Man with knife stopped as he tried to attack Ceremonial Guard on Parliament Hill
Man with knife stopped as he tried to attack Ceremonial Guard on Parliament Hill
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Part n parcel?
Easy mode and the ayy still lost.
(((religion of peace)))
hey brit bongs, liquidate your police and judges , steal guns from the muslims and gangs, and firebomb kebab shops
MI6niggers do not get dubs
lolwut? isn't that like attacking a Parking Attendant bc you're mad at the US government?
It's illegal to attack other people, especially the police, how could this happen? He's not allowed to do that!
Probably lost his welfare check to buy beer.
I’m thinking of taking up cave diving.
But they made knives illegal???
good point, I misspoke earlier
You all look alike.
So it's safe to assume that bombing the "guards" will be easy enough, and will happen in the next five (5) years.
Screencap this shit.
The ceremonial guards rarely have ammunition. They could use the bayonet if they have time to affix it. Its not sharp though, they probably blunted the tip since its ceremonial instead of combat ready anyway.
Even our ceremonial guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider don't carry ammunition unless some habbening happens and they feel its needed. You can probably look up any video and 99% of the time the rifle doesn't even have a mag inserted.
Their swords are also chinesium quality. Not fit for battle or use.
Bibeau 2? Nah, probably a crackhead from the Byward Market who got lost.
If it was going to happen, it already would have.
Same deal in the UK.
Muslim terrorism is nothing more than a jew psyop, it doesn't exist.
Palace guards are soft targets for surprise attack, as well as being incredibly high propaganda value.
Yet. It. Never. Happens.
Looks like the Canadians aren't concerned about the obvious lack of footage from an area with hundreds of cameras, they know their people are dumb enough to believe anything which streams from the lips of jew authority.
Not so in the UK following the Skripal hoax, even the most goyish normalfag is skeptical.
Video related, it's this easy for a "terrorist" to get within knife or acid range, but they never do, because islamic terrorism is a media creation.
Ahmed pls
Eat shit, stinky.
You're right. Muslims are an unquestionable blessing to Canada and the rest of the western world. I love diversity.
really? The bongs can go straight into lethal force. Ceremonial guard with real ammo and sharp bayonets.
from AvE, a french canadian youtube dude.
I'm sure some of them have ammunition, they don't go straight into lethal force ever though, especially the tourist area ones. But they have an extremely large amount of ceremonial guards and they don't discus security procedures.
Most of the time they just yell and look mean.
It has been called chinesium long before there was a jewtube.
Canada is a third world country now.
we need a wall up north
was the guard jailed for being racist?
dubs confirm
Have you ever heard of the gunstock war club?
TL;DR: rifles are shaped the way they are for a few reasons, one of which is that yes, they can double as a club if you run out of rounds–or in this case, were never issued any.
Sure you could use it as a club i guess.
I think the proper solution to this issue is to require everyone to show a government certified license to buy sharp objects. I would go even further and make it required for anything thats metal
What's the rationale for putting the mag behind the stock?
Excuse me, I meant grip.
So you can have a longer barrel in a shorter weapon. Problem is, all the first few generations of bullpups were shit, and they've only just got them working with reasonable reliability. Still don't know if modern ones are any good though.
I've never held one with a trigger I liked.
The biggest problem with bullpups is that it turns out that people don't really need the extra inches of barrel length and we can just use carbines instead. Saves cost and you can use simpler mechanics.
But they banned knives, how is this possible?
This nigger doesn't know about palace guards.
Most of those guys did tours in Afghanistan and their guns are loaded you fucking doublenigger.
Those guns are loaded, user. Those guys aren't just for show, they're actual infantry who volunteered for 6 months of additional training before being allowed to do that.
Oy fucking Vey.
I've seen the whole "hurr durr don't compalain about mudslimes because jews are the real enemy" but THIS is a whole new level of shilling.
It's in Canada you retarded American.
Are those cucks not allowed to have bayonets anymore? What the fuck?
Thats where you're wrong, Soy McCoy.
You do not belong here.
This is Ottawa, Canada
low-brow humor
The Canadian Forces service rifle is the C7, which is most similar to an M16
So is "bin that knife" coming to Canada? I'd like some more reasons to laugh at the "ultra moral" holier than thou niggers up north.
This sign is in Ghana, and not Canada though.
look even if the sword is made of chinesium you can still beat one idiot to death with it. You'll have to punch the next idiot but this fool was operating alone.
Do it like the buckingham palace guards do.
Those guards aren't even Canadian soldiers you know; they're students hired for the summer to give tourists something to photograph.
Look up "make way for the queens guard". I thought those guys were pussy too but I assure you they take zero shit.