… I think it may be time to handle this issue as it is fucking obliterating academia. But yeah… she had to have typed "niggerish" before for the phone to autochange it. Whoops…
… I think it may be time to handle this issue as it is fucking obliterating academia. But yeah… she had to have typed "niggerish" before for the phone to autochange it. Whoops…
Other urls found in this thread:
what the fuck kind of cover up is that
Now imagine if the races were reversed here. The nigger would get a scholarship.
The thing that I find most unbelievable about this is that people use the word "triggerish"
It's not an actual word. It's that she tried to invent a new word on the spot and it was the dumbest one.
She should've bought a brand new one of these. It comes pre-packaged with Anti-Racism sensors.
The funny thing is now that I think about it is she looked at her page and was texting two people at the same time and meant the text for another, sent it to the roomate and then tried to cover, Hilarious as all hell, major chimp out on the college FB site. There are so many freak outs on that site right now.
Imagine going to college and finding out your roommate is……Nwamaka Nnadi.
It's not a real word but nothing is a real word in the current year, which is very on fleek whippy nae nae yoten out of the window famalamadingdong.
Like how Amy from Futurama says "Sleash"?
I love how these losers even censor it out.
>oy vey, the word n*88er
>getting kicked out of a college for saying some one is not a nigger
What has the world come to?
Time to just bite the bullet and pay extra for a single.
What about spic, nip, wop, wetback, yid, kike, mick, goy? Please censor us. It is for our own good. We need it so no one will ever hear/see nigger again and world peace will come next week.
I mean to to "miked" like the gay lemonade gosh why do these things keep happening?
Expelled for fucking what?
Oh right, wrongthink.
RIP this poor girls entire life because some dumb baboon was let into the baby sitting facility.
Remember Goy. These days words are worse than bullets. Words are worse than genocide. If you call a black a nigger you might as well be the same as a murderer or a pedophile.
This. I'm sick of people's lives being ruined because people feel the needs to pander to the sensibilities of baboons.
Hey now, "niggerish" and "niggardly" are standard words of the English language and not racial slurs. They are both related to the Old Norse word "nigla" meaning "fussy about small matters". "Nigger" derives from the Portuguese word for "black" and is a racial slur. She used the word "niggerish" not "nigger" big difference.
The girl is not even a racist.
Rich, well-built anons really need to start sending her marriage proposals
You mean like this?
You're reaching pretty hard there user.
She simply mistook niggardly for niggerish. Easy mistake.
poor girl….
Does it actually?
Meant to ask
Does it actually have racism censors?
Actually, I need to expand on this.
Remember, the base biology of women is to do anything for Chad's dick. If Chad-looking anons immediately start asking to go out with any girl who calls niggers, spics, kikes, etc what they are, word will spread, perhaps even though the media, that this is happening; the takeaway will be that being redpilled instantly raises a woman's sexual marketplace value to capable men.
And, really- does she deserve to be at some (((college))) earning some useless (((degree))) for tens of thousands in student loan debt, or does she belong at your house, having five white children with your name?
kek I graduated from there towns a shit hole with to many niggers. Seriously every student apartment complex is filled with vile migrating chimps only there to start shit, that's why they change the names of them so much. Only so many shootings can happen under that name before people don't want to move in.
Take up the White Man's burden–
Send forth the best ye breed–
Go, bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives' need;
To wait, in heavy harness,
On fluttered folk and wild–
Your new-caught sullen peoples,
Half devil and half child.
Take up the White Man's burden–
In patience to abide,
To veil the threat of terror
And check the show of pride;
By open speech and simple,
An hundred times made plain,
To seek another's profit
And work another's gain.
Take up the White Man's burden–
The savage wars of peace–
Fill full the mouth of Famine,
And bid the sickness cease;
And when your goal is nearest
(The end for others sought)
Watch sloth and heathen folly
Bring all your hope to nought.
Take up the White Man's burden–
No iron rule of kings,
But toil of serf and sweeper–
The tale of common things.
The ports ye shall not enter,
The roads ye shall not tread,
Go, make them with your living
And mark them with your dead.
Take up the White Man's burden,
And reap his old reward–
The blame of those ye better
The hate of those ye guard–
The cry of hosts ye humour
(Ah, slowly!) toward the light:–
"Why brought ye us from bondage,
Our loved Egyptian night?"
Take up the White Man's burden–
Ye dare not stoop to less–
Nor call too loud on Freedom
To cloak your weariness.
By all ye will or whisper,
By all ye leave or do,
The silent sullen peoples
Shall weigh your God and you.
Take up the White Man's burden!
Have done with childish days–
The lightly-proffered laurel,
The easy ungrudged praise:
Comes now, to search your manhood
Through all the thankless years,
Cold, edged with dear-bought wisdom,
The judgment of your peer
Surprised "her fellow whites" didn't come to her rescue. Not even trying anymore.
And all the administration did was to send that letter? Honestly, I'm surprised they didn't offer grief counselors to anyone suffering trauma from being injured by the assult-word.
Forget triggerish. What the fuck is nwamaka? niggas with attitude, make america kiked again?
this * 6M
Can't help but wonder what would happen if there would not be a government with military force to enforce this multiculturalism bullshit. Imagine what would happen if a whole city would be graffitied with words like nigger and other messages exposing and trigger niggers.
That sounds plausible. She had another conversation going with a friend inquiring about the nigger status of "Nwamaka Nnadi", which does sound incredibly niggerish.
An appropriate response to the whiners is #BlackFragility followed by an infinity of tweet-screenshots of black students saying nigger with the hashtag #BlackPrivilege.
rivers of blood, years of darkness, then finally a white mans country once again
Completely acceptable language at universities
Only women. Call me surprised. Not.
Underrated post
My fucking sides, I love when nice, innocent girls use lovely slurs like that.
In fact, a good red pill to be had here - people that defend the pedos, or 'its just a joke' - ask them if they'd be as outraged if they made nigger jokes instead.
inb4 the cunt decides to work as a model for BLACKED and gets racially empowered as reparations
also this is fucking pathetic; a fucking text like that and it provokes a mother fucking university president official message. seriously the world is fucked up beyond repair unless we fucking gas all these niggers and kikes
It’s funny how I have to forcibly teach my devices to not autocorrect racial slurs. It’s also funny how my devices PREVENT me from swearing or saying the phrase “kill yourself” unless I type them perfectly. It’s almost as though our speech is already being ✡molded.✡
this is embarresing as fuck. i live very close to the school too. an official fucking statement over a text between two students where someone said niggerish. jesus fucking christ. im sure thats the worst thing texted between students.
imagine being such a think skinned crybaby cunt that you cant handle a goddamn word in a text.
why dont you just disable auto correct? I always have it off because its annoying.
I can confirm this works. I only wish I didn't live California. The 18 year olds at this point are much worse than when I was that age. This shithole state is just too far gone.
these "people" disgust me. its all so tiresome, and Ill bet nobody is making fun of these retards for having gay lefty dick sucking opinions.
hows the weather in Tel Aviv?
Pretty sure that Apple phones do not autocorrect to curse words.
cant believe your the only one in the thread that noticed. that nose is not human
As funny, contextually, as your post and zoomed image are, it made me think of something. Is yeesh a yiddishism? Should we be using it? I’m trying to think back to the ‘90s… imagine children in the ‘90s growing up on Yidsney films. Things like the Lion King with the two kike sidekick characters. A lot of idiosyncrasies from media were picked up by children of that era (as, I’m sure, were in the ‘60s, ‘70s, and ‘80s, too), and seeing “yeesh” makes me think specifically of ✡Timon✡ from that film.
I’m not saying it is a jewish-origin term, it just feels a little off. And hell, of course I’ve even used it. But then again, I’ll give an exasperated “oy vey” in response to events that warrant it (wherein I’m subtly naming the jew), but that wasn’t subconscious propaganda conditioning, that was Zig Forums. Food for… well, to get your mind off of that fucking honker, at least.
They're literally all women. I'm losing it today bros, too many blackpills to start the day
Ok look another shitty kike slide.
She clearly meant to say double redditorish.
we need to start red pilling this girl on social media, now that she sees she has to stick with her own people
actually triggerish is a real word, see this 1914 book
wasn't revived until 2014 by a Jewess tho
you need to leave Zig Forums. If you want to stay, you have to understand that you will be constantly bombarded with content intended to demoralize you and you have to develop the ability to ignore it and laugh at the shills.
The only one my keyboard came with was nigger.
It's not from Yiddish at all. Instead of "Jesus!" as an interjection, one uses "geez" or "yeesh" instead.
There are a couple of others which also seem Yid but aren't, like "beyond the pale" which is British and not at all related to the Pale of Settlement, and "put the kibosh on it" which is also British and possibly Irish in origin.
Polite sage for off-topic.
Such a hottie. Will get absolutely triggerish on your licorice. Repopulate Earth with me call 6025958212
It's like they're mindless savages that will attack you at the drop of a hat or something.
"Hey baby I hate triggers too. Let's end white genocide back at my place."
Absolutely Niggerish
Genuine lol.
I thought nothing could touch my feels anymore. The babies being tortured made me cry and brought on extreme rage.
Hmm, is trigger the new nigger?
< That neighborhood has good schools. Very few triggers.
she'd probably be okay from behind, nice hair
We're living in a baka world. There's no other explanation.
Raise your standards user. Have some pride in yourself man.
Considering she can't be ruined by college now, that only makes her look more attractive to me.
Just make sure it is exposed, repost it a few times.
This will hurt white women in politics, which is the greatest source of controlled opposition after kikes.
Didn't effect me.
I am dead inside.
The problem is she apologized.
She's a normie what did you expect? It's the South so her career isn't too fucked.
Relax. They're only niggers.
Something tells me she already was with us but the school, like so many others now, force these roommate pairings on white kids. I am not kidding either as a friend of mine worked in a college provosts office at a big college in the Big Ten and apparently they have a literal system in place to identify white kids and place them in both roommate pairings with blacks and also they place the white kids in the most "progressive" general education teachers courses for their first semester/year. Colleges also have rerouted many of these "professors" from cultural studies to courses like first year English to assure these new students are, right away BAAM, indoctrinated to the book list that the cultural studies teacher wants. There is more even as I can list four other things.
They do these things strategically and it has been happening under the public's noses and nothing is ever done to halt it. It's extremely common with foreign students too as they very often throw Asians in with them knowing Asian foreign students rarely complain. That actually happened to the Virginia Tech shooter which was later found out and he was indoctrinated in that manner which the media never told the public.
Good enough for me provided that she's a virgin.
this college looks ___
… the story goes she made a deal to save her own self and betray her people but was cursed due to her sacrilege. She'd be normal during the day, but at night, in the presence of niggers, Confederate Courtney would take over.
Be gone Satan!
The marxist indoctrination hives are a joke. Besides, the professors go about their career completely unchecked and you can have a class and your money completely wasted on the whim that a professor decides to fail you for whatever reason.
same fam
This is only a little true. They actually care about the approval of other girls more
Wow how times have changed. My old man used teach here for a couple years, and they got rid of him because he befriended the black librarian. According to him, she was the only one person at the university who wasn’t typical Georgian inbred trash.
Fast forward thirty years later, here is the same school, defending this Nkweisha character because somebody made a mistake, albeit, a pretty retarded one.