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lil hal turner can only get 800 views on his shitty bait videos
neck yourself fed
OMG that poor doggo.
Webm it for distribution.
No idea who this is, explain issue?
Guy that ran for Congress in California as a way to get attention and attempt to spread redpills on kikes.
>I’ve also sometimes suggested to people that one under-emphasized aspect of a Jewish population, greatly magnifying its problematical character, is the existence of what might be considered a biological sub-morph of exceptionally fanatical individuals, always on hair-trigger alert to launch verbal and sometimes physical attacks of unprecedented fury against anyone they regard as insufficiently friendly towards Jewish interests. Every now and then, a particularly brave or foolhardy public figure challenges some off-limits topic and is almost always overwhelmed and destroyed by a veritable swarm of these fanatical Jewish attackers. Just as the painful stings of the self-sacrificing warrior caste of an ant colony can quickly teach large predators to go elsewhere, fears of provoking these “Jewish berserkers” can often severely intimidate writers or politicians, causing them to choose their words very carefully or even completely avoid discussing certain controversial subjects, thereby greatly benefiting Jewish interests as a whole. And the more such influential people are thus intimidated into avoiding a particular topic, the more that topic is perceived as strictly taboo, and avoided by everyone else as well.
I voted for him.
Some nu/pol/ fag.
This isn't unexpected, not necessarily unwelcomed by Little. He's baiting out this kind of behavior in order to look better by the violent opposition, and though it is one thing to put himself in the line of fire he should try to ensure there is better protection for his assistant(s). They become his responsibility when he decides to venture out into these things, and it isn't good on his part to leave them undefended when they are primary targets.
Also, Little needs a damn microphone on himself so his conversations can actually get recorded. I don't watch his 'J-walks' because I can't hear anything but the idiots yammering on the outsides of the real conversation. He should have two cameramen, one apparent and defended with lookouts set up to record the conversation itself, and the other incognito to keep tabs on Little, the primary cameraman, and the crowd in case of events like this.
Think ahead, Patrick. These crowds are relatively predictable.
They bruised an old man elbow as well he was pushed by them
44:05 - the exact moment when the mask comes off
Sheboon found Aba Yarney
I would need more pictures to confirm. On first glance, they don't appear to be the same person, and the cities don't match either.
Probably is she
This nigra older
Another one
Fuck off antifa.
what's the matter LITTLE BOY? Shilling this board doesn't work any more?
Still don't see it. The tattoo would be an easy identifier, but the woman in the video is wearing a coat.
what a waste of good dubs. Get fucked, mamzer.
Clearly the same person. Even the eye bags are the same. Neck fat, and somewhat lazy eye.
Patrick seems to be trying to turn naming the Jew into a full-time job.
It would be funny if this starts to become an occupation for some people.
Quit shilling that controlled op kike here
Who do you prefer?
I don't think these people will ever believe that Jews do not see themselves as white. They are literally unteachable, lower than dogs.
Patrick Little knows what kind of faggots he's trying to redpill and confront but only the old man and the cameraman got injured so this is not eceleb bullshit
Watching the stream you could tell things were escalating very quickly. That fucking kike jumping around and yelling at the camera got my blood boiling. Naturally, the chimp was chimping out but even so…I couldn't believe how braindead that bitch was. Little has the facts on his side but needs to recognize a lost cause.
All these commie street fucks were doing their usual tactic of isolating their target. The moment the cameraman was being harassed and pushed away from Little, they should have called it and left. Instead, the degenerates called for backup which allowed them to swell their numbers and get confident that they could assault and disappear into the crowd.
I wonder if there is a local antifa warehouse/flophouse in that area that needs a "visit" from the Right Wing Safety Squads…
Honeypots are a common thing yknow, its how the feds took out white power gangs
Don't be silly. The reason that Little wasn't attacked as hard as the other two is because they were slightly afraid of him. A little insanity goes a long way when dealing with the willfully mentally handicapped.
Yeah you could see it happening in slow motion from the cameraman's perspective. They kept Little distracted while they attacked the easier targets.
Nobody gives a fuck about little, this has been spammed on halfchan.
It's not about little you fucking kike, he didn't get injured only the camereman and an old man
Are these sorts of account real? Seems like it would be very easy to set traps for antifa by giving false "tips".
They are real and what you mentioned i see many possibilites…
Me too.
Little shows how to speak to people about this stuff. You can learn a lot just from his body language.
Your votes were all thrown in the trash.
Oldman's elbow
Zoe Illona Spanogians
Interesting. He's dropping red pills on slavery and who really ran it and people listening. Bids an hour long though. Where does the attack occur?
try the comment section.
44:30 or there abouts. They start getting aggressive to camera man before that though.
They knock the camera down so the attack is more heard than seen, and one of them goes "get the camera" or something like that.
She's a stupid bitch. Absolutely refused to believe the Jews were behind slavery.
Sephardic Jews were the main perpetrators. You can't mistake them for white. The Honorable Mr. little needs to arm himself with these facts.
Pic related.
They are not white.
so any idea who actually beat on cameraman?
I used to have sympathy for left-leaning parasites, having been one myself thanks to Talmudvision and not realizing how deplatformed the truth was. But after the stuff that got through to Twitter during the election, the Wikileaks stuff, the pedowood stuff, everything about the UK, spirit cooking, and how insane the CIAniggers on CNN are forced to act, there's really very little excuse not to know anything now. And wouldn't you know it, whenever you dig into these people, they're guilty of something. I won't feel a thing when they're gone. Pat must hate them even more than I do, just a couple days ago he watched Hellstorm in the middle of a water fast. The guy is insane in a good way for being able to do any of this.
Aba Yarney is Facebook friends with another violent Antifa who lives in Charlottesville, Jordan McNeish! There is a connection to national Antifa!
Aba Yarney is also connected to Antifa in Durham, Chapel Hill, and Carrboro, NC. This guy is on her friends list and I knew about him way before the attack. Cody Platt. This was a coordinated attack by Antifa, it's clear now.
Big if true
Oh fuck it's even bigger. Aba Yarney knows Edgar Brandon Collins who attacked Jason Kessler on August 13 and was convicted! This bitch is a MAJOR Antifa leader!
she also knows Jordan Mcniesh
source: I'm the user who named aba on halfchan… recognized her from irl
I'm 90% sure it's her and even if it's not she was always a piece of shit
Aba Yarney knows a 3rd person who was in Charlottesville on August 12! Ed Zavada!
Ed Zavada is a Texas based Antifa!
someone pointed out her teeth didn't match probably isn't her
Need address & phone for this nigger, family, everything.
download it and mirror it you fucking nigger
(((YouTube))) has removed the video for hate speech. Know anywhere else to find it?
Here faggot
Archive you nigger
Teeth can be fixed. Dental work. It's her.
I have it downloaded.
Obviously JIDF sent out an alert to mass flag the video.
The fuckers are still here.
Zoe Illona Spanogians
Nose , eyes, & face shape match up…. I'd say her - maybe spic that attacked camera guy is on her kikebook friends list
Jew hunter sounds better
im not watching 58 minutes of this shit you fucking retard
post timestamp
Lazy faggot 42:30
He should lie about his location. It does reek of a setup.
Also just name random locations just so the superfags are thrown off & waste resources.
watching from 31 mins onwards and the kike is slready screaming
i would've slappped him silly long before 42 minutes in
patrick needs some bodyguards to punch these kikes or something
The Torch Network is Anti-Racist Action or ARA, the oldest and one of the most violent Antifa terrorist groups in the USA. Aba Yarney coordinated this terrorist attack with ARA.
Bummer that it got deleted. The comments were gold.
ive listened to six minutes of this shit and i want to break this faggot kikes neck
friendly reminder to everyone to lift and carry so you can crack skulls and defend yourself
MMA training might also help. YES carry.
got a mirror?
or anybody?
all he's saying is the city anywaysand these are big cities
but they can be ready and just look at stream and find him i suppose
This faggot needs to file a police report or someone does that was assaulted and use the names provided here.
This was definitely a setup. The Aba Yarney sheboon comes onto the scene looking for Patrick. Check out her entry at 16:35 - 16:50. She walks up, almost past Patrick, recognises him, them moves over by the the shopfront to listen into the conversation. Then, around 17:20 she moves in closer and pulls up next to the guy in the hat (he came out of the shop), bums a smoke off him and strikes up a brief conversation. I don't think they know each other. Then at 18:45, she approaches to confront. So it took just two minutes from arrival to involvement. She was tipped off by antifa and showed up intending to cause an incident.
New link, the last one got shoah'd
Oh it's clear this was a coordinated terrorist attack. She was working with ARA to target Patrick Little.
Anyone checked their followers for that blue pilled negro?
Anyone got her dox?
i'm sure they'll remove it or make it private soon
Aba Yarney, she's on Facebook, but if she has a twitter too that would be a good thing to find.
Yes. Save pics, friends lists, etc.
One of the leftists facebook profiles.
He should have never been attacked and Pat is a great man with balls of steel but I'm inclined to agree with you to a degree. As soon as it looked like things were about to get violent he should have gotten his people out of there. It was obvious that these communist scum were ramping up for an attack based upon their body language.
With that said, what's done is done, now we need to hold them to justice. Time to dox these fuckers.
I wanted to rip the nose ring out of that little faggots face. He's one of the first targets we need to go after.
No, any publicity is good publicity, this video had the potential to go viral until they SHUT IT DOWN.
There is no way I could tolerate blue shirts presence even over the nigger. He behaves like a drugged toddler. How can you act like that and not be ashamed?