There is no one left on Zig Forums right?

I see what you all bump here and 4cuck. I'm the last of my kind right?

The others are just those youtube guys who make illuminati christian videos and a bunch of shills. I think I'm alone

NOVA POSTA would of killed all shills. Esoteric kike is dominating most threads. On cuckchan it's all the worst people on earth.
Lot's of political emos around riding the salt wave but they're very limited hang-outs.

I'm alone

Attached: pol true.jpg (768x512, 146.03K)

This is what happens when you let cancer thrive on its host.

I'm sick of gross extremism. Where are the Aryans?

Oh and reminder traitors before enemies isnt just a meme, TRS have already done more damage to their race than they could ever make up for if they went unpunished.

All the oldfags are now on Discord. The jewest shit ever, namefagging, datamining

Zero oldfags use honeypots like discord.

Muh extremism, muh "gross". Man up pansy.

Attached: Rockwell-On-Fanaticism.PNG (1378x708, 1.03M)

thats what you think. I have seen many BOs on discord.

Yea, and cuckchan mods are oldfags too huh

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Stay in denial nigger.


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Rockewell would hang you Siege fags. There is no fucking doubt!

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Attached: Screenshot-2018-7-22 pol - Catalog.png (421x570, 101.27K)

The only one in denial is you. Oldfags dont use honeypots, feel free to hand over all your private thoughts to the feds directly with a nice neat name tag attached and a profile to be put into, just dont be talking about any of us.

Attached: what-is-an-oldfag.JPG (969x533, 57.86K)

Not an argument, you oppose what Rockwell was, an extremist. Youre a cuck and you definitely dont belong here.

Attached: prepared-to-die-rockwell.png (685x412, 595.06K)

Implying real Zig Forums fears ANYTHING OR ANYONE.

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Prudence is not cowardice, you're glowing.

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Me and my DACApede friends fought during the 2016 meme war.

The remarkable part about that is that it started in 2015 but only the bandwagon caught on by 2016 after the_cuckold.


And yet you're here. Demoralizing. I'm not scared. Do it faggot.

Attached: trump possible assasignation attempt reno.jpg (779x520, 67.67K)

Shills gonna shill.

Attached: JIDF.jpg (1489x1544, 241.51K)

Kill yourself

It was because of people like us that we won. No need to waste energy during the primaries.I

By that logic, aren't chads closer to Hitler than all of Zig Forums combined? They have the most volk (sperm turned into babies).



Waiting for my van to the electro shock therapy. I'll break you fucking machines. I'm high level wizard. I'll break your dreams

I'm getting the feeling DACA and DACApedes makes you upset.

Calling ICE on you

Oldfags probably just got a stable relationship and left the internet to burn in the fires of cuckery and soy

I'm still here. What happened to our latino brothers btw? They used to outnumber us.

Implying you have ever seen any REAL Zig Forumslack on the streets fighting ANTIFA

You know why you haven't? Because people would fucking die. We chill…

We chill and wait for the Whoopy Goldberg revolution. Remember that.

We're waiting for you to pull the trigger

Attached: WW_qoute.jpg (574x746, 117.05K)

I wouldn't know, I'm a fucking newfag

I think his racemixed grandkid is pretty redpilled as well.

I'm going to kill your family for that one post.

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You fag cheered when the feds arrested their leadership and put the satanists in power.
You reap what you sow.

We were all newfags at one point… are you a DACApede btw?

Every Siege kike will die a horrible death.

We're waiting

Wasn't some UFO seen in the footage?

Don't worry, Satan will reward you for your dedication…

Odin will rape Satan to death

Attached: Odin 32.jpg (1000x738, 77.59K)

No, I'm not even American

Not before he drinks all his semen.

Don't worry, neither are DACApedes but they continue fighting for so sueño Americano

The Satanic Jew exposes himself

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What's so bad about Siege, though (unironically curious)

Attached: sdagffdgfdh.jpeg (564x797, 85.98K)

I actually live in Eastern Europe and for me it just seems insane how people in the West think that deporting illegals is somehow morally reprehensible.


Attached: a3aa18a5e6772481c482c93a4920dc3eec5ded31f749996bfe2458647999c2ac.jpg (598x588 922.57 KB, 302.2K)

so… don't read siege then?

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Attached: odin jewed.png (500x352, 49.94K)

Dag nabbit. I quite liked the Black Sun iconography too.

Its fine to read siege, it's wrong to tell others to put it into practice.

Nah, I didn't. What's the deal with it?

We call them esoterics

I tell others to go full siege for their race, but I haven't even read it xD

You're missing proto-oldfag, for those who were shitposting in the 90s and pre-chan 00s.

That takes me back

All of the old users left for sites that won't be named for obvious reasons, discord, and other boards. Sucks you didn't get the memo OP.

Just so you know Kushner has plenty of Shills here
If you're wondering where all the Muh Russia is coming from it's from him as a counter shill so we support Trump more while obfuscating Israel's crimes

What crimes shitskin?

U wot m8?

Yeah, I double down. What crimes?

Unless you count your fellow shill buddies

Filter ID the shills and its usually fine, kikes are still paying glowniggers to piss into the ocean and i find that fucking hilarious

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Now that 8/pol/ is the whitest it has ever been, it's clear this golden era is due to our race.

The more you allow this to happen to Zig Forums. The more that Zig Forums becomes like Luke. Drinking tit milk in humiliation



Attached: th.jpg (450x237, 24.45K)

Easy on the paranoia, fag


Asses and elbows? Have you taken your meds and toned down your autism?





Funny you mention that. I was just talking to someone I know about internet censorship and we recalled what it was like when we were in college. Using usenet to anonymously talk to other students across town I remember conversations going in all sorts of directions. I even remember connecting once and saying "hello" only to be replied with "hi nigger." Everyone got a good laugh about that, now you get banned from most sites and games for that. I still laugh though thinking things haven't changed in a lot of ways. Like how one of the first internet messages I saw was "Hi nigger." I hate niggers btw. Fucking hate them all.

Jesus Christ you are a fucking autist about your little pet project. Look faggot, Pizzagate is real but your faggy approach to exposing it via imageboard posting is gay as hell. The only way that shit gets blown open is if enough normalfags are exposed to incontrovertible evidence that they become enraged enough to reach critical mass and demand blood. That ain't gonna happen anytime soon. Society is leagues away from that being possible. The kike power structure is still far too stable and entrenched. Shit needs to get way more fucking volatile before the pedo kikes can be exposed. I understand you're emotional about the abuse of children but god damn dude have some vision for the grand scope of things. A mere five years ago I couldn't dream of broaching the subject of White Genocide or jewish influence or racial differences in public with the average normalfag. Now I can and do on a regular basis. The pedo shit is going to be exposed, but it's going to take a bit more time before the masses are able to deal with the horror involved. Steel yourself and stay vigilant.

You are not an oldfag. You were never a part of Zig Forums, you are not a Zig Forumsack. You're just a lost figment bound to an apparition created by the kike blood flowing through you.

Attached: quote-there-is-nothing-more-mysterious-than-blood-paracelsus-considered-it-a-condensation-miguel-serrano-80-50-02.jpg (850x400, 75.61K)

I call everyone niggers and faggots all the time IRL and on the internet tho. Nobody gets offended, because my friends are not fucking crybabies.
I don't even care about being banned.
If you are ever banned for calling someone a kike, a faggot or a nigger then just leave that site forever.

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What are you talking about? Serrano is one of the few good natsocs.

If that were true, and by all of the "research" done, then there is literally not a single human being on the planet who wasn't molested as a child. Not one single human. The math simply doesn't add up.

Stop shooting up pizza places and go do something useful.


I'm German and I cut my English teeth on computers and later the internet.
My first day using napster, or maybe it was DC++ or just play IRC it's been too long, I entered some chatroom.

I chatted with some folks there and at some point I asked what a faggot was, and I was told "that's what you are" and I just took that at face value. I still laugh about that today, this kind of interaction shoulnd't be taken away from people.

I mean, it was pretty funny, and thanks to sticking around to such places my level of English is way beyond the average faggot over here.

I’m here. Left you guys some gifts over here as well ; )






Will you fight them? Or will you lay down and die? Will you burn or fade away? Will you fight back Zig Forums?


Attached: WILL YOU FIGHT.jpg (1013x711, 135.26K)

Short answer, yes.
Long answer, maybe. This site is too effective so shills have been sent to destroy it. We may have to retreat into real life. The good news is that real life shills are easier to spot, and you training on Zig Forums will help you to identify them better.

You are speaking to the local blackpilled schizophrenic. You are now the apparition he is calling "robert sepher" though he's claimed everyone was 3 other people over the seasons.
Watch this. Now he's going to freak out and say hermes is saturn and that mayans were aztecs.

Attached: 7da637c1da55c912358227eb0ef8693db12fa1a5ffbcc04a365476109bc1c611.png (751x1026 133.5 KB, 218.86K)

No, there are still plenty of you jew fucks left.

Statistically speaking, you're the ones who are the most likely to be actualfags. True homos on top of antiwhite, jewish lie propagating traitors.

Don't make the same stupid mistake as the left who is only trained against strawman "neonazis", leaving them defenseless againt any actual "NatSoc" tier people.

Especially if you're of Germanic stock and American, probably genitally mutilated by other "Christians" while having been stripped of pretty much all heathen customs, of which we still observe a fuckload of over here, aside from the super basic bitch level like:
Celebrating birthdays (heathen thing)
Having graveyards with trees and stuff (heathen thing)
Getting named after dead relatives (another heathen thing that connects to ancestor reverence and whatnot, something not all cultures do)

Just sayan.

Attached: because-odin-was-heterosexually-active-he-was-in-danger-of-1783845.png (947x3003 1.93 MB, 1.06M)

Had to change IP again in your own thread? Just how often do you get banned?

Nigger you are delusional if you think you can expose the global pedo kike network by making threads on Zig Forums. It's going to require massive outreach and a shift in collective consciousness not to mention a complete upheaval of the current power structure in the West. I believe it will happen, but you're being a moron right now by sperging out calling everyone who disagrees with you poison. It discredits those who are rational about the situation and feeds into the shills who try and paint everyone associated with it as insane. You're doing more damage than good. If you actually care about the children, fucking stop this behavior.

I agree. Depending on the context of the site I'll call someone a faggot and if I get banned or muted for that I leave. Only exception is forums for something like fixing a car or woodworking. No point in calling people cucked up nigger loving faggots there.

I'm mostly saddened by the way gaming has gone where you cannot trash talk people or troll without getting a ban or kick. I tried the new game Normienite and pretty much dropped it when I found out I couldn't call an opposing player a faggot. I've also noticed too maybe not related or maybe related, is that very few people talk in games now. I don't own any consoles so maybe that is why I don't know. Anyway, glad someone else had a similar experience.

Holy trips confirm the fucking obvious!
Sieg Hiel!

Most things in life are now designed to suck as much money or emotion out of the normies as possible. Triggering them makes them feel bad and less likely to spend so the triggers need to go. We need a different strategy.






Why would you? Look at them? Why would you?

Attached: WILL YOU FIGHT.jpg (289x263, 64.73K)

Why won't you talk to me anymore? Why are you so obsessed with lil Mason? Don't you want to play anymore?

Attached: R_Nuyts.png (692x692, 157.81K)

I'll always talk to you Robert. We're the same age. But you anchored the thread as a globalmod

weve been fighting since the old days before pol

(((Bob))) sinks thread as global mod



Haha, now I'm a mod? Trust me, if I was a mod, there wouldn't be so many shills and leftypol faggots. Also I'd probably be doing some sort of weird shit to fuck with your head when I'm bored, not the lazy wordfilters kampfy did, something more creative and possibly insidious, though also a bit absurd… something schemed up in that early shitposting hour.

No, no we have not. I wasn't honestly aware of you until you started sperging out claiming I was some TRS faggot. Well, unless you're also that "Imperial Cult" namefag who even got banned from /x/. His sperging was a pretty solid match to your's… I'm not sure which possibility is worse though, that you're that insane to be that namefag, or that there could be two out there that sperg like you do.

niether and niether

I'm the highest meme wizard in the land. I created KEK and futurefash and got Trump to speak my words with the lady and snake
I create the Stoic pol and brought the Superman to conversation

I warp reality

You are behaving like a fucking beta kike. Stop it.
It's boring and weak.

Be more, Cal State Northridge Commie

Believing your delusion does not change reality, only your own perception. You're why idiots should be kept away from "khaos majick"

Do you fuck toddler? I'm talking teen whores. Do you really believe in fucking babies (((Bob)))?


Why do you have this need to personify your own delusion as all of these different people?

Because you are (you)


No, this is about you. Why do you need to put these faces on others?