Calling for non-peaceful solutions is not allowed apparently if you're a certain skin color.
Are you ready to not go out with a whimper?
Calling for non-peaceful solutions is not allowed apparently if you're a certain skin color.
Are you ready to not go out with a whimper?
Other urls found in this thread:
Right over the target, as usual. I guess this time was enough to have his site pulled?
(((they))) felt unsafe
Scheuer has always confused me, he goes along with anti-German WW2 holohoax propaganda like a good goy while screaming about Israel, along with other stupid boomer narratives, that he should know are false if he knows anything about kikes. He's always promoted by disingenuous types who don't even try to defend this and just spam his anti-Israel stuff while posting shit like "he should run for Prez". And now we're at the point where Qboomers are making OPs about him.
Just an observation, I don't know what the fuck he's about, or who going nuclear on his blog benefits, he's just fucking weird to me.
Lost all respect for him when he started shilling for Trump to pick Amy Barrett for SCOTUS. She was the Catholic broad who adopted the two Haitian niglets.
To answer your question about the anti-German WWII holohoax stance of Scheuer: He's most likely Catholic as indicated by his shilling for Barrett, and they were pretty much against Hitler. If you've been here long enough I'm sure you've seen the quotes from Hitler saying things like "we're a Christian movement" or something like that. Those were from earlier speeches when Hitler was trying to get the religious on the side of National Socialism. Catholics never really jumped on-board and Hitler was disappointed by that. Protestants were more accepting of National Socialism until Hitler attempted to remove the Old Testament from the Bible (he thought it was too kikey). At that point Hitler began working against the church as a whole. From what I can tell, Scheuer wants a Catholic theocracy. He's supports the holohoax myth because it demonizes HItler who tried to remove power from the Catholic church.He's smart enough to see the kikes for what they are, and smart enough to hide his own motives. He screwed up though and got all giddy at the prospect at a Catholic nomination to SCOTUS.
Well, that's fits together perfectly, as Catholics have also never made any sense to me. Yes, I've seen the map of NSDAP votes where the Catholic bloc decided to be race traitors, because a space jew told them to or something. The cognitive dissonance of being complicit with the lies and mass slaughter behind Israel's creation and acting out this much against it now is quite astounding to me, but it falls well within range of other Catholics I've seen. Thanks for filling me in.
Holy shit, that's a badass page you have archived. I hope some of you fuckers saved it offline, too. I certainly am.
Scheuer not saying he doubts the farcical holocaust happened might be due to the fact that he likes to travel to Europe now and then.
If Scheuer actually debunked the holocaust - even once - he could be arrested at the border in Germany, France, Russia and so on.
Pic related is the Jewess who heads up the tyrannical 'Thought Police' in Germany.
Damn, Scheuer has finally gone full DotR.
And Godaddy has gone full Oy Vey, Shut it down
Scheuer is still an ameritard who believes in bluepilled shit like "muh republic" and "dems are the real fascists." Almost no Americans will abandon their liberalism and constitution worship (which is why America is ultimately doomed). On a spectrum, he could be slotted somewhere in between Tucker Carlson and David Duke. Like William Lind tier.
But, calling for the murder of almost all the enemies of Whites still puts him on our side, regardless of his stupid ideological commitments.
Don't bite the bait user. Time to call them what they are. Communists. It is a mantle they will happily wear.
Shill your shit elsewhere, moshe.
American Constitutionalism is the superior system.
However, it was never meant for universal suffrage.
It was never meant for kikes.
It was never meant for ANY non-Whites.
Constitutionalism is the future.
It just needs a few errors corrected.
Deport all kikes and other non-Whites and ban them forever.
Ban all foreign involvement in the country.
Adopt economics that puts the needs and prosperity of the VOLK first. (not the corporations, not the banks, not the megarich, THE VOLK)
Anyone shilling in opposition of the Constitution is probably either a kike or a commie.
Then why was that not in the Constitution?
Jews have always been considered white in America.
There were free blacks and they were given voting rights in many states.
America is cancer and the Constitution is garbage.
It was, you illiterate fuckface.
1. No, the Founders wanted to exclude them.
2. No, BY US LAW, jews are not white.
And they were never given voting rights until after the civil war.
Kill yourself, paid jewish shill.
More paid shilling.
Wrong. Suffrage was not addressed in the Constitution.
This is false. Most of the founders loved Jews.
This is false. They were considered white under the naturalization act, which is why there were so many of them in the USA and they all had citizenship (inb4 those fake quotes from George Washington and Been Franklin)
This is false. Blacks had voting rights in several states since before the Constitution was even ratified.
America is a liberal civic nationalist state with a liberal civic nationalist constitution. It is incompatible with racial nationalism.
He is a liberal, anti-fascist, anti-racist civic nationalist conservative. And he's also a Catholic. He is fundamentally bluepilled, even if he has taken a few red pills.
Lot of people like that. Swallowing some redpills yet not fully relishing in the trip since they are still clutching onto their bottle of bluepills. Many people like that. They wonder why they just feel so unsatisfied, like they just aren't actualizing what they should be. They are still walking in the footsteps of something cucked. And it tears them apart.
I was banned from commenting on his site for saying that Arabs can not be American. He is still a civic nationalist at heart, because he is still a liberal and American patriotard at heart.
He doesn't just say it didn't happened, he compares liberals to ebil natzees and such, typical neocon lines. I'd find it but his blog is still down.
No one but the offspring of the founders and the ethnic europeans can be 'american'. Slaves; NOT AMERICAN…Indians (feather); NOT AMERICAN…Spic Trash; NOT AMERICAN
You must be the offspring of a CITIZEN in good standing (aka a Ethnic European) to be an American…'birthright citizenship' is not constitutional…nor is the Hart-Cellar act…nor is the Corporatocracy OPEN BORDERS POLICE that is now in effect IN ALL Ethnic European nations…all of these are traitorous failures of the government to uphold the contract that they took an OATH TO UPHOLD AND PROTECT THIS NATION FROM ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC
lol. Dumped in with the other perpetually helpless races like niggers and spics.
Bump because the other thread is worse
Kahane? Is she related to (((Meir Kahane)))?
neither of those things are compliant, just becuase there is a marxist pope in the vatican. scheuer has also stated that he had distanced himself and instead is a believer in God instead of the church.
It has nothing to do with the pope. Catholicism is bluepilled as fuck and anti-white, at the level of dogma. All Catholics will need to be exterminated.
hi shlomo, i guess you haven't heard of the crusades where christians fought against islam or catholic spain expelling traitorous and sneeky jews. nice dnc there
Faggot cops go away
thanks user, i learned something. scheuer was always a paradox to me but that makes a ton of sense. a catholic theocracy may not be as bad as what we live in now, but it would still be retarded.
you know, as kiked and shitty as this board has gotten over the past 2 years, it's nice to know there are still dudes like you trudging on and fighting through it all.
Again, some errors need to be corrected.
Constitutionalism has many good points.
It just needs a little work.
White nationalism.
No kikes.
No other non-Whites.
Volkish nationalist economics.
Some sort of merit based voting. At least exclude anyone on a government dole.
Volkish nationalist education system.
Campaign finance reform and other anti-corruption measures.
Heavy surveillance and transparency upon government officials. High privacy rights on everyone else.
Other things like that.
Constitutional Republicanism and Volkish nationalism are by no means incompatible.
The Constitution just needs some work.
good discussion. the burger constitution is pretty based but you have to think about it like a beta version of a piece of software. its power lies in its almost algorithmic simplicity, it just needs refining and more explicit rules so that it is more ironclad and impervious to traitors, cowards, cucks and kikes.
the perfect homogenous, white nation would balance itself between a revised american constitution and full blown natsoc mandates that would become active should certain environmental, economic or geopolitical conditions ever arise.
What an amazing world we could have had.
Absolutism is the only way. If you don't have a clear sovereign (a "dictator"), then you will necessarily have a corrupt government. This is because a divided government with no sovereign is in a perpetual state of low level war, and will need to use citizens as pawns to fight for control over the state. For example, you can look at Democrats and Republicans, and how 90% of what each does is necessitated by their need to defeat the other, and this becomes more deranged over time. Or another example is the situation with Trump now, how he has been attacked by his bureaucrats and congress and federal judges.
So you speg out with muh Q muh Q muh Q?
Does he have a new website?
I think this post got him shoahed.
As this week’s end, it seems likely that it is quite near time for killing those involved in the multiple and clearly delineated attempts to stage a coup d’état against the legitimately elected Trump government and thereby kill our republic.
–The week saw the alternative media document nearly 300 incidents of violence against loyal U.S. citizens that have been perpetrated by Democrats and the domestic terrorists that the party and its financial supporters keep on their payrolls. The Americans they are abusing and attacking – even those using concealed carry — have so far held their fire and sucked up the pain, trying to give Trump time to forever eliminate their violent tormentors. The well-armed patriot’s patience does not, and must not, last forever.
–The week saw FBI agent Strzok brazenly lie to the Congress, show his own detestation for everyday Americans – it’s their smell, he says — and display facial and other physical quirks that appeared very reminiscent of a demented beaver, a drug addict, or a loyal Democrat.
–The week saw that the FBI, in the person of Strzok, had refused to investigate a foreign address to which 30,000 e-mails from Hillary Clinton’s unsecured server were delivered. It was made clear that foreign address was not Russian, which surely means that the address was that of the Beijing tyrants who have paid the Democrats to surrender to China U.S. manufacturing industries, intellectual property, and much of its technical military prowess.
–The week saw Strzok describe the sacred FBI practice of briefing the leaders of any U.S. presidential campaign that is threatened by foreign influence/interference. The practice was ignored regarding Trump’s campaign, while the FBI — led by Strzok — assisted the British intelligence service’s (MI6) effort to try to ruin the campaign and then the Trump presidency.
–The week saw, on Friday the 13th, Special Counsel Mueller and his Democratic-apparatchik lawyers indict 12 supposed Russian intelligence officers with a laughable amount of evidence pertaining to their purported involvement in the 2016 election. Mueller’s action is a clear and undeniable effort to ruin President Trump’s coming meeting with Putin. It also ensures the continuation of the drive toward war with Russia that Obama and the EU started in 2013 with their direct and multi-pronged intervention in Ukrainian politics and their subsequent overthrow of the country’s pro-Russian government.
–It is worth noting that Mueller has zero chance of ever getting the Russian GRU officers into court, and that the FBI’s files — as well as those of other components of the intelligence community — are packed with the names of GRU officers. This reality leaves open the likelihood that Mueller’s pro-Hillary posse made up the list by randomly picking names, just as they did with the last list of indicted Russians.
–The week saw FBI’s Strzok make it clear under oath that the so-called “Trump Dossier” was available in the FBI and the Department of Justice in multiple copies, each with differing content. He described, in other words, nothing less than an in-process movie script that showed work of the hands of many notoriously anti-Trump writers, each trying to outdo the other in their lying and treasonous intent.
–This week saw DoJ’s Rod Rosenstein request the country’s 93 U.S. Attorneys to select three “federal prosecutors” for his use in vetting Supreme Court-nominee Brett Cavanaugh. Clearly, Rosenstein intends to use the prosecutors to invent a “crime” – as he did with Mueller’s investigation — that can be used to delay or stop Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination, and ruin his reputation and career in either event.
–This week saw Strzok admit that he and his paramour used their personal communication devices for government business and that the FBI allowed them to decide which of the messages thereon dealt with official business and which dealt with their sexual adventures (Good God, let there be no videos of that greasy swamp fest.) This is precisely the same biased-for-Democrats discretion that Strzok and the FBI – including weasel-boys Comey and McCabe — allowed Hillary Clinton and her reptilian coterie, before affording them the opportunity to destroy the remainder by smashing computers and mobile phones.
–This week saw Strzok again demonstrate that the FBI is not corrupt, lawless, and deceitful only at the top, but from top to bottom. Strzok repeatedly emphasized the large number of his colleagues who were involved in the Clinton and Russian investigations, noted that they were of one mind with him, and how they were — as he said he is — honorable, truth-telling, and law-abiding. Since no whistle-blower of any consequence has ever come forward from the FBI’s rank-and-file to disclose and describe to Americans what clearly is the dark, anti-constitutional, and fascist heart of the FBI, it can only be concluded that the entire FBI is in need of rapid and merciless eradication
Finally, this week saw a significant and quickening advance toward the moment when those millions of well-armed citizens who voted for Trump, and who have been abused or wounded by Democrats, their Antifa-thugs, and their thug-civil servants for exercising their franchise to elect Trump, cannot be, in good conscience, patient for much longer.
Fortunately, they have in hand a long and very precise list of the names and photographs of those who hate and threaten them, their families, their way-of-life, their liberty, their livelihoods and their republic. No self-respecting and determined-to-remain-independent citizenry can let themselves forever be held hostage by thug-civil-servants like Strzok, Comey, McCabe, Page, and Rosenstein; worshipers of tyranny, like the Democratic members of Congress, the Clintons, the FBI, and the Obamas; apparent traitors like Brennan, Hayden, and Clapper; all of the mainstream media; and the tens of thousands of government-admitted-and-protected, violent, criminal, and illegal immigrants.
American patriots have so far, praise God, been remarkably disciplined in not responding to tyranny and violence with violence. For now they must remain so, armed but steady. But the time for such patience is fast slipping away; indeed, that patience is quickly becoming an obviously rank and self-destructive foolishness. If Trump does not act soon to erase the above noted tyranny and tyrants, the armed citizenry must step in and eliminate them.
It is, of course, far better if Trump does so, and I pray and believe he will. That said, the sheer, nay, utter joy and satisfaction to be derived from beholding great piles of dead U.S.-citizen tyrants is not one that will be missed if Trump does not soon do the necessary to save the republic. But if he fails, the citizenry must act to ensure that Hillary’s predictive words are proven correct. “If Trump wins,” she apparently said, “we will all hang.”
Posted in Articles | Tagged FBI, GRU, Hillary Clinton, Judge Kavanaugh, President Trump, Russia, Special Counsel Mueller, Trump Dossier | 2 Comments
in other words the country should be how it was originally intended to be
KEK, they say they let in Jews, but, it says in the act that white men of GOOD character. I don't see how Jews can meet that definition especially since back then they knew little of Jews and their tricks.
jews were irrelevant back then until england sold out to them once again when the rothschilds funded the crown to go declare war on napoleon. after that the english kike spent decades sending their jew infiltrators to the usa
Blatant fucking lie.
There was another article he posted where he praised Putin and Russia for taking in Boers from South Africa. He's definitely a boomer on a lot of issues including this one. It wasn't a very long article and much of it I thought was typical of someone who didn't know anything about that region. Some of the comments were either shills from possibly shareblue or actually blacks who chided him and stated that all whites in South Africa would be murdered, to which he smarmly responded. it wasn't a great article but i still wish i archived it.
Anybody got any news on schuer being taken into custody? sounds like the old man might of taken it too far. i havent read anything or heard anything about him since his site was taken down
Nevermind, he's fine, here's a link
Great news.
that's supposing that his website at that address will be allowed, and even he's not sure of that. Theres nothing we can do other than hope that he will post here on Zig Forums in his own thread every once in a while with a time stamp. that would be delicious.
So is antiwar. A bunch of anti-war sites are down now. The kikes are plotting something. works fine here
I guess Léon Degrelle was a freak of nature then. He was Catholic, yet joined the Wehrmacht and later commanded the Walloon Legion in the Waffen-SS in the Eastern Front. Or maybe Catholics outside of Germany were different? I have no idea.
Ironically, it's going to take a temporary suspension of the Constitution in order to save it. Argentina had to do the same when they had to deal with their communist subversive scum.
This isn't true at all. Washington wrote a favorable letter to Moses Seixas and the Touro Synagogue. The United States of America is a republic founded during the Enlightenment Era, an era which paved the way for Jewish emancipation, not their restriction. I don't know why people keep repeating this meme that the Founders wanted to write the Jews out of the Constitution.
The original 1814 Constitution of Norway did write Jews out, though. Shame that it was only temporarily brought back when Quisling was in power.
Because Benjamin Franklin called for it to be done, and also the Constitution explicitly says “for ourselves and our posterity”, none of whom were jews.
That's false, user. None of the Founders were against the Jews, and the Ben Franklin quote that keeps getting passed around is also false. The only thing I can find remotely anti-Jewish from the Founders is that Jefferson didn't much care for the Talmud in this letter he wrote to John Adams:
It depends on what you put first. If your race is in danger and you don't put that first, you might as well be a practicing jew whatever your religion is.
This is I think the major thing with the Zig Forums: Traditionalist ideas and objects are good WITHIN white nationalism.