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Go back to cuckchan
bumping for justice
I will blow your fucking brains out you kike shill.
Keep digging, the fact that he nuked his twitter means we're onto somethin'
Reminder the pilot for Rick and Morty called the adventures of Doc and Marty has Rick make morty give him oral sex multiple times in the episode. DIG.
kill yourself redditnigger.
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Unfortunately, DH doesn't seem to appear in the credits. Still not a good look at all and the average normie won't notice that.
With that track record,
Good on ya, anons.
What is this image supposed to convey?
Then archive the google cache and it brings the tweet back to life…
There is a small window of opportunity here as google will delete the cache in due time
Disgust, with (what I assume) Rimjob and Mippy's writer's (and dan) eating le funny meme sauce.
Oh, okay. I thought there might be hidden symbolism or something.
I can't wait until all the leftist fucking Rick and Morty watchers defend this en masse and reeeeee in solidarity with pedophiles world wide. This one… This one lads. This one will have the opposite effect of others. This one will get all the faggots to push for it to be okay, because this man is one of their gods.
I know what it inspires.
okay, so, two problems:
#1) It's obvious parody satire towards Dexter, that show on Showtime that was popular around that time. Google it, kids;
#2) It's actually funny.
That said, while funny to think about, this guy actually went to the lengths of getting out a camera and filming his pasty white ass simulating sex on a doll on a couch.
That's pretty fucking far to go for a joke. I'm just sayin'.
The Jewllywood pedophilia is fucking memory-holed
fuck off kike.jpg
It's gonna be an interesting situation, might also be a chance to weed out the left of center faggots running with the alt-lite, who love to drum on about "BUT MUH FREEDOM OF SPEECH THO"
They'll be stuck between a rock and a hard place, either slaughter their Sacred cow of free expression, or defend people connected with elites who fuck children.
Which in all honesty is gonna be hilarious to watch. It's getting tougher to tell too, if these faggots are using edgy jokes to just be edgy, or use edgy jokes to normalize,or rationalize urges to fuck children, in the end, it doesn't matter the genie is out of the bottle, the fact that Hollyjew and creatives are sick fuckos is out in the open.
This is fucking ghoulish. Rules for radicals you kike.
Notice the Justin Roiland animation playing in the background is you can see it and of course a Patton Oswald cameo.
They'll get google to delete the cache eventually.
Sorry if the audio isn't syncing will reup fixed version
I'm just a brainlet user. After all you have to have a very high IQ to understand the comedy of watching a bare assed Dan Harmon pretend to rape baby.
Getting real sick of the needless moralism in entertainment tbqh, when did humor stop beinf subjective?
Try not being an unfunny faggot.
I called this out, even if it was ironic and sarcastic, I still called it out. Praise me.
Still, kinda superior to several entire seasons of Dexter.
Thats the point though, if you don't find it funny then fuckoff back to your hugbox. I thought it was humorous, I wasn't laughing but nothing in that skit is offensive. ffs, grow some skin you faggots im sick of seeing this shit here.
If you can't take criticism for being an unfunny faggot then get better, stop trying or fuck off.
Then neck yourself and do the rest of the world a favor, you fucking fag.
fake dubs–checked
What a fucking surprise. Another wildly successful individual in the entertainment business turns out to be a pedophile piece of shit. It's almost as if… as if there's some sort of pattern here.
topkek what the fuck though, why would he agree to do this and have it filmed
I see a lot of trolling opportunities just by modifying one word on comments like that. Watch them freak out if you imply anything that invokes their sacred pets and expose their hypocrisy to all around them.
What are you criticising?
Chan culture has truly died, hasn't it. You've all become so immersed in defeating the enemy you become the enemy, so common in history does this happen.
Nice dubs, also
And so it begins.
This is the best early Christmas present ever. The leftards lose their shit enough over rape jokes but this guy is a pedo on top of that. He looks like one to begin with, the pedos all have that Dan harmon stare.
Nah time to take the jews down you double nigger.
I'm guessing a Mossad agent got crossed and is leaking all his collateral on Hollywood puppets. First Gunn, now this? The timing is too perfect.
That's right, go to bat for unfunny Hollywood faggots who joke about raping goyim. You're such a valiant white knight.
Take that bag o' horseshoes, tie it around your neck, and throw yourself into the fucking ocean. You nigger.
With Gunn out it doesn't mean they will lose out on their precious Hollyjew space pirate hero movie 7, it will probably be the same quality regardless.
But with those others… Those others are all fucking deities to them. Their precious (((comedians))) that spout kike child rape jokes while complaining about censoring "hate". They are going to implode if anything… ANYTHING remotely comes from this.
If you're doing it for that reason nobody gives a fuck, point being nothing is actually offensive in that skit. Retards here are pretending to be mortified by nothing, theyve been brainwashed by conspiratards ( larping feds ) pushing stupid pedoshit to distract our attention from actual important shit.
Neck yourself retard. You're not from here.
No one who uses this argument ever explains what "actual important shit" they would prefer people be focusing on. Very common deflection tactic
That would seem to follow as it was Cernovich who started the ball on Gunn.
How about you explain how it's funny.
Fuck off reddit shill.
Horseshoe theory is correct in warfare, not in ideology. If you read books instead of regurgutating cuckchan memes you might know that.
I don't give two fucks about him or rick & morty, you faggots wouldn't care about this if his name wasn't involved
"Please ignore this! A cartoon is morr important to me! Nugget sauce! Yabbadabbadoo!"
Report and filter the shill (and further shills) attempting to derail this thread;
Other thread got pruned due to size, Archive all you can until another one is up. Or keep mocking the kike, that works too.
It's not about moralism, it's about making the leftists eat their own eats and stew in the environment they created. Rules for Radicals 101, make them live up to their own bs. They're not the only ones who can use it and the left can't meme so they're neutered.
How about you explain how its not funny
What if the baby was Jewish, raped by niggers and tossed in an oven? would that constitute your humor faggot? admit that you're being a virtue signalling pansy.
I'd like to kidnap Dan Harmon and deprogram his autistic virtue-signalling ass, but I'm not it's even possible at this point.
I love this picture. Posting it in HQ if any photowizard feels creative.
No shit, you fucking brainlet. But it is, and we have a chance to take him and his boyfucking friends in heebywood down.
You're right, user. I'll filter him now.
Holy fucking shit, these people.
This. The real goal is to damage or flat out destroy a major narrative weapon they use by reflecting it back on them.
torposter is right, full blown total war against the jewood namefags.
The thing is, this is WAY worse than anything Gunn ever did. It's one thing to make verbal and written jokes but this guy literally raped a baby doll with his fat ugly saggy butt hanging all out to see. He's fucked in the head. Interestingly enough, my prison state bans sex dolls so he'd be in jail right now if he came back to visit lol
Yes I comprehend that part of it but you have to understand not everyone participating does also, they're sheeps,
Filtered for being a faggot, and possibly a pedophile/pederast.
This is just great news. Jews in high places are upset because their sickness is being called out. It must be horrible, similar to telling a rabbi he cannot suck bloody baby dick any more.
Exactly. A shitstorm is a-brewing and I smell lefty blood in the water. No time to be to cuck and be moralfagging about this. They didn't hesitate to destroy Milo with pedophile accusations. And now the gun is pointed back at them. Time to make leftys squirm and hurt.
What does this fake outrage accomplish for our goals of a white future? I don't see it. Am I missing something?
pedo posters always use polite language thats mostly is used on their victims. They also try to sound smarter than they are and take offense of people attacking others that share their interests due to their low IQ reasoning.
If you want a really bad video that Harmon's buddy Justin Roiland created, check this shit out:
Uncensored version: bitchute.com
If you want to dig further, Channel101.com is a goldmine for Roiland and Harmon. They were very active in the early to mid 2000's.
Because the entire kike entertainment industry is a rats nest of them. To free our people we need to destroy these false gods. Its the same reason as going after niggers in the NFL.
Yeah but it's not "social justice" that's being turned against you. It's justice period.
So he's a pedo AND an actual "literal" (according to leftists) rapist! LOL
look at that enlightened centrist
It's also important to note that nobody here at least I hope so is hiding the fact that these fucks are the enemy, using their own tactics against them to destroy them, and instilling morals that OUR SIDE benefits from.
There is a right and wrong here, and an outcome that we desire, and they don't, They use a nuke, we use two.
and it would help if their shit was actually funny, and didn't have sick shit behind it, especially knowing what we do now about what goes in in these kike circles
Reminder, Ben Shapiro just defended the last guy Zig Forums took down as a (((Republican Gaurdian of the Galaxy)))
Going after one kike doesn't fix Hollywood, Dan Schneider is a much bigger target to go after for PROVEN pedoshit and nobody seems to want to attempt it.
Oh Dave… NO!
Nah fuck that, make hollywood expend their social capital. they have fucked with california and American politics for too damn long.
Obviously Dan Scheider is worse but that never really caught on, I don't think a lot of people know who he is.
Destroying a subculture fad like Rick and Morty and pushing a new subsection of the population away from controlled culture is the biggest goal.
Bautista the Pedoista!
OFC we are
You continue to worship a cuckjew rabbi.
You DO understand we're going to torture you together for your treason right?
Looks like its picking up steam