUMBER 1. It doesn't matter, though. If you're a nigger, be proud of that stupid goofy Africa shit and work to drag your people out from the gutter they happily call their culture. If you're a chink, be proud of your ancient dynasties and stories, and work to change your people from gutter oil making dog burning psychopaths into something you fashion.
Race and kikes are important factors in life, but there's something beyond that. Some people are 6'4, some people are manlets. Some people are born attractive, some are born butt-ugly. Life isn't just the physical.

Attached: ProudToBe.mp4 (640x360, 970.15K)

The point was that the cranial size map, says nothing about the development of societies.

He was talking about DNA evidence, not phrenology.

That's not the map, but yeah india is super divided by iq.

The northern indian priest caste still have ~20% PIE dna (almost as much as southern euros), while the southern dravidians are as bad as nignogs

Where people live now does not mean that is where they always lived. White people live in Canada now, so that means 2000 years ago all of Canada was covered in white people right?

Also >whales

This misses out on the two parasitic races, Jews and gypsies, who unlike even niggers, are completely dependent on living off of other peoples' societies.


Race does matter but the end goal isn't a white ethnostate. It's what we do with a white ethnostate. Don't miss the forest for the trees.

Shill, reported

I understand people migrate. But there's just no logical way that middle eastern people could have come from anywhere but the middle east. Think about it. Europe is to the north, Africa is to the south and Asia to the east. There is no evidence that any other group of people inhabited the near east (in large numbers), besides the original neolithic farmers.

t. butthurt brown who desperately wants to be white

You keep saying "neolithic" like it's a race.
There is a lot of evidence of whites inhabiting the Middle East in ancient times. There's evidence that we were a global people, as weird and as Ancient Aliens as it sounds. A lot of indigenous populations around the globe still worship blue-eyed blonde-haired 6 foot "gods".

Attached: the world's first meme.jpg (461x776, 88.52K)

I didn't say they came from somewhere else, I said the whites left. Learn to read. Race mixing created violent subhuman child sacrificing mongrels. Whites ruled over the subhumans in some places as god-rules (egypt), they forbid race mixing and kept the subhumans out in some places (persia) and they got outbred and replaced in some places (the levant). Eventually egypt and persia both fell to the mongrel hordes, although the egyptians fled north-west, spreading language and knowledge to greece and rome. People call them "etruscans" now and pretend they are different for some reason. They eventually settled in wales.

Also the original neolithic farmers were white, saying "neolithic" doesn't turn them into arabs.

"Early Neolithic Farmers /Early European Farmers" is a race. It refers to a group that inhabited the Mediterranean from 12kya-5kya.

ENF is one of the 3 groups that contributes to modern European DNA, and they were almost identical to modern day Sardinians.

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If you look at the modern distribution of neolithic genes most of the are still in the middle east and southern Europe. Arabs are mixed with other things. But for the most part Neolithic genes occupied the same region. And wtf do you mean by "mongrels"? There are clear racial boundaries. Negroes live South of the Sahara. Indians live south of the Himalayas. Mongoloids live east of the Urals and the central Asian step. There was literally no place for middle easterners to evolve, besides the middle east.

Explains a lot tbh

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Nordic people were never 6 feet tall in the past. The average Norseman in the viking age was 5 foot 7 inches. And that sounds just like when black supremacists point to random statues, and make claims that negroes once ruled different civilizations. It's retarded fantasy.

Just ignoring what people tell you and repeating the same idiocy is not productive. Arabs did not come from somewhere else. They are mongrels that were created by race mixing in the middle east. They then replaced the native white population. This is not difficult to understand.


There's a lot of evidence. You sound like a mad mudskin.

The viking age is 5000 years late you fucking retard.

Did this need to be a thread?

Dravidians are the ones in charge of India’s space program, or so I’ve heard.

Shoot yourself in the face.