In this thread we are going to praise Vladimir the Saviour of White Race Putin.
Jewish shills who don't support Russia, Putin, Trump and Israel, make sure you don't post in this thread.
In this thread we are going to praise Vladimir the Saviour of White Race Putin.
Jewish shills who don't support Russia, Putin, Trump and Israel, make sure you don't post in this thread.
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this thread is going to go underappreciated, so I just want to let you know that you did good here
Are Chechens nonwhite, some highly warped European ethnicity, or racial cousins of the jew? Why are they turbo muslim when even Turks, Albos, and even Arabs are leaving the religion?
Putin = Chabad-Lubavitch
Trump = Chabad-Lubavitch
Lmfao putin is half jew. Ask any ethnic russian
wtf? this is due to the fall and disintegration of the Chagatai Khanate adopting Islam in the 14th century. And then along came Tamerlane fucking it all up and establishing the Timurid dynasty. This guy however has restored order and stability with the cards he was dealt in the region he lives.
Putin and Russia are the only nation standing up to the US Empire.
The american want to destroy the real europeans cultures and replace it with their fake "western culture". They are desperatly trying to blame the jews only…but the fact is every american citizen loves what their elected leaders does in the foreign policies department.Every american wish for a fully americanized globe where every city looks like New York, and everybody acts like a dumb cultureless american who loves watching the super bowl.
People must wake up and realize that Russia will help Europe to be free from McDonald's restaurants, from those military bases, the hollywood garbage and most important…our children will never have to listen to rock "music", nor rap "music", nor jazz "music" nor any other kind of "music" the americans want you to listen.
The US Empire has waged a war on humanity, so we must ally and exterminate them all. The war to end all wars.
Fuck off, (((Dugin))).
what does that have to do with this subject matter?
Oh wow I totally love nuclear holohoax now, my based fashy anti~fa~-magapedos fighting against zog!
p.s. Drumpf actually is a poo, look at the photos!1!!!
Well said based fellow fashy pede
Remember the shills on Zig Forums are only those 'anons' who tell you not to back and vote for us fashy based neocon jews
Nationalist/globalist Chabad Lubavitch jews are so based they could probably completely destroy what's left of Western civilisation if they get just one more win in the next election, let's make it happen fellow Pede's, Fashy based NeoCon jews FTW
Gentle reminder, Anyone that says not to vote for fashy based endtimes prophecy Chabad jews is the "jew">>11892172
Two party system, one zog party will win even if you don't vote. Voting is ok if you're bored but doesn't change anything. Get to your point already and say you want to incite violence and have anons become timmy mcveighs which will get literally nothing done. Time isn't right for civil war and even then stop fucking planning this shit online we are a board of peace nigger.
Holy fuck, I posted before I saw your own self-parody of a parody
You legitimately are the most retarded kikes in Tel Aviv, if you think you can go on Zig Forums and try to convince anyone that objecting to your promotion of neocon jews, are the actual "jew shills" on Zig Forums
You're solution of continually backing the same end-times zionist kikes to save us from the endtimes zionist kikes is rather amusing to all but your crew posting on Zig Forums from Tel Aviv, I'd get it if you were operating on Beribart or Fox News, but on Zig Forums, seriously ask your boss what the fuck is going on with that retardation?
Oh I beg to differ there, Sir
With what you fucking retard? You need a couple million canon fodder at best to get that done with regular people. If you influence the cianiggers and secret service on the other hand, a very slim maybe.
There are no good Jew, no good Sodomites.
No one chose this.
Nothing new under the sun.
Newsflash, nearly every country is kiked and there is no escape. I believe that the only kike-free countries on Earth are Iran and Syria. Correct me if I'm wrong on that one.
Sorry, I'm always reading from lazy fat useless patriotard jew-lovin' Americans boasting about their ownership of guns, to protect themselves from a tyrannical government, doing absolutely fuck all of worth with their hardware while jews openly gangrape America to the sound of NeoPepublikikes cheering with adoration.
You could do something worthwhile, but you won't instead you'd rather elect an orange kike puppet and sit back and wait until he materialises into Hitler, just like the jewish MSM, Anglin and Dr Duke, Q-Larp et al says he will
Better hurry though, before the orange kike gun grabber in chief takes them away
Russia could do a lot better than Putin like actually electing a white nationalist but submissive, complacent faggots on here who don't even live in Russia will tell you otherwise. Lets see if the guy with the list of good things Putin has done shows up.
Yeah you're just trying to get people to blow up buildings kek. Look, I'll do something alright but, you first FBI.
They are currently flying interference and bombing on the Syrian Golan border, parallel with ISISrael, in order to stop the kikes shooting down the Syrian airforce.
I'm sure you're going to say that's Putin helping expand greater ISISrael, as well as bombing ISISrael mercs from 85% of Syria to nearly 0% of Syrian land, is all part of the yinon plan eh?
And the kikes will now abandon the thread again and go post another 'x is associated with isisrael/bibi', or 'kike media said x about x' slide thread.
Buildings don't particularly look or sound like influential and powerful jews, as I suggested
You're right, now spill the beans on your masterful plan on how you will take care of kikes. You will also be the first one to go through on it since many here have things to lose.
You aren't wrong at all and you fucking know it
There is no escape. Nowhere to escape to. The problem for (( (them)) ) is (( (they're)) ) locked in here with us
We go to the stars or we all to a gene perish. I choose the stars
Fucking sodomites are everywhere. Who let it get this bad?
Ramzan Kadyrov
Chechen capital Grozny in 2016
I don't think many hear are aware of the finer details of this situation, and, it's being used as a shill thread.
Checked dub dubs
Generations of cucks that let it go this far.
Even thick niggers somehow manage to shoot people with little to no planning
You cannot trust the Jew. The fact that Chechnya exists as Islamic state withing Russian borders is telling something. Islam is another Jewish trick to destroy white Christian countries. Kadyrov serves the Jew, as a good Muslim is supposed to do. Islam is inherently Jewish and the many similarities to Judaism show it.
Stop believing in false gods. Believe in the one true God Who brought his only begotten Son into the world to free us from Jewish tricks. Jews hate Jesus Christ with a passion because he was the very definition of the Anti-Jew.
Islam is the only way to save the White race you nigger
OP, stop erping in your secluded fantasies.
It's embarrassing to watch.
Sadly, in the south, those three little white girls are either going to be fucking niggers or lesbians. The white boys, incels, faggots, or chasing Asian women.
well, I can see you're a moron giving validity to the three Abrahamic religions for many centuries…. believe in you skygod all you want but no one is watching me, including god when I masturbate. Ramzan Kadyrov is the closed door for northward Islamic migration into the Rus. That's his purpose and he does it well.
Take your Christian, your Islam, and your Jews and shove them all up your ass. The age of superstation needs no end.
Just one idea I'm sure these unhinged rat fuckers came up with over the past decades, wheres your plan?
They're ugly as sin so w/e
Yeah , no I am going to go ahead and praise the ancient Gods Kek and the rest of the Ogdoad
Also God creator of all multiverses and timelines , not your abrahamic demons thanks
Hear Hear!
I'm really enjoying the kikish chain of logic, it's very amusing.
BASED Jewtin.
filtered and globally reported. Kikes need to die but mudslimes need to be eradicated just as badly.
Azov elect literal Nazis into parliament, Jewtin jails Nazis like Tesak.
It will be like the time you """""liberated""""" us in 1945
Inb4 "Oh but those where Bolsheviks"
No matter who rules Russia you fucks try come here anyway and """""liberate""""" us from whatever problems real or imagined we might have.
Fuck off Ivan
Admit it.
Kadyrov triggers you because he's whiter than most Americans.
(((1))) with the most amazing D&C content that isn't stale at all.
regardless of their sandnigger religion, i'm going to say Chechen are just as white as south europeans
That guy looks Chechen.
If you weren't such a fedora-tipping turbonigger, you would realize that Islam is a cult created by an illiterate pedophile that merely tried to graft himself onto the God of the Bible to convince morons that he wasn't just making stuff up. It's no more an "Abrahamic" religion than Mormonism is. As for the other two "Abrahamic" religions, Christianity supersedes Judaism because Christ came to do away with the old covenant. There is only one true religion. That of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Le 56 worldwide!
Which God?