Every time I saw a trans person I knew they would sign my paper work.
When outside a big store a 60 yr old white man asks me what party. I tell him Republican and within two minutes four pan-asian cashiers come out and told me they got a complaint and I had to go away and never come back.
All the big chain box stores told me I had to leave and was not allowed to collect signatures.
I biked around down town Hilo for five hours a day for two weeks straight collecting signatures to get my name on the ballot.
I collected 300 signatures, socials, addresses, and date of births and turned them in to only get 30 good verified signature.
if you check out the documents at the end of my PDF, workers comp/White Sharia, you'll see that my Jewish managers got caught in a lie and the Hawaii Civil Rights Commission flipped with him, I quoted Hawaii Civil Law and the Hawaii Civil Rights disregarded their own law, the EEOC agreed with the HCRC, Workers comp was out to get me too, the Hawaii Republican Party wanted nothing to be said about my case since they wanted to focus on showing people a better life, the love of hard labor, and bringing people closer to g-d.
So managers, workers comp, Workers comp case managers insurance companies, hospitals, urgent cares, civil rights commissions bottom to top, EEOC, the national lawyers guild, and the Hawaii Republican Party all wanted my case to be quietly swept under the table. A case based solely on male sex discrimination. What is systematic oppression. – and I wrote about how to LARP back against them. some local news ran a story about my name so I released the workers comp/White Sharia PDF as is.
I took a year of 40/hr weeks of verbal abuse to see some fucking idiots develop meth addictions, rupture a disk, pinch a never, then cry out to on the sales floor they couldn't stand because of a shooting pain in their leg.