First you use firegiants dwelling in the volcano as an argument, now you shoot down the suggestion of scouting the firegiant.
Strange, that.
Generally speaking, yes, many people would be shocked, yes.
Depends on the country, though.
I'm German, so it's incredibly difficult not to be heathen to quite a huge extent.
I mean even our modern, high German still uses old words for heathen concepts like judgement under trees, etc.
(Linden tree is feminine and soft, mild judgement for minor things was conducted there, that's why "lind" is related to softness, mercy. Lindern =ameliorate. Lindes Urteil (mild judgement), etc)
If we substracted anything that is not strictly Biblical from Germany (or Europe, especially Eastern) then you would be left with incredibly little Christian stuff, if any at all beyond the super basics.
It's only an argument if people keep refusing to believe things like what I say or thinking they're meaningless and random.
I mean, have you ever done something truly random without any reason at all?
Including "wanting to be random?"
I doubt it, you would have to be insane to do that, otherwise your randomness would be conscious and purposeful.
It really and truly is a fact that Germany, for example, should not be used as an example for Christianity, despite the churches, art and cathedrals, that's just aesthetics, the actions matter most.
I mean, we had literal heathen crusader kings going on actual crusades for Christianity but still being extremely heathen people themselves.
I bring him up all the time, King Barbarossa, the Raven King, because he's a super duper big shot, and he was more heathen and anti pope and, most of all Germanic, than Christian.
(Was also one of the last to be posthumously prepared the "teutonic way", I don't know why the English wikipedia has stuff like "he was pickled in vinegar", wtf, the German one just states the "German way" of boiling flesh off the bone etc, before a ((( Pope ))) abolished it as an unsavoury practice)
We have a "statue of liberty" that depicts an old heathen warrior, Arminius.
(The pictures are not him, they're about Barbarossa, there are crosses on him and his monument, but they're tiny and overshadowed by all the ravens and other animal spirits)
But yeah, this is like trying to list all the jewish crimes, therefore I kinda understand others when they go "what, just this? These few things?"
But I also don't know how I would be able to list EVERYTHING.
Heathnenry is so entwined and subtle that I either write a huge essay or not, I tried that before, outlining things like why figureheads on ships are naked, why they had ashwood in wooden ships until very recently (because big wooden ships are rare now), tree worship and almost shariah like draconial punishment about their vandalism, symbolism like oak leaves, cats and how they are connected to some months, Mother Hulda, which is extremely old old old ancient but still remembered, etc the list, seriously, goes on.
But most anti heathens on here are Americans and to some extent Anglos, the tragic islanders who got hit last and where it could fester like a petri dish without many immediate neighbors that still had to be converted to bounce back, etc, like the mainland.
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