12:15 until they start talking trump "trade war"
14:00 tropping truth bombs left and right.
absolute artillery all day i thought i should share.
one fine example :
12:15 until they start talking trump "trade war"
14:00 tropping truth bombs left and right.
absolute artillery all day i thought i should share.
one fine example :
Wow I absolutely failed
this is just sad
how many did he predict since 2009?
The absolute state.
Forgot my sage
bret weinstein is missing
dr rhonda patrick?
im just looking for the truth if ur willing to share im willing to listen
jocko podcast?
jidf shill detected doesnt want shit uncovered
I like Peter Schiff. Despite his last name, his father was thrown in jail for combating the income tax and wrote books on ending the FED. I take his to be an honest American patriot. Whatever that is worth.
But when Peter Schiff claims we are coming to the edge of a cliff, he is talking about the amount of National Debt we have accrued, including the unfunded liabilities of this nation. Although the economy may be soaring, we have to understand that so much of the wealth in this country is "paper gains' due to the fact that interest rates are at near 0%. Any material increase in interest rates and the federal government cannot pay back it's debt without undermining the value of the dollar. This is mostly due to China and other investors not being keen on buying 30years bonds but instead opting for 1 year notes. The rollover risk is where we can easily get burned.
This happens often in "bull markets" for interest rates. A small company may be able to fund the interest payments on a $1Mil loan at 6% interest. But if the interest rates go down to 3%, you can suddenly find yourself being able to fund the interest on $2Mil. And once you have $2Mil in Liabilities, and if your cost to borrow increases, you are instantly bankrupt if interest rates move against you!
This is where we are at. Even the Baby Boomers have known nothing but a bull market in Interest Rates since Paul Volcker spiked interest rates in the early 1980's. Not eve Baby Boomers remember this, and certainly no Gen X-Y or Millenial. When interest rates rise, all asset prices will move down because the profitability to speculate with borrowed cash ( aka leverage ) decreases. That is everyone in America who is "house poor" paying for a $200,000 house will find that they are toiling away for something worth MUCH LESS. Your stock portfolio will be worth a lot less once the cost to borrow gets normalized.
What interest rate do people pay on a house? 6%-7%? Back in the early 1990's people were paying 14-15%! Who the fuck can afford that? This "economic cliff" we are headed towards is a massive amount of "de-leveraging" as cheap borrowed money gets sucked out of the economy because it is not longer being pumped in by external countries. For DECADES the world has been selling the U.S. goods and literally giving the money back to the U.S. ( by buying up our bonds ) which we have spent into the economy through government spending. Once that free money stops flowing, we have a huge demographic problem is retiring baby boomers who's lifelong savings evaporate into nothing.
HAHAHAHAH you don't belong here
Always has a "just what the normalfaggots need to know" "expert" on to explain why you should ignore the man behind the curtain.
Some guests are good, though.
Wim Hof, Randal, and so on.
All jews.
you know I almost fall for this meme.
I use to listen to the JRE podcast, then peterson, sam harris the jew, the little robot jew, the biology and smart brother jews, the other gay jew.
I remember browsing Zig Forums with the antisemitic "jokes"
and then I realise
the meme was real, they where ALL JEWS.
I am really new here, its fucking insane how easy is to avoid the truth for so long.
it's a fucking male sexual mutilation cult of psychpaths.
Peter Schiff is the best example of a Jew's eternal lust for gold.
From an evolutionary perspective, the last 3000 years were a very dangerous time for Jews, often if they were on wrong side of the Village Chief or King, they would either be exiled or find themselves in the midst of a pogrom.
One thing that gave Jews power over life and death was Gold. The Jew must always have Gold because it provided them with safety.
European villages, tribes and cities didn't have a real need for gold. For armies, land and technology is what gave Europeans power - not gold.
Thus we can sit back and watch Peter Schiff can never get over his lust for gold. It flows through his veins and its built into his genetic memory as a source of life and power.
Same Jew tricks. Gold is a reserve currency, not a real currency. It hold value in case of currency inflation/deflation. He doesn't even know what causes inflation according to interview. Rogan wants power. I dont know why. He was doing fine in life as a martial artists casual conversation guy. It's wierd. Must of been offered "immortality" like the rest.
Read Culture of Critique, Zig Forums jokes a lot but in those jokes is always truth.
your post was gibberish. kys
Gold is money. everything else is credit.
That's a bad thing. Kill yourself.