800 battle hardend terrorist operatives and "their familes" are being smuggledd into unknown western countries.
800 battle hardend terrorist operatives and "their familes" are being smuggledd into unknown western countries.
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Wow thanks Israel, will Trump put a stop to this?
well, at least we'll have their expertise in reporting on terrorist attacks if something happens, right?
Isn't the travel ban finally in effect? Best case is they try to send the White Helmet terrorists to Italy so Lega can starve them out.
Gotta love the headline spin.
Israel has been adamant about not taking in Syrian refugees. while the Jewish state keeps providing "humanitarian aid to civilians, women and children" camped on the Syrian side of the border, it "will not accept any Syrian refugee" Seriously, bless those compassionate Israelis for allowing ISIS aligned rebels to flee across a bit of illegally occupied territory while also refusing them admittance into Israel. These outstanding humanitarians deserve so much more recognition.
Thanks for the hard work Jews!
Thanks for the funding Trump!
Ports closed. The resettle agreement is all eu countries must take an equal share and italy is way over that amount. If the other eu countries dont abide by their rules, then salvini is justified in telling them to fuck off.
This is something that absolutely must be stopped. With the eclipse coming, it may be a good time to push this issue hard.
God damn it fuck off: WE’RE FULL!
Truly our greatest ally
They are Al-Qaida linked, they have nothing to do with isis though. But still yes, they should just be sent to the ovens.
Makes sense. Of course a bunch of firemen and rubble-rescue-diggers would need an emergency pre-dawn evacuation instead of identifying themselves as noncombatants, or failing that, getting on the bus to Idlib like everyone else.
see pic related nigger
Even if they don't blow themselves up right away, these people have been cooperating with HTS (Al-Qaeda splinter group) for years now, and have been honing their propaganda skills. All the reports of Assad gassing people are from them. All lies and shit SOHR spreads around? They're its sources. Expect rapefugees to get some schooling about false flags and radical islam from 800 trained professionals, courtesy of Israel.
Paraphrasing slightly….
Trump: I spoke to Putin, we had a great meeting with Putin. We talked about important things, we talked about nuclear, we talked about Israel. Very important. We both agree we need to help Israel with their security.
I'd say no. Trump is a lost cause when it comes to the Israel question.
Here's some actual information for you OP liveuamap pleb.
Also Israel just attacked Syria again (in Hama province).
Someone should be shitposting at Trump about this kind of shit man, this is ridiculous.
Oh I see. Al-Qaida is a militant Sunni islamist multi-national organization of salafist jihadists who believe that the killing of non-combatants is religiously sanctioned while ISIS was a theocratic proto-state formed by salafist jihadists who believe that the killing of non-combatants is religiously sanctioned and who practice a strict, puritanical form of Sunni Islam. I'll try to use the correct cognomina from now on.
So is that what all the semi trucks filled with browns overheating is all about, or is walmart just implicit with human and child trafficking
Where is the original, and how can I archive / download it. need to spread the word.
Canada will be taking 250 of them. Wonderful. They can live on to train their brethren on how to fake a gas attack.
And of course the kikes led the way. Some of the rescued look like kikes themselves which would surprise absolutely nobody.
They are also evacuating their Mossad agents.
ok moshe
Just stay the fuck out of the US.
Does that means the war is over?
Not quite. There are still Turkish-backed terrorist in the north, and Turkey has already expressed it'll do anything and everything to prevent Syria from liberating it (Erdogan seems to have some Ottoman irredentism in him). There's also the few smaller pockets of ISIS and moderate jihadis around that need mopping up, and then there's the Kurdish question.
Still, the main part of the war is indeed over. The rest will mostly be fought through diplomacy than by weapons.
Source please.
oy vey! hes spilling the beans on /ourgoy/ Trump backing up Jewish pet terrorists! lets call him a jew! that will do the trick!
here's one of the first results on jewgle.
There was even a thread about it when it happened, IIRC.
i remember watching that video of the White Helmet terrorists beheading that boy in the back of their truck on the day it came out.
one of the worst things i have ever seen.
back then, Twitter was the Jew York Times for Jihad, and didn't ban ISIS at all, so if you just searched and followed a few Mujahid, it was
easy to watch their daily videos promoting terror.
here is a video of a White Helmet terrorist with a truck full of dead and beheaded Syrian soldiers:
Jewtube has since taken down all of the videos documenting the history of collusion between the White Helmets and ISIS/Nusra/AQ,
so it's much harder now to find the old videos.
Here is another site with a long list of archived videos of White Helmets busted cavorting with ISIS and Nusra and AQ:
for the rest of my days, i will never, ever forgive the motherfucking traitors at CIA and the Pentagon for what they did in founding, arming, funding and supporting ISIS and all of the lesser terrorist bandit gangs in Syria.
the idea of the American military creating tens of thousands of well armed and trained RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS who are the sworn enemies of America, and who are the justification for suspending our freedoms and imposing "soft" Martial Law in America, all to overthrow a legitimately elected foreign Govt just because The Jew doesn't like its President, is the most un-American act of treason which i can imagine.
i don't give a fuck if the top cocksucker General at the Pentagon and the top gloryhole slurper at Langley were merely following the orders
of some Reptilian DC bureaucrat to create ISIS.
committing War Crimes like that has a statute of limitation that doesn't expire until 3.5 billion years when our sun expands into a Giant Dwarf and consumes all matter in our solar system, and there is only one lawful penalty for committing a War Crime as evil as creating ISIS:
Instant Death, by any means, where ever we find you.
and there are no backsies on a War Crime like creating ISIS, there is zero way to explain it away, and there is no possibility of diluting your guilt.
which means there are currently at least several hundred Pentagon Generals and Majors and Lieutenants and faggot SOCOM Super Soldiers and CIA McMuffins who are marked for death.
creating, arming and funding ISIS is not only a War Crime as unforgivable as Blaspheming the Holy Spirit, but it is also pure naked TREASON to America and the Constitution and a complete betrayal to your oath to defend and protect.
and as for James Le Mursier, the likely MI6 Glow in the Dark who "founded" the White Helmets, he deserves nothing less than being thrown buck ass naked out of a Gulfstream V rendition jet at 50,000 feet without a parachute.
Any anons got some more hard evidence on this, should be a good collection thread
This is the only logical conclusion, the fact that all his kids are with Jews is a huge clue. Plus all his banking schemes, confirmed crypto-jew.
into the trash it goes
Go kill Trump then so I can lynch you in prison.
Eyes on Orban to not slip residual into Magyopia
Worth noting that while civic sucks, Pan-Turanism is a scary mixedbag. Be careful of alternatives. At least Fidesz voted against the crypto ban. The pigshead on electrified fences was funny though
capped for memory
Just for the record, we need to kill all of their families too. Their wives, their children. Kill them all.
Hey kike, heres the result of the google search you "forgot" to do yourself.
No pay for you today.