A while back there was talk about "White Sharia." However, I have a better suggestion: we must become jews ourselves.
White Halakha is better for us. Converting en masse means that converts will simple take over jew institutions. We infiltrate the infiltrators and become the jew. What say you, fellow hebrews?
White Halakha
Other urls found in this thread:
If you really want to go this route, it's a rule that you have to ask to be a jew three times before they take you seriously. Unfortunately, even if you convert you will never be a jew in their eyes, so chances for success are low.
Doesn't matter, the more converts you have, the more influence you have.
It takes 1-2 years to convert to Judaism. It's not like Christianity or Islam where you can just make a statement and *boom* you're in.
[ - ]
I guess if you Reform Judaism, it would go a lot quicker.
I dunno user, I kind of like the idea. Control the opposition. Where have I heard that before. Too bad I have a shaved head and drive a german car. I don't think I could pass anons.
Jews love German cars. It's like FUBU, but in reverse.
Kill White Nationalists for treason
They have ruined every single attempt by Whites to defend themselves in real life for the last 50 years
Also. Yes. Outjew the jew.
Kill White Nationalists for treason
They have ruined every single attempt by Whites to defend themselves in real life for the last 50 years
Self hating kike here. This shit will not work and you're wasting your time if you believe Jews are going to let converts in any real positions of influence or power. You're better off attempting to make your own White version of Judaism where doing what is best for Whites is considered to be your religion's mission.
If I'm moving from one temple to another, how can they tell I'm a convert?
Apart from not being insane, of course.
You can't 'become jews ya retard'…you have to have corrupted DNA to be jewish…and then you have to inbeed it and do 'all the things jew do' like pedophilia, cannibalism, ritual human sacrifice, and homosexuality in order to 'become a jew'
Think about it. Most men in the United States are circumcised. That makes it easier to infiltrate the jew hive and crush their eggs before they hatch.
So just like a catholic then.
Yeah..lmao that is the closest thing you can become to be 'made in the obscene and malignant jew image'. You can wear a catholic jewsuit (Jesuit)
I'm so pleased you want to join us in sucking baby dick, goy!
We can tell who gentiles are with pretty good accuracy. There are so many aspects unique to Jewish culture that one can only really pick up on if they were born in a Jewish household. You may be able to get away with it if you're a Southern European or high European admixture mestizo who is exceptionally knowledgeable on Jews, but this is a fruitless endeavor either way.
Eastern Europeans should get away with it, though.
You know, it's a living.
Why would you say that? Slavs are hated by the Jewish community.
Where do you think most American jews originate from?
I found a cure for this…it is the solution to ending all our wars, deviant thinking and degeneracy.
The Middle East. Hence why we speak Hebrew. DNA testing shows that a Jew from Russia is more genetically similar to Sephardic or Arab Jew anywhere on the globe than he is to the average Russian Slav. Jews are a race.
Khazar, stop lying.
Not ever that I have seen. It's all Lexus in the temple parking lot. Not a single Benz in sight.
How about you faggots wanting to change the colour of the chain that keeps you under control kill yourselves?
This seems like OP is sliding the thread about learning yiddish. So much is open in plain sight. Don't convert to judiaism, just learn yiddish.
white sharia is a leftypol term for white stable nuclear families.
He is unfortunately right. Went to temple in my younger days.
I stuck out like a sore thumb, literally the only blond in the entire congregation.
>outjewed the jew though. GF snuck me in on her brother's ticket. Yeah, they had tickets to get in.
Sorry jewanon but
Since there are no jewish Haplogroups or Haplotypes.
All jews are mixed race mongrels; mostly Western Asian mixed with European, African, and sometimes East Asian.
Massive migration from the steppe is a source for Indo-European languages in Europe (2015)
Here are graphs with the dna samples from the study overlayed on a map:
Larger image of dna spread from study:
A timeline of the ancient dna groups from this study:
What this study shows, among other things, is that the modern European people (not Arabs or Africans) are a mix of the WHG, EHG, and ENF groups, and have been for at least 10,000 years.
Here is a map of YDNA:
Here is another graphic with three different and more recent studies (2017) that show the same thing and with timelines:
It is the mongrelization and niggerification (they have a lot of nigger in them) of their DNA that makes them dangerous deviant predators on this planet. There is only ONE solution to the Criminal Mafia Human Sacrifice CULT of the 'jews' and that is the British solution to the Thuggee (a related cult to the jew DEATH CULT) COMPLETE EXTERMINATION of ALL the DNA.
Yeah, no. Fucking kill yourself.
LMAO, right? He could have come out and said 'goy slaves, you need to learn to fuck animals' and that would be less morally corrupt than the idea of 'becoming jews'…OMG hilarious…what will the jew mind THINK OF NEXT in their pursuit to 'make MAN in their deviant and DISGUSTING nature' (for our own 'benefit' m8)?
You'll take my bacon from my cold dead hands.
You're obviously new here, the majority of posters here are literal israeli kikes, hence Zig Forumss new found love of all things ZOG
I will never be a Jew.
Hail Hortler Bitch!
So, Mormonism?
Wouldn't surprise me…there are a VERITABLE SHIT TON of Mormons in the glownigger enterprises…still so fucking debased, all 'making themselves in the disgusting image [idolatry] of their god [←-LMFAO] 'the jews'.
Well thats because you're satan
Jew DNA absolutely is real, you morons. Damn, the quality of 8pol has really dropped.
No, that is because we lack your disgusting corrupted and filthy 'jew' DNA. Lest you forget that you vile behavior and disgusting fucking parasitism is part of your DNA, I will remind you. YOU JEWS ARE MORALLY CORRUPT BECAUSE YOU ARE GENETICALLY CORRUPTED. HAVING FUCKED YOURSELF SO MUCH NIGGER PUSSY DURING THE (((ISLAMIC SLAVE TRADE))) THAT YOU COULDN'T FIND YOUR MORAL WAY OUT OF A PAPER BAG IF YOUR LIFE DEPENDED ON IT.
Thanks for the info, helpful hebrew. You can report to the shower room now.
A while back there was talk about "Space Marines." However, I have a better suggestion: we must become ferengis ourselves. Space Merchants is better for us. Learning the Rules of Acquisition en masse means that converts will simple take over ferengi institutions. We infiltrate the infiltrators and become the ferengi. What do you say, fellow latinum-lovers?
Not chopping off my foreskin, senpai.
Isn’t that literally what Christianity had done?
{rolling eyes} jews don't do this anymore (not for almost 200 years…it has been completely illegal in everything but the most rigid of the orthodoxy, who, yes still do bite scratch and suck baby dick as part of the AFRICAN religious values)…
GENITAL MUTILATION is only for goy slaves that they are trying to genocide (it reduces population because it deprives men of pleasure and reduces sperm count).
that is if you want to move to Israel, you moron.
I'm talking about US reform temples. They're not as picky.
If you convert, you have to learn Hebrew.
Before jewgle censored everything you could find articles written by converts and their experiences at social events involving jews. They all had one thing in common. jews treated them like they were Prada bag knockoffs. Through their phony smiles the jew gave off a vibe of disapproval.
It won't work because jews are racist to the bone.
Do you have any hot self hating kikess sisters?
Get a load of this guy.
Neck yourself, race traitor.
I will hang you by your fucking balls you race traitor, do you understand?
The former generations acted under the belief that a shining social prosperity was the beatitude of man, and sacrificed uniformly the citizen to the State. The modern mind believed that the nation existed for the individual, for the guardianship and education of every man. This idea, roughly written in revolutions and national movements, in the mind of the philosopher had far more precision; the individual is the world.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, in "Historic Notes of Life and Letters in New England" (1867), published in The Atlantic Monthly (October 1883).
How you gonna convert to an ethnicity OP?
The whole 'you can convert to judaism' line is garbage. That's just how they make more useful goyim for them. They'll never consider you a real Jew, and you'll never be allowed to reach the upper echelons of their powerbase without being an ethnic kike.
Everything about these rats revolves around having it both ways. Everything about them is a web of deceit.
You should instead, make lists of the Jews in your area, so that when the shit hits the fan, you know exactly who to pay a visit to.
Honestly, this isn't as bad an idea as it immediately sounds. There are a whole 10 missing Jewish tribes; who are the heebs to say we aren't one of them? We don't even need to conform to their satanic religion, because all that shit dates to after the separation. Fuck, we can even go the route of claiming we're the real Jews and the Judah/Levites are satanic defectors.
Jesus, we could even blame them for using their Babylonian influences to exterminate and erase all evidence of us real Jews; the first holocaust!
so youre saying that to jew the jew, you do the jew'n to the jew?
That will create way too much confusion. It'll muddy the waters too much and cause apathy to set in on normies.
You'll be considered no better than the black Israelites and you'll be mocked.
Clear delineated boundaries works better. It's far more effective if we can create a sense that
Jew = Pedophile
Nazi = Against Pedophiles
It will be very hard for normies to stand against us in that circumstance. Our viability will rise considerably to them then.
And the best thing about that tactic, is it's based in truth. Truth has been our greatest weapon thus far, and should not be abandoned. Especially when they're already panicking as much as they are.
Aryan protocols is supposedly a text written by resentful germans in an attempt to steal functional judaism from the hebrews. Take it for what it is, and enjoy.
Wait..I have an amazing plan to game their system: ask three times.
< jews don't drive german cars
jews are 2% of the population, whites are what? 56%? how the fuck is 2% going to dictate the rules to the 56%? they're not. In fact you don't even have to honestly become jewish, just fucking pretend well enough. Do you think these hollywood kikes goto temple?
They have code words and certain indicators that are secret and known only to them. You can't fake it. You'll be caught the instant you introduce yourself as "Moishe Shekelgoldbergstein" and use Zig Forums stereotypes.
you introduce yourself as avrahaim schechter, not fucking moishe shekelberg. Have you ever tried it? I have, I wasn't caught. I told the guy at the end I wasn't jewish and was just trying to hone my jewish alter-ego so that I could better destroy the jews when the time came. Shouldve seen his face
i.e "hey solomon how the hell are ya"
"fucking terrible, the NASDAQ is down 2%. My shiksa girlfriend made latke's for breakfast and it was about the only thing that got me out of bed, but ah well another day another dollar"
You literally just failed at pretending to be jewish.
Literally the worst Jewish LARP in history.
First: Jewish people tend to be named David or Joseph or Jeremy.
Second: Jewish people don't call their own gf/wife "shiksa" because it's an offensive term.
Third: Jewish people don't obsess over money to that degree. (Zig Forums stereotype)
Fourth: The conversation would actually go more like this -
That's it.
If you don't know your enemy, you have already lost.
You can't make a script and read off of it in any situation. You need to have a little situational awareness and know what's going to fly and what isn't. If you can't do that then you're fucked either way. The name shit is retarded, only 3 names huh?
you're a JIDF faggot and should neck yourself
You're acting like jews are AI robots that don't have individual traits and what not. You're also claiming something that is possible, is impossible. For what purpose I wonder? What major loss is it if your outed as a non-jew trying to pretend? NOTHING. What if you get caught saying nigger on facebook? might lose your job
Pick one.
Then you should take my word on it about how Jews act.
Im so tired of seeing these lazy kike raid threads.
always do the opposite of what jews say
bump :^D
it's bumplocked
Kikery for the goys has already been tried - it's called Freemasonry, and it didn't turn out to be any better than just plain old regular kosher kikery.
It's funny, Zig Forums happily uses other tactics the Jews do, but when it comes to infiltrating and subverting the Jewish ethnostate, it's suddenly too far/too hard