Is this guy a Zionist? He keeps referring to Jews as "Children Of The Lie" but never explicitly tells what they represent. I've noticed that WNs like him for some reason. What does Zig Forums think of him?
Jesse Lee Peterson
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He's pretty cool. I'd hang out with him.
He is really entertaining when he interviews other niggers. He puts them down in a classy sort of fashion. Sometimes the nigs get uppity with him but he doesn't care and its entertaining.
Jesse, like Thomas Sowell or someone similar, is the stereotypical "white man who happens to be black".
If he can be a helpful force by calling people out and making a mockery of criminals and shit then so be it.
I don't advocate shilling for him but I don't want to mess with the man's life either by painting him negatively.
At least he's correct on this point
For a black man in the public eye calling the jews by their more accurate title is pretty based, but he's also stuck on jewish politics and promotes jewish lies like Trumpstein too.
Which is a shame as supporting neocon jews is tantamount to promoting the destruction of the West
There was that one black farmer who went on some show and said that the slave ships were Jewish.
hes the greatest black troll to ever live …. I convinced that jesse lee peterson is a white dude with heavy cosmetic surgery.
He basically went black face to troll and gain a specific niche
Quality of the OP is gay-tier…
Controlled opposition is the main strategy of the (((enemy))).
He's just a goofy old black guy, but he's funny.
btw cut to 18:15 for a great bit. Some leftist girl tells him to get out and he starts asking her if it's because he's black.
Yeah but I did start w/ a question.
The lie that Jesus is not the son of god, I assume.
Historically the jews have only been known for their lies.
Schopenhauer called the Jew "The Great Master of Lies". - A Hitler
It's only since WWII where the judeo-American empire has deleted history to favour their masters that it's not so commonly known today
Ok kike.
Yeah Trump is a massive jewish hoax on the goy
This interview is hilarious. She says she went to quality, predominantly white schools where there was a better education system but then says she deserved affirmative action because she wasn't afforded the same opportunities as white, despite living in the same neighborhood and going to the same schools. He tells her she is inferior and didn't deserve to get into college.
this is why you lost kike.
You guys come in two flavors. Leftists scared as shit that 2020 will be another Trump victory, and told-ya-so faggots who'd rather wag their fingers than suggest any actions. Trump is president, get over it.
Do you have a link?
hahaha we’re not proud boys you fucking nigger. a nigger’s opinion is always discarded here
kike detected, filtered
You fit in so well.
>(((you))) getting triggered by the truth
>(((you))) bumping this thread
kike detected, filtered
I think the webm is good enough.
hahaha filtered
nobody wins with american democracy
Some reference for 'Children of the lie'.
John 8:38-48:
He's obviously not a Zionist if he realises that Jesus calls the Jews the children of the devil.
Good ol' Jesse Lee Peterson. He most certainly comes from a lineage of house niggers. Bred to tell the uppity field niggers to do as Master says.
Sounds like you're funding the kike and you can't even argue against it.
JLP is an absolute savage. Peterson is king troll for the black community. He's called most black people retarded. He administers truth to depraved thots. He goes on foot into the hood and doles out classic hits endlessly. JLP is amazing.
Get back in the kitchen, Sinead.
Honestly, I love this man.
ZOG does.
I think he comes from the right place. He's easily better than 99% of blacks out there. On his radio-show and his church-service he's been calling this July "White History Month" and has mined a lot of salt because of it. The dude sells "Slut-Maker" t-shirts, and regularly calls people beta-males. He advocates for men being men, rebuilding the family, and for men to not be cucked, and to not act like emotional women. He wants men to be independent, strong, and to be able to take care of themselves. I was skeptical at first, but I watched his church service, and I became a fan. It's more a non-denominational sort of service, but he encourages people to forgive their parents and to build a better relationship with God and Christ. He regularly calls out blacks for their retardation, and for blaming everyone else but themselves. I'd recommend people at least check him out before forming an opinion. But make up your own minds.
Too funny.
Jesse is doing God’s work. Really an amazing man.