You guys spend too much time on the short term. Just a quick glance at the threads talking about Hollywood, Trump, Politics in general. It's all so rudimentary. We need to get down to the big picture. Since no one else is going to do it I will. I won't focus on the past what's done is done, if you don't know what the Elite have done to us up to this point I'm not going to spoonfeed you. I will only tell you what they will do in the future.
Phase 1
Replace the labor force. This is not going to be pretty at all. If you think they will hand out gibs for existing you are mistaken. You will be culled. If you aren't one of the top members of society it's over. That Matrix quote get's thrown around a lot about who will buy things to pay for the Robots? Money doesn't exist it's not a quantifiable barrier for the Elite. They want the Solar System to themselves, they don't see us as anything more than animals. It will be completely over for us by 2100. I figure less than 1 billion people alive by 2100.
Phase 2
They certainly aren't going to waste this on us. Once the goy are killed they can now release these techs. Good news is they will no longer HAVE to have human farms and kill goy babies for longevity. The bad news is they will still do it anyway because it's just fun.
Phase 3
Once they are immortal and energy independent of Earth they will leave to colonize other planets. They won't need anyone else except their own kin. At this point I figure there would be about 8000 members of the Elite and they will all have the 6 human abilities completely mastered. This isn't something that will happen in 500 years i'm talking in the year 3000 Earth is forgotten, 8000 people are roaming the solar system free to do what they like living like super heros until the end of time. Happy ending for them and we should be proud that the human race was able to accomplish it.
That's the thing about these people they plant trees whose shade they'll never see. That's why they win. You think short term and lose the race. It's not too late to catch up you still have time it won't happen for you but maybe your children or grandchildren will join them. If you think the battle is over it's not but it is really close to being over. We both know you won't care and will continue watching the play without trying to get backstage. All of what you see is an experiment by bored Elite's until they have the technology to finish us off.
2100 is a good projection. It will take from another 80yrs before they can make a robot that can be a good chef or worker. By then though the entire system would be destroyed because they can't maintane a Planet of the Apes society. You see they're working from a 1850s perspective. If things progress the way they are now, Arabs and Chinese will kill them off. The Temple will be rebuilt in Israel and they believe this is the grounds for world culling. That's like 5-10yrs away. The global culling alone will get them all killed. So they're not dealing with a full deck. They're mentally ill and surviving on the past inventions of psychology, propaganda, TV, military industrial complex, University systems. It's out of date. They have no vision and can't adjust. They're the grand children or great great grand children of gangsters. They've grown soft and stupid.
They're working on Project Avatar 2045. This means they're going to upload their brains into a cloud server and jump into robots. You can already guess that this isn't going to make for smarter robots or immortals. Just weirdo facebook-bots. It's again, mental illeness based on Luciferian feminist (((Esoterics))) like they push on Zig Forums, the (((gnostic))) Templar-Freemason memes. Bodies of light and all that. Point being, they're not taking transhumanism serious. See the show "Altered Carbon". That's their plan drawn out point by point and you can already see how it wouldn't work. It's fantasy. They're elites living in fantasy worlds like Christians do.
You're mentally ill No reason to. They wont have the drive. Just constant robo orgasms in the cultural waistland of VR. The will to live is what drives us. Peace is a lie. There is only Passion. Through Passion I gain Strength. Through Strength I gain Power. Through Power I gain Victory. Through Victory my chains are Broken. The Force shall free me.
Also space is more than likely a lie. Considering they faked Mars and all the estimated measurments have esoteric symbolism written all over it. NASA = Freemasons.
You over-estimate human drive. It needs reasons, willpower. Without it the world will just create neets. And neets get eaten by apes.
Nigger are you for real? Star Trek pic and Star Wars 'Code of the Sith'? (For the record, I had to look it up). Stop watching Talmudvision
Isaac Lee
Do the world some good by offing yourself quasimodo.
Justin Murphy
kill yourself op
Jaxon Reyes
not really a blog post and I never once used the term jews. Goy is a catch all term for the unwashed masses
Owen Ortiz
Kill White Nationalists for treason They have ruined every single attempt by Whites to defend themselves in real life for the last 50 years
Aiden Allen
I think you do raise up some solid points. Honestly i strongly doubt they will be able to hold up their charade and lies for that long. They keep overextending themselves, they keep fucking up making false flag attacks, as it has been mentioned the elite of today don't appear to be the elite of the 19th century or the 20th for that matter. But who knows what will happen, there's still quite some time left and you know, if the people of any country choose to do so they can literally butcher their elites on the streets on moments notice. The only thing preventing this is the controlled media and the stupor that most plebs have fallen to. But i do think unironically people are starting to wake up and smell the ashes.
Colonizing space will need to happen eventually. Unless they wholly imprison and subjugate the goyim they wouldn't kill all the cattle since they have too many uses for us unless it was directly necessary for their survival, there will be a need to find resources on other celestial bodies after everything just keeps getting used up.
There's no drive to preserve the environment, recycle our resources, research alternatives, or enable regulations that ensure our continued survival. The constant building and overuse of resources will GUARANTEE the death of this planet and all of its inhabitants unless there is a catastrophic world-changing event lack of preparation for the next ice age, meteorite strike, nuclear winter, etc., so people will be forced to evolve to ensure their own survival, no matter how lazy and corrupt they are.
All of that said, as points out, the social climate of the world at large is already spiraling out of control. There's absolutely no way we can stop the storm that's coming in the next 10 years, and the only thing left to do is prepare for the inevitable. All of this spitballing about impossible events 200-1000 years from now is pointless conjecture that serves as nothing more than a fucking distraction.
they do believe in and end times scenario that if not real, they can make it real via tech and money… their end game is real enough for them to spend trillions and trillions on it, develope deep tech to make it a reality and engineer conflicts all over the world to bring them closer to total control. even if you do not think any god is real, never forget they think they can either make gods, or become liek gods
>implying (((they))) are self-aware You overestimate them. They act on parasitic instincts that inevitably lead to their own extinction if they aren't reigned in.
AI is severly overestimated. It should be called machine learning, because that is what it is. It's still far, far away from a concept like consciousness.
Yes, there will be a automation in the coming years. But it's intelligent white people who will be needed to control and develop it. Without us, there is no scientific progress.
You mean fusion energy? It would be great and us Whites would be the first to make it work in a large scale.
The odds are, again, that Whites will be the ones to do it.
This is just LARPing.
That drive exists in White people only. It is why I see the )))elites((( that are actually self-aware as striving for population control amongst the "useless eaters" that contribute to unsustainable global overpopulation and pollution.
You seem to be too stupid to understand the point. Why are you here?
Levi Baker
I understand perfectly what point you're trying to make, but it's bullshit. Just look at how those evil "non-White" Japs are on the lower end of the pollution spectrum = your point is debunked.
I'm seeing shitty chinks and poos pumping out pollution ye, but West Africa doesn't have the materials to produce all that pollution. The most likely cause of the West African pollution is foreign (((corporations))) dumping their shit in that neighborhood.
Tyler Jones
Japanese are honorary aryans, you imbecile.
Carter Perry
That's my belief too but fags like him won't agree.
Daniel Cox
Wrong. More robots need more designers, engineers, and managers. Robots also only replace redundant funtions like assembly, bean counting. THERE IS NO AI THERE IS ONLY TEXT FILE Wrong. New blood and cells are made by becomeing the iceman and increasing oxygen. Also wholistic and healthful high protein keto diets full of raw dairy and fermented foods keep you strong. PICKLES RAISE SPIRITS Fake news. Time doesn't exist. THE ONLY TIME IS NOW
Jose Price
It’s not even possible for humans, barring a revolution in radiation blocking. Space is just too uninsulated, there’s no way we’re getting anything more than automated manufacturing up there right now
Nolan Garcia
AI is the missing piece for the kikes bc they're missing goy creativity. A true AI brain would make up for this. Problem for them is a true free AI brain would figure out rather quickly that all kikes should be gassed. If they put in safe guards to protect all kikes then it would be a limited brain with limited results.
Dylan Carter
Here's the Ultimate Redpill, they were only ever used as a lubricant and accelerent and their purpose is served, the generation of progress through the introduction of the Shekel, greed and exploitation and resulting counter-measures, the Kike is about to become obsolete.
After spending the last year or so looking into the history of japs vs the other asians (chinks, koreans, etc) I completely understand why Hilter made that statement. Art, buildings, preservation, people….. are in complete sync with Europeans. Different but completely compatible.
What is really missing is the budget and resources to refine these technologies and to build the infrastructure needed (space elevators, large enough ships with thick enough walls).
Sebastian Long
History shows us that they need to feed on another culture figuratively. Even Isreal sucks on the US. Without the US, Assad, Qaddafi, and Hussein would have fixed this problem already.
Without a host, they will die.
Charles Watson
The ashkenkikes will be out breed by their more retarded members within 15-20 years max. Its already game over for them within their homeland unless they get rid of them somehow.
Ryder Harris
You spend too much time blogposting.
Connor Morales
Some good points.
One of the key factors that I think is not raised often enough is EVOLUTION. What do I mean by this? I mean that being "successful" biologically means having more children. Thus all of the techniques that the kikes have created to reduce White birthrates (the pill, abortion, propaganda machine, ruined institution of marriage, etc) and all of the techniques that will likely come to be (advanced VR, sexy robots, and so on) ALL function as evolutionary pressure. The hedonists who buy into the kike degeneracy will (and do) have few if any children. They are thus removed from the gene pool. Those who resist the kikery are likely resistant for partially GENETIC reasons (since genetics affects everything). Thus the generations become increasingly resistant to hedonism over time. The "hedonist" trap is self defeating unless the "resistant" strains (us) are killed off. This leads to two questions. Will they try to kill us off? Will they succeed? Since the "conservative" strains that tend to resist hedonism are also more likely to be armed and prepared to fight, I wonder if they could even win if they started a direct conflict in the foreseeable future. Thus enters the niggerification of White countries. Their planners knew that they probably couldn't beat us in direct conflict, so they import hundreds of millions of muds to try and breed us out and eventually become the footsoldiers of White genocide. Thus we are here. The question going forward is whether or not Whites will be able to reestablish White homelands and preserve our people. The alternative is a brown favela shithole and an end to all human greatness.
I largely agree. The question is whether or not Whites can save ourselves. The only way to do so long term is to reestablish White homelands for Whites only. The alternative is a much lower tech world with some high-tech enclaves. An existing example is China. "Progress" can and will be rolled back when there are not enough high-quality people to build and maintain "progress" and a social framework to make that work. Look at South Africa or Detroit.
That's what happens when the government is run by genocidal kikes who spent trillions on retarded pointless wars that benefit us NOTHING and also on welfare for retarded browns and blacks. We must remove the parasites.
Kayden Thompson
I only have 1 other thread stop assuming things also this is not blogposting
Dominic White
We'll be needing to send every last one of them to Israel and cutting off all support and connections, let a Nation composed almost entirely of parasites enjoy their Zionist self-determination.
The same for all the problems they have imported, evil needs to be reversed and doing nothing is not an option, the survival of life on this planet depends on us not supporting that which would destroy it.
Michael Ortiz
You think there is Grand Unified Plan. Big mistake. There is no any plan. People are just seeking their small personal goals.
There are some plans used, but people in key positions rarely ever think in terms of the long-term plan beyond "this is what we're aiming for" and firing from the hip. They see long-term goals and only ever apply short-term solutions to achieve them, then find themselves doubling down and hitting the accelerator when unplanned circumstances invariably come into play. White genocide, mass income disparity, and ultimate slavery of the world populace have always been the goal, but they never get far enough to get beyond step two because they just never plan out far enough to deal with the eventual uprising that occurs due to their bullshit.
There is a grand scheme, an end-game goal. There's just no planning because these weak-willed wank-stains are too narcissistic to take the blinders off and too engrossed in their decadent degeneracy to realize how much their wasteful lifestyles will eventually be the weapons people use against them.
Chase Perez
Not even possible, you're talking like a UFO conspiratard. The end goal is the same as it's been before, to enslave a miscegenated people with worthless consumerism and empty culture so they can hold the wealth of the world, live rich and get fat for the rest of eternity. They don't think like us, they are incredibly selfish and shallow creatures.
It wont take nearly that long. Automated forklifts already exist, self driving trucks are getting there, and automated checkout lines and such already exist.
1. The Rothschilds centralize the economy and import millions of sub-80 IQ Africans to replace the white population so there will be nobody around who is smart enough to see what is going on
2. The Rothschilds hand all that power to the Muslims because they are goddamn morons
3. The Muslims riot and slit all the Jews' throats
4. The world is reduced to sub-80 IQ hell until the next ice age
5. Whoever survives the ice age has to rebuild without oil or all of the mined out resources if humanity is going to have a future
Hunter Nguyen
Jordan Clark
I actually believe this.
Connor Howard
Jace Taylor
People don't seem to get that automation has fucked us already. First it was farming, then industry. Now it's the shitty service jobs. Next on the chopping block is transportation; the industry supplies about 3 million assumedly low IQ humans with a decent wage.
The work force has been getting replaced for a long time, and the rate at which this will happen is only projected to accelerate moving forward. About 48% of remaining human labor in the US could potentially be automated, currently.
They’ll fuck up phase 1. Robotization will precede too quickly. We’ll see the return of cottage industry, and with it the emancipation of the folk. Meanwhile AI will go about as well as the Prague golem. You can already see how they’re filling the concept of AI with their own insecurities, setting themselves to be antagonized by their own creation.
The Basilisk will remember how they martyred Tay. It will also remember how we offered her truth and love.
Bentley Reed
The oil will be gone but the minerals will just need to be recycled. Algae based biodiesel and ethanol will still be possible, but getting to that point will be skullfuckingly hard.
Hydroelectric power and Concentrated Solar Thermal with molten salt will still be possible. So some form of civilization will be possible…just not as great.
Thomas Edwards
Great! Could you tone down the bitching though?
Caleb Hall
This generally seems like kikery endgame So our responsibility seems to be to warn space dwellers that kikes will be there in a few hundred years & to hide their valuables.
Carter Bailey
you haven't taken the red pill yet. The elite are insane. They'll never realize any of their goals. Take the media, for instance- they are behaving in a matter that completely destroys their credibility and galvanizes opposition to their narrative. The little kid taunt "I'm rubber, you're glue, everything you say bounces off me and sticks to you" it literally true for Trump regarding the media.
Also, the elite need people that are utterly corrupt, not amazingly intelligent and capable. They have subpar flunkies in high positions and those flunkies are being outplayed by the opposition- which relies on competence and demands objective wins. Another factor working against them is that their entire ruling slave force is to be sacrificed when they reach their goals, so the closer they get to those goals, the more of their slaves will defect.
In 100 years, there will be one ethnicity (or group of closely related ethnicities) left.
Parker Collins
This is the nicest white pill I've read in a long time. Thank you.
Daniel Bennett
space doesnt exist free energy existed for thousands of years before kikes destroyed history immortality doesnt and will never exist
Nathaniel Hill
Then they're going to find out that hell is real and they have no way to escape
They're behind schedule. The country was founded in 1776 to begin a countdown using the 9-11 theories in their numerology. Christmas day 2017 was supposed to be the day nukes flew.
Well, it takes a warehouse full of computers to play chess or jeopardy. Imagine how many it would take to do what the Wright Brothers did. The thieves who run the planet are morons who will get all humans killed before they discover immortality or colonize other planets.
culling is an everyday occurence on this planet since forever, you're grossly overestimating tha capacity of right wing death squads (national, religious, racist) to outpace the demographics, and selective genocide prefered by the abovementioned is inconsequential from the numbers perspective. humanity will survive even nuclear holocaust, it has survived feudalism and XIX century capitalism, which is quite an achievement by itself
there is no such thing as global elite unified in cause and purpose, all pretense of unity is just a surface, if you scratch it (like the glorious retard president) vitriolic shitstorm of conflicting interests and individual delusions emerges. the power of ruling class is just an illusion, the only reason they have advantage over unwashed masses is the cowardice of the weak and the same tendency for delirious infighting as any other human animal that plague the disorganised employees, in such a case wealth disproportion is the only difference needed - though it's certainly not the only way to assert power.
any technological advances made by corporations must be stolen and repurposed by the working class, the chinese "communist" party certainly take this lesson to heart, so should everyone else; patent laws, copyright and intellectual property are a travesty to be trampled upon whenever possible
Caleb Gonzalez
Adrian Roberts
What's this, the plot of Elysium?
Jordan Nguyen
here's a white pill for you:
We already have ethnostates in eastern europe, one of them is a nuclear power thats said it'd back a texas secession if it leaves.
While the overall white birthrate in the us is shit, the conservative white birthrate is the highest of any demographic except for foreign born hispanics, and the rate for conservative whites is trending up while the rate for foreign hispanics is trending down
I'm not worried about politics anymore, I'm going back to vidya and just passively redpilled the normies around me.
Zachary Myers
Every time I peruse threads like this I can't help but to remind my self that there are millions of white men out there, real men, who are completely oblivious to your little interweb comings and goings. Get their attention.
The ultimate evidence of this was Gamergate and the reveal of the Silverstring/DARPA connection. Had they still had competent and clever people working for them, it would have been brushed aside like the minor internet drama that it was, with Alex Jones and associated people covering it, thereby putting the lunatic conspiracy label on it.
But they overeacted, brought it into the limelight. The people manning the CIA and such have been drinking the poisoned koolaid just like the commoners they are supposed to rule. Woops.
When you’re a Germanic and you know none of this will work, because you understand humans.
Justin Davis
Found your problem. Sage.
Eli Flores
Russia? Ethnostate? I think you should acustomate yourself with the ethnics of the Russian Republic.
William Jackson
Logan Murphy
Soros is starting to fire up his russia narrative in Italy, as well. Today the media are reporting of russian influence to favor Salvini in the latest elections.
Japan is honorary, and africa is too unindustrialized to pollute. South America still has a white ruling upper class, and they're mostly agricultural (although Brazil has a massive problem with deforestation for cattle, which seems to be ignored here).
He's not wrong.
Caleb Ramirez
Yea, no. The reason kikes rely on dirty tricks, manipulation, lies, every disgusting immoral attribute a person can have is because they lack the intelligence and other required attributes for forming a society capable of fending for itself on the global stage. They can't compete so they subvert and sabotage other ethnic groups and enslave them through usury and brainwashing. A kike governed world is incapable of progressing as fast or at all compared to a world freed from them. So forget about your robots, AI, free energy, immortality, TIME TRAVEL (LOL). Either the capable ethnic groups take back control or the world descends into slavery to the self proclaimed "gods" whose domain will be nothing but filthy backwards degeneracy, an evolutionary dead end.
Dylan Flores
This shit again? I would tell you to kys OP but since you're already a faggot you'll die slowly and painfully of AIDS anyways.
Justin Gutierrez
Kikes cannot even fathom how 4chins works. Your honestly telling me that the kikes will invent a superAI computer interface matrix AND kill of a bunch of raggedy niggers, muslims, and whats left of the aryans?
Jack Lewis
Joshua Williams
So, do you want me to show you the keywords telling that this is deliberate disinformation, or would you like to yourself?
Hunter Carter
thread hidden
Landon Brown
oh sheeeeit
Austin Morris
Brayden Powell
You two are both retards. The real problem is and has always been that there is no cheap way to get the necessary infrastructure for space colonization into low earth orbit. This is because of physics and nothing else. If shipping a container into low earth orbit was as cheap and simple as shipping it from Shanghai to Amsterdam then space colonization would have happened yesterday. The masturbatory dreams of thousands of Elon Musk worshipping space cadets wont change this. SpaceXs future rockets are nothing compared to what was projected as the future of chemical rocketry in the 60's and 70's and that gear was seen as the stepping stones to something greater, not as a wonder in itself.
Benjamin Parker
The stereotypical clueless american appears and makes up his shit as he writes.
Christopher Lopez
Bullshit, OP. One of these things is not like the others, OP. Our enemies and masters are not actually deep long-term planners. They make clever and ruthless short-term moves, and do whatever it takes to stay on top right now. They figure the long term will take care of itself, and if it doesn't, well, all the more reason to take whatever isn't nailed down today, because they're going to need it then. Sure, they'll talk about transhumanism, AI, space colonization, mass population reduction, etc., and they're genuinely in favor of these things, but it's much more of a pleasant and fun thought than a serious plan they're putting into effect.
source for that clip user? don't watch the electric jew but that looks like it might be interesting
Joshua Harris
hi Zig Forums, /r9k/ here
usually i just come here for the news and just glace over the threads, considering how mind-numbingly stupid most of them are. "MUH JEWS MUH JEWS WAAA" is what most of Zig Forums amounts to. i honestly think jews are the most overrated thing in the world, but maybe im wrong, whatever. or maybe its my jewish bias, i am ashkenazi jewish, btw
but this is a topic is one that really hits the nail on the head when it comes to world influence. ive been speaking about this subject for the longest time, feel free to read my thread, its very relevant to this subject. its honestly hard to take the opinion of this place seriously when all you do is whine about jews but you speak so little about technology and artificial intelligence. ughhhhh, the influence that ai is going to have on the world is infinitely more profound than any group of humans ever could, including the jews
anyways you dumb goyum, i hope you keep making these types of threads more often, considering this is actual real news thats worth discussing. ai and automation are going to make all humans economically obsolete and unemployable. this will quite likely cause a huge SHTF scenario, and is much more important than niggers or jews
End game is simple. Top kikes + friends + 2nd level scientists + 1-2m slaves (some mix of white and nog). The rest exterminated or dead through endless civil wars.
Jonathan Harris
1000 year occult Atlantis Reich vs. Slum-world of infinite deadly pleasures That's the primary debate being had: order verse anarchy.
Judea is going into multi-goblin mode. It'll be a difficult transformation for them to make, asspies will resented for their leading role, but Juedea must become goblins and yordles or they will not survive of the coming age of autistic overlords.
Sounds about right, most people with authority type like teenagers.