Sarah Silverman just threatened Zig Forums on Zig Forums over PedoHunt.
You ready?
Sarah Silverman just threatened Zig Forums on Zig Forums over PedoHunt.
You ready?
This month has been a real bloodbath for the kikes hasn't it? It really feels like we are going see one of the REAL big fish get fried before the year is up
Bring it you cunt!
how long until the shills sagebomb this thread? :^)
Pick only one, kikess.
Ahahaha this cunt has no idea how badly she just fucked up. Oh man buckle up this is gonna be a spicy next couple few weeks.
How do you know its her?
Your side lost the election lol
But kikes aren't people. Is she retarded?
timestamp and face?
hey sarah put a shoe on your head and prove it's you
Not to mention how suspect that picture is. This is clearly some stupid troll. Of course Silverman is a stupid whore who we should bully anyway but this is clearly fake.
She will probably use plausible deniability and say "It wasn't me on that pic".
It's gonna be like the good old days after GG!
No match on reverse lookup. (Interesting)
Can't find exif data.
Hand looks photoshopped.
I've never seen a thread get slid as fast as the tarantino child toe sucking thread.
looks fake as fuck
While it looks very much like a kike, it doesn’t quite have Silverman’s facial features. This is probably just some lefty cunt who pledges her loyalty to celebs.
Fake or not, pedowood is still happening.
Push the name Pedowood. No one better put a fucking gate after it!
I need popcorn
Consequences will never be the same 4chin
"real peoples lives here"
… isnt this the same shit thats been happening when somone pulls up some facebook post with an off the cuff racists comment to get people fired from their job
except this shit is about pedophilla … so I guess sarah silverman devends pedos now.
does she have any probjects coming up, she seems unstable and maybe her employer should know that they are hiring a person who defends pedophilia
Her friend patton oswalt is a pedophile
So true user
It really bothers me how only her hollywood kike friends are real people to her that could have their lives ruined. What about the people at Charlottesville who protested a statue being removed by niggers? Those were real people who had their lives ruined.
The cognitive dissonance of these fuckers. Of course they are "real people" with "real lives" but the kids they are diddling? Oh just another offering for Moloch. DOTR cannot come soon enough.
In case anyone here isn't completely retarded and a gaslighting kike the date in her photo is so badly photoshopped that even NASA would be ashamed
It's pretty obviously fake.
They are scared
Some say it has to be fake. I dont know.
She is, at best, an early level stage boss that marks your checkpoint.
Other wise YAYYYYYY this should be lemonade on a hot summer day affair.
Are you stupid?
Don't consider your enemies to be people. It only makes them more powerful since you will hesitant while they will not.
kek, thought the same thing.
Please tell me the Patton one is a fake. I can't believe even HE is that stupid.
Im on mobile is I can't see her face all that well
James Gunn looks like a pedophile.
You know how you make it that Disney will never hire him? Or even better, wait for Disney to hire him again and then send an anonymous message (burner phone, burner SIM, burner account) to the press where you say that a random cinema will be shot when it will play Guardians of the Galaxy 3.
What is a jew, Alex.
I never said kikes were people.
But to kikes only other kikes are people, and that really disgusts me. It's why they cannot continue to exist alongside whites.
Perhaps deep down all soyboys are pedophiles.
It's why they cannot continue to exist…
This is what happens when people don't lurk moar.
Rule #1: NEVER THREATEN Zig Forums
Can't turn off the hate machine kikess.
Wew laddie what a stupid emotional kikess. She done fucked up something fierce this time.
What a fridge
She's literally a square
Thank you for spoilering that…
The pictures isn't real.
Sunday, July 21st is the wrong date. It's edited in.
Pic Related.
I said that a little weird, there's no sunday july 21st this year, sunday was july 22nd. the last sunday july 21st happened in 2013
Hard to tell if it's actually (((her))) or it's just some LW.
Though, adding that cuck-chan mods are in full "delete all" mode. And if it's actually Silverman, then this clarifies that the imageboards are being monitored under intense surveillance, including shilling, D&C and derailment. As if CTR wasn't the first one.
The post also reads like a copypasta. I swear I've see it before.
If this is even remotely real, then man, she is barking up the wrong tree. I've never liked this cunt from day 1, but she is going to get destroyed from the inside out if she wants to pick a fight with some estoric meme nerds with the power of kek on their side. My body is ready for the porn leaks and everything else that is going to ruin this bitch's lively hood.
This. Especially when dealing with the left. The core of leftist ideology is built of the same tenets as the left hand path. The basic gist of it is "identify all boundaries and destroy them and you become like a god." And the definition of 'boundaries' is all things good and wholesome from tradition to societal mores. This isnt a squabble among equals over the best way forward.. Their endgame is the abolition of all things beautiful. "if everything is reduced to zero then we can all be free" and the ideological tool that they use is called "the tabula rasa" which is the concept that "if you can remove the child from the father then you will have a mind that is a blank slate which can then be molded as seen fit."
Your liberal next door neighbor is not your friend, they actively pursue the destruction of your children in every imaginable way. Call them the enemy, call them satanists or 'of the devil', call them monsters, call them by what ever label your beliefs will have them be called but do not call them people. They may have been born as people, they may have the capacity to be people, but they have fallen to the worst form of corruption.
it's not, but someone on 4chan did point out this fact on the original thread the pic was posted in.
(Double Dubs Checked)
The jew fears the user.
It clearly says Sunday July 23rd on the phone.
july 23rd was a monday.
Is it possible for the phone to do this? It was posted at 10:30PM which could be 12:30AM. Why would someone physically type in the word Sunday when they could just their own phone for the photoshop and have to go to great links in matching the type and color?
Also adding the small detail about the flag, which you have to choose manually, means that she has history of posting there and this isn't her first.
Well, if it's her.
So she got false flagged? Even better.
the huge nostrils are a dead giveaway
July 23rd is today, and yes it is Monday. I'm just telling you what I see on the phone in the pic.
We already know all forums are monitored. It's not news.
Moot used to have to deal with the FBI weekly and some suspect they owned and maintained the 4chan servers for years due to Moot having no real income yet running a site that large. It makes a good honey pot. Same way FBI take over pedo dark websites to collect info.
today, you fuck. That pic was not posted today. It was posted in the second HPH thread.
Someone made that pic as a troll, 4chan ran with it. They were so excited by it that they didn't even bother to verify it. There's no way a phone would do that.
The fuck is this hoe talking about?
or you know.. she's a dumb whore
doesnt really look like her tbh.
Why would she need to edit her own photo? and what was used to take the photo? it looks like a screencap from a movie that was edited and darkened.
If the leap year setting was busted it might.
nice fucking reach, it's a fake.
nah shes more like an npc that follows the main boss around but never really gets involved just talks shit the entire time.
Like pokey from eathbound
hes not stupid , but hes chosen sides , he knows what he has to do. He is sacrificing fame to ensure his position on his team
Yeah, looks like this is fake and gay.
yea it looks super fake … im not sure if this has been confirmed
Why would anyone here care? she made the threat on cuckchan and she's 100% right. they're not anonymous.
Ted Cruz posted Pedo Hunt
Jeselniks comedy is equally as twisted. Would be tough to prove since he can chalk it up to "I'm just a comedian!"
Spread it around. She could be the next one fired. Maybe make a montage of these pictures.
I don't really buy it being her, if she was ok with posting with a timestamped face pic she probably wouldn't deny it on twitter. And i'm sure someones @'d her about it too. If it was posted 2 days ago she should have said something about it.
Not only do the jews mock the goy for falling for the Trumpstein scam of the century but they are equally laughing at how a dozen or so israeli jews continue to play along with the narrative that this clearly photoshopped image is legit
Remember how Pizzagate got de-legitimised by all the cartoon frog posting spastics making it seem like a retarded larp ruining everything because all the MAGApede can do is imagine only leftists are the pedophiles when any cunt knows both the left and right are controlled through pedophilia
What came of Pizzagate as a result?
Oh yeah fuck all
Like the "Russian" when it's actually jews
The jews are the only one's laughing here
link and archive
Holy shit. But those people that still defend him and call it jokes, BURN THEM ALL.