California has been steadily increasing its debt because it approves every thing bond/loan that comes up. We recently approved a multi-billion dollar bond split between saving native fish and giving nigger children playgrounds. (((People))) also repeatedly insist that having high debt is a good thing. The state and federal government are going to continue going further in debt. What can actually be done to start eliminating it? It's not a priority, but we need to know more about it.
How could the US start reducing its national debt?
Other urls found in this thread:
that's it
Tarriffs motherfucker
The debt is meaningless. It can never be repaid, by definition. There is >$1 of debt in existence for every $1 in existence. End the Federal Reserve. Period.
Print more money.
Switch to a chicken based economy. There are 9.1 billion chickens in the US and, unlike gold, it's an unlimited resource.
End the Fed, recognize taxation as an act of theft and allow would-be tax payers to kill government employees in self-defense.
Isn't gold being in limited quantity the whole point of backing a currency with gold?
The trouble with a finite resource is that it can too easily end up in the hands of a single group or even an individual. On a long enough timeline, all the gold will belong to one person.
We'll never run out of chickens. Plus, you can eat them.
End it and all participants with extreme predjudice
Federal debt is the product of a debt based currency rented to the US government by the (((Federal Reserve))).
Ending national debt is as simple as reestablishing the right of the Department of the Treasury to mint it's own currency, having the Treasury mint a coin equal to the debt to the (((Federal Reserve))), then have the Treasury and IRS formulate a currency based on man hours spent on federally endorsed projects with public, detailed records of expenditures and the ability for any court to prosecute fraudulent projects and currency manipulators.
stop honoring illegal interest payments
By saying fuck you, we owe you nothing. And then preferably killing all banker. And jews.
Like said, the system is designed so the debt cannot be repaid. Because of fractional reserve banking, 92 to 96% of all currency in circulation is bank credit (currency created when banks issue loans or when you make a credit card purchase). And every dollar of base currency (the remaining 4 to 8% that is created by the Federal Reserve) is borrowed into existence at interest, meaning that for every one of those dollars, one dollar and a few cents are owed.
If you borrow a dollar into existence at interest and that is the only dollar in existence, where do you get the dollar cents to pay the interest?
The entire system is a fraud. The debt will never be paid back. The world financial system is a planetary game of musical chairs. Turning your currency into value saving assets is the equivalent of of sitting on the chairs before everyone else (Gold, silver, maybe some cryptos, guns, certain types of real-estate, farmland…)
"Tariffs don't work, lol"
t. adam smith, 250 years ago
End the FED.
REMOVE ALL kikes from ALL positions of power.
Adopt National Socialist economics
Make America White Again by deporting all non-Whites and kikes. (except feather indians)
German Miracle II: Electric Boogaloo, America Edition.
This user gets it.
The sham must be ended.
Default. The US Government does not owe the banks a dime.
Leave a note on the FED door that says, "The country that can use military force to extract usury from the United States is welcome to come and collect on the debt."
It's undervalued compared to gold. You can buy 80 silver:1 gold right now, normally is 12 silver:1 gold. It's fucking dirt cheap and more or less at a 10 year low. It will spike excessively by 2030
Smokin' trips.
To expand on what user said. Suppose you have $10,000 in gold. The Federal Reserve is allowed to lend out $25,000 to banks because it physically has that much gold. The banks are then allowed, in turn, to lend out $250,000 because they have that much backing from the FED.
You want to take out a $200,000 loan from the bank to pay for a house. You sign the paper and the system now has $450,000 money into it. You pay the loan. The system still has $450,000 in it. The bank can now lend more money.
Every time they print a dollar, it steals value from every existing dollar. Think of it in terms of pizza. If you have a pizza and cut it into 4 pieces, everyone has a big slice. If you cut it into 100 slices, nobody gets anything. But what you've actually done is cut it into 1,000 slices, and told them they can borrow a sliver of pizza for a whole slice in return.
yes and it works so long, as the ponzi scheme keeps flowing, like a river. When it stagnates, and money stops moving a system like this collaspes. As long as it keeps moving, the debt keeps growing, it works. Whether you fags like it or not.
Technically paying back the loan removes the money from the system, but since you pay back far more than you borrowed, depending on terms it can be $600,000 or more on a $200,000 loan, so the bank basically made triple the loan value for loaning you MONEY THEY NEVER HAD. This is how banks make so much money they literally have to start gambling to ever find enough risk to go belly-up. It is how they can charge 3% interest rates but actually make a 30% profit margin. It is out of control and need to be regulated back into obscurity. That is the only thing Pocahontas gets right.
Stop welfare, execute all serious offenders in prison, deport all legal and illegal migrants, and cease all funding to the FBI.
Tax Non-Profits including Religions, Tax donations.
Stop Corporate Subsidies. And Country Subsidies.
Require Fed workday (break rocks, maintain roads, etc) for social services with NO VOTING if on program. Mandatory Drug testing for Fed jobs and social services. Stop Welfare Food Stamp cash and money programs, give a set basket of food, and non-food goods.
Stop Anchor babies.
Keep going keep cutting… pic somewhat related
End the fed, gas the kikes.
That's a damned statistic, a huge chunk of our debt comes from social programs like that.
Does OP even know the jewish roots of the federal reserve? This is a basic redpill. Where is OP anyway?
Stop spending 250,000,000 dollars a day on (((banker))) wars. We only attack nations that drop the (((dollar))) or the (((euro))). Its never been about free-dumb.
Nationally the only option at this point is default. That's done with either a declaration, which the Chinese would see as an act of war, or the stealth route via inflation. I don't know about CA because I don't suck dicks and inject heroin into my cock.
it probably cannot. see ReactionaryHippie on Soundcloud, 'On Debt'
t. economic illiterate
Leftism, progressivism, liberalism, socialism, communism ARE ALL ABOUT propping up corporations.
What the fuck don't leftists get about that? The absolute only way those things are possible is with big government. There's no bigger government thatn communism.
t. Filthy hooknosed kike that belongs in an oven screaming for mercy that no one gives him.
Do you mean for example, required federal service for people receiving things like medicare or food stamps?
In a nutshell, and the reason they haven't defaulted is because if they do then the scammy bits die too. Money facilitates transactions between parties but it doesn't create goods and services – they will still exist without a "reserve bank".
The cartoonish "money from nothing" argument espoused by some anons is little kid logic. The entire argument requires that everything is a closed loop and dismisses the fact that shit gets created all the time outside their "magic bank money" false dilemma.
Step 1;
prepare for a recession that's built into the system
Step 2;
end teh fed
Step 3;
get rid of 90% of entitlement payouts while keeping the entitlements but making them more difficult to get onto - requiring proof of need
Step 4;
remove the right to vote for the majority of the nation
CA owes more than $450 billion in public pension debt. Considering how our officials were congratulating themselves that we had an 8 billion dollar surplus this year, I think we're fucked.
If we were to kick all illegals out of CA,they could end all income taxes and still balance the budget.
Property and income taxes should NOT exist.
Unlimited child welfare needs to be phased out; the sooner, the better.
Cap full benefits at 2 children, with a possible 3rd, but highly-reduced.
For minorities (Jews included).
When I know working-class Whites who are being cut off for being just 40 dollars above the bracket because of an unexpected windfall, then something is seriously fucking wrong.
The system as-is encourages people to hobble themselves by staying within the cycle of poverty instead of giving them the means by which to become independent from the system.
Also, no more welfare offices being packed with black women; they play favorites while wrongfully-denying Whites.
Mandatory drug tests for government employees would probably be an excellent, LEGAL means to that end.
That sounds about right, however, having some sources to cite would be nice.
Those we deal with by offering them reparations in the form of unlimited free booze. The reparations program won't last a year.
The US did just fine for about 200 years without the fed.
You can't get rid of it and reducing it is doing nothing but changing the imaginary numbers. There isn't a single country on the planet that doesn't have debt. The Jews capitalism can't be saved and there isn't a reason you should want to so must be another shill.
The problem with the Fed is religious. The Fed is of a type of system which is by nature un-Christian. It is not possible to be a Christian and support the Fed. The Fed operates upon lending.
And association with, involvement in, lending, is verboten, if you are a Christian.
deregulate markets reduce government apparatus military spending and return to a gold standard like before 1971
Trump’s plans for the economy will prove disastrous. He will dramatically lower taxes, especially on the wealthy, reducing net revenues by several trillion dollars. Combined with his expansion of military spending, the net result will be a ballooning deficit. His trade policies will clobber the economy, costing millions of jobs. I don’t think that he’ll be bad enough to push us into a depression; indeed, the economic results of the first two years of an Administration are due entirely to the previous Administration. So we won’t suffer the economic consequences of his policies for the first few years. However, with the passage of time, economic growth will certainly slow and might well tip into recession late in his term.
But more important, to me, will be the leap in the Gini Coefficient. This is a measure of economic inequality. It has been steadily rising since the 1970s and has now reached 0.45, an alarmingly high value. For purposes of comparison, most of the northern European countries have Gini Coefficient values of about 0.30. Two of the worst countries in the world are Brazil and Mexico, with Gini Coefficient values of between 0.50 and 0.60. As you can see, we are definitely pushing into a nasty realm; Trump will greatly accelerate this process. This in turn will exacerbate the social divisions that I think will ultimately be the undoing of the American Republic.
Don't be so naive, user. It's not that they don't get it, it's that they want to profit from it.
good to see you here.
additionally the next cycle has to come to an end pretty soon aswell what comes up goes down it was always this way and will always ever be like that.
Like somebody mentioned earlier the system is CREATED on debt.
By definition it cannot fully be repaid as i understand it?
The fact hat he tries to put all the current achievements under his belt which he put in place in this administration will prove to crash down once the ones set in by the Obama administration will eventually come to bite America in the ass (fed regulation and cheap money so on so forth as well).
It doesn't, that's why this system is disgusting. The bank has $250,000 "real" dollars (backed by the FED) and $200,000 phantom dollars that you (your loan, actually) created. They ask the FED to print the $200,000 so it's physically around and they do.
It's a simplification but it's a degenerate system
I've just recently started to read up on finance, so my view is a little uncalibrated. But, looking at pic related for example, they say the economy is doing well because everything is rising. But that just seems like a symptom of inflation to me.
It's an anti-Christian system. Christianity forbids usury (basically, loans where you expect repayment, much less interest). In addition, Christianity forbids involvement in lawsuits, or supporting a system of lawsuits. I add that Christianity also commands you buy gold.
But Straya cunts give free money for alcohol and drugs to Abos for years now, yet those fuckers never die, no matter how much petrol they sniff.
The economy is set to roar. There's no stopping it at this point. The individual economy, anyhow. Wages are set to skyrocket. This is what happens when you even reduce the kike a small amount.
The only way is to end the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve Note / petrodollar currency
Of course it can't. The entire world's economic system is now based on debt. Without debt there is no money. (((They))) have successfully turned currency from a way to facilitate commerce to a way to facilitate usury. The debt will always rise as long as the system continues, which is by design.
Post counts by user ID:
73996b: 4 (7.41%)
Cast your sights on these dubs!
> 44's (3 total; 42.86%)
> 22's (2 total; 28.57%)
> 55's (1 total; 14.29%)
> 99's (1 total; 14.29%)
> 999's (1 total; 100.00%)
That's why you have to give it to them directly. Too much can go wrong between when you give them the money and when they OD.
user went full retard, gold derives part of its currency value from being limited, also the 'degree of saleableness' of gold far exceeds that of livestock. Try collecting enough chickens to buy a vehicle, and seller will reasonably be accepting such a burden. Historically attempts in hording gold have failed, nationally they will be distributed and smuggled despite tariff. The coffers of Nobility would be accumulated for future expenses like war emergency. One of the values of gold(anything) to economizing individuals rests in its capacity to increase ones position, gold will be used as exchange currency, vanity or industrial application as need demands. It is not reasonable to acquire something of immediate value for current and foreseeable, and instead horde it, at that point of monopolized gold ownership, it's value will diminish especially for it's use as currency.
Terminate…with extreme prejudice.
The private individual best ensures the effective use and returns on his investment, he is rooted in its success, a bureaucracy is not. With the end of Democracy we wont worry about blameless politicians.
NatSoc economics impelled the Reich in to drastic reform and annexation. As Germany followed in Keynesian economic principles, food rationing continued, with the aims of total employment the central planners public works employed the people, doing such they exhausted the Reich's gold reserves and came at a cross roads, their investments had not way of paying themselves off, civilians were no better off in wealth than under Weimar times. Fearing diminishing support and power granted to the party, Goering was made Reichsminister of economics and deviated from Schacht's more conservative economics, Germany would need war, in this view, to secure food stuffs for the hungry nation. Had they stopped believing their own propaganda, they would have privatized agriculture and ended tariffs on food imports.
Remove welfare and any wealth transfers, it squanders stolen wealth and ignores the principles of economics by ignoring the other side of the equation. see: economics in one lesson. This removal would effectively be a eugenics program in itself.
According to the Theory of Value established by Carl Menger, credit, loans with interest, greatly enhance productive capacity, much industry relies on the ability to take loans for starting production. Loans necessarily require interest for investment risk, period of time expected for production to make returns to lender… Jews became so prevalent and wealthy in Western societies because they had an immediate access to monopoly of facilitating exchange and production, a monopoly strictly excluding Christendom.
A wealth gap isn't a problem necessarily, seeking equality in wealth has already proven to be disastrous. It's erroneous to see attenuated taxes on the rich as the problem, when the demand itself for these taxes is the root problem begetting a vicious circle of taxing and squandered spending. The lowest and all levels of society, including the richest, would see higher levels of wealth if there wasn't such a disastrous forced transfer of wealth. The most efficient and industrious members of society need their wealth to invest and create, giving wealth to bureaucrats and the poor, who have proven to be antithetical to the effective use of wealth, is the vicious driver of the cycle, the net negatives cannot produce dividends on investment as a general rule.
A major incentive of increasing government power, is the often false idea that this expansion will yield them opportunity for control over others. Socialist voters are often not preparred to take office if it occurs and the position is filled by some bureaucrat, someone bad. Democracy is a game of leveraging power over the voting minority.
cool, what books, user?
What a cohencidence that the god of the jews demands usury against goyim.
So far just Mike Maloney's Guide to Investing In Gold & Silver: Protecting Your Financial Future, I think I got it as a pdf from an user here.
Actually, I have a few ounces of silver from my dad and I purchasing some when it was on the way down from the recent spike 4-5 years ago. But now that I have some money saved up, I was planning to buy more, and happening to chance on that book, as well as the low prices, I can't wait for the economy to implode. Not sure how to take the silver I have and transform it into something better after the dollar tanks.
tfw CDN is trading at like 1.31:1 USD, but Ontario's minimum wage jumping to $14/hr more or less offsets the shitty dollar
start here
Go to war with countries that we owe money to and kill them all.
I don't see how free citizens have any duty to pay off loans of a treasonous government that literally issues money based on debt that their friends (and themselves when they move through the revolving doors of politics and board executives of corporations) collect on.
id dubs+ trips
This is best post itt
No MIC for jews, deport the 60+ million illegal aliens, h1b1 poos, "legal" non White invaders.
Its called "debt to equity" swaps. You own nothing goyim.
(((Capitalism))) works.
What's equitable about unpayable debt, oven dodger?
Kick out the niggers and spics and pooinloos and execute all the kikes. End all the overseas military adventures.
Capitalism is the exchange of assets for services or assets.
Fiat currency is not an asset it is a debt.
Therefore with a fiat currency system it can never be capitalism because capitalism is the exchange of assets not debts.
What is the opposite of capitalism? Communism, and that the system we actually have. look at G8 and G20, builderberg and CFR they are global central planning meetings.
I can't wait to walk on the ashes of their asses.
Only a revolution could stop the corporate and nigger leeching.
it will probably come to that. good luck anons
hang all the jews and create a new, sensible currency and just deal with the bedlam of "oh shit all loans and debs have been zeroed".
That bedlam is less destructive than eternally dancing around the shitpile that is FIAT currency.
No more ususy.
No more jews.
And kill all who propose anything with an interest from then on.
No more usury.
No more loan thralldom.
No more fiat currencies.
No more fractional reserve banking.
Destroy Fiat currency.
Can't have any debt if the Jew's blood is null.
Here's a redpill for you Zig Forums.
Jews don't borrow from banks. They go to Jewish lending centers for interest free loans. Its against Jewish law for a Jew to lend to another Jew with interest. Its against their laws to lend to goyim with interest.
Its NOT against their laws to lend to goyim with interest.
Food Stamps, Welfare, EBT, etc. If able to work, YES
medicare full disability, SSI, Retired, no
Agree on Employees as well, many Social Workers are also Liberal douches, V.A. is full of same. Yes drug test Fed = fail = go on social services = NO VOTING :)
EXACTLY, but will have to look like want to help, cause rowbitz stole dummies jobz, so putting on social services basket of goods program with NO VOTING. Implementation!
Stop giving Israel billions of dollars every year.
Whats in your bank account.
try harder
Every other type of wealth there exist. They already took even underground water.
Sovereign debt doesn't matter. It's a meme the jews use to keep us from actually growing. Because most money is just numbers in a computer, they don't need to hand you an actual dollar bill when you redeem a bond. If you redeem a $100 bond they will reduce $100 from your treasury securities account and add $100 to your bank account. Notice that this doesn't really change anything for the person redeeming the bond, the bond itself was already worth that $100. That means that "debt" is basically money in a different form. It's not something that needs to be paid back with tax revenue, like California's debt. In that sense, the government debt is essentially a private sector savings account because they earn interest.
Hitler and Schnact were able to restore Germany to greatness in just a few years. They knew that the work of a nation's people was worth more than gold in a vault. Likewise, we in the twenty-first century should know that the work of our people is worth more than bad accounting methods.
To be completely honest turning around the German economy had nothing to do with how the money is backed(Labor backed is still fiat as the government is giving assurances that that labor was productive in the first place) nor with national socialism in particular. What they did do was cut the tremendous amount of malinvestment going on in germany under the kikes that ran Wiemar. Think how much money was wasted by banks paying out loans which would intentionally never be used to produce anything and then calling them in at government expense(this was an intentional kike ploy to devalue currency along with printing it). Think how much money was sent to trannies, universities, faggots who produced nothing. How much "infrastructure" investment was for homo bath houses or theaters which produced nothing anybody wanted to see. How much money was given to foreign nations in the treaty that kikes signed after overthrowing the Kaiser. How much money was supposed to be "invested" in something material but in the end was just traded back and forth by kike bankers and kike bureaucrats.
Even without kicking out the kikes(who are the cause of every economic downturn, fight against industry/agriculture/resourceextraction in favor of worthless services, and funnel wealth into do-nothing colleges and other public institutions we could still be very far in the black simply by removing niggers and spics.
If you substract the total claimed productivity of niggers and spics from corporate taxes(very generous to the spics and niggers in terms of valuing their labor) and also remove the total expenditures allotted to them from the economy you will find that we would have a budget surplus. In fact if we had no niggers or spics we would have had a budget surplus of between 0.8 and 1.8 trillion dollars(2000USD) every single year for the last 40 years regardless of what retarded neoliberal or neocon policies were in place. Think about that even with kikes bleeding the system dry we'd still have enough to buy at least eight new aircraft carriers every year, or not tax any white making under 80,000 dollars, or keep 2 million men under arms in addition to our current armies, or buy 2,000 new fighter aircraft. EVERY FUCKING YEAR.
Now it is harder to estimate the total cost of the liberal corruption in colleges, healthcare, education, or government let alone the kike embezzlement or the lost taxes due to their tax scames(Hollywood) but I'd say that is at least another trillion dollars in malinvestment right there.
White Medicare beneficiaries
White Social Security beneficiaries
White Welfare recipients 2015
White Medicaid recipients
Total Medicaid Spending
Total Medicare Spending
Total US Government Spending at all levels 2014
Total US Government Revenue of all types and at all levels 2014
2014 income distribution of Whites, alone, not hispanic
2014 “Who pays taxes”
2014 US Federal Budget
US Non-Hispanic Whites in 2012
Kick kikes, nogs, mez spics and street shitters out of the country. Problem will be fixed overnight.
More white babies.
Don't they pass out in the street and get runover by shitposters in their Holdens all the time?
He means that it is worthless ie intangible and good for nothing except being ones and zeros on a screen.
(1) the current 'Fed' was established approx. 120yrs after the Philadelphia Constitution was signed
(2) the US had a National Bank off and on during that period
maybe it is, but you haven't proven that with your comments. learn2argument
not true. 'high powered' money is not debt based. what you're thinking about is the 'money multiplier' which 'creates' the rest of the 'money' in the Banking System
also not true, at least not in the way you think it is. the reason the debt continues to rise is explained quite well by reactionaryhippie on soundcloud, in his podcast 'On Debt' – if you're interested in this topic, i suggest you listen. the transcript has been posted here on Zig Forums many times, always to rave reviews
You know, most people here probably wouldn't mind a central bank as long as it was controlled by members of our race, not (((them))) (which the fed has been since the very beginning)
And I am talking about the modern 1913 fed.
>the (current) fed has been controlled by (((them))) since the very beginning
In my understanding, that's incorrect. The Fed is owned – and therefore ostensibly controlled – by its Member Banks, which were, originally, the Commercial Banks aka National Banks aka Industrial Banks and as opposed to the (((Investment Banks))) aka (((International Banks))). America's Commercial Banks were Gentile owned/controlled until after the (((Investment Banks))) went public (circa 80s, except for Goldman circa '98) and then bought the Commercial Banks out (iirc 2000s). The first Jewish Chairman of the Fed, iirc, was Paul Volker who took office in 1979. We've had a Jewish Fed Chairman ever since, unless Powell is Gentile. idk. The rest of the Fed Governors are picked by the banks of each district (Fed Chairman is almost always from NY district), which were undoubtedly all Gentile, and may still be.
Reading Zig Forums and watching jewtube videos in not 'research' and if you insist on learning that way, you need to at least attempt to verify the information through reputable sources.
In my understand it was the earlier National Banks that were controlled by (((International Bankers))) which is why Jackson went after them. The current Fed was supposed to be merely a liquidity institution for Commercial Banks (though it does much more now), and was specifically and publicly modeled after the Farm Banks which the Populists were able to institute in the 1880s-90s. like, literally, the Commercial Bankers went to the government and said 'why do the Farmers get a national liquidity institution and we don't BOO HOO HOO we need help, too, NO FAIR!!!'
This is all public information and easily available, if only you look for it.
PS. by 'liquidity institution' we mean a institution that is able to move credit from regions that are credit poor to regions that are credit rich. For instance, the S&Ls were also able to get such institutions created because they found that, unsurprisingly, most of the people asking for credit were in the West, but most of those with available credit were in the East (specifically, NE). This is how California, and 'Western Suburbia' in general, were built
>Who was (((Paul Moritz Warburg)))?
>In my understand it was the earlier National Banks that were controlled by (((International Bankers))) which is why Jackson went after them.
And you think the modern one somehow isn't? There was hardly any jews in America back in Jackson's time. Now there is millions upon millions here.
>America's Commercial Banks were Gentile owned/controlled until after the (((Investment Banks))) went public (circa 80s)
>thinks (((they))) were not in control of the american financial/banking system until the 1980s
Yeah, I think this convo is about over
>the (((Forward))) op-ed
pick one
wow, never seen that before
it is true that (((international interests))) preferred the US to have a central bank rather than not have one. but, that doesn't prove 'its been all jew controlled from the beginning' – learn2argument
there were in NY
pretty much all post- Great War retard
there was no single american financial/banking system until the '30s you fucking illiterate. that's what i'm trying to tell you. they didn't start building (national) liquidity institutions until the 1880s. are you fucking learning disabled?
yeah, bc you have no fucking arguments, and are unwilling to learn, you retarded cocksucker
There is no national debt. Shut down the Federal reserve and nationalize the banking system.
The USA was founded by Jews and has been ruled by Jews since it was created, retard.
GTFO smiley